quinta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2016



• PUC/RIO-2011-GRUPO 2-VESTIBULAR-15/10/2010.

 10 MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) / 5 Options Each Question.
 Text – | Highlights of e-books in higher education | www.educause.edu |


What is an e-book? While the question may sound trivial, increasingly it is not. The obvious definition is that an e-book is an electronic book that can be read digitally on a computer screen, a special e-book reader, a personal digital assistant (PDA), or even a mobile phone. In other words, e-books are consumed on a screen rather than on paper. However, underlying this simple and seemingly obvious definition are some important distinctions that may make an e-book something other than just a “PDF version of the printed book.” These differences lie in the electronic nature of e-books, which are changing the nature of what a “book” is within an electronic context.
How are e-books like electronic copies of their paperbound ancestors? With e-books we can establish bookmarks that allow us to jump straight to a page when the book is opened. And it is possible to create an ebook that is the equivalent of a scanned, PDF copy of the original paper-bound text. This form of e-book is referred to as “digitized,” and it currently represents the majority of the e-book market. Like printed books, digitized e-books can have pictures or charts, indices, and tables of contents. That is probably where the comparable characteristics end.
On the side of differences, e-books increasingly take on a number of interactive features, unique to the dynamic environment technology allows. E-books can have built-in dictionaries and pronunciation guides. The e-book is not limited to static pictures; it can also integrate video, audio, animation, and even interactive simulation. As computer games become more complex in storylines and character development, they are becoming a new evolution of literature in which the reader interacts with the story more actively rather than simply reading it. E-books can be delivered in segments, such as Harlequin romance novels that can be delivered to your mobile phone in daily chapter installments.
As e-books move further away from conveying a story or content in the way print-based books do, we may well ask at what point is an e-book really no longer a book but something else? As with many of the audio formats that have gone before—records, 8-track tapes, cassettes, and even CDs—our traditional concept of content consumption is changing because of technology, which will ultimately have a profound impact on the concept of a book as new generations of readers mature and gravitate to new technologies. [...]
One of the most challenging barriers to e-books is cultural resistance. For those who grew up with paper books (p-books) and always read from p-books, switching to e-books is a bit uncomfortable for anything more than reference purposes. Yet institutions such as the University of Phoenix moved almost entirely to e-books and found that less than 1% of students acquire a print version of the book rather than use the electronic version that is supplied as part of the course fee. Some educational disciplines have moved quickly toward e-books. In dentistry, for example, vendor data suggest that nearly one-third of all textbooks in U.S. dental schools are now completely digital. Moving forward, cultural resistance to e-books will likely wane as new groups of students enter college.
http://www.educause.edu/EDUCAUSE+Review/ EDUCAUSEReviewMagazineVolume43/ EBooksinHigherEducationNearing/162677
(with slight adaptations)

According to the text (lines 1-7), e-books are:

(A) electronic books to be displayed exclusively on special e-book reader screens.
(B) special electronic books that can be read and edited on different hardware devices.
(C) digitally produced books that can be read both from computer screens and from paper.
(D) electronic texts that cannot be printed and that are produced exclusively for personal computers and cell phones.
(E) an electronic version of a printed book which can be read on a personal computer or some hand-held devices.

Questão que aborda o tópico "DEFINIÇÃO DE VOCÁBULO DE ACORDO COM O TEXTO".
* O item (A) está incorreto ao afirmar que e-books são "livros eletrônicos que serão exibidos exclusivamente em telas especiais de leitores de e-books."
* O item (B) está incorreto ao afirmar que e-books são "livros eletrônicos especiais que podem ser lidos e editados em diferentes dispositivos de hardware".
* O item (C) está incorreto ao afirmar que e-books são "livros produzidos digitalmente que podem ser lidos tanto a partir de telas de computador como de papel."
* O item (D) está incorreto ao afirmar que e-books são "textos eletrônicos que não podem ser impressos e produzidos exclusivamente para computadores pessoais e telefones celulares".
* O item (E) está incorreto ao afirmar que e-books são "uma versão digital de um livro impresso que pode ser lido em um computador pessoal ou em alguns dispositivos manuais". Item confirmado no texto:
"What is an e-book? While the question may sound trivial, increasingly it is not. The obvious definition is that an e-book is an electronic book that can be read digitally on a computer screen, a special e-book reader, a personal digital assistant (PDA), or even a mobile phone."
(O que é um e-book? Embora a questão possa parecer trivial, cada vez mais não é. A definição óbvia é que um e-book é um LIVRO EM FORMATO DIGITAL que pode ser lido digitalmente em uma tela de computador, um leitor de e-book especial, um assistente digital pessoal (PDA) ou mesmo um telefone celular.)


