segunda-feira, 11 de novembro de 2013

CONSULPLAN-2012-PM-Uberlândia/MG-Concurso Público para PROFESSOR DE INGLÊS da Prefeitura Municipal de Uberlândia/MG - Profº Valdenor Sousa loja virtual - Prova de INGLÊS com gabarito e questões comentadas.

Hey, what's up my friends!!!...How have you been?! Welcome back to another post!
Neste post, veremos a Prova de INGLÊS da CONSULPLAN-2012 da Prefeitura Municipal de Uberlândia/MG. Cargo: Professor de Inglês. Prova aplicada em 2012.
LEITURA de textos de jornais digitais,revistas, websites, dicionários a seguir, é um excelente treino para a provas de inglês da CONSULPLAN.
[b]Padrão/Composição da prova 
➦ A prova de Inglês é composta por 10 questões.
➦ Compreensão Textual de eventos atuais de relevância mundial.
Programa de Noticias para TV, Rádio e Internet: BBC NEWS.
Revista Norte-Americana: SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN.
Jornal norte-americana: THE NEW YORK TIMES,
Caso necessário,sugiro que consulte os excelentes dicionários a seguir:
[ → ]
🔄Phrasal Verbs: 
[ → ]
🔄Expressões verbais com o TO BE(simple present/simple past/simple future/ be going to/present continuous/past continuous/future continuous):
[ → ]
🔄Expressões verbais no PERFECT TENSE(present perfect/past perfect/present perfect continuous/past perfect continuous):
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🔄Expressões com os 10 modais(can/could/may/might/must/should/would/ought to/will/shall):
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🔄Adjetivos (Adjectives):
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[ → ]
[ → ]
🔄Expressões comuns:
[ → ]
🔄Expressões técnicas(Educação/Saúde):
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🔄Expressões com 'S (Genitive case=indica posse):
[ → ]
🔄Expressões com frações/números:
[ → ]
[ → ]
Agora, vamos à prova.
Text II to answer questions 21 and 22.
Nobody goes do temple
According to polling done by statistician Tom Smith for the American Jewish Committee, U.S. Jews practice their religion far less than their American Christian counterparts.
(Source: Jewish Distanctiveness in America by Tom Smith, American Jewish Committee, 2005)
👉 Questão  21 :
According to the text it true that
A) Jews in the USA use to practice other religion than Judaism.
B) Christians outnumber Jews concerning religious service attendance.
C) Most Jews polled practice religion even if they are far from church.
D) Liberal protestants attend religious services on a weekly basis.
E) Jews and their American counterparts would not go to church.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  B 
👉 Questão  22 :
The relative pronoun in “Percentage of Americans who attend religious services” can be replaced by
A) which.
B) that.
C) whom.
D) thus.
E) one.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  B 
A) which.
B) that.
C) whom.
D) thus.
E) one.
Text III to answer questions 23 and 24.
Spirit Bears Safe in protected forests
10,000 square miles protected.
The Great Bear Rainforest is the jewel in Canada's environmetal crown and home to the rare Spirit Bears, white bears found nowhere else on the planet. Since 2009, over 10,000 square miles have been protected from logging by an agreement between governments, indigenous peoples, logging industry and conservationists. By 2014, with further protection and healthier, more sustainable communities, the future of the forest will be secure.
Thanks to a peaceful campaign.
It took a 15 year campaign by Greenpeace, local activists, indigenous peoples and other environmental groups to bring about the agreement that now protects the forest from logging. Peaceful activists blockaded logging roads and protested against the global companies funding the destruction until their perseverance brought about successful negotiations.
For 40 years Greenpeace has campaigned for life, peace and progress, and has won many famous victories. In that time we have never taken a donation from a government or corporation.
There’s more to do.
Now help us protect more of the world’s forests. To learn more and make your donation, visit our website at
(Newsweek, January 2012)
👉 Questão  23 :
The Spirit Bear is
A) an endangered species.
D) the Great Bear Forest.
B) an group agreement.
E) indigenous to Canada.
C) a conservationalists’ pledge.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  E 
👉 Questão  24 :
It is correct to state that
A) it took Greenpeace 40 years to close an environmental deal.
B) it took Greenpeace 15 years to contact the native peoples.
C) it will take around 5 years to assure the forest’s future.
D) it would take governmental donation to save the forest.
E) it took the logging industry 10,000m² to close the deal.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  C 
Text IV to answer questions 25 and 26.
The slime of indecision

