sábado, 31 de agosto de 2019


 Welcome back to another post!


 PADRÃO/COMPOSIÇÃO DA PROVA: 50 questões do tipo  CORRETA (C) ou ERRADA (E).


01-C, 02-E, 03-C, 04-E, 05-C
06-C, 07-E, 08-C, 09-E, 10-E
11-C, 12-C, 13-E, 14-C, 15-E
16-E, 17-C, 18-C, 19-C, 20-C
21-C, 22-C, 23-E, 24-E, 25-E
26-C, 27-E, 28-E, 29-C, 30-E
31-C, 32-E, 33-C, 34-E, 35-C
36-C, 37-E, 38-C, 39-E, 40-C
41-E, 42-C, 43-E, 44-E, 45-C
46-E, 47-C, 48-E, 49-E, 50-C

  • to pinch = apertar, comprimir.
  • to suppress = suprimir, abafar.
  • turned up = apareceu.
  • has ruptured his throat = rompeu a garganta.
  • can cause ear damage = pode causar danos ao ouvido.
  • as it may lead to = pois pode levar a.
  • could be deadly = pode ser mortal.
  • sneeze (sNíz) = espirro.
  • throat = garganta.
  • a dangerous maneuver = uma manobra perigosa.
  • ruptured throat = garganta rompida.
  • felt a pop = sentiu um estalo
  • Holding back a sneeze = Segurar um espirro
  • for a week = por uma semana.
  • He made a full recovery = Ele teve uma recuperação completa.
  • [an emergency department = um pronto-socorro.
  • [brain aneurysm = aneurisma cerebral.
  • [chest cavity = cavidade torácica.
  • side effect = efeito colateral.
➧ TEXTO I: This text refers to items from 01 through 10.

In recent years, there has been a dramatic change in1 the reach of English language teaching all over the world and an increasing demand for competent English language teachers, as well as for language programmes that can offer the English language skills and competencies needed by today's global citizens. The teaching of English consumes a considerable portion of available educational resources in many countries, and English is not necessarily a neutral product offering equal opportunities for all. English teachers, therefore, need to appreciate the special status English has in modern life, what its costs and benefits are to those who try to learn it, the different motivations learners may have for learning English and the different circumstances in which they learn it.

The English language has a complex status in today's world. For some people, it is acquired as a first language. For some, it may be learned at school, and may be essential for academic and professional success. For others, it may represent a subject that they are required to study in school, but for which they have no immediate need. And English means different things to people in different parts of the world. For some, it may arouse positive feelings as the language of pop culture, the media and social networking. For others, it may have22 associations with colonialism, exploitation, elitism or social and economic inequality.

English today has a unique status, as a consequence of the role it plays around the world and its function as an international or world language. It has been described as the world's lingua franca. Although some 380 million people speak it as a first language in countries like Australia, Canada, the United States and Great Britain, a further 600 million people use it, alongside other languages, as a second language — in countries like Nigeria, India and the Philippines. And another one billion people are studying it, at any one time, as a foreign language, in countries like China, South Korea, France, Germany, Russia and Brazil.
Jack C. Richards.
Key issues in language learning.
CUP, 2015 (adapted).

Based on the ideas and linguistic aspects of the text above, judge the items below.

01. The expression “all over the world” (l.2) is synonymous with worldwide.

02. In the fragment “English teachers, therefore, need to appreciate the special status English has” (l.9 and 10), “appreciate” means like or enjoy.

03. In the fragment “a unique status” (l.25), the use of the article “a” can be explained by the sound of the semivowel at the beginning of “unique”.

04. The sentence: “For some people, it is acquired as a first language” (l.15) can be correctly rewritten as For some people, it has acquired as a first language.

05. It can be inferred from the text that there should be three distinct approaches to the teaching of English, depending on how and why students acquire this language.

06. In terms of word formation, the adjective “international” (R.27) is a case of affixation, as a prefix and a suffix have been added to the root of the word nation.

07. The word “economic”, in “economic inequality” (l.24), could be replaced by economical, without changing the meaning of the text.

08. It can be inferred from the text that some students of English resent it because of the negative feelings that colonialism inspires.

09. In the fragment “in countries like Australia, Canada, the United States and Great Britain” (l.29 and 30) “like” can be correctly replaced with such.

10. In “Although some 380 million people speak it as a first language” (l.28 and 29), the word “some” means more than.

➧ TEXTO II: This text refers to items from 11 through 20.

The spread of English is often linked to globalization, since it provides for high levels of interconnectedness among nation states and local economies and cultures. The fact that English has become the primary language for communication4 within international organizations such as the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union is an example of such globalization. However, globalization has contributed as much to the “idea” of English as it has to its actual role in communication. In other words, in many parts of the world, English represents an image in popular imagination, established through the media, advertising and so on, rather than a practical necessity or reality for many people.