According to the comparison of features of printed books and digitized books in paragraph 2,

(A) a scanned copy of an e-book is hardly the equivalent of the original printed text.
(B) there are no similarities between e-books and their paperbound ancestors.
(C) pictures and charts are better displayed in digitized electronic books.
(D) both allow readers to decide which page they want to start reading.
(E) both have equivalent importance in the e-book market.



In the sentence “On the side of differences, e-books increasingly take on a number of interactive features,” (lines 24-25), “take on” means:

(A) deal with.
(B) apply for.
(C) carry out.
(D) assume.
(E) accept.

• “On the side of differences, e-books increasingly take on a number of interactive features,”(Do lado das diferenças, os e-books cada vez mais SUPÕEM uma série de recursos interativos,), take on” significa:
(A) deal with.
• "to deal with" significa "lidar com algo, envolver-se com algo, lidar com um problema".
• Frase muito usual: "I can't deal with it!"(Eu não consigo lidar com isso.)
(B) apply for.
 "to apply for" significa candidatar-se a, inscrever-se em, candidatar-se no vestibular, candidatar-se no concurso.
(C) carry out.
• "to carry out" significa cumprir uma promessa, executar algo, realizar algo.
(D) assume.
• "to assume" significa "supor, presumir".
• "to take on " e "to assume" são intercambiáveis no contexto dado:
• “On the side of differences, e-books increasingly assume a number of interactive features,” 
• Do lado das diferenças, os e-books cada vez mais admitem uma série de recursos interativos,"
(E) accept.
"to accept (êkSâptch)" significa aceitar, admitir, assumir(uma culpa).


The sentence “E-books can have built-in dictionaries and pronunciation guides.” (lines 26-27) means that such features:

(A) will be added to new models in the future.
(B) come with all e-books currently in the market.
(C) may be available as an integral part of the product.
(D) can be fastened to the product whenever needed.
(E) can be easily purchased and connected.

• A sentença “Os e-books podem ter dicionários integrados e guias de pronúncia”. significa que tais recursos:
(A) will be added to new models in the future.
• serão adicionados a novos modelos no futuro.
• Erro de tempo contextual. O tempo verbal da sentença do texto está no PRESENTE enquanto que o tempo verbal da afirmativa(A) está no FUTURO.
(B) come with all e-books currently in the market.
• vêm com todos os e-books atualmente no mercado.
• Erro de generalização feita na afirmativa (B).
• A sentença diz que os e-books PODEM TER...
(C) may be available as an integral part of the product.
• podem estar disponíveis como uma parte integrante do produto.
"can have"(podem ter) e "may be available"(podem estar disponíveis) são intercambiáveis contextualmente.
• A expressão "as an integral part of the product"(como parte integrante do produto) é justamente o significado do adjetivo "built-in"(embutido).
(D) can be fastened to the product whenever needed.
• podem ser fixados ao produto sempre que necessário.
• Erro de ideia de projeto expressa pela afirmativa (D).
• Na sentença do texto, é dito que os recurso podem vir embutidos, ou seja, uma vez que vierem embutidos, tais recursos não são acessórios desconectáveis, que possam ser acoplados e desacoplados.
• A ideia apresentada na afirmativa (D) é a de que tais podem ser fixados ou acoplados e isso não acontece.
(E) can be easily purchased and connected.
• podem ser facilmente adquiridos e conectados.
• Erro de ideia de projeto expressa pela afirmativa (E).
• Na sentença do texto, é dito que os recurso podem vir embutidos, ou seja, uma vez que vierem embutidos, tais recursos não são acessórios desconectáveis, que possam ser acoplados e desacoplados.
• A ideia apresentada na afirmativa (E) é a de que tais recursos podem ser conectados e isso não acontece.


Paragraph 3 reveals that the nature of electronic books:

(A) increases the development of romance novels.
(B) allows the reader to fully interact with the text.
(C) enables the production of new technology texts.
(D) prevents the integration of computer games into the text.
(E) inhibits the complexity of storylines and character development.

