quarta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2012

PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES (I) - Locuções Prepositivas - Valdenor Sousa

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• Show the relationship between other words in a sentence.
• Give information about time, space, direction or location.
• Can change the meaning of a verb.(Phrasal Verbs)
• A preposition has a "partner".
• This "partner" is a noun or pronoun after the preposition.
• We call this "partner" an object of the preposition.
• We went on Thursday.(Nós fomos na quinta.)
 The girl in the park are playing.(A garota no parque está brincando.)
• Prepositional phrases are word chunks that begin with a preposition.
• PP = Preposition + Noun/Pronoun.
• As PREPOSITION podem ser "time", "place", "direction" and "other".
TIME: in the morning, in the past, in the Middle Ages, during the day, at the weekend, at noon, at midday, at midnight, at Christmas, at Easter, at 7pm, at the end of the month, at the end of the class, at the beginning of March, at the beginning the song, until tomorrow, since July, for two years, etc. 
PLACE: across the street, above the window, by the window, behind the door, below the clouds, inside the box, out of the room, on the table, near school, near a big market, next to me, on a farm, on an island, on the coast, etc.
DIRECTION(c/ movimento)towards the sun, away from here, into the pool, through the window, through the city center, in the street, in the mirror.
• OTHER INFORMATION: despite the problems, in the spite of the problems, due to sickness, because of me, except for you, along with others, with my family, etc.
• Estrutura: noun/pronoun + PP.
• The dogs in the park run.(Os cães correm no parque.)(in the park descreve o substantivo dogs)
• Some of the food is delicious.(of the food descreve o pronome some)
• Estrutura: verb/adjective/adverb + PP.
 We ate before school.(of the food modifica o verbo ate)
• She is tall for her age.(for her age descreve o adjetivo tall)
• Students study late at night.(at night descreve o advérbio  late)
• The birds fly in the sky.(AdvPP)(descreve o verbo fly, nos diz que os pássaros voam)
• The birds in the sky fly.(AdjPP)(descreve o substantivo birds, nos diz onde os pássaros estão)
• We play soccer after all classes and our exams.(AdvPP)(descreve o verbo play)
• The students without umbrellas stood outside.(Os alunos sem guarda-chuvas ficaram do lado de fora.)(AdjPP)
During lunch, we ate bread and butter.(Durante o almoço, comemos feijão com arroz.)(AdvPP)
• Before they called you, they drove to the store by the park.(Antes de ligar para você, eles dirigiram até a loja perto do parque.)(AdvPP)(AdjPP)(02 prepositional phrases)
• We have played basketball since 4pm.(AdvPP)(Jogamos basquete desde as 16h.)
• Right now, let's eat toast with jelly.(AdjPP)(Agora vamos comer torrada com geleia)
• Last week, the exam took over two hours to finish.(AdvPP)(Na semana passada, o exame demorou mais de duas horas para ser concluído.)
• Many students travel around the world to learn languages.(AdvPP)(Muitos alunos viajam ao redor do mundo para aprender idiomas.)
• Since they arrived, they have stayed inside their home each day.(AdvPP)(Desde que chegaram, eles têm estado dentro de casa todos os dias.)
• Daniel blew the horn with the strengthy of a giant.
• PP1(as Adverv): with the strengthy. (descreve o verbo blew)
• PP2(as Adjective): of a giant.(descreve o substantivo strengthy)
• I would enjoy exploring the cathedral of glass.(AdjPP)("of glass" modifica o substantivo cathedral, ou seja, it is behaving like an adjective)(Eu gostaria de explorar a catedral de vidro.)
RULE 1: Use Object Pronouns after a preposition.(NOT Subject Pronouns).
• Object Pronouns: me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them.(an object pronoun RECEIVES the action)
• Subject Pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, you they.(a subject pronoun DOES the action)
• John throws the ball to her and me.(John joga a bola para ela e para mim.)
• Send an email to Rachel and me.(Envie um e-mail para Rachel e para mim.)
• In class, they and we spoke.(Na aula, eles e nós conversamos.)
• Everyone spoke except them and us.(Todos falaram, exceto eles e nós.)
• RULE 2: Use a COMMA after a prepositional phrase that begins a sentence.(However, do NOT use commas with prepositional phrases in the middle or end of a sentence.)
At the beach, we relaxed.(Na praia, relaxamos.)(use a comma)
• We relaxed at the beach.(Nós relaxamos na praia.)(do not use a comma)
• During our vacation, 
 After the month of July,
• In the blue sky,
In the ocean, I see a shark.(No oceano, vejo um tubarão.)(comma needed)
• Many birds fly in the sky.(Muitos pássaros voam no céu.)(no comma needed)
Around the beach, you find shells.(Na praia, você encontra conchas.)(comma needed)
• RULE 3: Avoid misplaced prepositional phrases.
