domingo, 4 de setembro de 2016


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 PADRÃO/COMPOSIÇÃO DA PROVA: 04 questões do tipo (A,B,C,D,E).

➧ INSTRUÇÃO: Read the comic strip and check the correct meaning of the following expression:
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: dezembro 2014.

In the comic strip above the phrasal verb pick up the tab means:

(A) To pick up the papers.
(B) To collect information.
(C) To stumble across some money.
(D) To pay the bill.
(E) To help a friend to get a paper.


*Afirmative (A): To pick up the papers.(Pegar os papéis.)
*Afirmative (B): To collect information.(Coletar informações.)
*Afirmative (C): To stumble across some money.(Tropeçar em dinheiro.)
*Afirmative (D): To pay the bill.(Pagar a conta.)
*Afirmative (E): To help a friend to get a paper.(Ajudar um amigo a conseguir um papel.)
- "Pick up the tab" means to pay for something or to pay the bill.

➧ INSTRUÇÃO: Read this letter from Ben to his friend Sheila and choose the CORRECT alternative.

Dear Sheila,

In your last letter, you asked me to tell you about all the things I did during my summer vacation.
We went to Vancouver __(1)__ I have some old friends __(2)__ I haven't seen for about three years. My friend Tim, __(3)__ mother I wrote about in my last letter to you, came with me and we had a great time. We flew into Vancouver on Monday 24th, __(4)__ was also my birthday.

The first thing we did was to visit the wonderful aquarium in the city center __(5)__ there are three killer whales and a whole crowd of seals, penguins and dolphins. We arrived in the late afternoon __(6)__ all the animals are fed so it was wonderful to see the dolphins leaping out of the water to get the fish __(7)__ they love to eat so much.

The following day, __(8)__ was cloudy and rainy unfortunately, we went to a museum __(9)__ they have some dinosaur skeletons __(10)__ local people have found in the area. The horrible weather never improved all day so we visited a superb seafood restaurant later in the afternoon and had an early dinner. The waiters, __(11)__ were all dressed in traditional fishermen's clothes, were very friendly and told us about the history of the restaurant __(12)__ name was The Jolly Whaler. The restaurant, __(13)__ has been open since 1888, was once visited by the American President J.F. Kennedy and his wife Jackie.

The skies were blue on Thursday and we spent some time out on the sea in a large boat __(14)__ we hired. I caught a big fish __(15)__ the captain said was the biggest he'd seen this year. I felt very proud! We left on Thursday evening after a mini-vacation __(16)__ helped me to relax a lot and now I have returned to work.

The next time __(17)__ you write to me, you must tell me about YOUR last vacation.

Bye for now Sheila,

Adapted from: <>

I. Numbers 2, 7, 14, 15, 17 don’t need a relative pronoun.

II. Numbers 1, 5, 9 can be completed with the relative pronoun ‘where’.

III. Numbers 3, 12 can be completed with the relative pronoun ‘whose’.

IV. Numbers 4, 8, 10, 13, 16, can be completed with the relative pronoun ‘that’.

V. Numbers 5, 6, 9 can be completed with the relative pronoun ‘where’.

A) Only the alternatives I and II are correct.
B) The alternatives I, II, III and IV are correct.
C) The alternatives I, II, and III are correct.
D) The alternatives II, III and IV are correct.
E) The alternatives III, IV and V are correct.


➧ INSTRUÇÃO: Read the text and answer questions 03 and 04:

The Internet giant, Amazon, has put a warning on some of the 'Tom and Jerry' cartoons it offers to its customers. Visitors who want to buy or download the series 'Tom and Jerry: The Complete Second Volume' get a warning that the cartoons contain scenes that are racist. The warning says: "Tom and Jerry shorts may show some ethnic and racial prejudices that were once commonplace in American society." It added that the scenes were wrong when the cartoons were made 70 years ago, and are still wrong today. People say the character of the black maid in the cartoon series is racist. Some of the cartoons were edited in the 1960s because of worries about racism.

Tom and Jerry were created in 1940 by cartoonists William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. The cartoons won the Oscar for the best Animated Short Film seven times. The shows have become one of the most popular cartoons in animation history. Many people posted on Twitter to say it was "madness" for Amazon to put a warning on the cartoons.

Disponível em:<>.Acesso em: set. 2014.


Choose the CORRECT alternative according to the text:

A) Based on the text information, Tom and Jerry shows were created to criticize racism.
B) According to the warning of Amazon, the racist scenes are wrong nowadays; however, in the past they were acceptable.
C) Based on the text it is correct to say the cartoonists clearly showed racist behavior.
D) Tom and Jerry shows never won any prize.
E) According to the warning of Amazon, racism is no longer a common behavior in America.



Based on the reading select the CORRECT alternatives:

I. In the sixties the cartoons were revised due to racism issues.

II. Visitors can only download the series “Tom and Jerry” from Amazon.

III. Tom and Jerry were created over 20 years before some cartoons were edited due to worries about racism.

IV. People on twitter supported Amazon’s warning.

A) Alternatives II and III are correct.
B) Alternatives I and IV are correct.
C) Alternatives I and III are correct.
D) Alternatives II and IV are correct.
E) Alternatives II, III and IV are correct.


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