terça-feira, 9 de julho de 2019


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➧ A pauta aqui é MILITARY ENGLISH.


➧ BANCA/ORGANIZADORDiretoria de Ensino Aeronáutica (DIRENS Aeronáutica) - https://www.www.fab.mil.br

➧ PADRÃO/COMPOSIÇÃO DA PROVA:  24 questões do tipo (A,B,C,D).


01-A,  02-C,  03-C,  04-D,  05-C06-D
07-A,  08-B,  09-A,  10-D,  11-D12-D
13-D,  14-B,  15-B,  16-A,  17-A18-B
19-A,  20-D,  21-B,  22-A,  23-A24-A


➧ TEXTRead the text to answer questions 01, 02, 03, 04 and 05.

To tip, or not to tip?

The word tip comes from an old English slang. Americans usually tip people in places like restaurants, airports, hotels, and hair salons.

People who work in these places often get paid low wages. A tip shows that the customer is pleased with service.
Sometimes it’s hard to know how much to tip. The size of the tip usually depends on the service. People such as parking valets or bellshops usually get (small) ______ tips. The tip for people such as taxi drivers and waiters or waitresses is usually (large) __________.

When you're not sure about how much to tip, do what feels right. You don’t have to tip for bad services. And you can give a (big) ________ tip for a very good service. Remember, though, your behavior is (important) _______ than your money. Always treat service providers with respect.

Adapted from Interchange

01 – (EEAR-CFS-2019/2020-BCT-TURMA 1)

Choose the alternative that completes the text with the correct comparatives.

(A) smaller – larger – bigger – more important.
(B) smaller – the largest – bigger – the most important.
(C) the smallest – the largest – bigger – the most important.
(D) the smallest – the largest – the biggest – the most important.

02 – (EEAR-CFS-2019/2020-BCT-TURMA 1)

According to the text, we can infer that:

a) The tips depend on someone's behavior.
b) Even if the service is very good, tips don’t change.
c) People demonstrate their satisfaction tipping for the service.
d) People who works as parking vallets or bellshops get no tips.

03 – (EEAR-CFS-2019/2020-BCT-TURMA 1)

In (...) "you are not sure" about how much (...)",

the underlined words are closest in meaning to

"you __________".

a) know
b) are certain
c) are uncertain
d) have no doubt

TÓPICO-EXPRESSÕES: "to be not sure" sinônima da expressão "to be uncertain":
*Alternativa (A): know(sabe)
*Alternativa (B): are certain(tem certeza)
*Alternativa (C): are uncertain(não tem certeza).
*Alternativa (D): have no doubt(não tem nenhuma dúvida)
➦ A expressão "you are not sure" significa "você não tem certeza".
➦ Sentença:
"When you're not sure about how much to tip, do what feels right."
(Quando você não tem certeza sobre quanto dar gorjeta, faça o que parece certo.)
➦ A expressão "you're not sure"(iónáXô)(você não tem certeza) é sinônima da expressão ➜ "you're uncertain"(iórãnSSôrtn)(você não tem certeza).
to be uncertain ➜ "não ter certeza".

04 – (EEAR-CFS-2019/2020-BCT-TURMA 1)

According to the text, choose the best response.

In "Americans usually tip people in places like restaurants, airports, hotels, and (...)",

the word "TIP" is closest in meaning to

a) take some money.
b) pay for the service.
c) ask for extra money.
d) give an amount of additional money.

*Alternativa (A): take some money.(pegar dinheiro)
*Alternativa (B): pay for the service.(pagar pelo serviço)
*Alternativa (C): ask for extra money.(pedir dinheiro extra)
*Alternativa (D): give an amount of additional money.
➦TO TIP é um expressão idiomática que significa "DAR GORJETA" ou "Dar uma quantia adicional de dinheiro."
"The word tip comes from an old English slang. Americans usually tip people in places like restaurants, airports, hotels, and hair salons."
(A dica da palavra vem de uma antiga gíria inglesa. Os americanos costumam DAR GORJETA às pessoas em lugares como restaurantes, aeroportos, hotéis e salões de cabeleireiros.)
➦ O verbo "TIP" significa "dar gorjeta".
➦ Dependendo do contexto, o substantivo "TIP" pode ser ➜ "gorjeta", "dica" ou "conselho".

05 – (EEAR-CFS-2019/2020-BCT-TURMA 1)

"low wages", in bold type in the text, is closest in meaning to

a) large tips.
b) small tips.
c) small salary.
d) a high amount of money.

