sábado, 20 de dezembro de 2014



➭ 10 Multiple Choice Questions / 5 Options Each Question.
 Text (1) – The importance of discovering your plan B | The European Business Review | www.europeanbusinessreview.com |
The importance of discovering your plan B
A importância de descobrir o seu plano B

If the founders of Google, Starbucks, or PayPal had stuck to their original business plans, we’d likely never have heard of them. Instead, they made radical changes to their initial models, became household names, and delivered huge returns for their founders and investors. How did they get from their Plan A to a business model that worked? Why did they succeed when most new ventures crash and burn?
Se os fundadores da Google, Starbucks ou PayPal tivessem mantido os seus planos de negócio originais, provavelmente nunca teríamos ouvido falar deles. Em vez disso, fizeram alterações radicais aos seus modelos iniciais, tornaram-se nomes conhecidos e proporcionaram grandes retornos aos seus fundadores e investidores. Como é que passaram do seu Plano A para um modelo de negócio que funcionou? Porque é que foram bem sucedidas quando a maioria das novas empresas se desmoronou?

Every aspiring entrepreneur, whether they desire to start a new company or create something new within an existing company, has a Plan A — and virtually all of these individuals believe that their Plan A will work. They can probably even imagine how they’ll look on the cover of Fortune or Inc. magazine. Unfortunately, they are usually wrong. But what separates the ultimate successes from the rest is what they do when their first plan fails to catch on. Do they lick their wounds, get back on their feet, and morph their newly found insights into great businesses or do they doggedly stick to their original plan?
Todos os aspirantes a empresários, quer desejem iniciar uma nova empresa ou criar algo de novo numa empresa existente, têm um Plano A - e praticamente todos estes indivíduos acreditam que o seu Plano A vai funcionar. Provavelmente, até imaginam como é que vão aparecer na capa da revista Fortune ou da Inc. Infelizmente, estão normalmente enganados. Mas o que separa os grandes sucessos dos restantes é o que fazem quando o seu primeiro plano não é bem sucedido. Será que lambem as feridas, voltam a pôr-se de pé e transformam os seus novos conhecimentos em grandes negócios ou mantêm-se obstinadamente fiéis ao seu plano original?

Let’s face an uncomfortable fact: the typical startup process, largely driven by poorly conceived business plans based on untested assumptions, is seriously flawed. Most new ventures, even those with venture capital backing, share one common characteristic. They fail. But there is a better way to launch new ideas — without wasting years of your time and loads of investors’ money. This better way is about discovering a business model that really works: a Plan B, like those of Google and Starbucks, which grows out of the original idea, builds on it, and once it’s in place, enables the business to grow rapidly and prosper.
Vamos encarar um fato incômodo: o processo típico de arranque, em grande parte impulsionado por planos de negócios mal concebidos, baseados em suposições não testadas, é gravemente defeituoso. A maioria das novas empresas, mesmo as que contam com o apoio de capital de risco, partilham uma caraterística comum. Falham. Mas há uma forma melhor de lançar novas ideias - sem desperdiçar anos do seu tempo e muito dinheiro dos investidores. Esta melhor forma consiste em descobrir um modelo de negócio que realmente funcione: um Plano B, como os da Google e da Starbucks, que se desenvolve a partir da ideia original, se baseia nela e, uma vez implementado, permite que o negócio cresça rapidamente e prospere.

Most of the time, breaking through to a better business model takes time. And it takes error, too — error from which you learn. For Max Levchin, who wanted to build a business based on his cryptography expertise, Plans A through F didn’t work, but Plan G turned out to be the ubiquitous PayPal we know today.
Na maioria das vezes, a passagem para um modelo de negócio melhor leva tempo. E também é preciso cometer erros - erros com os quais se aprende. Para Max Levchin, que queria construir um negócio baseado na sua experiência em criptografia, os Planos A a F não funcionaram, mas o Plano G acabou por ser o omnipresente PayPal que conhecemos hoje.

