domingo, 2 de dezembro de 2012

ESPM – 2011/1 – VESTIBULAR – LÍNGUA INGLESA – Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing – GABARITO E TEXTOS TRADUZIDOS.

 10 Multiple Choice Questions / 5 Options Each Question.
➭ Text (1)  – | CHEAP labor has built China’s economic miracle. |
➭ Text (2)  – | Facebook Tops 500 Million Users | The New York Times |
➭ Text (3)  – | Tirinha |

CHEAP labor has built China’s economic miracle.
A mão-de-obra BARATA construiu o milagre econômico da China.

Its manufacturing workers toil for a small fraction of the cost
of their American or German competitors.
Os seus trabalhadores industriais trabalham por uma pequena fração do custo dos seus concorrentes americanos ou alemães.

At the bottom of the heap, a “floating population” of about 130m migrants work in China’s boomtowns, taking home 1,348 yuan a month on average last year.
No fundo da lista, uma “população flutuante” de cerca de 130 milhões de migrantes trabalha nas cidades em expansão da China, levando para casa 1.348 yuans por mês, em média, no ano passado.

That is a mere $197, little more than one-twentieth of the average monthly wage in America.
Isso equivale a apenas US$ 197, pouco mais de um vigésimo do salário médio mensal na América.

But it is 17% more than the year before.
Mas é 17% a mais que no ano anterior.

As China’s economy has bounced back, wages have followed suit.
À medida que a economia da China recuperou, os salários seguiram o exemplo.

On the coasts, where its exporting factories are clustered, bosses are short of workers, and workers short of patience.
Nas costas, onde estão agrupadas as suas fábricas exportadoras, os patrões têm falta de trabalhadores e os trabalhadores têm pouca paciência.

A lot of strikes has thrown a spanner into1 the workshop of the world.
Muitas greves afetaram1 a oficina do mundo.

The hands of China’s workers have been strengthened by a new labor law, introduced in 2008, and by the more fundamental laws of demand and supply.
As mãos dos trabalhadores da China foram fortalecidas pela uma nova lei trabalhista, introduzida em 2008, e pela mais leis fundamentais da procura e da oferta.

Workers are becoming harder to find and to keep.
Os trabalhadores estão se tornando mais difíceis de encontrar e manter.

The country’s villages still contain perhaps 70m potential migrants.
As aldeias do país ainda contêm talvez 70 milhões de potenciais migrantes.

Other rural folk might be willing to work closer to home in the growing number of factories moving inland.
Outras populações rurais poderão estar dispostas a trabalhar mais perto de casa, no crescente número de fábricas que se deslocam para o interior.

But the supply of strong backs and nimble fingers is not infinite, even in China.
Mas a oferta de costas fortes e dedos ágeis não é infinita, mesmo na China.

The number of 15- to 29-year-olds will fall sharply from next year.
O número de jovens entre 15 e 29 anos cairá drasticamente a partir do próximo ano.

And although their wages are increasing, their aspirations are rising even faster.
E embora os seus salários estejam aumentando, as suas aspirações estão aumentando ainda mais rapidamente.

They seem less willing to “eat bitterness”, as the Chinese put it, without complaint.
Parecem menos dispostos a “comer amargura”, como dizem os chineses, sem reclamar. - 29/07/2010)
1 TO THROW A SPANNER IN THE WORKS = to frustrate or
ruin (a plan, system etc.) - frustrar ou aruinar (um plano, sistema etc.)

41 – (ESPM-2011/1-VESTIBULAR)
According to the main idea expressed by the text, it is correct
to state that:
(A) although cheap labor used to be the backbone of China’s
economic miracle, China’s workers now earn as much as
their peers in America or Germany.
(B) in China’s factories, dissatisfaction is on the rise.
(C) China’s workers earn twenty per cent less than their peers
in America or Germany.
(D) China’s economy has not suffered the consequences of
the economic crisis, and for that reason, salaries are on the
rise all over the country.
(E) The great number of potential migrants who need to work
in China do not complain about their wages.
 👍   Gabarito    B  
According to the main idea expressed by the text, it is correct to state that:
De acordo com a ideia central expressa pelo texto, é correto para afirmar que:
(A) although cheap labor used to be the backbone of China’s
economic miracle, China’s workers now earn as much as
their peers in America or Germany. – embora a mão-de-obra barata fosse a espinha dorsal do milagre econômico da China, os trabalhadores chineses ganham agora tanto como os seus pares na América ou na Alemanha.
(B) in China’s factories, dissatisfaction is on the rise. – nas fábricas da China, a insatisfação está a aumentar.
(C) China’s workers earn twenty per cent less than their peers in America or Germany. – Os trabalhadores da China ganham vinte por cento menos do que os seus pares na América ou na Alemanha.
(D) China’s economy has not suffered the consequences of the economic crisis, and for that reason, salaries are on the rise all over the country. – A economia da China não sofreu as consequências da crise econômica e, por essa razão, os salários estão a aumentar em todo o país.
(E) The great number of potential migrants who need to work in China do not complain about their wages. – O grande número de potenciais migrantes que precisam de trabalhar na China não se queixa dos seus salários.

