quarta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2022




 10 Multiple Choice Questions / 5 Options Each Question.
 Text (1) – | Tirinha |
 Text (2) – | The Ovambo people in Namibia |
 Text (3) – | Rio de Janeiro | Business Travel Guide |



Complete the blanks with the right articles when necessary.

Attention: the blank space ( __ ) in the options means no article.

“In my cottage there are ___ tables in the dining room and there is ___ armchair in ____ living room.

(A) a, an, ___.

(B) __, a, the.

(C) a, __ , __.

(D) __ ,an, the.

(E) a, an, an.


Complete the sentence below using the appropriate pronoun:

“Sometimes, you want a search engine to find pages that have one word on _______ but not another word”.

(A) They.

(B) Them.

(C) Their.

(D) These.

(E) There. 


Which option has one word out of context?

A) shorts – sneakers – swimsuit – cap – T-shirt – skirt.

B) short – tall – good-looking – pretty – heavy – thin.

C) friendly – serious – funny – nice – smart – shy.

D) Brazilian – Russian – New Yorker – France – Spanish – English.

E) China – Mexico – Germany – Turkey – India – United Kingdom. 


Todas as palavras abaixo formam o plural em inglês como a palavra “photo”, exceto:

(A) video.

(B) piano.

(C) radio.

(D) hero.

(E) kilo. 


In the sentence

“Jackson wasn´t really angry, he was only pretending.”,

the verb in bold means that:

(A) Jackson acted like he was angry.

(B) Jackson will be angry.

(C) Jackson tried not be angry.

(D) Jackson wants to be angry.

(E) Jackson becomes angry easily. 


Mark the correct alternative.

“Don’t speak so loud! The baby ____ now.”

A) sleeps.

B) are sleeping.

C) sleep.

D) to sleep.

E) is sleeping.

07 – (ESA-SARGENTO-2022)

Read the comic strip and mark the best option about the attitude of the soldier who is giving food to the squirrel.

(A) The soldier intends to kill the squirrel.
(B) The soldier is suspicious of the quality of the food.
(C) The soldier wants to know the squirrel’s opinion about the food.
(D) The soldier loves animals and cares about them.
(E) The soldier is sure that the food is healthy and delicious.
      Comentários e Gabarito    B  
Leia a tirinha e marque a melhor opção sobre a atitude do soldado que está dando comida para o esquilo.
(A) The soldier intends to kill the squirrel. O soldado pretende matar o esquilo.
(B) The soldier is suspicious of the quality of the foodO soldado desconfia da qualidade da comida.
(C) The soldier wants to know the squirrel’s opinion about the food. O soldado quer saber a opinião do esquilo sobre a comida.
(D) The soldier loves animals and cares about them. O soldado ama os animais e se preocupa com eles.
(E) The soldier is sure that the food is healthy and delicious. O soldado tem certeza de que a comida é saudável e deliciosa.
RECRUTA ZERO: I'm giving this squirrel a taste of Cookie's stew. Estou dando a este esquilo uma prova do cozido do Cookie (cozinheiro do quartel).
PLATÃO(colega do Recruta Zero): That's kind! Isso é nobre!
RECRUTA ZERO: If he doesn't get sick, it's safe for me to eat. Se ele não passar mal, é seguro para eu comer.
PLATÃOThat's cruel! Isso é impiedoso.
O esquilo é usado como cobaia pelo Recruta Zero, pois este desconfiado da qualidade do cozido feito pelo cozinheiro do quartel, resolve dar inicialmente comida ao esquilo para certificar se a comida faria mal ou não. Tal atitude do Recruta Zero, fez o seu colega Platão, mudar de opinião e protesta: “isso é cruel, impiedoso!.


Marque a única alternativa correta de acordo com o texto abaixo.

The Ovambo people in Namibia traditionally build a house for their children, using wooden poles standing closely together to form circular walls. However, as the region where they live is running short of trees, this enterprising ethnic group is turning to a more abundant building material: the empty beer bottles that litter the roadsides and are cheaply available at local stores.

(A) Como são um grupo étnico empreendedor, os Ovambos estão se voltando para os investimentos no ramo da construção.

(B) Na Namíbia, encontra-se o litro da cerveja à venda a preços baixos nas lojas de beira de estrada.

(C) Em função da escassez de madeira, os Ovambos estão construindo casas com garrafas de cerveja vazias.

(D) As casas são construídas próximas umas das outras no interior de uma muralha circular feita de madeira.

(E) O povo Ovambo tem a tradição de construir casas para as crianças utilizando madeira e tijolos. 


Observe the extract below: 

“Everybody’s going on holiday”, Bill said. He laughed. “It’s going to be wonderful. No work for two weeks”

Choose the option in which you can observe the same verb tense as in the underlined words.

(A) They are travel until Saturday.

(B) We can playing basketball really well.

(C) I am eating. Can you call me later?

(D) She is going home every weekend.

(E) I studying Japanese. It is fantastic! 


Text: Rio de Janeiro

“Rio de Janeiro is Brazil’s heart, its cultural capital and emotional nerve-center (…). It’s wise to remember that the romantic sparking lights that glimmer in the hillsides illuminate the city’s notorious shanty towns. Crime, especially in the tourist-filled Copacabana district, is common. Most visitors are easy targets, if only because they usually lack a tan. Don’t wear expensive watches or jewelry and carry as little cash as possible, especially when going to the beach. (…) The subway system (Metro) is clean, fast and efficient, but only goes as far as Botafogo. It does not extend to Copacabana. Buses are plentiful but are uncomfortable and can be dangerous. (…) Business visitors should not be surprised when meetings start late or executives are informally dressed. This relaxed attitude is counterbalanced by the “carioca’s” quickness and creativity. “Cafezinhos” (literally little coffees), usually highly sugared, and mineral water are staple of nearly every business meeting in this city. In meetings between men and women (and between women), kisses on both cheecks are common. Men shake hands enthusiastically. Cariocas are easy going and slow to take offence. (…)” 

Source: 1998 Business Travel Guide adaptado de Inglês Intrumental de Rosângela Munhoz

Quais destas características, de acordo com o texto, se referem ao transporte público feito pelos ônibus do Rio de Janeiro:

(A) Clean and comfortable.

(B) Fast and dangerous.

(C) Efficient and plentiful.

(D) Uncomfortable and plentiful.

(E) Clean and dangerous.

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