Getting to Plan B in Your Business
Chegar ao Plano B na sua empresa

How can you break through to a business model that will work for your business? First, you’ll need an idea to pursue. The best ideas resolve somebody’s pain, some customer problem you’ve identified for which you have a solution that might work. Alternatively, some good ideas take something in customers’ lives that’s pretty boring and create something so superior it provides true customer delight, as was the case for the Walkman and the iPod.
Como é que pode chegar a um modelo de negócio que funcione para a sua empresa? Em primeiro lugar, precisa de uma ideia para desenvolver. As melhores ideias resolvem a dor de alguém, algum problema do cliente que identificou e para o qual tem uma solução que pode funcionar. Em alternativa, algumas boas ideias pegam em algo que é bastante aborrecido na vida dos clientes e criam algo tão superior que proporciona um verdadeiro prazer ao cliente, como foi o caso do Walkman e do iPod.

Next, you’ll need to identify some analogs, portions of which you can borrow or adapt to help you understand the economics and various other facets of your proposed business and its business model. And you’ll need antilogs, too. As we have seen from the Apple story, analogs and antilogs don’t have to only be from your own industry, though. Sometimes the most valuable insights come from rather unusual sources.
Em seguida, terá de identificar alguns análogos, partes dos quais pode pedir emprestado ou adaptar para o ajudar a compreender a economia e várias outras facetas da sua empresa proposta e do seu modelo de negócio. E também vai precisar de análogos. No entanto, como vimos na história da Apple, os análogos e os antilógicos não têm de ser apenas do seu próprio sector. Por vezes, os conhecimentos mais valiosos provêm de fontes bastante incomuns.

Having identified both analogs and antilogs, you can quickly reach conclusions about some things that are, with at least a modicum of certainty, known about your venture. But it is not what you know that will likely scupper your Plan A, of course. It’s what you don’t know. The questions you cannot answer from historical precedent lead to your leaps of faith — beliefs you hold about the answers to your questions despite having no real evidence that these beliefs are actually true.
Tendo identificado os análogos e os antilógicos, pode rapidamente chegar a conclusões sobre algumas coisas que são, pelo menos com um mínimo de certeza, conhecidas sobre o seu projeto. Mas não é o que se sabe que provavelmente arruinará o Plano A, claro. É o que não se sabe. As perguntas a que não consegue responder com base em precedentes históricos conduzem aos seus saltos de fé - crenças que tem sobre as respostas às suas perguntas, apesar de não ter provas reais de que essas crenças são realmente verdadeiras.

To address your leaps of faith, you’ll have to leap! Identify your key leaps of faith and then test your hypothesis. That may mean opening a smaller shop than you aspire to operate, just to see how customers respond. It may mean trying different prices for your newly developed gadget to see which price makes sales pop. By identifying your leaps of faith early and devising ways to test hypotheses that will prove or refute them, you are in a position to learn whether or not your Plan A will work before you waste too much time and money.
Para resolver os seus saltos de fé, terá de saltar! Identifique os seus principais saltos de fé e, em seguida, teste a sua hipótese. Isso pode significar abrir uma loja mais pequena do que aquela que ambiciona, só para ver a reação dos clientes. Pode significar experimentar preços diferentes para a sua nova engenhoca para ver qual o preço que faz disparar as vendas. Ao identificar os seus saltos de fé numa fase inicial e ao conceber formas de testar hipóteses que os comprovem ou refutem, estará em posição de saber se o seu Plano A funcionará ou não, antes de perder demasiado tempo e dinheiro.
The European Business Review Available at: http://www.europeanbusinessreview.com/?p=1608 - retrieved on July 4th, 2010.