There is no logical reason why a minnow-size sovereign debt crisis made in Athens should have ballooned into an existential threat not only to Europe’s ill designed experiment with a common currency and to the cohesion of the wider European Union, but also to the prosperity of the world.

For all the billion going-into-trillion estimates of the cost of getting out of this mess, the still wealthy continet’s problem is not in truth a debt crisis. Taken overall, the euro zone’s debt profile is neither disturbingly high nor heavily dependent on outsiders to finance, and its current account is close to balance. This is a currency crisis, and the absence of Euro pean leadership has magnified it into a burgeoning political as well as an economic disaster.

You could even argue that when the storm first broke, the Europeans had a stroke of luck. The euro’s structural faults were bound to be exposed at some point-most prominently, the persistent trade and credit imbalances within the euro zone attributable to the unworkability of a one-sinze-fits-all interest rate for 17 markedly disparate economics, all issuing sovereign bonds but no longer printing their own currencies, with no effective ways to secure fiscal discipline and no lend er of last resort. And the meltdown could easily have started in a country larger and costly to bail out than Greece.

In the summer of 2010, the task for euro zone politicians was relatively simple: admit the evident truth that Greece was bankrupt, organize a rapid and deep restructuring of its unpayable debt, and use the breathing space to recapitalize European banks and build better defenses against contagion before the markets lost confidence in Europe’s more serious players. The downside risks at that early point were minor. In the worst scenario, there would have been turbulence if Greece had done a backward somersault out of the euro zone, but the sky would not have fallen in.

The politicians blew it. On the pretense that Greece was just a bit short of money and could put its house in order with a robust dose of austerity. Europe advanced some cash, sent in the accountants, and crossed its collective fingers.

Why? Principally because German Chancellor Angela Merkel was not prepared-and still is not prepared to admit to irate German voters that the “no bailouts” guarantee that had persuaded them to give up the Deutsche mark for the euro was not worth the paper it was written on. Secondly, because euro membership was legally irrevocable and even to hint that it might not be so was unconscionable heresy. And finally, because Germany and France were anxious to “protect” their banks, which were loaded with Greece’s worthless bonds.

That was then, 19 months ago at the time of writing. This is now. Ireland and Portugal have joined Greece in the emergency ward, and others, such as Cyprus, belong there, too; Italy and Spain can finance their debt only at prohibitive and unsustainable cost: markets are demanding stiffer premiums on Belgian. French, and even Austrian and Dutch bonds, and by December some investors had begun to steer clear even of the doughty German Bund.

Europe’s banks are choked with dicey government debt that they were encouraged to buy on the basis that the euro was forever and those bonds were therefore zero risk, all equally safe. Under political pressure to roll over their virtually untradable Greek bonds at 50 percent of face value, or 25 percent if the Greeks had their way in the negotiations, their understandable reaction was to shed Italian holdings as fast as they could-by nearly half in the case of BNP Paribas, and 88 percent at Deutsche Bank thus exacerbating fears that the euro was not-just in crisis but close to meltdown. In response, U.S. money markets sopped lending dollars to European banks, forcing the Federal Reserve and other central banks from Japan to the U.K. to intervene to avert a commercial banking collapse. That decisive concerted action to treat the symptoms, while essential to protect the global banking system, merely confirmed the life threatening seriousness of the euro disease and the growing doubt that the euro zone’s politicians, and its institutions, are capable of the decisions required to calm the markets.