• We learned about the spiders in our classroom.(Aprendemos sobre as aranhas em nossa sala de aula.)(misplaced prepositional phrases)(passa ideia que na sala de aula há aranhas)
• In our classroom, we learned about the spiders.(Em nossa sala de aula, aprendemos sobre as aranhas.)
• We heard about the tornado in McDonalds.(misplaced prepositional phrases)
• In McDonalds, we heard about the tornado.
• For my friends, get an apple in the refrigerator
• Get an apple for my friends in the refrigerator.(misplaced prepositional phrases)
• The teacher told us on Friday we have a test.(misplaced prepositional phrases)
• The teacher told us we have a test on Friday.
• RULE 4: Do NOT use unneeded prepositions at the end of a sentence.
• Where are we going to? (unneeded preposition)
• Where are we going?(Para onde estamos indo?)
• Where are we going there for?(unneeded preposition)
• Where are we going there?(Para onde vamos?)
• Where are you from?(needed preposition)(Removing 'from' changed the meaning or the sentence doesn't make sense)
• I know where Anna is from?(needed preposition)(Removing 'from' changed the meaning or the sentence doesn't make sense)
• What did he step on?(needed preposition)(Removing 'from' changed the meaning or the sentence doesn't make sense)
• Some words can be a preposition or conjunction or adverb.
• How do you know the difference?
• Look at what FOLLOWS the word.
GRUPO 1 (but, after, as, since, before, until):
* Preposition (followed by object).
* Conjunction (followed by Subject Verb).
• Everyone wants pizza but you.(followed by object / Preposition)(Todo mundo quer pizza, exceto você.)
• Everyone wants pizza, but you want spaghetti.(followed by Subject Verb / Conjunction).
• We go to school after breakfast.(followed by object / Preposition)
• We go to school after we eat breakfast.(followed by Subject Verb / Conjunction)
• She works as a professor.(followed by object / Preposition)
• I opened my book as a professor entered the room.(followed by Subject Verb / Conjunction)
• GRUPO 2 (by, past, up, down, inside):
* Preposition (followed by object).
* Adverb (no object).
• They drove by the school.(followed by object / Preposition)(Eles passaram pela escola.)
• They just drove by.(no object / Adverb)(Eles apenas passaram.)
• They ran inside a building.(followed by object / Preposition)
• They ran inside.(no object / Adverb)
• GRUPO 3 (to):
* Preposition (followed by object).
* Infinitive (followed by Verb).
• Give the book to me.(followed by object / Preposition)(me é Object Pronoun)
• I need to read a story.(followed by Verb / Infinitive)
• They'll walk to library.(followed by object / Preposition)
• We want to go there today.(followed by Verb / Infinitive)
• GRUPO 4 (Verbs followed by ABOUT - anxious, argue, care, excited, upset, serious, sorry, worry):
• They argued about the bad service.(Eles discutiram sobre o mau serviço)
• We care about each other.(Nós nos preocupamos um com o outro.)
• Anna is excited about the road trip.(Anna está animada com a viagem.)
• The team is upset about losing the match.(A equipe está chateada por perder a partida.)
• Parents worry about their children.(Os pais se preocupam com seus filhos.)
• GRUPO 5 (Verbs followed by WITH - agree, angry, busy, bored, fed up, presented, pleased, satisfied):
• I agree with you on this issue.(Eu concordo com você neste assunto.)
• I don't agree with you.(Eu não concordo com você)
• I don't agree with hunting.(Não concordo com a caça.)
• The fish dinner on our flight did not agree with me.(= made me feel ill)
• All our agents are currently busy with other customers.(Todos os nossos agentes estão atualmente ocupados com outros clientes.)
• They are so busy with their work and family.(Eles estão muito ocupados com o trabalho e a família.)
• Anna busied herself with a favorite book.(Anna se ocupou com um livro favorito.)
• He was getting bored with doing the same thing every day.(Ele estava ficando entediado em fazer a mesma coisa todos os dias.)
I'm getting very bored with this entire business.(Estou ficando muito aborrecido com todo esse negócio.)
• I’m just fed up with his excuses for not getting his work done.(Estou farto de suas desculpas por não fazer seu trabalho.)
• I'm fed up with this crap.(Estou farto dessa porcaria.)
• I'm fed up with my job.(Estou entediado com meu trabalho.)
• I'm a bit fed up with Paul at the moment.(Estou um pouco desapontado com Paul no momento.)
• The patient presented with headache and heel pain.(medicine)(=to exhibit symptoms)(O paciente apresentou-se com cefaleia e dor no calcanhar.)
• She presented with postnatal depression.(medicine)(=to exhibit symptoms)(Ela apresentou depressão pós-parto.)