TÓPICO-EXPRESSÃO: "to get paid low wages":
*Alternativa (A): large tips (grandes gorjetas).
*Alternativa (B): small tips (pequenas gorjetas).
*Alternativa (C): small salary (salário baixo).
*Alternativa (D): a high amount of money (uma quantia alta de dinheiro).
➦IDEIA CONTEXTUAL: A expressão "get paid low wages"(guépéLôu-uÊidjês) significa "receber baixos salários".
"[...] People who work in these places often get paid low wages."
(As pessoas que trabalham nesses lugares geralmente recebem salários baixos.)

➧ TEXT: Read the text to answer questions 06, 07 and 08.

Evacuations as typhoon hits China coast

More than 200,000 people _________ evacuated as a typhoon made landfall on China's east coast, state media say. Typhoon Yagi hit China's Zhejiang province shortly before midnight on Sunday packing winds of up to 102km/h, the official Xinhua news agency reports, citing provincial flood control headquarters.

A total of 204,949 people in 10 cities, including Taizhou, Zhoushan, and Wenzhou, have been evacuated and almost 21,000 fishing boats called back to port, it said.

The storm will also bring heavy rain and will gradually weaken as it moves slowly inland to the northwest, Xinhua said.

Summer is China's typhoon season, although casualties __________ minimised in recent years by early government planning and evacuations from potencial danger zones.

Adapted from www.news.com.

06 – (EEAR-CFS-2019/2020-BCT-TURMA 1)

Complete the text with the correct alternative.

a) has been – had been
b) had been – had been
c) has been – have been
d) have been – have been

TÓPICO-TEMPO VERBAL: USO DO PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS(a ideia CONTEXTUAL é mencionar um fato que começou no passado e continua acontecendo até agora): :
*Alternativa (A): has beenhad been(present perfect continuous-past perfect)(erro de concordância e erro de tempo verbal)
*Alternativa (B): had been – had been(past perfect-past perfect)(erro de tempo verbal e erro de tempo verbal)
*Alternativa (C): has been – have been(present perfect continuous-present perfect continuous)(erro de concordância)
*Alternativa (D): have been – have been(present perfect continuous - present perfect continuous)
➦ NO 1º FRAGMENTO CONTEXTUAL: algo aconteceu no passado e continua no presente "More than 200,000 people have been evacuated as a typhoon made landfall on China's east coast, state media say."
(Mais de 200 mil pessoas estão sendo evacuadas ENQUANTO um tufão atingiu a costa leste da China, informa a mídia estatal.)
 "have been" faz a concordância verbal com ➜ "people"(plural).
➦ NO 2º FRAGMENTO CONTEXTUAL: algo aconteceu no passado e continua no presente.
"Summer is China's typhoon season, although casualties have been minimised in recent years by early government planning and evacuations from potencial danger zones."
(O verão é a temporada de tufões na China, embora as baixas tenham sido minimizadas nos últimos anos devido ao planejamento inicial do governo e às evacuações de zonas potencialmente perigosas.)
➦ "have been" faz a concordância verbal com ➜ "casualties"(kejuôlThis)(plural).
PAY ATTENTION 1: A expressão idiomática "to make landfall" ➜ "chegar/atingir", "to reach land after a journey by sea or air"('chegar/atingir a terra' depois de uma viagem por mar ou ar)".
PAY ATTENTION 2: Nas duas situações do texto temos a voz passiva do "present perfect":
*have been evacuated(rrêvBén-âvakíuÊirê)(foram evacuados).
*have been minimised(rrêvBén-mênêMáisth)(foram minimizadas).
PAY ATTENTION 3: Na voz passiva, o objeto passa a ser o elemento foco da oração e o sujeito o secundário.
➦O PAST PERFECT é usado para expressar uma ação que ocorreu no passado antes de uma outra ação ter ocorrido.

07 – (EEAR-CFS-2019/2020-BCT-TURMA 1)

According to the text, we can infer that

a) heavy rain is forecast for China's typhoon season.
b) more than 200,000 fishing boats called back to port.
c) the bad weather condition was caused by a wind shear.
d) typhoon Yagi has hit China’s Zhejiang province just after noon.