The political mantra all along has been that the euro must at all costs be glued together. But no one can locate the glue pot.
(By Rosemary Righter, published in Newsweek Special Edition – Issues 2012)
👉 Questão  25 :
The true alternative about the text is
A) European Union countries are paying the costs of monetary and leadership crisis.
B) European Union countries put finances in order with a great deal of austerity.
C) The euro debt is dependent on outsiders to finance and its burden is unbearable.
D) To avoid Greece’s bankruptcy a rapid restructuring was organized in Europe.
E) US money markets stopped borrowing dollars from European banks recently.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  A 
👉 Questão  26 :
The item that means the same as “The meltdown could easily have started in a country larger and more costly to bail out than Greece” is
A) the meltdown should easily have started in a country larger and more costly to bail out than Greece.
B) the meltdown would easily have started in a country larger and more costly to bail out than Greece.
C) the meltdown will easily have started in a country larger and more costly to bail out than Greece.
D) the meltdown must easily have started in a country larger and more costly to bail out than Greece.
E) the meltdown might easily have started in a country larger and more costly to bail out than Grece.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  E 
Text V to answer question 27.
Catch me if you can
For years, it was simple: men over 50 would have regular blood tests to screen for prostate cancer. But last October, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force scrapped the recommendation after concluding that the screenings did not, after all, save lives.

The change was just the latest in a series of cancer-prevention reversals. We have seen enthusiasm wane for routine mammography while experts still can’t quite agree on how best to screen smokers for lung cancer. Why has all of this become so confusing?

We have been spoiled. The first screening test, the Pap smear, remains by far the best: it is cheap, relatively painless, and provides actionable information. By contrast, the blood-test screening for prostate cancer was a mess because it cannot distinguish between lethal and harmless cancers. Yet once a man was tagged “positive”, he was treated-even if the cancer posed no real health risk. As a result, countless men received the pain, cost, and angst of screening but none of its benefit. The same confusion has muddied the recommendations for breast and lung cancer screenings.

We seem very good at inventing the new hot test but less accomplished in determining its limitations. As a result, we have allowed preliminary evidence and good old American optimism to carry us to a place far beyond medical responsibility.

Perhaps what is lacking is a respect for the pace required for true innovation. No one was knocking on Dr. Papanicolaou’s door in the 1930s, telling him to decide already. He took his time – and gave us a test for the ages.
(By Kent Sepkowitz, published in Newsweek, February 2012)
👉 Questão  27 :
The text criticizes
A) the use of innovative tests without knowing their limitations.
B) the use of traditional types of tests to detect cancer.
C) men who do not take blood tests for prostrate cancer.
D) the mass screening of smokers for lung cancer.
E) the risks that blood-tests for prostate cancer can bring.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  A 
Text VI to answer question 28.
Let’s heat our cities with cleaner energy
How can we help keep people warm while reducing emissions? Natural gas could be one of the answers. When used to create electricity, it is the cleanest-burning of all the fossil fuels. What’s more there is plenty of it, there could be enough to last for the next 250 years. Shell is helping to deliver this gas to more countries than any other energy company.
Let’s power our future with gas.
Let’s go.
👉 Questão  28 :
The greatest advantage of natural gas is that
A) Shell is delivering it to more countries than ever. D) it keeps people warmer than other fossil fuels.
B) it produces energy that is cheap and also durable.
E) in 250 years energy resources will have finished.
C) its burning causes a reduced amount of pollution.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  C 
👉 Questão  29 :
Mainstream language teaching no longer regards methods as key factor for the success or failure in language teaching. One of the features common to any language teaching methods is
A) a concept of learner-centeredness.
D) little room for a teacher’s own teaching style.
B) acknowledgement of different learning styles.
E) acknowledgement of multiple intelligences.
C) flexibility to learner’s needs and interests.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  D 
👉 Questão  30 :
The ethical formation of a foreign language teacher should include
A) the choice of syllabus framework in course design.
B) the target language as the only classroom language.
C) new language points introduced in situational way.
D) establishment of grammatical basis for oral production.
E) selection procedures of general service vocabulary.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  A 

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