sábado, 17 de outubro de 2020

UFSC-2009 - Vestibular da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Profº Valdenor Sousa - Prova de Inglês com gabarito e Questões Comentadas.


Welcome back to another post!
NESTE POST: PROVA de INGLÊS da UFSC-2009, aplicada em 12/2008.
 COPERVE - Comissão Permanente do Vestibular.
LEITURA de textos de jornais digitais, revistas, websites, é um excelente treino para a prova.
 10 Questões
 totalizando 50 ITENS do tipo (C) ou (E), onde um erro anula a questão.
 02 Textos.
TÓPICOS ABORDADOS ao longo da prova:
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8-ADJECTIVE PHRASES(Adjective+noun):
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9-IDIOMS(Expressões Idiomáticas):
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11-TECHNICAL ENGLISH(Military English, Business English, Finance English, Legal English, Tax English, Customs English and so on):
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➧Agora vamos à PROVA!
Have you always dreamed of traveling to cool places, meeting lots of different people, and maybe picking up a language or two? No matter what country you live in, you can fly over the world's highest waterfalls in Venezuela, learn world trade in Japan, study art in France, or take dancing lessons in Ghana.

How? Join a study abroad program, where high school and university students live with a host family in a foreign country. Semester, summer, and year-long programs allow you to attend school, take intensive language courses, or perform community service in another country.

Besides the excitement of travel, one reason to study abroad is that you will experience new customs, holidays, foods, art, music, and politics firsthand.
“Obviously, I learned the language and am now fluent, but perhaps more important was how much I learned about cultures, people, and myself. I learned this from the viewpoint of an active member of the community and my host family, not from the tourist's point of view,” says Andrew, who studied in Poitiers, France.

Another reason for studying abroad is that you'll gain self-confidence. You’ll have the opportunity to learn how to better stand up for yourself and your beliefs and to express yourself in another language. “What could make you more confident than that?” says Christina, who studied in Caracas, Venezuela.

Living away from home can also help you adjust in the transition to university and adulthood. Matthew says he returned from studying in Australia with confidence, social ability, and a genuine interest in international affairs that made a difference. “After having gone abroad in high school, I found the transition to university to be a breeze.”

And speaking of university, improving your language skills might help you get into prestigious universities and even find future jobs. Universities and employers know that studying abroad provides leadership skills in a world that is increasingly globally interconnected.