*Alternativa (A): heavy rain is forecast for China’s typhoon season.(chuvas fortes estão previstas para a temporada de tufões na China.)
➦No texto:
"[...] The storm will also bring heavy rain and will gradually weaken as it moves slowly inland to the northwest, Xinhua said,"
(A tempestade também trará fortes chuvas e diminuirá gradualmente à medida que se move lentamente para o interior, a noroeste, disse a Xinhua ...)
*Alternativa (B): more than 200,000 fishing boats called back to port.(mais de 200.000 barcos de pesca chamados de volta para o porto).
*Alternativa (C): the bad weather condition was caused by a wind shear.(a condição de mau tempo foi causada por um "corte de vento ou variação grande de vento")(informação não encontrada no texto)
*Alternativa (D): typhoon Yagi has hit China's Zhejiang province just after noon.(tufão Yagi atingiu a província chinesa de Zhejiang pouco depois do meio-dia)(shortly before midnight on Sunday)
➦IDEIA CONTEXTUAL 1: agência de notícias Xinhua previu que a tempestade traria fortes chuvas.

08 – (EEAR-CFS-2019/2020-BCT-TURMA 1)

According to the text, we can infer that

a) Zhejiang is the Chinese who forecast the storm.
b) Typhoon is a violent storm with very strong winds.
c) Taizhou and Zhoushan are some countries in China.
d) China has been facing typhoon for a long time during its all seasons.

*Alternativa (B): Typhoon is a violent storm with very strong winds.(O tufão é uma tempestade violenta com ventos muito fortes)

➧ TEXT: Read the text to answer questions 09 and 10.

Hanging out
R. Jordania

In american cities, teenagers like to spend time together – "hang out", as they say – at drugstore, luncheonettes, or ice cream parlors.

Often, they don’t even meet inside, but gather on the sidewalk in front of the store. From time to time they go in for coffee, milk, ice cream. They also like to play the pinball machines.

Most parents disapprove of their children’s "hanging out" that way. They consider it a waste of time, which could be better used doing homework, working at a part-time job, or helping in the house.

Adapted from life in the USA.

09 – (EEAR-CFS-2019/2020-BCT-TURMA 1)

According to the text, we can infer that

a) teenagers are fond of hanging out with friends.
b) ice cream is the teenager’s favorite kind of junk food.
c) pinball machines are not something they enjoy playing so much.
d) most of the time teenagers “hang out” in the inner part of a place.

*Alternativa (A): teenagers are fond of hanging out with 
➦PAY ATTENTION 1: A expressão verbal "to be fond of (doing) something" significa ➜ "gostar de alguma coisa".

10 – (EEAR-CFS-2019/2020-BCT-TURMA 1)

According to the text, choose the best response:

a) Just a few teenagers make some housework.
b) All of parents think the teenagers should work part-time.
c) Most of teenagers help their families doing the housework.
d) Most teenagers’ parents don’t go along with the way their children spend time.

➧ TEXT: Read the text to answer questions 11, 12 and 13. 

Roller skating

Roller skating used to be strictly for children. Nowadays, with the new neoprene wheels and frictionless ballbearings, rollerskating has become popular with people with of all ages and all social classes.

Not only do people skate, they also dance on roller skates – ______ the term roller-disco.

To cater to the new fad, many indoor roller – disco rinks are opening all over the country. There people can dance on roller skates ______ in winter when there is snow and ice on the ground. Life in the USA.

11 – (EEAR-CFS-2019/2020-BCT-TURMA 1)

Complete the text with the correct alternative subsequently.

a) even – that
b) that – even
c) why – hence
d) hence – even

*Alternativa (D): hence – even
➦1ª LACUNA: HENCE(daí, consequentemente). 
"Not only do people skate, they also dance on roller skates – hence the term roller-disco.
(As pessoas não apenas patinam, elas também dançam sobre os patins - daí o termo roller-disco)
➦2ª LACUNA: EVEN(mesmo) é  usado ➞ para enfatizar algo que não é muito esperado, ou que traga alguma surpresa.
"There people can dance on roller skates even in winter when there is snow and ice on the ground."
(Lá as pessoas podem dançar sobre os patins, mesmo no inverno, quando há neve e gelo no chão.)

12 – (EEAR-CFS-2019/2020-BCT-TURMA 1)

According to the text, choose the best response.

a) Winter is the best season to dance on roller skates.
b) Snow and ice can be a problem for roller skating people.
c) Roller skating used to be popular for all ages and social classes.
d) The new wheels feature is one of the things that become the “Roller skating” popular.

13 – (EEAR-CFS-2019/2020-BCT-TURMA 1)

In "Roller skating used to be strictly for children.",

the verb "used to", in bold type is closest in meaning to:

a) My sister is used to calling me at work.
b) The children used the roller skating to play.
c) They are used to meeting people late at night.
d) When she was a chilld, she used to play baseball with friends.