Scholars and educationists differ in their attitudes towards the global spread of English. Some think this spread is natural, inevitable, neutral and beneficial, and have been accused of English triumphalism. The British linguist David Crystal suggests that English fosters cultural opportunity and promotes a climate of international intelligibility. Others see the spread of English as threatening local cultures, languages and identities. The phrase “linguistic imperialism” was used to explain how English has come to play a key role in maintaining the economic and political dominance of some societies over others. Because of the role of English as the dominant international language, the theory of linguistic imperialism asserts that other languages have been prevented from going through processes of development and expansion, and have been allocated a secondary status, along with the cultures they represent. Proponents of the theory of linguistic imperialism view the English language teaching industry as contributing to the propagation of the economic, cultural or religious values of dominant world powers.
Idem. Ibidem (adapted).

Concerning the previous text and its linguistic aspects, judge the following items

11. The ideia contained in the fragment “since it provides for high levels of interconnectedness” (l.2) can also be correctly expressed as because it makes profound interconnectedness possible.

12. In the text, the words “primary” (l.4) and “dominant” (l.23) mean basically the same thing, both referring to the current status of the English language in the world.

13. The expression “In other words” (l.9) means besides.

14. According to the text, in some countries, the need to learn, speak or use English is artificially created by powerful ideological means or mechanisms.

15. It can be concluded from the text that supporters of the linguistic imperialism view defend the dominant role English plays in the world nowadays.
16. The subject of the verbal form “is”, in the fragment “is an example of such globalization” (l.6 and 7), is “English” (l.4).

17. According to the text, it can be said that experts in language seem to hold differing views on the dissemination of English in many parts of the world.

18. In the fragment “rather than a practical necessity or reality for many people”(l.11 and 12), “rather than” means instead of.

19. In the passage “The British linguist David Crystal suggests that English fosters cultural opportunity” (l.16 and 17), the word “that” can be omitted without this making the sentence grammatically incorrect.

20. The fragment “to play a key role in” (l.21) can be correctly rewritten as to have a leading part in, without changing the meaning of the text.

➧ TEXTO III: This text refers to items from 21 through 25.

Motivation is typically defined as the forces that help explain the stimulation, selection, direction, and continuation of behaviour. Nevertheless, many teachers have at least two major mistaken ideas about motivation that prevent them from4 using this concept with maximum effectiveness. One misconception is that some students are unmotivated. Strictly speaking, that is not an accurate statement. As long as a student chooses goals and expends a certain amount of effort to achieve them, he is, by definition, motivated. What teachers really mean is that students are not motivated to behave in the way teachers would like them to behave. The second misconception is that one person can directly motivate another. This view is inaccurate because motivation comes from within a person. What you can do, with the help of the various motivation theories that teachers have developed, is create the circumstances that influence students to do what you want them to do.

Many factors determine whether the students in your classes will be motivated or not motivated to learn. You should not be surprised to discover that no single theoretical interpretation of motivation explains all aspects of student interest or lack of it. Different theoretical interpretations do, however, shed light on why some students in a given learning situation are more likely to want to learn than others. Furthermore, each theoretical interpretation can serve as the basis for the development of techniques for motivating students in the classroom.

Judge the following items according to the ideas of the previous text and its linguistic aspects

21. The notions that students have no motivation and that an individual can be directly motivated can make a teacher’s job very difficult.

22. According to the text, the source of motivation is found inside a person.

23. The fragment “prevent them from using” (l.4 and 5) can be correctly replaced with prevent them to use.

24. In “As long as a student chooses goals” (l.7 and 8), “as long as” means after a long time.

25. The deletion of “do” in “Different theoretical interpretations do, however, shed light” (l.22 and 23) would not change the meaning of the fragment.

➧ TEXTO III: This text refers to items from 26 through 34.

The Japanese practice of shinrin-yoku — literally 
translated as “forest bathing” — is based on a simple premise: immerse yourself in the forest, absorb its sights, sounds, and smells, and you will reap numerous psychological and physiological benefits. The Forest Agency of Japan launched a campaign to introduce the activity in 1982, and, since then, its popularization there has been matched by a stream of supporting research concerning the role that nature can play in human health. Studies have shown that regular exposure to forest environments can lower blood pressure and anxiety, reduce anger, and strengthen the immune system. The forest-bathing spirit has gained followers in the United States, too: you can now sign up to join the national Forest Bathing Club (whose registration form includes a field for “spirit animal”), or apply to become a certified forest-therapy guide. Or you can simply go to a local greenspace, disconnect, and listen to the trees.
Internet: <www.newyorker.com> (adapted).