Most of all, it's fun! You're not likely to suffer from general monotony while you're studying in a different learning environment.
Available at: http://<www.kidshealth.org/teen/school_jobs/school/abroad.html> Access on August 15, 2008. [Adapted]
👉 Questão  11 :
Select the appropriate title(s) for text 1.
01. Traveling around the world
02. The most famous study abroad programs
04. Why study abroad?
08. Learning a foreign language
16. Living and studying in a foreign country
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  04+16 = (20) 
Select the appropriate title(s) for text 1.
01. Traveling around the world
02. The most famous study abroad programs
04. Why study abroad?
08. Learning a foreign language
16. Living and studying in a foreign country
👉 Questão  12 :
Select the CORRECT statement(s) according to text 1.
01. People dream of traveling to cold places.
02. The world is becoming more and more integrated.
04. In foreign countries you can study at very good universities.
08. By studying in a foreign country people learn to defend their convictions.
16. Studying abroad is a requisite of good universities.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  02+08 = (10) 
01. People dream of traveling to cold places.
02. The world is becoming more and more integrated.
04. In foreign countries you can study at very good universities.
08. By studying in a foreign country people learn to defend their convictions.
16. Studying abroad is a requisite of good universities.
👉 Questão  13 :
Choose the CORRECT proposition(s) to complete the first part of the statement, according to text 1.
You can study abroad, …
01. depending on the country you live in.
02. because of the country you live in.
04. no matter what country you live in.
08. whatever country you live in.
16. although the country you live in.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  04+08 = (12) 
You can study abroad, …
01. depending on the country you live in.
02. because of the country you live in.
04. no matter what country you live in.
08. whatever country you live in.
16. although the country you live in.
👉 Questão  14 :
Select the proposition(s) in which the question is answered according to text 1.
01. What are some benefits from studying abroad? People have fun, gain experience and learn foreign languages.
02. Are foreign students allowed to join community service in a host country? Yes, but only if they live with host families.
04. How long do study abroad programs last? They can last up to 12 months.
08. How did Matthew face the move from high school to university? It was very easy for him.
16. What kinds of experiences can students have abroad? They can learn to adjust to foreign universities.
32. How does Christina feel about her experience in Venezuela? She thinks she could be more confident.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  01+04+08 = (13) 
01. What are some benefits from studying abroad? People have fun, gain experience and learn foreign languages.
02. Are foreign students allowed to join community service in a host country? Yes, but only if they live with host families.
04. How long do study abroad programs last? They can last up to 12 months.
08. How did Matthew face the move from high school to university? It was very easy for him.
16. What kinds of experiences can students have abroad? They can learn to adjust to foreign universities.
32. How does Christina feel about her experience in Venezuela? She thinks she could be more confident.
👉 Questão  15 :
Select the CORRECT proposition(s).
From the text you can conclude that …
01. people who study abroad go to the best schools.
02. employers value employees who are likely to be leaders. 04. the best academic opportunities are just for people who study abroad. 08. if you study abroad, you’ll get good jobs.
16. France is a good country to go if you are interested in arts. 32. Andrew engaged in community life in France.
64. people do not like familiar learning contexts.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  02+16+32 = (50) 
From the text you can conclude that …
01. people who study abroad go to the best schools.
02. employers value employees who are likely to be leaders. 04. the best academic opportunities are just for people who study abroad. 08. if you study abroad, you’ll get good jobs.
16. France is a good country to go if you are interested in arts. 32. Andrew engaged in community life in France.
64. people do not like familiar learning contexts.
Are You a Good Candidate?

Although many programs have academic requirements, you usually don't have to have the highest grades to qualify. And most programs do not have language requirements.

Who you are is as important as your academic record. Study abroad programs look for students who are independent, self-assured, enjoy new experiences and different types of people, and can handle challenges. When you study in a foreign country, you'll be faced with new circumstances and environments.

Ask yourself:
• Am I willing to try new things — everything from foods to social situations?
• Am I comfortable making my own decisions, such as what time to leave for school, which courses to take, and how to deal with conflict and change, without family or friends around to help?
• Do I like to take risks?
• How have I handled complex and new situations in the past? • Will I be able to complete my academic requirements for my school at home and for any future plans?
• Will my school at home accept credits from the programs I am considering?

If you really hate change and don't like the idea of taking decisions all on your own, then studying abroad may not be for you. It’s important to really think about your feelings and to be honest with yourself – you could end up miserable far away from home if you aren’t!