• I'm really pleased with your work.(=happy or satisfied)(Estou muito satisfeito com seu trabalho.)
 She was pleased with the dress.(Ela ficou satisfeita com o vestido.)
• Simon's looking very pleased with himself today.(=happy)(Simon está parecendo muito satisfeito consigo mesmo hoje.)
  If you are satisfied with something, you are pleased with it, because it is what you wanted.(Se você está satisfeito com algo, você está satisfeito com isso, porque é o que você queria.)
• Are you satisfied with the pay structure in your company?(Você está satisfeito com a estrutura de remuneração da sua empresa?)
• The boss was satisfied with my work.(=happy)(O chefe ficou satisfeito com meu trabalho.)
• Her teachers seem satisfied with her progress.(Seus professores parecem satisfeitos com seu progresso.)
• Children at this age are satisfied with simple answers.(As crianças dessa idade ficam satisfeitas com respostas simples.)
• We are not satisfied with these results.(=disappointed)(Não estamos satisfeitos com esses resultados.)
• GRUPO 6 (followed by FOR - apologize, apply, blame, famous, long, yarn, prepare, ready, responsible, stand):
• Anna apologized for her mistake.(Anna se desculpou por seu erro.)
• I'm longing for news of her.(long for = want/desire/crave/yarn something very much)(Estou ansioso por notícias dela.)
• She was yearning for new car.(Ela ansiava por um carro novo.)
• She was so hungry for success that she'd do anything to achieve it.(hungry for = having a strong wish or desire for something)(Ela estava com tanta fome de sucesso que faria qualquer coisa para alcançá-lo.)
• Journalists were hungry for details.(Os jornalistas estavam famintos por detalhes.)
• Are you ready for this?(Você está pronto para isso?)
• Who is responsible for this?(Quem é o responsável por isso?)
• We stand for justice and equality.(Defendemos justiça e igualdade.)
• GRUPO 7 (Verbs followed by TO - apologize, apply, accustomed, addicted, attached, refer, respond, similar):
 Anna apologized to Peter for her mistake.(Anna pediu desculpas a Peter por seu erro.)
• People are addicted to YouTube.(As pessoas estão viciadas em YouTube.)
• We're accustomed to cold weather.(Estamos acostumados com o frio.)
• The note is attached to the message.(A nota é anexada à mensagem.)
• Please refer to the safety manual for more information.(Por favor, consulte o manual de segurança para obter mais informações.)
• GRUPO 8 (heard from, heard of, hear about):
* to hear fromto get information from someone.(TER NOTÍCIA DE de alguém)
* to hear of = to know about something, somewhere or someone.(OUVIR FALAR DE de alguém ou algo)
* to hear about = to be informed about something.(TER CIÊNCIA DE algo)
• I heard from David the other day. (Tive notícias de David outro dia.)(hear from/to get information from someone)
• I haven't heard from her for a while. (Faz um tempo que não tenho notícias dela.)(hear from/to get information from someone)
• I haven't heard of this singer before. Have you?(Eu não tinha ouvido falar desse cantor antes. Você ouviu?)
• Have you heard of a place called Littlehampton?(Você já ouviu falar de um lugar chamado Littlehampton?)
• Did you hear about what happened at work?(Você ouviu sobre o que aconteceu no trabalho?)
• They'll hear about it latter.(Eles saberão disso mais tarde.)
• GRUPO 9 (among vs between, among or amongst):
* We use AMONG when we refer to several things (which are grouped together).
* We use BETWEEN when we refer to 2 things.
* Among or amongst, both prepositions mean the same thing.
* Amongst is more formal.
• I sat among the students.(Sentei-me entre os alunos.)
• I sat between Anna and Rachel.(Sentei-me entre Anna e Rachel.)
• Shakespeare is amongst the best playwrights of his time.(Shakespeare está entre os melhores dramaturgos de sua época.)
• GRUPO 10 (depends on):
* Never it depends of.
* Always it depends on.
• It depends on you.
• It depends on the weather.
• It depends on the evaluation.
• It depends on the exam rate.
• GRUPO 11 (Verbs followed by FROM - escape):
• No one could believe he escaped from prison.(=escape from something)
• A lion has escaped from its cage.(Um leão escapou de sua jaula.)
• Is that email from a teacher or a parent?(followed by object / Preposition)
• I heard from David the other day.(Tive notícias de David outro dia.)(followed by object / Preposition)()
• I see many fish around the boat in the lake.(followed by object / Preposition)(two preprositions)
• During the day, we always study for science class.(followed by object / Preposition)(two preprositions)
• It has rained here since last Saturday at 2pm.(followed by object / Preposition)(two preprositions)
• This morning, the test took over 30 minutes to finish.(followed by object / Preposition)
• Early today, a girl put money into the empty wallet.(followed by object / Preposition)  

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