sábado, 18 de abril de 2020







 12 MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) / 4 Options Each Question.
 Texto (1) – | Teaching English in Brazil |
 Texto (2) – | Funeral Blues |
 Texto (3) – | Chile Violence Continues Despite Government's Retreat on Fare Hike |
 Texto (4) – | Tailor-made quips |
 Texto (5) – | Chile Violence Continues Despite Government's Retreat on Fare Hike |
 Texto (6) – | Tailor-made quips |  

❑ TEXTO 1:


Teaching English in Brazil

Ensinando Inglês no Brasil

The largest country in South America, Brazil has recently emerged as an international economic powerhouse, creating unprecedented demand for certified English language teachers. English teachers typically find work between March and August. Maior país da América do Sul, o Brasil emergiu recentemente como uma potência econômica internacional, criando uma demanda sem precedentes por professores certificados de inglês. Os professores de inglês normalmente encontram trabalho entre março e agosto.

While a very limited number of English language schools interview teachers in advance over the phone and via e-mail, the best way to find a job is on the ground in Brazil during an in-person interview. English teachers in Brazil are responsible for their airfare and housing. Most live in apartments recently vacated by previous teachers, and many share accommodations with coworkers. Embora um número muito limitado de escolas de inglês entreviste professores com antecedência por telefone e e-mail, a melhor maneira de encontrar um emprego é no Brasil, durante uma entrevista pessoal. Os professores de inglês no Brasil são responsáveis por suas passagens aéreas e hospedagem. A maioria mora em apartamentos recentemente desocupados por ex-professores e muitos dividem acomodações com colegas de trabalho.

English teachers can afford a comfortable lifestyle in Brazil. Schools typically offer 20 to 25 hours of work per week, leaving plenty of time to travel and explore. Please note that while a Bachelor's degree is not required to secure a job in Brazil, it still can be strongly preferred by employers. If you do not have a degree, you should be prepared for a more competitive job search. Os professores de inglês podem ter um estilo de vida confortável no Brasil. As escolas normalmente oferecem de 20 a 25 horas de trabalho por semana, deixando bastante tempo para viajar e explorar. Observe que, embora o diploma de bacharel não seja obrigatório para garantir um emprego no Brasil, ele ainda pode ser fortemente preferido pelos empregadores. Se você não possui um diploma, deve estar preparado para uma busca de emprego mais competitiva.

Please also note that it is not common to obtain a work visa in Brazil. English teachers typically work under the table on a tourist visa. It is common practice, but it is not technically a legal work visa. Should you choose to work under the table, it is your responsibility to be informed of the potential consequences of working on a tourist visa. Observe também que não é comum obter visto de trabalho no Brasil. Os professores de inglês normalmente trabalham clandestinamente com visto de turista. É uma prática comum, mas tecnicamente não é um visto de trabalho legal. Se você optar por trabalhar clandestinamente, é sua responsabilidade ser informado sobre as possíveis consequências de trabalhar com um visto de turista.

TEFL certification is typically required. English teaching jobs are concentrated in the larger cities such as Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Recife, Salvador, and Brasilia. A certificação TEFL normalmente é necessária. Os empregos de ensino de inglês estão concentrados nas grandes cidades como Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Recife, Salvador e Brasília.

For more information about teaching English in Brazil, check out our Brazil Resource Hub! Para mais informações sobre o ensino de inglês no Brasil, confira nosso Brazil Resource Hub!


The main purpose of this text is

(A) to persuade readers not to work under illegal conditions in Brazil.
(B) to explain it is necessary to have a bachelor’s degree to work as an English language teacher in Brazil.
(C) to report the day by day of an English language teacher in Brazil.
(D) to inform Brazil has become a good option for people who want to work as English language teachers.

      Comentários e Gabarito    D  
O objetivo principal deste texto é
(A) to persuade readers not to work under illegal conditions in Brazil. persuadir os leitores a não trabalharem em condições ilegais no Brasil.
(B) to explain it is necessary to have a bachelor’s degree to work as an English language teacher in Brazil. para explicar é necessário ter diploma de bacharel para atuar como professor de língua inglesa no Brasil.
(C) to report the day by day of an English language teacher in Brazil. relatar o dia a dia de um professor de língua inglesa no Brasil.
(D) to inform Brazil has become a good option for people who want to work as English language teachers. informar o Brasil tornou-se uma boa opção para quem deseja trabalhar como professor de língua inglesa.


