quarta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2017



 20 MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) / 5 Options Each Question.

01-B, 02-D, 03-C, 04-B, 05-C 
06-C, 07-D, 08-D, 09-A, 10-E
11-C, 12-A, 13-E, 14-D, 15-B
16-A, 17-E, 18-B, 19-D, 20-E

 TEXTO 1: As questões de 01 a 06 referem-se ao texto a seguir. 

Goodbye things, hello minimalism:

can living with less make you happier?

Fumio Sasaki owns a roll-up mattress, three shirts and four pairs of socks. After deciding to scorn possessions, he began feeling happier.

He explains why.

Let me tell you a bit about myself. I'm 35 years old, male, single, never been married. I work as an editor at a publishing company. I recently moved from the Nakameguro neighbourhood in Tokyo, where I lived for a decade, to a neighbourhood called Fudomae in a different part of town. The rent is cheaper, but the move pretty much wiped out my savings.

Some of you may think that I'm a loser: an unmarried adult with not much money. The old me would have been way too embarrassed to admit all this. I was filled with useless pride. But I honestly don't care about things like that any more. The reason is very simple: I'm perfectly happy just as I am. The reason? I got rid of most of my material possessions.

Minimalism is a lifestyle in which you reduce your possessions to the least possible. Living with only the bare essentials has not only provided superficial benefits such as the pleasure of a tidy room or the simple ease of cleaning, it has also led to a more fundamental shift. It's given me a chance to think about what it really means to be happy.

We think that the more we have, the happier we will be. We never know what tomorrow might bring, so we collect and save as much as we can. This means we need a lot of money, so we gradually start judging people by how much money they have. You convince yourself that you need to make a lot of money so you don't miss out on success. And for you to make money, you need everyone else to spend their money. And so it goes.

So I said goodbye to a lot of things, many of which I'd had for years. And yet now I live each day with a happier spirit. I feel more content now than I ever did in the past.

I wasn't always a minimalist. I used to buy a lot of things, believing that all those possessions would increase my self-worth and lead to a happier life. I loved collecting a lot of useless stuff, and I couldn’t throw anything away. I was a natural hoarder of knick-knacks that I thought made me an interesting person.

At the same time, though, I was always comparing myself with other people who had more or better things, which often made me miserable. I couldn't focus on anything, and I was always wasting time. Alcohol was my escape, and I didn't treat women fairly. I didn't try to change; I thought this was all just part of who I was, and I deserved to be unhappy.

My apartment wasn't horribly messy; if my girlfriend was coming over for the weekend, I could do enough tidying up to make it look presentable. On a usual day, however, there were books stacked everywhere because there wasn't enough room on my bookshelves. Most I had thumbed through once or twice, thinking that I would read them when I had the time.

The closet was crammed with what used to be my favourite clothes, most of which I’d only worn a few times. The room was filled with all the things I’d taken up as hobbies and then gotten tired of. A guitar and amplifier, covered with dust. Conversational English workbooks I’d planned to study once I had more free time. Even a fabulous antique camera, which of course I had never once put a roll of film in.

It may sound as if I'm exaggerating when I say I started to become a new person. Someone said to me: “All you did is throw things away,” which is true. But by having fewer things around, I’ve started feeling happier each day. I’m slowly beginning to understand what happiness is.

If you are anything like I used to be – miserable, constantly comparing yourself with others, or just believing your life sucks – I think you should try saying goodbye to some of your things. [...] Everyone wants to be happy. But trying to buy
happiness only makes us happy for a little while.

Fonte: adaptado de

<https:ltwww.theguardian.com/booksl2017/apr/121goodbyethings-hello-minimalism-can-living-with-Iessmake-you-happier>.Acesso em: 21 maio 2017.

01 – (ITA/SP-2018)

De acordo com o texto, Fumio

(A) já foi casado, mas está solteiro no momento.
(B) morou em Nakameguro por 10 anos.
(C) mudou-se de Tóquio recentemente.
(D) é editor em uma agência de publicidade.
(E) mudou-se porque precisava quitar dívidas. 

02 – (ITA/SP-2018)

Antes da mudança, Fumio acumulava bens materiais porque

(A) queria vendê-los quando chegasse à velhice.
(B) costumava julgar as pessoas pelos carros que possuíam.
(C) queria desfrutar deles sem se preocupar com o futuro.
(D) acreditava que as posses aumentariam a sua autoestima e felicidade.
(E) desejava impressionar a mulher que amava por meio de suas posses. 

