sábado, 3 de janeiro de 2015




• CESPE-2011-DIPLOMATA-CACD-1ªFASE-10/04/2011.




 7 TFQs (True False Questions) / 4 Options Each Question.
 5 MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions / 5 Options Each Questions.
 Texto (1) – | The proud power |
 Texto (2) – | The promise and perils of crowdsourcing content. |
 Texto (3) – | International politics: the destiny of the Western state system | 

 TEXTO 1This text refers to questions from 29 through 31.


Nobel was an ardent advocate of arbitration, though not of disarmament, which he thought a foolish demand for the present. Nobel era um fervoroso defensor da arbitragem, embora não do desarmamento, que considerava uma exigência tola para o presente.

He urged establishment of a tribunal and agreement among nations for a one-year period of compulsory truce in any dispute. Ele apelou ao estabelecimento de um tribunal e a um acordo entre as nações para um período de um ano de trégua obrigatória em qualquer disputa.

He turned up in person, though incognito, at a Peace Congress in Bern in 1892 and told Bertha von Suttner that if she could “inform me, convince me, I will do something great for the cause”. Ele apareceu pessoalmente, embora incógnito, num Congresso de Paz em Berna, em 1892, e disse a Bertha von Suttner que se ela pudesse “informar-me, convencer-me, farei algo grande pela causa”.

The spark of friendship between them had been kept alive in correspondence and an occasional visit over the years and he now wrote her that a new era of violence seemed to be working itself up: “one hears in the distance its hollow rumble already.” A centelha de amizade entre eles tinha sido mantida viva na correspondência e em visitas ocasionais ao longo dos anos e agora ele escrevia-lhe que uma nova era de violência parecia estar a desencadear-se: “já se ouve ao longe o seu estrondo oco”

Two months later he wrote again, “I should like to dispose of my fortune to found a prize to be awarded every five years” to the person who had contributed most effectively to the peace of Europe. Dois meses depois, escreveu novamente: “Gostaria de dispor da minha fortuna para fundar um prémio a ser atribuído de cinco em cinco anos” à pessoa que contribuiu de forma mais eficaz para a paz da Europa.

He thought that it should terminate after six awards, “for if in thirty years society cannot be reformed we shall inevitably lapse into barbarism”. Ele achava que deveria terminar após seis prêmios, “pois se em trinta anos a sociedade não puder ser reformada, inevitavelmente cairemos na barbárie”. 

Nobel brooded over the plan, embodied it in a will drawn in 1895 which allowed man a little longer deadline, and died the following year. Nobel meditou sobre o plano, incorporou-o num testamento elaborado em 1895, que permitiu ao homem um prazo um pouco mais longo e morreu no ano seguinte.

Bárbara Tuchman. O poder orgulhoso.
Companhia MacMillan, 1966, p. 233 (adaptado)


Based on the text, judge if the following items are right (C) or wrong (E).

(1) It can be inferred from the text that Nobel did a dramatic volte-face concerning his stance on peace or disarmament.
(2) Nobel predicted that peace would only last thirty years, because violence in Europe was increasing.
(3) Nobel suggested that ominous signs of impending violence could be discerned in the offing.
(4) The author puts forward a tentative suggestion that Nobel’s continued commitment to the cause of arbitration rendered him impervious to the idea of disarmament.

      Comentários e Gabarito    CECE  

(1) Neste tipo de questão, você vai ter que identificar qual é a intenção ou o sentido das palavras do autor do referido texto.
(2) Identifique os verbos de cada item, pois os verbos são a chave para reconhecer a intenção da questão: 
(1) It can be inferred from the text that Nobel did a dramatic volte-face concerning his stance on peace or disarmament.
(Pode-se inferir do texto que Nobel fez uma dramática reviravolta em relação à sua posição sobre a paz ou o desarmamento.)
(2) Nobel predicted that peace would only last thirty years, because violence in Europe was increasing.
(Nobel previu que a paz duraria apenas trinta anos, porque a violência na Europa estava aumentando.)
(3) Nobel suggested that ominous signs of impending violence could be discerned in the offing.
(Nobel sugeriu que sinais sinistros de violência iminente poderiam ser discernidos no futuro.)
(4) The author puts forward a tentative suggestion that Nobel’s continued commitment to the cause of arbitration rendered him impervious to the idea of disarmament.
(O autor apresenta uma sugestão provisória de que o compromisso contínuo de Nobel com a causa da arbitragem o tornou imune à ideia do desarmamento.)


In the text,

(1) “brooded over” and “will”, both on line 18, mean respectively pondered and an official statement
disposing of a person’s property after his or her death.
(2) the pronoun “it” (l.15) refers to Nobel’s fortune.
(3) the word ‘for’ (l.16) can be replaced by since with no change in the original meaning of the sentence.
(4) the term “spark” (l.8) is used in its connotative meaning.