➦IDEIA CONTEXTUAL: Roller Skating costumava ser estritamente para crianças ➜ hoje pode abranger pessoas de outras idades.
"Roller skating used to be strictly for children"
(Roller Skating costumava ser estritamente para crianças)
➦PAY ATTENTION 1: A expressão verbal "used to" é usado para falar de hábitos, ou situações passadas que já não fazem mais parte do presente.
"Roller skating used to be strictly for children"
(Roller Skating costumava ser estritamente para crianças)
➦PAY ATTENTION 1: Expressam ideias diferentes:
*used to
*be used to 

➧ TEXT: Read the text to answer questions 14, 15 and 16.

Celebrity Doubles

A group of teenagers is standing outside a shop in Manchester, England. Many of _____ have cameras and are looking in the shop window. ____ want to see the movie star Daniel Radcliffe. A man in the shop looks like Radcliffe, but ______ isn’t the famous actor. He’s Andrew Walker - a twenty-two-year old shop clerk.

Walker isn't surprised by the teenagers. People often stop _____ on the street and want to take his picture. Walker is a clerk, but he also makes money as Daniel’s double. Today, many companies work with celebrity doubles. They look like famous athletes, pop singers, and actors. The companies pay doubles to go to parties and business meetings. Doubles are also on TV and in newspapers ads.

Why do people want to look like a celebrity? One double in the USA says, “I can make good money. I also make a lot of people happy”.

Adapted from World Link - Developing English Fluency

14 – (EEAR-CFS-2019/2020-BCT-TURMA 1)

Fill in the blanks with the correct personal pronouns:

a) they – them – him – he
b) them – they – he – him
c) he – him – they – them
d) them – they – him – he

*Alternativa (B): them – they – he – him
➦ Pronomes pessoais para nos referirmos a alguma coisa ou alguém que ja foram mencionados anteriormente.
➦ Os pronomes pessoais podem ter função de sujeito (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) ou função de objeto (me, you, him, her, it, us, them).

15 – (EEAR-CFS-2019/2020-BCT-TURMA 1)

According to the text, we can infer that, EXCEPT:

a) Doubles are paid to go to social events and business meetings.
b) The young clerk was amazed by the young people in the shop.
c) Some people like to have a very similar appearance to celebrities.
d) Many companies work with people who take the place of famous actors for some purposes.

*Alternativa (B): The young clerk was amazed by the young people in the shop.(O jovem funcionário ficou surpreso/espantado com os jovens da loja)(Walker isn't surprised by the teenagers.)

16 – (EEAR-CFS-2019/2020-BCT-TURMA 1)

In "Walker is a clerk, but he also makes money as Daniel's double (...)",

the underlined word means that Walker _________ Daniel.

a) looks like
b) is not similar
c) is different from
d) is the opposite of

➦IDEIA CONTEXTUAL: "double" (dublê, sósia) significa que uma pessoa se parece com outra.

➧ TEXTRead the text to answer questions 17 and 18.

The legislation follows a year-on-year increase in drone incidents.
Joana Whitehead

New laws introduced today will restrict all drones from flying above 400 feet or within one kilometer of airport boundaries. The legislation follows a year-on-year increase of drones incidents with aircraft, with 93 reported in 2017. The measures are hoped to reduce the possibility of damage to windows and engines of planes and helicopters.

Further laws will require owners of drones weighing 250 grams or more to register with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). The majority of drones users considered it is vital for drone pilots to adhere to the rules and guidelines of the CAA, a set of rules introduced to promote safe and responsible drone use.

Drones are here to stay, not only as a recriational pastime, but as a vital tool in many industries – from agriculture to blue-light services – so incresing public trust through safe drone flying is crucial.
Adapted from www.independent.co.uk

17 – (EEAR-CFS-2019/2020-BCT-TURMA 1)

According to the text, choose the correct alternative;

a) Drones incidents with aircraft are increasing every year.
b) Drones are just tools used for recreation in your leisure time.
c) New laws won’t allow all drones to fly within 400 feet near the airports.
d) Most of drones users consider it is not important to follow the rules of the CAA

*Alternativa (A): Drones incidents with aircraft are increasing every year.(Incidentes de drones com aeronaves estão aumentando a cada ano)(The legislation follows a year-on-year increase in drone incidents. ➜ A legislação segue um aumento ANO A ANO nos incidentes com drones.)(The legislation follows a year-on-year increase of drones incidents with aircraft ➜ A legislação segue um aumento ano-a-ano de incidentes de drones com aeronaves)

18 – (EEAR-CFS-2019/2020-BCT-TURMA 1)

The verb "to adhere", in bold type in the text, is closest in meaning to

a) to believe in someone’s idea.
b) to behave according a particular rule.
c) to disapprove something or someone.
d) to disagree with an action or proposal.