The use of should in the sentence “Should you choose to work under the table, it is your responsibility to be informed of the potential consequences of working on a tourist visa” (4th paragraph), is correctly explained in the alternative:

(A) Should is used to express advice. It is possible to use it before the subject in affirmative sentences when the writer/speaker means to advice someone very politely.
(B) Should can be used as a conditional, meaning if. When used as a conditional, the writer/speaker wants to soften a very dangerous situation as working illegally in a country.
(C) Should is a modal verb used to express advice. In the sentence, the writer is advising the readers there can be consequences in working under the table in Brazil.
(D) Should can be used as a conditional. It has the same meaning if does, but its use is pretty formal, not being very common in general oral interaction.

      Comentários e Gabarito    D  
(A) Should is used to express advice.It is possible to use it before the subject in affirmative sentences when the writer/speaker means to advice someone very politely.
(B) Should can be used as a conditional, meaning if. When used as a conditional, the writer/speaker wants to soften a very dangerous situation as working illegally in a country.
(C) Should is a modal verb used to express advice. In the sentence, the writer is advising the readers there can be consequences in working under the table in Brazil.
(D) Should can be used as a conditional. It has the same meaning if does, but its use is pretty formal, not being very common in general oral interaction.

❑ TEXTO 2:

Funeral Blues
Funeral Blues

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone, Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone, Silence the pianos and with muffled drum Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come. Pare todos os relógios, desligue o telefone, Evite que o cachorro latir com um osso suculento, Silencie os pianos e com tambor abafado Traga o caixão, deixe vir os enlutados.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead Scribbling on the sky the message ‘He is Dead’. Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves, Deixe os aviões circularem gemendo no alto. Rabiscando no céu a mensagem ‘Ele está morto’. Coloque laços de crepe em volta dos pescoços brancos das pombas públicas,

Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves. He was my North, my South, my East and West,My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song; I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong. Deixe os policiais de trânsito usarem luvas pretas de algodão. Ele foi meu Norte, meu Sul, meu Leste e Oeste, Minha semana de trabalho e meu descanso dominical, Meu meio-dia, minha meia-noite, minha palestra, minha canção; Achei que o amor duraria para sempre: me enganei.

The stars are not wanted now; put out every one, Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun, Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood; For nothing now can ever come to any good. 
As estrelas não são desejadas agora; apague cada um, empacote a lua e desmantele o sol, despeje o oceano e varra a madeira; Pois nada agora pode trazer algum benefício.


The word dismantle (last stanza) can be replaced without any changing in meaning, by to
(A) split out.
(B) tear down.
(C) put apart.
(D) break over.

      Comentários e Gabarito    B  
The word dismantle (last stanza) can be replaced without any changing in meaning, by to
A palavra "dismantle"(desmontar) pode ser substituída, sem qualquer alteração de significado, por para
(A) split out. dividir\dividir-se
(B) tear down. desmontar
(C) put apart. separar\separar-se
(D) break over. Colidir com algo e quebrar.


The lines:

"Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves/ Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves"(second and third stanza)

express the

(A) grounder the poetic persona gives to his dead lover.
(B) actions expected from people at a poet’s lover’s funeral.
(C) formality and respect required in mourning days.
(D) despair of somebody who has lost a lover.

      Comentários e Gabarito    A  
As linhas:
"Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves/ Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves"(second and third stanza) “Coloque laços de crepe no pescoço branco das pombas públicas/ Deixe os policiais de trânsito usarem luvas pretas de algodão” (segunda e terceira estrofes)
(A) grounder the poetic persona gives to his dead lover. a base que a persona poética dá à sua amante morta.
(B) actions expected from people at a poet’s lover’s funeral. ações esperadas das pessoas no funeral do amante de um poeta.
(C) formality and respect required in mourning days. formalidade e respeito exigidos nos dias de luto.
(D) despair of somebody who has lost a lover. 
desespero de alguém que perdeu um amante.


The word that best summarizes the poetic persona’s feelings in the last stanza is
(A) anger.
(B) sorrow.
(C) submission.
(D) introspection.

      Comentários e Gabarito    B  
A palavra que melhor resume os sentimentos da personagem poética na última estrofe é
(A) anger. (raiva)
(B) sorrow(pesar, tristeza, aflição)
(C) submission. 
(submissão, rendição)
(D) introspection. 