      Comentários e Gabarito    CECC  

(1) “brooded over” and “will”, both on line 18, mean RESPECTIVELY pondered and an official statement
disposing of a person’s property after his or her death. (correto)
  • Nobel BROODED OVER the plan, – PONDERED. (CORRETO)
  • WILL drawn in 1895 – an OFFICIAL STATEMENT
    disposing of a person’s property after his or her death.(CORRETO)
(2) the pronoun “it” (l.15) refers to Nobel’s fortune. (errado)

Os elementos de referência (os pronomes) fazem o leitor voltar a algo que já foi mencionado anteriormente, tornando o texto menos repetitivo. Na questão, o pronome IT refere-se a que substantivo ou grupo nominal dito anteriormente?
  • Two months later he wrote again, “I should like to dispose of my fortune to found a prize to be awarded every five years” to the person who had contributed most effectively to the peace of Europe. He thought that it (= prize) should terminate after six awards, “for if in thirty years society cannot be reformed we shall inevitably lapse into barbarism”.
  • IT refers to PRIZE.

Which of the following statements about the verbs in the text is correct?

(A) The forms “brooded” (l.18), “embodied” (l.18) and “died” (l.19) can be replaced, respectively, by has brooded, has embodied and has died without effecting a significant change in the original meaning of the text.
(B) In “The spark of friendship between them had been kept alive” (l.8-9), the use of the form “had been” implies the connection between von Suttner and Nobel took place after the Peace Congress.
(C) The verbal form ‘should’ (l.13) could be replaced by would without effecting a significant change in the meaning of the text.
(D) The use of the form ‘to be awarded’ (l.13-14) directs the focus of the sentence to those who award the prize.
(E) In ‘I will do something great’ (l.7-8), the use of ‘will’ conveys the idea of imposition.

      Comentários e Gabarito    C  

 TEXTO 2: This text refers to questions from 32 through 36.


It may not stir up international outrage like its seminamesake WikiLeaks, but Wikipedia sparks debate. Pode não suscitar indignação internacional como o WikiLeaks, o seu homônimo, mas a Wikipédia suscita debate.

The free online encyclopedia, which celebrates its tenth birthday on January 15th, is a symbol of unpaid collaboration and one of the most popular destinations on the Internet, attracting some 400m visitors a month. It also faces serious charges of elitism. A enciclopédia online gratuita, que celebra o seu décimo aniversário no dia 15 de janeiro, é um símbolo de colaboração gratuita e um dos destinos mais populares da Internet, atraindo cerca de 400 milhões de visitantes por mês. Também enfrenta graves acusações de elitismo.

Wikipedia offers more than 17m articles in 247 languages. A Wikipedia oferece mais de 17 milhões de artigos em 247 idiomas.

Every day thousands of people edit entries or add new ones in return for nothing more than the satisfaction of contributing to the stock of human knowledge. Todos os dias, milhares de pessoas editam verbetes ou acrescentam novos em troca de nada mais do que a satisfação de contribuir para o estoque de conhecimento humano.

Wikipedia relies on its users’ generosity to fill its coffers as well as its pages. A Wikipedia depende da generosidade de seus usuários para encher seus cofres e também suas páginas.

Recent visitors to the website were confronted with images of Jimmy Wales, a co-founder, and a request for donations. Visitantes recentes do site foram confrontados com imagens de Jimmy Wales, cofundador, e um pedido de doações

The campaign was annoying but effective, raising $ 16m in 50 days. A campanha foi irritante, mas eficaz, arrecadando US$ 16 milhões em 50 dias.

With its emphasis on bottom-up collaboration and the broad dissemination of knowledge, the online encyclopedia is in many ways an incarnation of the fundamental values of the web. Com a sua ênfase na colaboração ascendente e na ampla disseminação do conhecimento, a enciclopédia online é, em muitos aspectos, uma encarnação dos valores fundamentais da web.

But Wikipedia also reveals some of the pitfalls of the increasingly popular “crowdsourcing” model of content creation. Mas a Wikipédia também revela algumas das armadilhas do modelo cada vez mais popular de “crowdsourcing” de criação de conteúdo.

One is maintaining accuracy. Uma delas é manter a precisão.

On the whole, Wikipedia’s system of peer reviewing does a reasonable job of policing facts. No geral, o sistema de revisão por pares da Wikipédia faz um trabalho razoável de policiamento dos fatos.

But it is vulnerable to vandalism. Mas é vulnerável ao vandalismo.

Several politicians and TV personalities have had their deaths announced in Wikipedia while they were still in fine fettle. Vários políticos e personalidades da TV tiveram suas mortes anunciadas na Wikipedia enquanto ainda estavam em boa forma.