➧ TEXT: Read the text to answer questions 19, 20 and 21.

Airline employee steals, crashes plane near Seattle

US authorities are investigating the Friday night crash of a Horizon Air Q400 aircraft near Seattle-Tacoma airport in Washington state after an airline employee took off without clearance and flew the plane for about an hour before it crashed.

Two F-15 military fighter jets went up into the air in order to intercept the stolen airliner, and the airport closed for a short time.

There were no passengers on board except the person who was operating the plane. It is believed that he is Richard Russel, a 29 year old local man who worked for the airline. 

Some media images showed the aircraft doing complicated and dangerous flying before crash. In an audio recording a conversation with an air traffic controller, the person piloting the aircraft said he was a “broken guy”.

Adapted from news.airwise.com/story/airline.

19 – (EEAR-CFS-2019/2020-BCT-TURMA 1)

According to the text, choose the correct alternative:

a) The only person on board was the airline employee.
b) The aircraft made a calm and smooth flight before crashing.
c) The plane flew for approximately one hour and landed safely.
d) The airport was kept closed during many hours after the accident.

20 – (EEAR-CFS-2019/2020-BCT-TURMA 1)

"In order to", in bold type in the text, is a ______ clause.

a) time
b) result
c) manner
d) purpose

"In order to", in bold type in the text, is a _________ clause.
*Alternativa (A): time(tempo)
*Alternativa (B): result(resultado)
*Alternativa (C): manner(modo)
*Alternativa (D): purpose(propósito)("In order to" é usado em contexto para indicar propósito").

21 – (EEAR-CFS-2019/2020-BCT-TURMA 1)

In "the person piloting the aircraft said he was a broken guy (...)",

you can infer that the man was ___________, EXCEPT:

a) so sad
b) very excited
c) suffering a lot
d) extremely unhappy

In "the person piloting the aircraft said he was a broken guy (...)", you can infer that the man was ___________, EXCEPT:
*Alternativa (A): so sad (muito triste)
*Alternativa (B): very excited (muito empolgado)
*Alternativa (C): suffering a lot (sofrendo muito)
*Alternativa (D): extremely unhappy (extremamente infeliz)
➦IDEIA CONTEXTUAL: A "broken person" é uma pessoa extremamente fraca mentalmente ou fisicamente.

➧ TEXT: Read the text to answer questions 22, 23 and 24.

The cabin crew battled to save the passenger

Ben Graham

Shocked passengers watched as doctors and cabin crew tried to save the life of a critically ill passenger on a Qantas flight to Sidney on Friday.

A Qantas spokeswoman confirmed that the passenger ________ received tratment during the medical emergency couldn’t survive.

The flight from London, via Singapore, was forced to land in Adelaide because of the incident. No passengers got off the flight while it was in Adelaide.

A witness on board told that everything started with a cabin announcement asking for any doctors on board. There were two passengers with medical training, but nothing could be done to save the passenger. The crew did everything they could, including performing CPR with a doctor on board, but unfortunately the passenger has passed away.

Adapted from nypost.com

22 – (EEAR-CFS-2019/2020-BCT-TURMA 1)

Fill in the blank with the correct relative pronoun.

(A) who
(B) what
(C) which
(D) whose

TÓPICO - RELATIVE PRONOUNS(who, whom, which, whose, that):
*Alternativa (A): who (adequado porque who refere-se à passageira que recebeu tratamento médico durante um voo.)
*Alternativa (B): what (não é adequado porque "what" como pronome relativo se traduz como "as coisas que")
*Alternativa (C): which (
não é adequado porque which refere-se a coisas)
*Alternativa (D): whose( não é adequado porque whose indica posse)
➧SENTENÇA com LACUNA não-preenchida:
"[...] A Qantas spokeswoman confirmed that the passenger ________ received tratment during the medical emergency couldn’t survive."
(Uma porta-voz da Qantas confirmou que o passageiro QUE recebeu tratamento durante a emergência médica não sobreviveu.) 
➧Análise do VERBO CONTEXTUAL após a lacuna: "received tratment"(recebeu tratamento).  
➧ Quem "received tratment"(recebeu tratamento) → "the passenger".
➧ LACUNA INDICATIVA DE PRONOME RELATIVO pois funciona como sujeito do verbo "received" e se refere ao substantivo "passenger".
➧ Portanto, trata-se de uma LACUNA INDICATIVA do pronome WHO
 ou do pronome THAT.
"[...] A Qantas spokeswoman confirmed that the passenger WHO received tratment during the medical emergency couldn’t survive."
(Uma porta-voz da Qantas confirmou que o passageiro QUE recebeu tratamento durante a emergência médica não sobreviveu.) 