❑ TEXTO 3:

Chile Violence Continues Despite Government's Retreat on Fare Hike
A violência no Chile continua apesar do recuo do governo no aumento das tarifas
Por Eva Vergara

(SANTIAGO, Chile) — Protests and violence in Chile spilled over into a new day and raged into Sunday night despite the president cancelling a subway fare hike that has prompted violent demonstrations. Os protestos e a violência no Chile transbordaram para um novo dia e duraram até a noite de domingo, apesar do presidente ter cancelado um aumento na tarifa do metrô que provocou manifestações violentas.

Officials in the Santiago region said three people died in fires at two looted supermarkets early Sunday — among 60 Walmart-owned outlets that have been vandalized, and the company said many stores did not open during the day. 
Autoridades da região de Santiago disseram que três pessoas morreram em incêndios em dois supermercados saqueados na manhã de domingo – entre 60 lojas de propriedade do Walmart que foram vandalizadas, e a empresa disse que muitas lojas não abriram durante o dia.

Five more people later were found dead in the basement of a burned warehouse and were not employees, authorities said.
Posteriormente, mais cinco pessoas foram encontradas mortas no porão de um armazém incendiado e não eram funcionários, disseram as autoridades.

At least two airlines cancelled or rescheduled flights into the capital, affecting more than 1,400 passengers Sunday and Monday. Pelo menos duas companhias aéreas cancelaram ou remarcaram voos para a capital, afetando mais de 1.400 passageiros no domingo e na segunda-feira.

President Sebastián Piñera, facing the worst crisis of his second term as head of the South American country, announced Saturday night that he was cancelling a subway fare hike imposed two weeks ago. 
O presidente Sebastián Piñera, que enfrenta a pior crise de seu segundo mandato como chefe do país sul-americano, anunciou na noite de sábado que estava cancelando um aumento nas tarifas do metrô imposto há duas semanas.

The fare boost touched off major protests that included rioting that caused millions of dollars in damage to burned buses and vandalized subway stops, office buildings and stores. O aumento das tarifas desencadeou grandes protestos que incluíram tumultos que causaram milhões de dólares em danos a ônibus queimados e vandalizaram estações de metro, edifícios de escritórios e lojas.

After meeting with the heads of the legislature and judicial system Sunday, Piñera said they discussed solutions to the current crisis and that he aims “to reduce excessive inequalities, inequities abuses, that persist in our society.” 
Depois de se reunir no domingo com os chefes do poder legislativo e do sistema judicial, Piñera disse que discutiram soluções para a crise atual e que pretende “reduzir as desigualdades excessivas, os abusos das desigualdades, que persistem em nossa sociedade”.

Jaime Quintana, president of the Senate, said that “the political world must take responsibility for how we have come to this situation.” Jaime Quintana, presidente do Senado, disse que “o mundo político deve assumir a responsabilidade pela forma como chegamos a esta situação”.

Authorities said 10,500 soldiers and police officers were patrolling the streets in Santiago as state of emergency and curfew remained in effect for six Chilean cities, but protests continued during the day. 
As autoridades disseram que 10.500 soldados e policiais patrulhavam as ruas de Santiago enquanto o estado de emergência e o toque de recolher permaneciam em vigor em seis cidades chilenas, mas os protestos continuaram durante o dia.

Security forces used tear gas and jets of water to try disperse crowds. As forças de segurança usaram gás lacrimogêneo e jatos de água para tentar dispersar a multidão.

Interior Minister Andrés Chadwick reported that 62 police officers and 11 civilians were injured in the latest disturbances and prosecutors said nearly 1,500 people had been arrested. 
O ministro do Interior, Andrés Chadwick, informou que 62 policiais e 11 civis ficaram feridos nos últimos distúrbios e os promotores disseram que quase 1.500 pessoas foram presas.

He said late Sunday that there had been more than 70 “serious events” during the day, including more than 40 incidents of looting. Ele disse na noite de domingo que ocorreram mais de 70 “eventos graves” durante o dia, incluindo mais de 40 incidentes de saques.

With transportation frozen, Cynthia Cordero said she had walked 20 blocks to reach a pharmacy to buy diapers, only to find it had been burned. Com o transporte congelado, Cynthia Cordero disse que caminhou 20 quarteirões para chegar a uma farmácia para comprar fraldas, apenas para descobrir que ela estava queimada.