03 – (ITA/SP-2018)

Sobre Fumio, é correto afirmar que

(A) a mudança para o novo apartamento fez com que suas reservas financeiras aumentassem.
(B) seu antigo apartamento era tão bagunçado que ele não podia sequer receber a namorada.
(C) desperdiçava tempo e não conseguia manter o foco, antes de aderir ao minimalismo.
(D) orgulhava-se de ter um salário mais alto do que todos os seus amigos.
(E) era alcóolatra e violento com as pessoas, antes de
mudar o estilo de vida. 

04 – (ITA/SP-2018)

Todas as frases abaixo usam a forma comparativa do adjetivo, EXCETO:

(A) The rent is cheaper, (linhas 6 e 7)
(B) ...you reduce your possessions to the least possible.(linhas 17 e 18)
(C) ...the more we have, the happier we will be. (linhas 24e 25)
(D) I feel more content now than I ever did in the past.(linhas 35 e 36)
(E) But by having fewer things around, (linha 70)

05 – (ITA/SP-2018)

As palavras sublinhadas nos excertos da coluna I foram utilizadas tendo os referentes respectivamente indicados na coluna II.

Coluna I

I. ...it has also led to a more fundamental shift. (linhas 21 e 22)

II. ...which often made me miserable. (linha 46)

III. ...I would read them when I had the time. (linhas 57 e 58)

IV. which of course I had never once ... (linha 66)

Coluna II

I.  * living with only the bare essentials

II. * other people who had more or better things

III.* my bookshelves

IV. * a fabulous antique camera

Estão corretas

(A) I, II e III.
(B) I e III.
(C) I e IV.
(D) II, III e IV.
(E) todas. 

06 – (ITA/SP-2018)

Marque a opção correta de acordo com o sentido com que os verbos modais sublinhados são empregados no texto. 

I. Can living with less make you happier? (título) → para indicar uma possibilidade.

II. We never know what tomorrow might bring, (linha 25) → para indicar um estado contrário à realidade.

III. It may sound as if I'm exaggerating ... (linha 67) → para indicar uma probabilidade.

IV. I think you should try saying goodbye to some of your things. (linhas 75 e 76) → para dar um conselho. 

Estão corretas

(A) I e II.
(B) I, II e IV.
(C) I, III e IV.
(D) II, III e IV.
(E) II e IV. 

 TEXTO 2: As questões de 07 a 12 referem-se ao texto a seguir.

We recorded VCs conversations and analyzed how differently they talk about female entrepreneurs 

When venture capitalists (VCs) evaluate investment proposals, the language they use to describe the entrepreneurs who write them plays an important but often hidden role in shaping who is awarded funding and why. [...] We were given access to government venture capital decision making meetings in Sweden and were able to observe the types of language that VCs used over a two-year period. One major thing stuck out: The language used to describe male and female entrepreneurs was radically different. And these differences have very real consequences for those seeking funding – and for society in general.

[...] Worldwide, government venture capital is important for bridging significant financial gaps and supporting innovation and growth, as VCs can take risks where banks are not allowed to. When uncertainty is high regarding assessment of product and market potential, for example, the assessment of the entrepreneur’s potential becomes highly central in government VCs’ decision making.

In Sweden, about one-third of businesses are owned and run by women, although they are not granted a corresponding proportion of government funding. In fact, women-owned businesses receive much less – only 13%-18%, the rest going to maleowned companies.

This brings us back to our research. From 2009 to 2010 we were invited to silently observe governmental VC decision-making meetings and, more important, the conversations they had about entrepreneurs applying for funding. [...] We observed closed-room, face-to-face discussions leading final funding decisions for 125 venture applications. Of these, 99 (79%) were from male entrepreneurs and 26 (21%) were from female entrepreneurs. The group of government venture capitalists observed included seven individuals: two women and five men. [...]

Aside from a few exceptions, the financiers rhetorically produce stereotypical images of women as having qualities opposite to those considered important to being an entrepreneur, with VCs questioning their credibility, trustworthiness, experience, and knowledge.

Conversely, when assessing male entrepreneurs, financiers leaned on stereotypical beliefs about men that reinforced their entrepreneurial potential. Male entrepreneurs were commonly described as being assertive, innovative, competent, experienced, knowledgeable, and having established networks.