Concerning the ideas and linguistic aspects of the previous text, judge the following items

26. This is an informative text whose main objective is to present the Japanese practice of shinrin-yoku.

27. It can be said that practitioners of shinrin-yoku go to the forest to take baths in lakes and rivers.

28. According to the text, shinrin-yoku is one of the oldest Japanese traditional rituals.

29. The verb phrase “has been matched” (R.7) is an example of a passive voice construction.

30. It can be concluded from the text that the Forest Agency of Japan decided to launch the campaign to popularize shinrin-yoku because research has shown the benefits of nature for human health.

31. According to the text, there are several benefits for people who frequently spend time in the forest.

32. In the sentence “Studies have shown that regular (…) and strengthen the immune system” (l.9 to 11), the verb “have” could be omitted and the sentence would still be grammatically acceptable.

33. If the word “followers” (l.12) were replaced by adepts, there would be a significant change in meaning in the sentence.

34. It can be inferred that the mentioning of ‘spirit animal’ (l.14 and 15) in the registration forms for the American Forest Bathing Club means that members of this Club are allowed to take their pets to the forest with them.

➧ TEXTO IVThis CARTOON refers to items from 35 through 38.

Internet: <http://tvtropes.org>

Based on the cartoon and the vocabulary and language used in it, judge the items below.

35. The sentence on the first balloon is an example of informal spoken language.

36. In the last balloon, “weird” is synonymous with strange, bizarre.

37. The three verbs in the second square — “watch”, “put” and “push” — are in the imperative form.

38. The boy does not understand that a toast is a slice of bread that is exposed to heat from a grill or fire.

➧ TEXTO V: This text refers to items from 39 through 47.

A man in Britain has ruptured his throat by suppressing a particularly forceful sneeze.

This behavior, doctors warn, could damage your ears or even burst a brain aneurysm.

The 34-year-old man turned up at an emergency department after pinching his nose and closing his mouth to stop his sneezing. He felt a pop as the sneeze ripped through his throat and made his soft tissue swell. His throat began to hurt when he swallowed, and his voice changed.

The rupture was so serious that doctors kept the man in hospital for a week. He was fed by a tube through his nose and treated with antibiotics in case of infection in the chest cavity. He made a full recovery. A ruptured throat is an extremely rare consequence of stifling a sneeze. Holding back a sneeze can cause ear damage and, in some cases, even the rupture of a brain aneurysm. While incredibly unlikely, this side effect could be deadly.

Halting a sneeze via blocking nostrils and mouth is a dangerous maneuver and should be avoided, as it may lead to numerous complications.

Internet: <www.newsweek.com> (adapted).

Concerning the previous text and its linguistic aspects, judge the following items

39. The story presented in the article is based on superstition and unscientific beliefs.

40. In the phrase “34-year-old man” (l.5), the noun “year” is in the singular because it is part of an adjective.

41. In the sentence “This behavior, doctors warn, could damage your ears or even burst a brain aneurysm” (l.3 and 4), the pronoun “your” could be substituted by one’s with no relevant change in meaning.

42. The man was unable to eat normally while he was in hospital.

43. The man was treated with antibiotics because he caught an infection.

44. At the time the article was written, the man was still ill.

45. Deadly brain aneurysms caused by holding back sneezes are extremely rare.

46. The phrase “should be” (l.19) can be replaced with might be without changing the meaning of the sentence.

47. There are two modal verbs in the last sentence of the text.

➧ TEXTO VI: This text refers to items from 48 through 50.

An Italian postman has been arrested after 573 kg of undelivered mail was found in the garage of his home in Vicenza. The mail included leaflets from 2010 regional elections, tax forms and utility bills.

Police were called to the home of the 56-year-old man to make the arrest. It’s been described as the biggest ever seizure of undelivered mail in Italy.

The postal service in the northern city of Vicenza will deliver the mail to the intended recipients.

In Italy, the “violation, misappropriation or destruction” of mail is a criminal offence punishable by up to 1 year in prison. In the meantime, the bad postie has been suspended by the postal service.
Internet: <http://theshortnews.com> (adapted).

On the previous text and the vocabulary used in it, judge the items below

48. There was less than half a ton of mail in the postman’s garage.

47. The postman was arrested and received a one-year prison sentence.

50. In the last sentence of the text, “postie” (l.12) is an informal way to refer to the postman.


Welcome back to another post!


➧ BANCA/ORGANIZADORwww.funcab.org - Fundação Professor Carlos Augusto Bittencourt.

 PADRÃO/COMPOSIÇÃO DA PROVA: 20 questões do tipo múltipla escolha(A,B,C,D,E).


01-D, 02-E, 03-C, 04-E, 05-B06-D07-C08-C09-A, 10-D
11-B, 12-E, 13-B, 14-C, 15-A16-A17-E18-D19-B, 20-A


➧ TEXT IRead the text below and answer the questions that follow

Climate change spreads crop pests

2nd September, 2013

Global warming is actually helping pests and diseases that attack crops to spread around the world, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change.

Researchers from the universities of Exeter and Oxford found out that crop pests are moving towards the poles as regions warm.