Don't let a little anxiety stop you from considering the possibility of a summer, semester, or year abroad, though. Matthew says he will never forget sitting in the airport about to board a plane for Melbourne. “I felt terrified and delighted at the same time,” he says. “In the end, though, the rewards of living overseas far outweigh the initial uncertainties.”
Available at: http://<www.kidshealth.org/teen/school_jobs/school/abroad.html> Access on August 15, 2008. [Adapted]
👉 Questão  16 :
According to text 2, which of the following people would be good candidates to study abroad?
Select the CORRECT proposition(s).
01. Fred doesn’t think he could live far from home; he’s sure he would miss his family.
02. Kelly always avoids situations that might present some risk.
04. Helen wouldn’t mind living in a foreign country; she’s confident she would make new friends.
08. Joe changed schools last year; he felt nervous and worried.
16. Jackie is shy; she feels uncomfortable when she meets new people.
32. Peter is enthusiastic to try new things and to have new experiences.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  04+32 = (36) 
01. Fred doesn’t think he could live far from home; he’s sure he would miss his family.
02. Kelly always avoids situations that might present some risk.
04. Helen wouldn’t mind living in a foreign country; she’s confident she would make new friends.
08. Joe changed schools last year; he felt nervous and worried.
16. Jackie is shy; she feels uncomfortable when she meets new people.
32. Peter is enthusiastic to try new things and to have new experiences.
👉 Questão  17 :
Which of the following questions can be answered according to the information in text 2?
Select the CORRECT proposition(s).
01. What is the most difficult thing about learning a foreign language?
02. Which country offers the best opportunities for foreign students?
04. How did Matthew feel when he left to study abroad?
08. What kind of student is most likely to be successful when studying abroad?
16. Where do students prefer to spend their summer vacations?
32. Why is it important to be honest about one’s feelings?
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  04+08+32 = (44) 
01. What is the most difficult thing about learning a foreign language?
02. Which country offers the best opportunities for foreign students?
04. How did Matthew feel when he left to study abroad?
08. What kind of student is most likely to be successful when studying abroad?
16. Where do students prefer to spend their summer vacations?
32. Why is it important to be honest about one’s feelings?
👉 Questão  18 :
Select the proposition(s) in which both words can CORRECTLY complete the sentence, according to text 2.
01. Students who have ________ grades can apply to study abroad. average – regular
02. It is an _________ requirement to know the language of the foreign country. essential – indispensable
04. The student’s _________ characteristics are the most important thing to consider. personal – financial
08. When studying abroad, students should ________ their future plans. learn – consider
16. Studying abroad is an __________ experience. unforgettable – extraordinary
32. The advantages of studying abroad compensate the __________. anxiety – worry
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  01+16+32 = (49) 
01. Students who have ________ grades can apply to study abroad. average – regular
02. It is an _________ requirement to know the language of the foreign country. essential – indispensable
04. The student’s _________ characteristics are the most important thing to consider. personal – financial
08. When studying abroad, students should ________ their future plans. learn – consider
16. Studying abroad is an __________ experience. unforgettable – extraordinary
32. The advantages of studying abroad compensate the __________. anxiety – worry
👉 Questão  19 :
Select the proposition(s) which contains (contain) CORRECT definitions for the words/expressions underlined in text 2.
01. requirement – something that is necessary
02. self-assured – full of confidence
04. challenge – easy and familiar task
08. environment – the study of biological components
16. willing – ready to do what is needed
32. outweigh – too big and heavy
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  01+02+16 = (19) 
01. requirement – something that is necessary
02. self-assured – full of confidence
04. challenge – easy and familiar task
08. environment – the study of biological components
16. willing – ready to do what is needed
32. outweigh – too big and heavy
👉 Questão  20 :
Choose the proposition(s) that presents(present) CORRECT punctuation.
Staying Healthy Abroad
01. Depending on where you are going there are a number of suggested immunizations. Make sure to get this information early (several weeks or even months before traveling, if possible) to give yourself enough time to get the vaccines you need.
02. Travel health insurance is also available – in case you become, ill or get hurt while you are away. Most plans include a 24-hour direct telephone line. For assistance with doctors, dentists, and other health concerns.
04. You may want to pack products like pain medication: contact lens solution, and adhesive bandages? Don't forget prescription drugs or items like inhalers if you have asthma; and it's a good idea. To see your dentist before departure.
08. In addition to preparing physically, don't neglect your emotional health. Consider writing a diary to help process your experience. And prepare for culture shock when you return – you've grown and so have friends and family. You'll also miss your host family and friends.
Available at: http://<www.kidshealth.org/teen/school_jobs/school/abroad.html> Access on August 15, 2008. [Adapted]
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  01+08 = (09) 
01. Depending on where you are going there are a number of suggested immunizations. Make sure to get this information early (several weeks or even months before traveling, if possible) to give yourself enough time to get the vaccines you need.
02. Travel health insurance is also available – in case you become, ill or get hurt while you are away. Most plans include a 24-hour direct telephone line. For assistance with doctors, dentists, and other health concerns.
04. You may want to pack products like pain medication: contact lens solution, and adhesive bandages? Don't forget prescription drugs or items like inhalers if you have asthma; and it's a good idea. To see your dentist before departure.
08. In addition to preparing physically, don't neglect your emotional health. Consider writing a diary to help process your experience. And prepare for culture shock when you return – you've grown and so have friends and family. You'll also miss your host family and friends.   

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