23 – (EEAR-CFS-2019/2020-BCT-TURMA 1)

Choose the correct verb to replace the phrasal verb "passed away", in bold type in the text:

a) died
b) choked
c) fainted
d) collapsed

24 – (EEAR-CFS-2019/2020-BCT-TURMA 1)

In "The crew did everything they could (...)",

the modal "could" is used to indicate

a) ability
b) obligation
c) permission
d) prohibition

"The crew did everything they could (...)", the modal "could" is used to indicate ablility;
➦IDEIA CONTEXTUAL: O verbo auxiliar modal “could” indica habilidade no passado. Indica que eu sabia como fazer algo, ou que era possível para mim fazê-lo.  



 24 Multiple Choice Questions / 5 Options Each Question.
➭ Text (1) – | Selecting the Olympic Sports | Active Skills for Reading |
➭ Text (2) – | Across the Atlantic! | Grammar Express - Longman |
➭ Text (3) – | Tirinha | www.garfield.com |
➭ Text (4) – | GIFT GIVING | www.aperianglobal.com |
➭ Text (5) – | Back to School | Listen in book 2 |
➭ Text (6) – | TV addiction | www.sciam.com |
➭ Text (7) – | Tirinha | www.garfield.com |
➭ Text (8) – | Grounding | A Simplified reader on American Culture |
➭ Text (9) – | The cost of a cigarette | 
➭ Text (10) – | |

01-A,  02-B,  03-B,  04-B,  05-A06-C
07-A,  08-D,  09-D,  10-B,  11-D12-B
13-D,  14-B,  15-D,  16-D,  17-C18-C
19-C,  20-C,  21-D,  22-B,  23-D24-A


 TEXTO 1Read the text and answer questions 01 and 02.

Selecting the Olympic Sports

There are 28 sports permitted in the Summer Olympic Games. The list of Olympic Sports has many of the world’s best-loved sports on it, such as baseball, judo, soccer, tennis, and volleyball. This list of sports hadn’t changed in 70 years, and the process for changing these sports is long and difficult.

That is why it was surprising news when the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced that it was studying new sports for the list. At a meeting in Singapore in 2005, the IOC voted on each of the 28 sports from the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Greece. Twenty-six of the 28 sports were selected for the 2012 Summer Olympic Games, which took place in London, England. The two sports that did not receive 50 percent of the votes were baseball and softball.

Because these two sports were not selected, the IOC started the process of voting for two new sports. The five sports to select from were roller skating, golf, rugby, squash, and karate. After the first vote, karate and squash were submitted to the IOC for the final vote.

To become an Olympic sport, a sport must receive twothirds of the votes of the IOC. When the final vote took place, squash received 39 “yes” votes and 63 “no” votes. Karate received 38 “yes” votes and 63 “no” votes. It meant that neither squash nor karate would feature in the 2012 Olympic Games. And sad fans didn’t believe that their sports could be selected for the 2016 Olympic Games.

Adapted from Anderson, Neil J.
Active Skills for Reading - second Edition


The numbers 28, 70, 2005 and 2016, in bold type in the text, are respectively expressed in words as _______.

(A) twenty-eight, seventy, two thousand and five, two thousand and sixteen
(B) twenty-eight, seventy, two thousand and fifty, two hundred and sixteen
(C) twenty-eight, seventeen, two hundred and five, two thousand and six
(D) twenty-eight, seventeen, two thousand and five, two hundred and six

Resposta:  A


Choose the alternative that IS NOT correct, according to the text.

(A) Baseball and softball didn’t receive more than half of the IOC votes in Singapore.
(B) Baseball and softball were selected in 2005 for the London Olympics.
(C) Squash and Karate were not selected for the 2012 Olympics Games.
(D) Baseball and softball were part of the Athens Olympics.

Resposta:  B


"Sad" (line 24), underlined in the text, is the same as

(A) thrilled.
(B) gloomy.
(C) cheerful.
(D) delighted.

Resposta:  B

 TEXTO 2: Read the text to answer question 04 and 05.

Across the Atlantic!

_____ Monday May 24, 1976, two Concorde jets crossed the Atlantic ocean _____ three hours and fifty minutes. The planes took off and landed _____ the same time.

Source Bonner, Margaret
Grammar Express - Longman


Choose the best alternative to complete the text.