The researchers looked at more than 600 crop pests from around the world. These included fungi, such as wheat rust, which is devastating harvests inAfrica and Middle East; insects like the mountain pine beetle that's destroying trees in the US; as well as bacteria, viruses and microscopic nematode worms. They found out that over the past 50 years, these destructive species have been on the move. On average, they're spreading 3km every year, shifting north and south towards the poles.

The scientists say this correlates with warming temperatures, allowing the pests to take hold in areas that were once too cold for them to live in. 

Currently, between 10% and 20% of the world's crops are lost to pests – and the team warns that this rising global temperatures could make the problem worse. The researchers say that improved surveillance of the problem is needed.
Rebecca Morelle, BBC News Reporter
Taken from: www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/ learningenglish/language/wordsinthenews
Data de acesso: 26/09/2013.


Choose the correct sentence, according to the text:

A) Global warming is helping to destroy all sorts of pests that attack crops worldwide.
B) American researchers published that crop pests are going to the poles while regions get hotter.
C) English researchers analysed about 600 crop pests and concluded that they are moving to the hot regions of the poles.
D) Global warming is helping different types of pests that attack crops to spread all over the world.
E) Climate change is helping different kinds of crops attacked by pests to spread around the world.


The word ACTUALLY used in the first paragraph of the text means:

A) at present
B) in general
C) nowadays
D) finally
E) in fact


The verb FOUND OUT used in the second paragraph of the text means:

A) refused
B) accepted
C) discovered
D) complained
E) investigated


The expression SUCH AS, used in the third paragraph of the text, could be substituted, without change of meaning, by:

A) anyway.
B) of course.
C) at random.
D) as soon as.
E) for instance.


The pronoun THEY used in

“they found out that over the past 50 years, these destructive species have been on the move” (third paragraph)

refers in the text to:

A) fungi.
B) the researchers.
C) more than 600 crop pests.
D) insects like the mountain pine beetle.
E) bacteria, viruses and microscopic worms.


The pronoun THEY used in

“on average, they’re spreading 3 km every year” (third paragraph)

refers in the text to:

A) the poles.
B) the researchers.
C) devastating harvests.
D) these destructive species.
E) the destruction of trees in the US.


The noun HARVESTS used in the third paragraph of the text refers to:

A) pests that attack crops.
B) instects that destroy trees.
C) crops that are cut and collected.
D) wheat rust that devastates plants.
E) trees that are cut down and burned.


The pests which are devastating harvests in Africa and Middle East and destroying trees in the US (third paragraph) are, respectively:

A) insects / bacteria
B) wheat rust / viruses
C) fungi / the mountain pine beetle
D) fungi / microscopic nematode worms
E) wheat rust / the Colorado potato beetle


The object pronoun THEM used in

“areas that were once too cold for them to live in” (fourth paragraph)

refers in the text to:

A) the pests.
B) the scientists.
C) too cold areas.
D) the researchers.
E) warming temperatures.


The adverb CURRENTLY used in the last paragraph of the text could be substituted, without change of meaning, by:

A) probably.
B) gradually.
C) altogether.
D) nowadays.
E) surprisingly.


The indefinite article A was properly used in

“according to a new study” (first sentence of the first paragraph).

It could also be correctly used in:

A) ______ Colorado potato beetle is one of the pests that's attacking crops.
B) Rebecca Morelle studied Journalism at ____ university in Oxford.
C) Rebecca is ______ honest and well-known journalist and broadcaster.
D) Researchers found out that ______ bacteria, viruses and worms are destroying crops.
E) The mountain pine beetles are destroying _____ trees in the US.


The present perfect simple was adequately used in

“these destructive species have been on the move” (third paragraph).

Mark the only sentence in which the present perfect should NOT have been used.

A) Crop pests have been moving towards the poles since 2003.
B) Crop pests have been spreading around the world for about ten years.
C) Rebecca has been a journalist for about five years.
D) She has been working for BBC since last year.
E) She has been to Oxford last month.


Choose the correct sentence, as far as the use of the noun INFORMATION is concerned.

A) Can you give me some informations about the pests that attack crops, please?
B) Could you give me some further information about the pests that destroy crops, please?
C) Can you please give me an information about the new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change?
D) I’d like some pieces of informations about the research that analysed more than 600 crop pests.
E) Could you please give me a few more informations about the microscopic nematode worms?