We developed male and female entrepreneur personas based on our findings [...]. These personas highlight a few key differences in how the entrepreneurs were perceived depending on their gender. Men were characterized as having entrepreneurial potential, while the entrepreneurial potential for women was diminished. Many of the young men and women were described as being young, though youth for men was viewed as promising, while young women were considered inexperienced. Men were praised for being viewed as aggressive or arrogant, while women’s experience and excitement were tempered by discussions of their emotional shortcomings. Similarly, cautiousness was viewed very differently depending on the gender of the entrepreneur.

Unsurprisingly, these stereotypes seem to have played a role in who got funding and who didn’t. Women entrepreneurs were only awarded, on average, 25% of the applied-for amount, whereas men received, on average, 52% of what they asked for. Women were also denied financing to a greater extent than men, with close to 53% of women having their applications dismissed, compared with 38% of men. [...]

Such stereotyping will inevitably influence the distribution of financing, but could also have other major consequences. Because the purpose of – government venture capital is to use tax money to stimulate growth and value creation for society as a whole, gender bias presents the risk that the money isn’t being invested in businesses that have the highest potential. This isn’t only damaging for
women entrepreneurs; it’s potentially damaging for
society as a whole.

Fonte: Adaptado de Harvard Business Review


Acesso em: 17 mai. 2017.

07 – (ITA/SP-2018)

De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que

(A) o número de propostas feitas por mulheres representava um terço do total de pedidos de investimento.
(B) em virtude dos estereótipos de gênero, somente 16 das candidatas receberam financiamento.
(C) as empreendedoras que foram aprovadas receberam somente 53% do total que requereram.
(D) os homens conseguiram mais do que o dobro de financiamento se comparados às mulheres.
(E) 52% dos requerentes do gênero masculino tiveram seus pedidos de financiamento aprovados. 

08 – (ITA/SP-2018)

De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que

(A) na Suécia, as mulheres possuem cerca de um terço das empresas e, proporcionalmente, conseguem financiamento correspondente ao concedido a empreendedores do sexo masculino.
(B) foram observadas, pelo período de – um ano, as reuniões decisórias para a escolha de quais empreendedores receberiam investimento de capital de risco pelo governo sueco.
(C) a análise do potencial de mercado ou do produto é primordial na tomada de decisão sempre que há dúvidas em relação ao potencial do empreendedor.
(D) tendo em vista que os bancos não podem assumir determinados riscos, o aporte de capital por parte do governo desempenha um papel importante no incentivo à inovação e ao crescimento.
(E) a forma como os investidores (VCs) descrevem os empreendedores desempenha um papel muito claro e inquestionável na decisão de como os recursos financeiros são distribuídos. 

09 – (ITA/SP-2018)

De acordo com as observações dos pesquisadores, para os investidores (VCs)

(A) excesso de entusiasmo causa desconfiança em relação a controle emocional, no caso de mulheres.
(B) cautela é positiva quando se trata de homens; porém, no caso de mulheres, significa medo de arriscar.
(C) juventude é vista como um aspecto promissor tanto para mulheres quanto para homens.
(D) agressividade e arrogância são consideradas características negativas para ambos os gêneros.
(E) experiência, conhecimento e competência são características marcantes das mulheres. 

10 – (ITA/SP-2018)

Marque a opção que lista qualidades expostas no texto que foram colocadas em dúvida em relação às empreendedoras.

(A) Experiência, cautela, juventude e liderança.
(B) Potencial para inovação, competência, assertividade e entusiasmo.
(C) Entusiasmo, potencial de crescimento, confiabilidade e competitividade.
(D) Assertividade, conhecimento de mercado, competência e determinação.
(E) Conhecimento, credibilidade, experiência e

11 – (ITA/SP-2018)

A expressão sublinhada na primeira coluna pode ser

substituída pela expressão na segunda coluna em todas as opções, EXCETO em

(A) Although they are not granted ... (linhas 23 e 24) → even though
(B) Aside from a few exceptions, (linha 39) → apart from
(C) Conversely, when assessing male entrepreneurs,
(linha 45) → likewise
(D) Whereas men received, on average, (linhas 70 e 71) → while
(E) Because the purpose of govemment venture capital is ... (linhas 78 e 79) → considering that

12 – (ITA/SP-2018)

Na sentença

"Men were characterized as having entrepreneurial potential, while the entrepreneurial potential for women was diminished",

indique a expressão que pode substituir while mantendo o significado e a correção gramatical.

(A) yet
(B) so long as
(C) despite
(D) but that
(E) since

 TEXTO 3: INSTRUÇÃO: As questões de 13 a 15 referem-se à tirinha a seguir.

Fonte: <http://www.cartoonistgroup.com/



Acesso em: 23 maio 2017.