• O parágrafo 3 revela que a natureza dos livros eletrônicos:
(A) increases the development of romance novels.
• aumenta o desenvolvimento de romances.
(B) allows the reader to fully interact with the text.
• permite que o leitor interaja totalmente com o texto.
(C) enables the production of new technology texts.
• possibilita a produção de novos textos de tecnologia.
(D) prevents the integration of computer games into the text.
• impede a integração de jogos de computador no texto.
(E) inhibits the complexity of storylines and character development.
• inibe a complexidade das histórias e do desenvolvimento do personagem.


In the statement “Moving forward, cultural resistance to ebooks will likely wane as new groups of students enter college.” (lines 59-61), “will likely” conveys the meaning that the weakening of this cultural resistance:

(A) is probable to happen in the future.
(B) is sure to happen in the future.
(C) will certainly happen soon.
(D) can happen in a very near future.
(E) is better to happen sometime in the future.



Check the correct statement concerning reference.

(A) “It” in “While the question may sound trivial, increasingly it is not.” (lines 1-2) refers to “sound trivial”.
(B) “It” in “This form of e-book is referred to as ‘digitized,’ and it currently represents the majority of the e-book market.” (lines 18-20) refers to “This form of e-book”.
(C) “In which” in “As computer games become more complex […], they are becoming a new evolution of literature in which the reader interacts with the story more actively rather than simply reading it.” (lines 29-33) refers to “computer games”.
(D) “That” in “E-books can be delivered in segments, such as Harlequin romance novels that can be delivered to your mobile phone in daily chapter installments.” (lines 34-36), refers to “segments”.
(E) “Those” in “For those who grew up with paper books (p-books) and always read from p-books, switching to ebooks is a bit uncomfortable for anything more than reference purposes.” (lines 48-51), refers to “p-books”.


“Consumption” (line 43) is to “consume” as:

(A) “definition” (line 2) is to “define”.
(B) “distinctions” (line 8) is to “distinct”.
(C) “nature” (line 12) is to “natural”.
(D) “ultimately” (line 44) is to “ultimate”.
(E) “challenging” (line 47) is to “challenge”.



Check the item in which the idea introduced by the underlined word(s) is correctly described.

(A) “In other words, e-books are consumed…” (lines 5-6) – Exemplification
(B) “However, underlying this simple and seemingly obvious definition…” (lines 7-8) – Contrast
(C) “…such as Harlequin romance novels…” (lines 34-35) – Consequence
(D) “Yet institutions such as the University of Phoenix…” (lines 51-52) – Addition
(E) “…rather than use the electronic version…” (line 54) – Condition


As regards the acceptance of e-books, the last paragraph informs that:

(A) over two-thirds of textbooks in U.S. dental schools are still paper-bound, although students are quickly switching to e-books.
(B) nowadays very few students in most American universities choose paper-bound books over their electronic versions.
(C) at institutions such as the University of Phoenix onethird of all titles on reading lists are supplied in electronic versions.
(D) in some U.S. educational institutions, over 99% of the students prefer the electronic versions of the textbooks.
(E) it is a proven fact that 33% of all course books used in dental schools are now entirely digital.

• Quanto à aceitação de e-books, o último parágrafo informa que:
(A) over two-thirds of textbooks in U.S. dental schools are still paper-bound, although students are quickly switching to e-books.
• mais de dois terços dos livros didáticos nas escolas de odontologia dos EUA ainda são encadernados em papel, embora os alunos estejam mudando rapidamente para os e-books.
(B) nowadays very few students in most American universities choose paper-bound books over their electronic versions.
• hoje em dia, muito poucos alunos na maioria das universidades americanas escolhem livros encadernados em papel em vez de suas versões eletrônicas.
(C) at institutions such as the University of Phoenix onethird of all titles on reading lists are supplied in electronic versions.
• em instituições como a Universidade de Phoenix, um terço de todos os títulos nas listas de leitura são fornecidos em versões eletrônicas.
(D) in some U.S. educational institutions, over 99% of the students prefer the electronic versions of the textbooks.
• em algumas instituições de ensino dos EUA, mais de 99% dos alunos preferem as versões eletrônicas dos livros didáticos.
(E) it is a proven fact that 33% of all course books used in dental schools are now entirely digital.
• é fato comprovado que 33% de todos os livros didáticos usados nas escolas de odontologia são agora inteiramente digitais.

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