Consider the sentences below:

1. The new study was published in the journal Nature Climate Change _____ 2013.

2. The researchers looked at more than 600 crop pests _____ last month.

3. Rebecca traveled to Oxford _____ January.

4. She visited Exeter _____ the winter.

5. The researchers published their article _____ 3 April.

Choose the alternative which presents the correct prepositions that complete the sentences above, respectively:

A) on / in / in / at / in
B) in / in / on / in / on
C) in / no preposition / in / in / on
D) on / no preposition / on / at / in
E) on / no preposition / in / at / in


Consider the following sentences:

1. Global warming is helping pests and diseases, _________?

2. Pests are spreading around the world, __________?

3. Rebecca works for the BBC news ,_________?

4. Researchers published a new study in the journal, _________?

5. Let’s read the new article, ________?

Choose the option which presents the correct question tags that complete the sentences above, respectively:

A) isn’t it / aren’t they / doesn’t she / didn’t they / shall we
B) is it / are they / isn’t she / did they / will you
C) doesn’t it / don’t they / doesn’t she / did they / are we
D) isn’t it / aren’t they / isn’t she / didn’t they / will we
E) is it / don’t they / does she / didn’t he / do you


Read the following paragraph about climate change:

"Climate change is now something that we cannot close our eyes to, and governments all over the world have finally realized that they have to sit up and take notice. Many scientists predict that bad things will happen if we carry on polluting the atmosphere with CO2 emissions."

Adapted from New English File, Upper-intermediate Student’s Book, page 42

The verbs REALIZED and CARRY ON mean, in the paragraph above, respectively:
A) noticed / continue
B) decided / stopped
C) postponed / avoid
D) performed / increase
E) observed / decrease


Read these sentences:

1. Look at those dark clouds. I’m sure it _____ (rain) cats and dogs tonight.

2. Rebecca _____ (study) English at university at this time tomorrow.

3. Scientists predict that more than a third of the world’s plant and animal species _____ (become) extinct by the year 2050.

4. Sea levels _____ (rise) by at least 16 cm by the year 2100.

Now choose the alternative which presents the correct verb forms that complete the sentences above, respectively:

A) will rain / is going to study / will become / will rise
B) will rain / will study / will be becoming / will be rising
C) is going to rain / will study / is going to become / are going to rise
D) is going to rain / will be studying / will have became / will have raised
E) is going to rain / will be studying / will have become / will have risen


Read the following paragraph about a language teaching approach:

“This approach to language teaching derives its name and its essential character from the fact that at every stage – the setting of learning targets, the definition of a syllabus, the development of learning materials, the elaboration and implementation of classroom activities, and the assessment of learners’ progress – it focuses on language as a medium of communication.”

Adapted from Learning Foreign Languages from Authentic Texts: theory and practice. 1994, page 20.

Which language teaching approach does the above paragraph refer to?

A) drilling
B) bilingual
C) audiolingual
D) communicative
E) grammar-translation


As far as the four language skills which should be practiced in the foreign language classroom are concerned, mark the only correct sentence:

A) Speaking and writing are receptive skills.
B) Listening and reading are receptive skills.
C) Writing and comprehending are productive skills.
D) Reading and conversation are productive skills.
E) Listening and reading are productive skills.


Read the following paragraph about a language teaching approach:

“This is a learner-centered approach to teaching English as an additional language, which focuses on developing communicative competence in a specific discipline such as academics, accounting, agrology, business, IT, teaching and engineering. This approach is designed to meet the specific needs of the learners and it is related in content (themes and topics) to particular disciplines or occupations.”

Adapted from www.uwinnipeg.ca

The approach described above refers to:

A) ESP– English for specific purposes.
B) EGP– English for general purposes.
C) EFL– English as a foreign language.
D) ESL– English as a second language.
E) EFL– English as a first language.

sexta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2019

COTEC/UNIMONTES-2016- Concurso Público PROFESSOR DE INGLÊS da Prefeitura Municipal de Francisco Dumont/MG - Profº Valdenor Sousa - Prova de INGLÊS com gabarito e questões comentadas.

Hey, what's up dear friends!!!...How have you been?!
Neste post, resolveremos a prova de inglês da COTEC/UNIMONTES-2016.

REMEMBER THAT: Contribua com um valor simbólico de R$5,00(cinco reais) para o blog "INGLÊS dos Vestibulares & Concursos Públicos", basta enviar um PIX para: valdenorenglish@gmail.com
Thank you for your support!