“They don’t have the right to do this,” she said, adding it was right to protest “against the abuses, the increases in fares, against bad education and an undignified pension, but not to destroy.” “Eles não têm o direito de fazer isto”, disse ela, acrescentando que era certo protestar “contra os abusos, os aumentos nas tarifas, contra a má educação e uma pensão indigna, mas não destruir”.

Long lines formed at gas stations as people tried to fill up for a coming workweek with a public transport system disrupted by the destructive protests. 
Longas filas se formaram nos postos de gasolina enquanto as pessoas tentavam abastecer para a próxima semana de trabalho com um sistema de transporte público interrompido pelos protestos destrutivos. 

Santiago’s subway, which carries an average of 2.4 million riders on a weekday, had been shut down since Friday. O metrô de Santiago, que transporta em média 2,4 milhões de passageiros durante a semana, estava fechado desde sexta-feira.

Subway system chief Louis De Grange said workers would try to have at least one line running Monday, but he said it could take weeks or months to have the four others back in service. 
O chefe do sistema de metrô, Louis De Grange, disse que os trabalhadores tentariam ter pelo menos uma linha funcionando na segunda-feira, mas disse que poderia levar semanas ou meses para que as outras quatro voltassem ao serviço.

He said 85 stations and more than three-fourths of the system had been severely damaged. Ele disse que 85 estações e mais de três quartos do sistema foram gravemente danificados.


The first paragraph can be rewritten, observing grammar rules and with no loss in meaning, the following way:

(A) The violence and protests in Chile has become unsustainable, reaching alarming numbers of destruction although the president canceled a subway fare hike that has induced violent demonstrations.
(B) The violence and protests in Chile have continued for a few more days. Not even the canceling of a subway fare hike that prompted violent demonstrations stopped them.
(C) The violence and protests in Chile continued for a new more day in spite of the president canceling a subway fare hike that has provoked violent demonstrations.
(D) The violence and protests in Chile has spread for a new more day even though the president had cancelled a subway fare hike that induced violent demonstrations.

      Comentários e Gabarito    C  
(A) The violence and protests in Chile has become unsustainable, reaching alarming numbers of destruction although the president canceled a subway fare hike that has induced violent demonstrations.
(B) The violence and protests in Chile have continued for a few more days. Not even the canceling of a subway fare hike that prompted violent demonstrations stopped them.
(C) The violence and protests in Chile continued for a new more day in spite of the president canceling a subway fare hike that has provoked violent demonstrations.
(D) The violence and protests in Chile has spread for a new more day even though the president had cancelled a subway fare hike that induced violent demonstrations.


According to the text, one of the biggest reasons that caused the protests in Chile was

(A) a subway fare increasing imposed by the president of the country, Sebastián Piñera.
(B) what the president Sebastián Piñera called as “excessive inequalities, inequities abuses” that persists in Chile society.
(C) the political world, which, according to Jaime Quintana, president of the Senate, should take responsibility for the situation.
(D) the public transportation inefficiency which was shut down leaving hundreds of workers with no condition to go their jobs.

      Comentários e Gabarito    A  
(A) a subway fare increasing imposed by the president of the country, Sebastián Piñera.
(B) what the president Sebastián Piñera called as “excessive inequalities, inequities abuses” that persists in Chile society.
(C) the political world, which, according to Jaime Quintana, president of the Senate, should take responsibility for the situation.
(D) the public transportation inefficiency which was shut down leaving hundreds of workers with no condition to go their jobs.


The sentence “Long lines formed at gas stations as people tried to fill up for a coming workweek with a public transport system disrupted by the destructive protests” (11th paragraph) can be replaced, with no changing in meaning” by to:

(A) People crowded gas stations trying to fuel up to go to work due to the inefficiency of the public transport system.
(B) Gas stations got crowded with people trying to fill up for a workweek because the transport system was shut down by protestants.
(C) As people tried to fill up to go to work, long lines formed at gas stations after buses and trains were burned during the destructive protests.
(D) Due to a public transport damaged by the devastating protests, people tried to fuel up for a workweek so long lines were formed at gas stations.

      Comentários e Gabarito    D  
(A) People crowded gas stations trying to fuel up to go to work due to the inefficiency of the public transport system.
(B) Gas stations got crowded with people trying to fill up for a workweek because the transport system was shut down by protestants.
(C) As people tried to fill up to go to work, long lines formed at gas stations after buses and trains were burned during the destructive protests.
(D) Due to a public transport damaged by the devastating protests, people tried to fuel up for a workweek so long lines were formed at gas stations.