(A) in / on / at
(B) on / in / at
(C) at / on / in
(D) on / from / in

Resposta:  B


According to the text the flights

(A) were less than four hours.
(B) were on a weekend.
(C) took off at 3:50.
(D) landed at 3:50.

Resposta:  A

 TEXTO 3: Read the cartoon and answer questions 06.



The word "easier", in the text, is in the:

(A) base form
(B) superlative form
(C) comparative form
(D) past participle form

Resposta: C

(1) Adjetivo com sufixo -ER configura COMPARATIVE FORM (EASIERLONGERNICER, etc).

(2) EASIER é a forma comparativa do adjetivo original EASY (oposto de "difficult").


The sentence

"There's hardly anything in the refrigerator"

means that:

(A) There’s very little food inside the refrigerator.
(B) John has no idea how much food there is.
(C) There’s a lot of food in the refrigerator.
(D) There’s nothing inside the refrigerator.

Resposta:  A


Choose the correct active form for the sentence:

“The history of humankind has been marked by patterns of growth and decline.”

(A) The history of humankind marked patterns of growth and decline.
(B) Patterns of growth and decline has marked the history of humankind.
(C) The history of humankind has marked patterns of growth and decline.
(D) Patterns of growth and decline have marked the history of humankind.

Resposta:  D

 TEXTO 4: Read the text to answer question 09:

All over the world, people give gifts. But they give different things in different ways. In Japan, people often give gifts. But they never open _____ in front of the giver. In the United States and Canada, a man often gives _____ girlfriend flowers on Valentine’s Day (February 14). He sometimes gives her chocolate too. In Korea, older people give new money to children on New Year’s Day. They give it to them for good luck. In Peru, a man gives flowers to _____ girlfriend. But he doesn’t give _____ yellow flowers. They mean the relationship is finished.



Choose the alternative to have the text completed correctly.

(A) they / he / his / she
(B) them / he / he / her
(C) they / his / he / she
(D) them / his / his / her

Resposta:  D

 TEXTO 5: Read the text to answer questions 10, 11 and 12.

Back to School

For generations in the United States, a nineteenth century invention known as the public school system was seen as the best way to give students the knowledge and skills to become nice citizens. Around the 1960s, experts began questioning the system, citing the need for new types of schools to meet the changing demands of the twentieth century. These reformers eventually won for parents a much broader range of educational choices – including religious, alternative, and charter schools and home schooling – but they also sparked a debate on teaching and learning that still divides experts to this day.

Nunan, David - Listen in book 2,
second edition.


The adjective form

the best” (line 3) and “nice” (line 4),

underlined in the text, have as their comparative forms, respectively:

(A) good and nicer.
(B) better and nicer.
(C) best and the nicer.
(D) the better and the nicest.


(1) THE BEST é a forma superlativa do adjetivo original GOOD.

(2) BETTER é a forma comparativa do adjetivo original GOOD.

(3) NICER é a forma comparativa do adjetivo original NICE.

(4) GOOD e NICE são adjetivos na forma base, ou seja, na suas formas originais.


According to the text, the public school system was in need of changes due to ____________.

(A) parents requirement
(B) the invention of the nineteenth century
(C) the demands of the nineteenth century
(D) experts concern about the twentieth century

Resposta:  D


The words “become” (line 4) and “meet” (line 6), in bold type in the text, are

(A) regular verbs in the infinitive.
(B) irregular verbs in the infinitive.
(C) irregular verbs in the past tense.
(D) regular verbs in the present tense.

Resposta: B

 TEXTO 6: Read the text to answer questions 13 and 14.

TV addiction

The amount of time people spend watching television is astonishing. On average, individuals in the industrialized world devote three hours a day to the pursuit, fully half of their leisure time, and more than on any single activity save work and sleep. Someone who lives to 75 would spend nine years in front of the tube. To some commentators, this devotion means simply that people enjoy TV and make a conscious decision to watch it. But if that is the whole story, why do so many people experience misgivings about how much they view?
The word “astonishing”, underlined in the text, is a / an
(A) verb.
(B) noun.
(C) adverb.
(D) adjective.
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  D 
TÓPICO - ADJECTIVES - ADJETIVO DO TIPO PREDICATIVO (Posicionado depois de verbo de ligação)
 "[...] The amount of time people spend watching television is astonishing." – A quantidade de tempo que as pessoas passam assistindo televisão é surpreendente.
➭ Her first novel enjoyed an astonishing success.  – Seu primeiro romance teve um sucesso surpreendente. (ADJETIVO DO TIPO ATRIBUTIVO - Posicionado ANTES de substantivo)
➭ It's astonishing to think that only a few years ago he was a completely unknown actor. – É surpreendente pensar que há apenas alguns anos ele era um ator completamente desconhecido(ADJETIVO DO TIPO PREDICATIVO - Posicionado ANTES de substantivo)
ADJETIVO PARTICIPIAL COM TERMINAÇÃO -ED: São adjetivos que descrevem uma REAÇÃO EMOCIONAL na qual a pessoa fica. (BORED - ENTEDIADO)


Write (T) True or (F) False, according to the text. Then choose the correct alternative.