According to the authors,

(A) businesses only prosper if they strictly adopt their Plan A. (B) most famous companies fail because their leaders never stick to their original plan.
(C) it is necessary to be faithful to the first business plan and wait for customers to respond.
(D) some currently successful companies had to give up their initial plans for alternative business models.
(E) companies always fail when they decide to adopt their Plan B as a shortcut to their original business strategy.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   (D)  
According to the authors,
De acordo com os autores,

(A) businesses only prosper if they strictly adopt their Plan A. — as empresas só prosperam se adoptarem rigorosamente o seu Plano A.
(B) most famous companies fail because their leaders never stick to their original plan. — as empresas mais famosas falham porque os seus líderes nunca cumprem o plano inicial.
(C) it is necessary to be faithful to the first business plan and wait for customers to respond. — é preciso ser fiel ao primeiro plano de negócios e esperar a resposta dos clientes.
(D) some currently successful companies had to give up their initial plans for alternative business models. — algumas empresas de sucesso atual tiveram de abandonar os seus planos iniciais por modelos de negócio alternativos.
➭ CONFIRMAÇÃO NO TEXTO: Google, Starbucks, or PayPal são exemplos de empresas de sucessos que fizeram alterações significativas aos seus planos de negócio originais, conforme o trecho:
  • "[...] If the founders of Google, Starbucks, or PayPal had stuck to their original business plans, we’d likely never have heard of them. Instead, they made radical changes to their initial models, became household names, and delivered huge returns for their founders and investors."
(E) companies always fail when they decide to adopt their Plan B as a shortcut to their original business strategy. — as empresas falham sempre que decidem adotar o seu Plano B como atalho para a sua estratégia de negócio original.


Google, Starbucks and PayPal are mentioned in paragraph 1 (lines 1-8) since they

(A) are the only well-known companies in America nowadays.
(B) represent companies which have never delivered high returns to the investors.
(C) are examples of companies which made significant alterations to their original business plans.
(D) illustrate the kind of businesses that remained loyal to their original plans and fought for results.
(E) have founders who have been on the cover of Fortune magazine and are the world’s richest men.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   (D)  
Google, Starbucks and PayPal are mentioned in paragraph 1 (lines 1-8) since they
Google, Starbucks e PayPal são mencionados no parágrafo 1 (linhas 1-8) porque
(A) are the only well-known companies in America nowadays. — são as únicas empresas bem conhecidas nos Estados Unidos atualmente.
(B) represent companies which have never delivered high returns to the investors. — representam empresas que nunca proporcionaram retornos elevados aos investidores.
(C) are examples of companies which made significant alterations to their original business plans. — são exemplos de empresas que fizeram alterações significativas aos seus planos de negócio originais.
➭ CONFIRMAÇÃO NO TEXTO: Google, Starbucks, or PayPal são exemplos de empresas de sucessos que fizeram alterações significativas aos seus planos de negócio originais, conforme o trecho:
  • "[...] If the founders of Google, Starbucks, or PayPal had stuck to their original business plans, we’d likely never have heard of them. Instead, they made radical changes to their initial models, became household names, and delivered huge returns for their founders and investors."
(D) illustrate the kind of businesses that remained loyal to their original plans and fought for results. — ilustram o tipo de empresas que se mantiveram fiéis aos seus planos originais e lutaram por resultados.
(E) have founders who have been on the cover of Fortune magazine and are the world’s richest men. — têm fundadores que foram capa da revista Fortune e são os homens mais ricos do mundo.


Mulins and Komisar, in paragraph 3 (lines 21-33), state that the typical business startup process is usually unsuccessful because it

(A) does not invest rich sums or waste years on precise planning to design an elaborate business model.
(B) shares common characteristics with traditional businesses that have survived crises.
(C) expects the business to grow rapidly and prosper faster than all other companies in the market.
(D) rejects venture capital funding and does not expect immediate returns.
(E) is based on inadequately designed business plans and on market hypothesis that are not previously tested.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   (E)  
Mulins and Komisar, in paragraph 3 (lines 21-33), state that the typical business startup process is usually unsuccessful because it
Mulins e Komisar, no n.º 3 (linhas 21-33), afirmam que o processo típico de arranque de uma empresa é geralmente mal sucedido porque