❑ TEXTO 4:
John Canuteson, Liberty, Missouri

Tailor-made quips
Brincadeiras sob medida

My husband and I couldn’t decide which jacket to buy our granddaughter, so we asked the young salesman. Meu marido e eu não conseguíamos decidir qual jaqueta comprar para nossa neta, então perguntamos ao jovem vendedor.

“If you were buying a jacket for your girlfriend,” I said, “what would you get?” “Se você estivesse comprando uma jaqueta para sua namorada”, eu disse, “o que você compraria?”

“A bulletproof one,” he said. “I’m married.” “À prova de balas”, disse ele. "Eu sou casado."


It can be inferred from the text that

(A) the salesman lives a very controlling relationship with his wife.
(B) the wife of the salesman had promised she would kill his girlfriend if he gave her a jacket.
(C) the young salesman’s wife would probably shoot his girlfriend if he had one.
(D) the woman wanted to get the salesman a girlfriend, but he warned her he was married.

      Comentários e Gabarito    C  
Pode-se inferir do texto que
(A) the salesman lives a very controlling relationship with his wife. o vendedor vive uma relação muito controladora com sua esposa.
(B) the wife of the salesman had promised she would kill his girlfriend if he gave her a jacket. a esposa do vendedor prometeu que mataria a namorada dele se ele lhe desse uma jaqueta.
(C) the young salesman’s wife would probably shoot his girlfriend if he had onea esposa do jovem vendedor provavelmente atiraria na namorada dele se ele tivesse uma.
(D) the woman wanted to get the salesman a girlfriend, but he warned her he was married. a mulher queria arrumar uma namorada para o vendedor, mas ele avisou que era casado.

❑ TEXTO 5:
Why does your mother wear glasses? Por que sua mãe usa óculos?
The optician ordered them. O oftalmologista os prescreveu.
Why? Por que?
The optician ordered them. O oftalmologista os prescreveu.
Why? Por que?
So she could see well. Só assim ela poderia ver bem.
See what well? Ver o que bem?
How do you mean what? Everything. Como assim 'que'? Tudo.
Ah... was your mother such a pessimist? Ah... sua mãe era muita pessimista?


the modal verb could can be replaced, observing the precedent sentences and without any changing in meaning, by to

(A) can.
(B) might.
(C) ought to.
(D) was able to.

      Comentários e Gabarito    D  
o verbo modal could pode ser substituído, observadas as sentenças precedentes e sem alteração de sentido, por to

* As sentenças precedentes, ou seja, as sentenças que vêm antesThe optician ordered them. O oftalmologista os prescreveu. (PAST SIMPLE)


It can be inferred from the text reading that

(A) the girl does not understand the boy’s question and gets irritated.
(B) the boy misunderstands the literal meaning of see well.
(C) the boy thinks the girl’s mother is a pessimist for wearing glasses
(D) the girl’s mother wears glasses because she is a pessimist.

      Comentários e Gabarito    B  
Pode-se inferir da leitura do texto que
(A) the girl does not understand the boy’s question and gets irritated. a menina não entende a pergunta do menino e fica irritada.
(B) the boy misunderstands the literal meaning of see wello menino entende mal o significado literal de ver bem.
(C) the boy thinks the girl’s mother is a pessimist for wearing glasses o menino acha que a mãe da menina é pessimista por usar óculos
(D) the girl’s mother wears glasses because she is a pessimista mãe da menina usa óculos porque é pessimista.


the sentence that best shows how the second comic strip would be correctly reported is:

(A) The boy asked the girl why her mother wore glasses so she answered him the optician had ordered them.
(B) The boy had asked the girl why her mother was wearing glasses so she answered him the optician ordered them.
(C) The boy asked the girl why her mother wears glasses so she answers him the optician ordered them.
(D) The boy asked the girl why her mother wore glasses so she answered him the optician has ordered them.

      Comentários e Gabarito    A  
A sentença que melhor mostra como a segunda história em quadrinhos seria corretamente relatada é:​
(A) The boy asked the girl why her mother wore glasses so she answered him the optician had ordered them. O menino perguntou à menina por que a mãe dela usava óculos e ela respondeu que o oftalmologista havia prescrito.
(B) The boy had asked the girl why her mother was wearing glasses so she answered him the optician ordered them.
(C) The boy asked the girl why her mother wears glasses so she answers him the optician ordered them. 
(D) The boy asked the girl why her mother wore glasses so she answered him the optician has ordered them. 

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