13 – (ITA/SP-2018)

A mãe de Helga pergunta

"What did you ever see in that man?"


(A) acha que ele não dá atenção a sua filha.
(B) repara que ele trata Helga de forma rude.
(C) percebe que Helga está chateada com ele.
(D) suspeita que ele trate o cão melhor do que Helga.
(E) observa que ele é um homem folgado. 

14 – (ITA/SP-2018)

O fato de Helga usar a expressão

"Oh ... now, mother ...",

significa que ela

(A) concorda com sua mãe que cometeu um erro ao se casar com Hägar.
(B) vai contar à sua mãe porque se casou com Hägar,
(C) está irritada com o comportamento do marido.
(D) ficou incomodada com o comentário de sua mãe.
(E) quer confessar para sua mãe o desânimo com o casamento. 

15 – (ITA/SP-2018)

A ironia da mãe de Helga, ao afirmar: "I can see that!", reside no fato de que

(A) ela vê quão bem Hägar trata Snert.
(B) ela constata que Hägar trata Snert como se fosse um serviçal.
(C) Snert pode comer junto com a família.
(D) Hägar passou a noite inteira ensinando truques para Snert.
(E) Hägar permite que Snert fique dentro da casa. 

 TEXTO 4: As questões-de 16 a 20 referem-se ao texto a seguir. 

Augmentation of brain function: facts, fiction and controversy

Augmentation of brain function is no longer just a theme of science fiction. __(I)__ advances in neural sciences, it has become a matter of reality that a person may consider at some point in life, for example as a treatment of a neurodegenerative disease. Currently, several approaches offer enhancements for sensory, motor and cognitive brain functions, __ (II)__ for mood and emotions. Such enhancements may be achieved pharmacologically, using brain implants for recordings, stimulation and drug delivery, __ (III)__ employing brain-machine interfaces, or even by ablation of certain brain areas.

In this Research Topic, we welcome papers critically evaluating the existing methods of brain augmentation, introducing new approaches and probing particular parts of brain circuitry and particular neuronal mechanisms as candidates for an enhancement. We welcome scientists from different fields: from neuroscience of microcircuits to systems neuroscience of large-scale networks and neural engineering. The work can be experimental or cornputational. Reviews and papers on philosophical and ethical issues are __ (IV)__ welcome.

While the scope of possible relevant topics is broad, the authors are encouraged to clearly indicate how their studies address the announced theme of brain augmentation.
Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.



n-of-brain-function-facts-fiction-and-controversy>. Acesso

em: 15 jul. 2017.

16 – (ITA/SP-2018)

Marque a opção que preenche, correta e respectivamente, as lacunas I, II, III e IV inseridas no texto.

(A) Due to, as well as, by, also
(B) Because, and, through, too
(C) Owing to, including, beyond, moreover
(D) In view of, plus, over, additionally
(E) Thanks to, together with, by way, likewise

17 – (ITA/SP-2018)

O texto é um (a):

(A) artigo de opinião.
(B) artigo científico.
(C) resumo de projeto de pesquisa.
(D) relato de experiência.
(E) chamada para publicação. 

18 – (ITA/SP-2018)

Considere as seguintes afirmações:

I. A melhoria ou o aumento das funções cerebrais- pode ser obtida via: estimulação farmacológica, interface cérebro-máquina, implantes cerebrais ou mesmo remoção de determinadas áreas do cérebro.

II. Atualmente, abordagens para melhoria das funções cerebrais envolvem exclusivamente funções senso - riais, cognitivas e motoras.

III. O aumento das funções cerebrais pode vir a ser usado no tratamento de doenças neurodegenerativas.

Com base no texto, estão corretas

(A) apenas I e II.
(B) apenas I e III.
(C) apenas II e III.
(D) apenas III.
(E) todas. 

19 – (ITA/SP-2018)

Com base no texto, é INCORRETO afirmar que estudos sobre a melhoria das funções cerebrais

(A) devem-se aos avanços que foram conquistados no
campo das Neurociências.
(B) são realizados tanto na esfera computacional quanto no domínio experimental.
(C) são realizados por cientistas de diferentes áreas.
(D) ainda estão apenas no campo da ficção científica.
(E) englobam questões de natureza ética e filosófica. 

20 – (ITA/SP-2018)

Marque a opção que indica a que it se refere no seguinte excerto:

"... it has become a matter of reality..." (linha 3).

(A) advances in neural sciences
(B) treatment of a neurodegenerative disease
(C) some point in life
(D) science fiction
(E) augmentation of brain function