Some observers argue the site should start paying expert editors to produce and oversee content, and sell advertising to cover the cost. Alguns observadores argumentam que o site deveria começar a pagar editores especializados para produzir e supervisionar o conteúdo, e vender publicidade para cobrir os custos.

Problems with accuracy “are an inevitable consequence of a free-labour approach”, argues Alex
Jannykhin, of WikiExperts, which advises organisations on how to create Wikipedia articles (the very existence of such outfits hints at Wikipedia’s importance, as well as its susceptibility to outside influence). Problemas com precisão “são uma consequência inevitável de uma abordagem de trabalho livre”, argumenta Alex
Jannykhin, da WikiExperts, que aconselha organizações sobre como criar artigos da Wikipédia (a própria existência de tais organizações sugere a importância da Wikipédia, bem como a sua suscetibilidade a influências externas).

The encyclopedia’s bosses retort that such concerns are overblown and that taking advertisers would dent its appeal to users. Os chefes da enciclopédia replicam que tais preocupações são exageradas e que aceitar anunciantes prejudicaria o seu apelo aos utilizadores.

Wikipédia. A promessa e os perigos do crowdsourcing de conteúdo.
In: The Economist, 15 a 21 de janeiro de 2011, p. 69 (adaptado)

Based on the text, judge if the items below are right (C) or 
wrong (E).

(1) The basic concepts behind Wikipedia are inconsistent with the usefulness of unhindered access to the Internet.
(2) It is possible to deduce from the text that Wikipedia resorted to an appeal for public monetary contributions.
(3) One of the major concerns regarding the content of the online encyclopedia is its vulnerability to inclusion of imprecise information.
(4) Not all articles in Wikipedia must be submitted by personal individual collaborators.

      Comentários e Gabarito    ECCC  


According to the text, judge if the following items are right (C) or wrong (E).

(1) On line 25, “while they were still in fine fettle” can be correctly rewritten as even before their bodies could be prepared for burial, without change in meaning.
(2) On line 23, “But it is vulnerable to vandalism” can be correctly replaced by Furthermore, it falls prey to vandalism, without change in meaning.
(3) From the last paragraph, it is correct to infer that volunteer work is inherently slovenly and deceptive.
(4) The terms “stir up” (l.1) and “sparks” (l.2) bear a semantic relationship to the verb to fuel.

      Comentários e Gabarito    EEEC  


According to what the text states, choose the correct option.

(A) Underlying the idea of Wikipedia is the premise of a profitable approach to the compilation and diffusion of human values and customs.
(B) Contributions to Wikipedia come both in the form of spontaneous inclusion and reviewing of texts as well as of gifts of money.
(C) Advertising would increase the reliability and acceptance of Wikipedia, according to its owners.
(D) The bulk of Wikipedia articles deliberately misguide its users as to the actual death of some celebrities.
(E) Wikipedia is not free of charge, for it launches aggressive worldwide fund-raising campaigns.

      Comentários e Gabarito    B  


In the text, the word “overblown” (l.34) is synonymous with

(A) excessive.
(B) widespread.
(C) fundamental.
(D) grave.
(E) mounting.

      Comentários e Gabarito    A  


In the text, the expression “peer reviewing” (l.22) refers to

(A) a thorough check of facts and figures carried out by individuals who have spotless academic reputations.
(B) an enforcement of rules similar to that performed by police officers.
(C) the system used by Wikipedia to minimize the publication of false information.
(D) the mounting pressure brought to bear on an individual by his or her colleagues.
(E) a friendly way of going over factual research.

      Comentários e Gabarito    C  

 TEXTO 3:This text refers to questions from 37 through 40.

Remembrance of things past is often dearest to those who are bored or driven to despair by the world around them. To these the contemplation of times gone by brings surcease from current burdens too heavy to bear. “Take not away from me” implored the Emperor Julian, world-weary monarch in
another age of disenchantment, “this mad love for that which no longer is. That which has been is more splendidly beautiful than all that is…” To others, concerned as watchers and movers with the challenge of today and the promise or menace of tomorrow, the tale of many yesterdays, reconstructed by the history and the science of living men and women, has another meaning.

By revealing what has gone before, it illumines the act of the human adventure now being played and suggests the pattern of acts to come. The drama of earthborn and earthbound humanity, despite all its crises and intermissions, is a continuous story. All the characters are prisoners of time. All the problems of the now are forever shaped by the experiences of a then which extends back in unbroken sequence to the origins of life. Each generation has freedom to choose among alternative designs for destiny, and opportunity to win some measure of mastery over its fate, only to the extent of its comprehension of where it stands in the cavalcade of years, decades, centuries, and millennia ticked off by the spinning planet.

Frederick L. Schuman. International politics:
the destiny of the Western state system. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1948, p. 1 (adapted).

