domingo, 7 de outubro de 2012


➭ 25 TFQs (True False Questions) / 4 Options Each Question.
 Text (1) – | Human Rights, Terrorism, and |
 Text (2) – | UN announces program to help hunger hot spots |
 Text (3) – | Which has more Islamist terrorism, Europe or America? |

❑ TEXTO 1: This text refers to items from 126 through 134.
➭     Gabarito -  EECE CCCE C   
126. There is no place whatsoever the world over where expenses with terrorism are not to be felt.
__Gabarito:  01-(E)__
There is no place whatsoever the world over where expenses with terrorism are not to be felt.
(Não há nenhum lugar no mundo onde não se façam sentir os gastos com o terrorismo.)
➧ITEM ERRADO porque:
- No texto, a noun phrase "THE HUMAN COST OF TERRORISM" (o custo humano do terrorismo), expressa algo definido (vê o artigo THE), o custo relativo a vida humana, ou seja, O CUSTO (DAS PERDAS) DE VIDAS HUMANAS CAUSADAS PELO TERRORISMO.
-No item, a expressão EXPENSES WITH TERRORISM(gastos com terrorismo) expressa um significado indefinido, EXPENSES pode ser os gastos com armamentos  envolvidos no terrorism, gastos com viaturas no terrorism, etc.
- No texto, a expressão "IN VIRTUALLY EVERY CORNER OF THE GLOBE" tem um significado de abrangência MENOR do que o da expressão enfatizada "THERE IS NO PLACE WHATSOEVER THE WORLD" apresentada no item.
  • My school did nothing whatsoever in the way of athletics. - Minha escola não fez absolutamente nada em termos de atletismo. [Collins Dictionary]  
(b) VIRTUALLY (= practically, almost) - QUASE, PRATICAMENTE.
127. The United Nations is an international organisation universally respected for its role as a peace maker.
__Gabarito:  02-(E)__
The United Nations is an international organisation universally respected for its role as a peace maker.
(As Nações Unidas são uma organização internacional universalmente respeitada por seu papel como pacificadora.)
➧ITEM ERRADO porque, no texto, o autor não faz menção de "ROLE AS A PEACE MAKER" da ONU, e também, não afirma que a ONU é mundialmente respeitada. 
128. Twenty two people were killed in a terrorist assault in Baghdad.
__Gabarito:  03-(C)__
Twenty two people were killed in a terrorist assault in Baghdad.
(Vinte e duas pessoas foram mortas em um ataque terrorista em Bagdá.)
➧ITEM CORRETO: 1( Sergio Vieira) + 21(homens e mulheres), conforme o trecho:
"[...] The attack on its offices in Baghdad... claimed the lives of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Sergio Vieira de Mello, and 21 other men and women,"
(O ataque aos seus escritórios ....CEIFOU AS VIDAS do Representante Especial do Secretário-Geral, Sergio Vieira de Mello, e de outros 21 homens e mulheres,)
129. The sentence "Terrorism (...) has (...) devastating consequences for the enjoyment of the right to life" (R.8-10) means the same as Terrorism (...) has (...) a devastating impact on people’s way of life.
__Gabarito:  04-(E)__
130. Terrorism can bring about both individual and social costs.
__Gabarito:  05-(C)__
131. Security and protection of individuals can be considered basic human rights and essential duty of governments.
__Gabarito:  06-(C)__
132. Not only terrorism but also anti-terrorism have used questionable methods to reach their goals.
__Gabarito:  07-(C)__
133. Counter-terrorism can count on legal support to engage in torture.
__Gabarito:  08-(E)__
134. The pronoun "them" (R.20) refers to "the human rights of their nationals and others" (R.19).
__Gabarito:  09-(C)__

❑ TEXTO 2: This text refers to items from 135 through 142.
Internet: <>(adapted).
(CESPE-2008-ABIN-AGENTE DE INTELIGÊNCIA-CARGO 2) – Based on the text above, it can be deduced that:
➭     Gabarito -  ECEC ECCE   

135. a United Nations agency hit hard some needy people.
__Gabarito:  10-(E)__
136. it is difficult to control the starvation the world is facing.
__Gabarito:  11-(C)__
137. the World Food Program stated that billions of people all over the world are finding it hard to survive due to high prices.
__Gabarito:  12-(E)__
138. the World Food Program is attempting to help needy people who are spread over three continents.
__Gabarito:  13-(C)__
139. Josette Sheeran says that they have now succeeded in feeding the most deprived people.
__Gabarito:  14-(E)__
140. at least three groups of people are the present target for food supply by the UN agency mentioned in the text.
__Gabarito:  15-(C)__
141. farmers may take part in the emergency food program.
__Gabarito:  16-(C)__
142. local provisions of food are particularly easy to find.
__Gabarito:  17-(E)__

❑ TEXTO 3: This text refers to items from 18 through 25.
Internet: <>
(CESPE-2008-ABIN-AGENTE DE INTELIGÊNCIA-CARGO 2) – From the text, it can be inferred that:
➭     Gabarito -  EEEC CCEE   
143. Sageman's figures are considered to be very accurate and show exactly the far superior number of terrorists arrested in Europe when compared to the American ones.
__Gabarito:  18-(E)__
144. Sageman became a notorious writer thanks to his new book.
__Gabarito:  19-(E)__
145. "The Atlantic Divide" presents well established conclusions about the superiority of American Muslims.
__Gabarito:  20-(E)__
146. Sageman believes the proportion of people who are imprisoned for Islamist terrorism is lower in the United States than in Europe.
__Gabarito:  21-(C)__
147. Sageman believes that, in dealing with terrorism, America is in a better position than Europe.
__Gabarito:  22-(C)__
148. Sageman uses the strategy of mentioning other authors to support his estimates.
__Gabarito:  23-(C)__
149. the Muslim community in America is bigger than that of Europe.
__Gabarito:  24-(E)__
150. In the text, "Aside from"(l.24) is the same as at the side of.
__Gabarito:  25-(E)__

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