LEITURA de textos de jornais digitais, revistas, websites, é um excelente treino para a prova.
 It consists of 15 questions(A,B,C,D).
TÓPICOS ABORDADOS ao longo da prova:
• [to ask out = convidar alguém para sair]
• [to breed = generate = gerar]
• [but also breeds jealousy = mas também gera ciúme]
• [to choose = select = escolher, selecionar]
• [to date(somebody) = to go out with = namorar com alguém]
• [to enhance = realçar, engrandecer, abrilhantar]
• [technology made them = a tecnologia os fazia]
• [social media made them more connected to= as mídias sociais os tornaram mais conectados a]
• [social media made them feel jealous = as redes sociais os deixam com ciúmes]
• [feel closer to their = sentirem-se mais próximos de seus]
• [to text = enviar mensagem de texto] 
• [to ask out = convidar alguém para sair]
• [Teenagers rarely meet online but do use technology for flirting, asking out, meeting up and parting, = Teenagers rarely meet online but do use technology for flirting, asking out, meeting up and parting]
• [they had indicated interest by= disseram que demonstraram interesse em]
• [can also be = também pode ser]
• [jealousy(Djélassí) = ciúmes]
• [meddling(Mérôlén) = intromissão]
• [partner(Pârtnôr) = parceiro]
• [relationships = relacionamentos]
• [survey = pesquisa]
• [teenagers = adolescentes]
• [insecure() = inseguro]
• [troubling = perturbador]
• [carefully(Kérfôlí) = cautiously(kórxêslí) = cuidadosamente]
• [rarely(RérLí) = raramente]
8-NOUN PHRASES(Adjective+noun):
• [eventual break-ups = eventuais rompimentos]
• [key role = papel fundamental]
• [powerful tools = ferramentas poderosas]
• [Digital romance = Romance digital]
• [troubling behaviour = comportamento perturbador]
9-IDIOMS(Expressões Idiomáticas):
• [likes = curtidas]
• [Texting is king = Enviar mensagens de texto é a regra]
• [insecure in relationships = inseguros nos relacionamentos]
11-TECHNICAL ENGLISH(Military English, Business English, Finance English and so on):
• [social media = mídias sociais]
• [technology = tecnologia]
• [US study = estudo nos EUA]
• [but also = mas também]
• [while it was 52% for girls = enquanto 52% para as meninas]
• [ = ]
• [currently = nowadays = atualmente, presentemente]

Agora vamos à prova.
 Text 1Questões numeradas de 01 a 15
INSTRUCTIONS: Read the texts carefully and choose the best alternative, according to them.

Teen romance usually digitally enhanced, says US study
Technology plays a key role in teenage romance from initial encounters to eventual break-ups, says a US study.

Teenagers rarely meet online but do use technology for flirting, asking out, meeting up and parting, American think tank, the Pew Research Center, found. A survey of 1,060 US teenagers aged 13 to 17 revealed that technology brings them closer but also breeds jealousy. "Digital platforms are powerful tools for teens," said Amanda Lenhart, lead author of the report from Pew. "But even as teens enjoy greater closeness with partners and a chance to display their relationships for others to see, mobile and social media can also be tools for jealousy, meddling and even troubling behaviour."

Digital romance, broken down
Of the 1,060 teenagers surveyed:
• 35% said they were currently dating and 59% of that group said technology made them feel closer to their partner
• For boys who were dating, 65% said social media made them more connected to a significant other while it was 52% for girls
• 27% of dating teenagers thought social media made them feel jealous or insecure in relationships
• 50% of all teens surveyed, dating or not, said they had indicated interest by friending someone on Facebook or other social media and 47% expressed attraction by likes and comments
• Texting is king - 92% of teens who were dating said they texted a partner, assuming the partner would check in with "great regularity"
• Jealousy happens, but not as much as flirting does - 11% of teenage daters reported accessing a partner's online accounts and 16% reported having a partner asking them to de-friend someone

What gets discussed during all those frequent social media enabled check-ins? According to the survey, it is mostly "funny stuff" followed by "things you're thinking about" as well as other information such as where they are and what their friends have been doing. And forget having to meet up to resolve a conflict - 48% of dating teenagers said that could be done by texting or talking online. Online tools, with their accessibility and ease of use, also showed some signs of giving this group relationship anxiety. Females are more likely to be subject to unwanted flirting and 25% of teenagers surveyed said they have blocked or unfriended someone because of uncomfortable flirting. And 15% of teenage daters said a partner had used the internet to pressure them into unwanted sexual activity.

'More than emojis'