(   ) The quality of TV programs in different countries determines the amount of time people devote to TV watching.

(   ) Some commentators believe people watch so much TV simply because they enjoy it.

(   ) People spend too much time watching TV. 

a) F – T – F
b) F – T – T
c) T – F – T
d) F – T – F

Resposta:  B

 TEXTO 7: Read the cartoon and answer questions 15 and 16.
Choose the best alternative to explain the comic strip:

a) Garfield is terrible at doing things.
b) Garfield did nothing bad and is angry at his owner.
c) John promised Garfield to keep a secret but couldn’t do it.
d) Garfield did something very bad but doesn’t know what it is.

Resposta:  D


The word “specific”, in the text, is NOT closest in meaning to _______:

a) exact
b) precise
c) detailed
d) unclear

Resposta: D

 TEXTO 8: Read the text to answer questions 17, 18 and 19.

Grounding is a common form of punishment for young people who disobey their parents. Grounding means that they are not allowed to go out, after school or on weekends, for a certain period of time. This could be from one day to ____ month or more, depending upon the gravity of the offense. During that time, though, they must continue to go to school, to work if they have a job, and do other errands approved by their parents. ____ term “grounding” is ____ aviation term. A plane is grounded when it is not allowed to fly for any reason. Similarly, pilots or other flying personnel are grounded when they are not allowed to fly because of illness or for disobeying the rules.
Adapted from Life in the USA:
A Simplified reader on American Culture, book 1.

Choose the best alternative to complete the text:

a) the / the / an
b) an / the / a
c) a / the / an
d) a / a / the

Resposta:  C


The word “must” (line 6), underlined in the text, is used to express:

a) advice
b) possibility
c) obligation
d) lack of necessity

Resposta:  C


The sentence

“Grounding means that they are not allowed to go out, after school or on weekends, for a certain period of time”,

in bold in the text, is in the:

a) Simple Past
b) Future Perfect
c) Simple Present
d) Present Perfect

Resposta: C

 TEXTO 9: Read the text to answer questions 20, 21, 22 and 23.
The cost of a cigarette

A businesswoman’s desperate need for a cigarette on an 8-hour flight from American Airlines ________ in her being arrested and handcuffed, after she was found lighting up in the toilet of a Boeing 747, not once but twice. She ___________ because she _______ violent when the plane landed in England, where the police subsequently arrested and handcuffed her. Joan Norrish, aged 33, yesterday ________ the first person to be prosecuted under new laws for smoking on board a plane, when she was fined £440 at Uxbridge magistrates’ court.

Adapted from Innovations, by Hugh Dellar and Darryl Hocking.


Choose the best alternative to complete the text using verbs in the Simple Past:

a) result / were / turning / become
b) resulted / was / turned / become
c) resulted / was / turned / became
d) result / were / turning / became

Resposta:  C


The words “violent” and “subsequently”, underlined in the text, are:

a) a noun and a pronoun
b) an adverb and an adjective
c) and adjective and a noun
d) an adjective and an adverb

Resposta:  D


Complete the sentence from the text using the Passive Voice

She____________ (...) when the plane landed in England.

a) is arrested
b) was arrested
c) was arresting
d) will be arrested

Resposta:  B


According to the text, Joan Norrish:

a) had always been a violent person.
b) was arrested inside the airplane, where the police handcuffed her.
c) was arrested because she turned the lights inside the airplane’s toilet.
d) had to pay an amount of money due to the new laws for smoking inside an airplane.

Resposta: D

 TEXTO 10: Read the text to answer question 24.

Paul: Mary, the party is tomorrow! Do we have everything we need? Mary: We have _____ juice, but we should buy more. Pau: Do we need to buy bread? Mary: Well, we have _____, I don’t know if it’s enough. Paul: So let’s talk to Jen and ask for ____ advice.


Choose the alternative that best completes the text:

a) a lot of / some / some
b) many / some / an
c) many / a / some
d) a lot / a / an

Resposta:  A