Remembrance of things past is often dearest to those who are bored or driven to despair by the world around them. A lembrança de coisas passadas costuma ser mais querida para aqueles que estão entediados ou levados ao desespero pelo mundo ao seu redor.
To these the contemplation of times gone by brings surcease from current burdens too heavy to bear. Para estes, a contemplação dos tempos passados traz alívio aos fardos atuais, pesados demais para serem suportados.

“Take not away from me” implored the Emperor Julian, world-weary monarch in another age of disenchantment, “this mad love for that which no longer is. “Não tire de mim”, implorou o imperador Juliano, monarca cansado do mundo em outra época de desencanto, “este amor louco por aquilo que não existe mais. 

That which has been is more splendidly beautiful than all that is…” Aquilo que foi é mais esplendidamente belo do que tudo o que é…”

To others, concerned as watchers and movers with the challenge of today and the promise or menace of tomorrow, the tale of many yesterdays, reconstructed by the history and the science of living men and women, has another meaning. Para outros, preocupados como observadores e agentes com o desafio de hoje e a promessa ou ameaça de amanhã, a história de muitos ontem, reconstruída pela história e pela ciência da vida homens e mulheres, tem outro significado.

By revealing what has gone before, it illumines the act of the human adventure now being played and suggests the pattern of acts to come. Ao revelar o que aconteceu antes, ilumina o ato da aventura humana que está sendo vivida agora e sugere o padrão dos atos que virão.

The drama of earthborn and earthbound humanity, despite all its crises and intermissions, is a continuous story. O drama da humanidade terrena e presa à terra, apesar de todas as suas crises e interrupções, é uma história contínua.

All the characters are prisoners of time. Todos os personagens são prisioneiros do tempo.

All the problems of the now are forever shaped by the experiences of a then which extends back in unbroken sequence to the origins of life. Todos os problemas do agora são moldados para sempre pelas experiências de um então que remonta, em sequência ininterrupta, às origens da vida.

Each generation has freedom to choose among alternative designs for destiny, and opportunity to win some measure of mastery over its fate, only to the extent of its comprehension of where it stands in the cavalcade of years, decades, centuries, and millennia ticked off by the spinning planet. Cada geração tem a liberdade de escolher entre projetos alternativos para o destino e a oportunidade de ganhar algum grau de domínio sobre o seu destino, apenas na medida da sua compreensão de onde se encontra na cavalgada de anos, décadas, séculos e milênios marcados por o planeta giratório.

Frederico L. Schuman. Políticas internacionais:
o destino do sistema estatal ocidental. Nova Iorque:
McGraw-Hill, 1948, p. 1 (adaptado).
37 – (CESPE

Based on the text, judge if the items below are right (C) or wrong (E).

(1) One can infer from the text that backward or nostalgic views of the world have existed for more than a thousand years.
(2) According to the text, although past events should be taken into consideration, humankind can choose its future and destiny freely.
(3) The author of the text suggests that nostalgia is the preserve of desperate people.
(4) The author’s clear intention in the first paragraph is to rightly extol the virtues of extreme political reactionarism.

      Comentários e Gabarito    CECE  


As far as the semantic and grammar features of the text are concerned, judge if the following items are right (C) or wrong (E).

(1) The word “and” (l.15) is used as a stylistic device to bring together two synonymous words, “earthborn” (l.15) and earthbound” (l.16).
(2) The pronoun “it” (l13) refers to “another meaning” (l.11-12).
(3) A more up-to-date manner to convey the notion expressed by “illumines” (l.13) is sheds light on.
(4) The expression “watchers and movers” (l.8-9) refers to people who play clearly distinct roles as far as political action is concerned.

      Comentários e Gabarito    EECC  


Still in the fields of semantics and grammar of the text, judge if the items below are right (C) or wrong (E).

(1) If “ticked off” (l.24) and “spinning” (l.25) were replaced respectively by marked off and rotating, there would occur no grammar mistakes in the sentence.
(2) The words “crises” (l.16) and “millennia” (l.24), as well as theses and fulcra, can only be found in their plural forms.
(3) In the fragment “All the problems of the now are forever shaped by the experiences of a then” (l.18-19), the words now” and “then” can be replaced respectively by here and there without effecting changes in the meaning and the grammatical correction of the passage.
(4) In the first paragraph, the words “world-weary” (l.5) and disenchantment” (l.6) establish a semantic relation which reveals the pessimism which was felt by the “monarch” (l.5) and characterized his “age” (l.6).

      Comentários e Gabarito    CEEC  


The particle “as” (l.8) is used in the text

(A) to express the idea of in the same way.
(B) to describe the purpose or quality of someone or something.
(C) to express the idea of because.
(D) to express the idea of while.
(E) in a comparison to refer to the degree of something.

      Comentários e Gabarito    B  

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