Nearly half the respondents admitted to concentrating on their phone ahead of their partner when together with 43% of dating teens saying that had happened to them. "I don't think this survey reveals much that is surprising. But it is affirming. Humans are social animals and we build tools to connect with each other,"wrote Julie Beck, an associate editor at The Atlantic news site, of the survey's findings. "It's not all heart emojis all the time, no, but the tools that facilitate relationships facilitate all aspects of them, good and bad. "Connecting with others is scary, hard, sometimes dangerous, but usually, hopefully, good. The teens get it."
(Fonte: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-34416989.)
👉 Questão  01 :
De acordo com o texto, é CORRETO afirmar:
A) Mais de 1.100 adolescentes participaram das pesquisas para o estudo.
B) Um estudo feito nos Estados Unidos mostrou que a tecnologia tem um papel fundamental nos relacionamentos amorosos dos adolescentes.
C) Os adolescentes tendem a se encontrar para resolver os conflitos.
D) 27% dos participantes da pesquisa dizem que as mídias sociais não geram ciúmes.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  B 
De acordo com o texto, é CORRETO afirmar:
A) Mais de 1.100 adolescentes participaram das pesquisas para o estudo.
• A pesquisa envolveu exatamente 1.060 adolescentes americanos.
• No texto: "[...] A survey of 1,060 US teenagers aged 13 to 17".
B) Um estudo feito nos Estados Unidos mostrou que a. tecnologia tem um papel fundamental nos relacionamentos amorosos dos adolescentes.
Afirmativa (B) é verdadeira pois segundo o texto a tecnologia desempenha um papel fundamental no romance adolescente, desde os encontros iniciais até eventuais rompimentos, diz um estudo americano.
• No texto: "[...] Technology plays a key role in teenage romance from initial encounters to eventual break-ups, says a US study."
C) Os adolescentes tendem a se encontrar para resolver os conflitos.
De acordo com o texto, esqueça a necessidade de se encontrar para resolver um conflito - 48% dos adolescentes que namoram adolescentes disseram que isso poderia ser feito por mensagens de texto ou conversando online.
• "[...] And forget having to meet up to resolve a conflict - 48% of dating teenagers said that could be done by texting or talking online."
D) 27% dos participantes da pesquisa dizem que as mídias sociais não geram ciúmes.
• 27% dos adolescentes que namoram acham que as redes sociais os deixam com ciúmes ou inseguros nos relacionamentos.
• "[...] 27% of dating teenagers thought social media made them feel jealous or insecure in relationships."
👉 Questão  02 :
Na frase “According to the survey, it is mostly ‘funny stuff’ followed by ‘things you're thinking about’ as well as other information such as[…]”, a palavra “stuff” pode ser substituída por:
A) Things.
B) People.
C) Conversation.
D) Ideas.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  A 
• No texto:
• According to the survey, it is mostly "funny stuff" followed by "things you're thinking about" as well as other information such as where they are and what their friends have been doing.
• De acordo com a pesquisa, trata-se principalmente de "coisas engraçadas" seguidas de "coisas em que você está pensando", bem como outras informações, como onde eles estão e o que seus amigos têm feito.
A) Things.
"stuff" significa coisas, treco, portanto sinônimo de "things". 
• LEMBRE-SE: Você pode fazer a tradução no plural mas STUFF será sempre no singular, ou seja, será sempre ‘stuff‘ e nunca ‘stuffs‘.
• Há expressões em inglês nas quais usamos ‘thing‘ e outras nas quais devemos usar ‘stuff‘.
• "funny stuff" e "funny things" são equvalentes.
B) People.
C) Conversation.
D) Ideas.
👉 Questão  03 :
Na frase “Humans are social animals and we build tools to connect with each other, wrote Julie Beck, an associate editor at The Atlantic news site, of the survey's findings.”, a palavra em negrito se trata de
A) um verbo conjugado no passado particípio.
B) um verbo conjugado na terceira pessoa do singular do presente simples.
C) um verbo conjugado no passado simples.
D) um verbo no infinitivo.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  C 
A) um verbo conjugado no passado particípio.
B) um verbo conjugado na terceira pessoa do singular do presente simples.
C) um verbo conjugado no passado simples.
• O verbo TO WRITE(write, wrote, written).
D) um verbo no infinitivo.
👉 Questão  04 :
Segundo o texto , apesar de os adolescentes gostarem, o celular e a mídia social podem ser ferramentas para:
A) Ciúmes, pornografia e exibição excessiva.
B) Ciúmes, intromissão e comportamento problemático.
C) Ciúmes, inveja e intromissão.
D) Desentendimento, desconfiança e comportamento problemático.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  B 
👉 Questão  05 :
Na sentença "For boys who were dating, 65% said social media made them more connected to a significant[…]", o pronome "Who" é considerado:
A) Pronome Relativo.
B) Pronome Adjetivo.
C) Pronome Pessoal.
D) Pronome Possessivo.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  A 
A) Pronome Relativo.
B) Pronome Adjetivo.
C) Pronome Pessoal.
D) Pronome Possessivo.
👉 Questão  06 :
Em qual das sentenças abaixo as palavras “power” ou “powerful ” são usadas INCORRETAMENTE?
A) She always uses her power of convincing people.
B) Mr. Jones is the most powerful man here.
C) Think about the power you have in your hands.
D) I regard powerful as an important feeling.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  D 
A) She always uses her power of convincing people.
B) Mr. Jones is the most powerful man here.
C) Think about the power you have in your hands.
D) I regard powerful as an important feeling.
👉 Questão  07 :
De acordo com o texto, 92% dos adolescentes:
A) Mandavam mensagens de texto para os parceiros porque era mais barato.
B) Mandavam mensagens de texto para os parceiros porque é a forma mais rápida de se comunicar.
C) Não mandavam mensagem de texto porque se encontravam regularmente com seus parceiros.
D) Mandavam mensagens de textos para os parceiros assumindo que eles checam suas mensagens com regularidade.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  D 
👉 Questão  08 :
Na sentença "[...] technology brings them (teenagers) closer but also breeds jealousy.", o verbo “breeds” pode ser substituído por qual outro verbo sem mudar o significado?
A) Turn.
B) Lessens.
C) Give rise to.
D) Give.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  C 
👉 Questão  09 :
Na sentença "Connecting with others is scary, hard, sometimes dangerous, but usually, hopefully, good.”, os termos em negrito são, respectivamente exemplos de:
A) Adjetivo, adjetivo, advérbio, adjetivo, advérbio, advérbio, adjetivo.
B) Advérbio, substantivo, advérbio, adjetivo, advérbio, advérbio, adjetivo.
C) Advérbio, Substantivo, adjetivo, advérbio, advérbio, adjetivo, adjetivo.
D) Adjetivo, adjetivo, adjetivo, advérbio, advérbio, advérbio, advérbio.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  A 
👉 Questão  10 :
Na frase “Nearly half the respondents admitted to concentrating on their phone ahead of their partner when together with[…]”, de acordo com as regras gramaticais, o verbo “concentrating” possui a terminação –ING porque:
A) Está conjugado no Present Continuous.
B) Refere-se a uma ação que está acontecendo neste momento.
C) Encontra-se depois de uma preposição.
D) Refere-se a uma ação em progresso no passado.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  C 
 Text 2:
Should you buy a smart toy for Christmas?
By Jane Wakefield -Technology reporter – 4/ december/ 2015.
If you were thinking about buying a smart toy for Christmas, the Vtech hack have led you to think again.