(A) does not invest rich sums or waste years on precise planning to design an elaborate business model. — não investe somas avultadas nem perde anos num planeamento preciso para conceber um modelo de negócio elaborado.
(B) shares common characteristics with traditional businesses that have survived crises. — partilha características comuns com empresas tradicionais que sobreviveram a crises.
(C) expects the business to grow rapidly and prosper faster than all other companies in the market. — espera que a empresa cresça rapidamente e prospere mais depressa do que todas as outras empresas do mercado.
(D) rejects venture capital funding and does not expect immediate returns. — rejeita o financiamento de capital de risco e não espera retornos imediatos.
(E) is based on inadequately designed business plans and on market hypothesis that are not previously tested. — baseia-se em planos de negócios concebidos de forma inadequada e em hipóteses de mercado que não foram previamente testadas.
➭ CONFIRMAÇÃO NO TEXTO: conforme o trecho:
  • "[...] Let’s face an uncomfortable fact: the typical startup process, largely driven by poorly conceived business plans based on untested assumptions, is seriously flawed."
➭ ASSUMPTION - A depender do contexto, o substantivo "ASSUMPTION" pode funcionar como UNCOUNTABLE NOUN(algo que você aceita como verdadeiro sem questionar ou provar:) ou  COUNTABLE NOUN (o ato de assumir uma posição de poder, responsabilidade, etc).

Max Levchin, mentioned in paragraph 4 (lines 34-39), can be considered a(an)

(A) persistent businessman who fought for success.
(B) careless worker who didn’t take time to build a business model.
(C) foolish entrepreneur who insisted on opening his own company.
(D) expert in cryptography who failed as a businessman.
(E) impatient investor who did not believe PayPal would prosper.


The term in parentheses expresses the idea introduced by the term in bold in

(A) “Instead, they made radical changes to their initial models,” – lines 3-4 (replacement).
(B) “Unfortunately, they are usually wrong.” – line 15 (reason). (C) “Alternatively, some good ideas take something in customers’ lives that’s pretty boring…” – lines 45-47 (cause). (D) “Next, you’ll need to identify some analogs,” – line 50 (exemplification).
(E) “beliefs you hold about the answers to your questions despite having no real evidence…” – lines 64-66 (consequence).


In the fragments

“…their first plan fails to catch on.” (line 17) and “How can you break through to a business model…” (line 41),

the expressions “catch on” and “break through to” mean, respectively,

(A) arrange; find.
(B) work; discover.
(C) capture; give in.
(D) pick up; destroy.
(E) triumph; deteriorate.


The expression “...leaps of faith” (line 64) refers to

(A) a religious conviction that the business project is definitely going to prosper.
(B) confidence on the various concrete evidences that your business model will surely be successful.
(C) everything you do not know about the returns of your investment and should not worry about.
(D) knowledge about historical precedents that are applicable to your company’s current situation.
(E) assumptions about the aspects of the business you propose that are carefully thought of but not tested.


The word “might” in

“… you have a solution that might work.” (lines 44-45)

can be replaced without change in meaning by

(A) must surely.
(B) will certainly.
(C) may probably.
(D) can eventually.
(E) should definitely.


The pair of expressions that express opposing ideas is

(A) “...stuck to...” (line 2) – abandoned.
(B) “...grows out of... ” (line 31) – develops from.
(C) “...pursue.” (line 43) - follow.
(D) “...scupper...” (line 62) – ruin
(E) “...devising...” (line 75) – elaborating.


The sentence

“It may mean trying different prices for your newly developed gadget to see which price makes sales pop.” (lines 72-74) 

implies that

(A) higher product pricing will certainly lead to more market sales.
(B) sales are determined solely by the characteristics of the gadget.
(C) the most appropriate price should be defined by the competitors.
(D) the cheaper the product is, the more profitable the company will be.
(E) previous testing of price ranges will help find the one which will boost sales. 

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