For many parents the thought of their children's personal data being stolen and made available online is the stuff of nightmares. So what exactly is a smart toy and should you be avoiding them in favour of a more traditional stocking filler this year?

What happened to Vtech?

The Learning Lodge app store - which provides downloads of apps, games, music and books for toys made by VTech - had its database hacked on 14 November.

The personal information stolen, which was not encrypted, included names, email addresses, passwords, secret questions and answers for password retrieval, IP addresses, postal addresses, download histories and children's names, genders and birthdates, according to Vtech.

It has also been reported that photos, audio files and chatlogs were stolen - something that the firm has not yet confirmed, although it did say that only unsent messages were stored on its servers.

The numbers involved are huge - according to Vtech 6.4 million children's accounts were affected and it has now employed a security firm - Mandiant - to look at the damage and fix it. Until then the app store will remain offline.
👉 Questão  11 :
De acordo com o texto, é INCORRETO afirmar:
A) O roubo ocorrido na empresa Vtech levou os pais a repensarem o que iriam comprar de presente de Natal para seus filhos.
B) Os chamados “brinquedos inteligentes”, da empresa Vtech, foram roubados em 14 de Novembro.
C) Depois do roubo, a empresa Vtech contratou uma firma de segurança.
D) De acordo com a Vtech, apenas mensagens não enviadas eram armazenadas em seus servidores.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  B 
👉 Questão  12 :
Na sentença "So what exactly is a smart toy and should you be avoiding them in favour of a more traditional stocking filler this year?”, a expressão “stocking filler” refere-se a:
A) Brinquedo inteligente.
B) Loja de brinquedo.
C) Presente de Natal.
D) Meias de Natal.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  C 
👉 Questão  13 :
Relacione as frases com os tempos verbais corretos.
1 - “Until then the app store will remain offline.”
2 - “It has also been reported that photos, audio files and chatlogs were stolen - something that the firm has not yet confirmed[…]”
3 - “If you were thinking about buying a smart toy for Christmas[…]”
4 - “The numbers involved are huge[…]!”
5 - “[…] according to Vtech 6.4 million children's accounts were affected[…]”
( ) Simple Future
( ) Simple Present
( ) Passive Voice
( ) Present Perfect
( ) Past Continuous
A) 1- 3 - 4 -2- 5.
B) 1 -4 -3 - 5 –2.
C) 1- 5 - 2- 3 –4.
D) 1- 4 -5 -2 –3.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  D 
👉 Questão  14 :
De acordo com o texto, o que aconteceu com a Vtech?
A) A loja que fornece os downloads para os aplicativos, jogos, música e livros para os brinquedos feitos pela Vtech teve as informações de seu banco de dados roubadas.
B) A loja Vtech teve seus brinquedos de maior sucesso copiados por hackers.
C) A loja Vtech foi condenada pelos pais por causa de seus brinquedos considerados perigosos.
D) A loja Vtech forneceu dados de seus clientes (crianças) para outra empresa e foi condenada pelos pais.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  A 
👉 Questão  15 :
Na frase “If you were thinking about buying a smart toy for Christmas, the Vtech hack may have led you to think again.”, o verbo em negrito expressa:
A) uma proibição.
B) uma permissão.
C) um aconselhamento.
D) uma possibilidade.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  D