42 – (ESPM-2011/1-VESTIBULAR)
The verb “toil” in “workers toil for a small fraction of the cost
of their American or German competitors” means that Chinese
(A) earn a small fraction of the cost of their American or
German competitors.
(B) are glad to receive a small fraction of the cost of their
American or German competitors.
(C) complain about receiving a small fraction of the cost of
their American or German competitors.
(D) work hard for a small fraction of the cost of their American
or German competitors.
(E) deserve a small fraction of the cost of their American or
German competitors.
 👍   Gabarito    D  
The verb “toil” in “workers toil for a small fraction of the cost
of their American or German competitors” means that Chinese
O verbo “trabalhar” em “trabalhadores trabalham por uma pequena fração do custo dos seus concorrentes americanos ou alemães” significa que os trabalhadores chineses:
(A) earn a small fraction of the cost of their American or
German competitors. – ganham uma pequena fração do custo de seus concorrentes americanos ou alemães.
(B) are glad to receive a small fraction of the cost of their American or German competitors. – ficam felizes em receber uma pequena fração do custo de seus Concorrentes americanos ou alemães.
(C) complain about receiving a small fraction of the cost of their American or German competitors. – reclamar de receber uma pequena fração do custo de seus concorrentes americanos ou alemães.
(D) work hard for a small fraction of the cost of their American or German competitors. – trabalhar duro por uma pequena fração do custo dos seus concorrentes americanos ou alemães.
(E) deserve a small fraction of the cost of their American or German competitors. – merecem uma pequena fração do custo dos seus concorrentes americanos ou alemães.

43 – (ESPM-2011/1-VESTIBULAR)
Which of the following is mentioned in the text as a reason for Chinese workers’ more demanding behavior?
(A) The country’s villages still contain perhaps 70 million potential migrants.
(B) A new labor law.
(C) They earn a little more than the average monthly wage in
(D) China’s economy has bounced back.
(E) On the coasts workers are becoming harder to keep.
 👍   Gabarito    B  
Which of the following is mentioned in the text as a reason for Chinese workers’ more demanding behavior?
Qual das seguintes opções é mencionada no texto como razão para o comportamento mais exigente dos trabalhadores chineses?
(A) The country’s villages still contain perhaps 70 million potential migrants. – As aldeias do país ainda contêm talvez 70 milhões de potenciais migrantes.
(B) A new labor law. – Uma nova lei trabalhista.
(C) They earn a little more than the average monthly wage in
America. – Eles ganham um pouco mais do que o salário médio mensal nos EUA.
(D) China’s economy has bounced back. – A economia da China recuperou.
(E) On the coasts workers are becoming harder to keep. –  Nas zonas costeiras está a tornar-se mais difícil manter os trabalhadores.

44 – (ESPM-2011/1-VESTIBULAR)
The expression “strong backs and nimble fingers”, in the second paragraph, is a metaphor for:
(A) young workers
(B) unhealthy people
(C) skilled executives
(D) the people of the villages
(E) the good health of Chinese workers
 👍   Gabarito    A  
The expression “strong backs and nimble fingers”, in the second paragraph, is a metaphor for:
A expressão “costas fortes e dedos ágeis”, no segundo parágrafo, é uma metáfora para:
(A) young workers  – trabalhadores  jovens
(B) unhealthy people  – pessoas pouco saudáveis
(C) skilled executives  – executivos qualificados
(D) the people of the villages  – as pessoas das aldeias
(E) the good health of Chinese workers  – a boa saúde dos trabalhadores chineses

Facebook Tops 500 Million Users
Facebook supera 500 milhões de usuários

Facebook, the social network created in the dormitories of Harvard six years ago, said on Wednesday that it now had
500 million members.
O Facebook, a rede social criada nos dormitórios de Harvard há seis anos, disse na quarta-feira que agora tem 500 milhões de membros.

The company has doubled in size from a year ago, pushing international competitors aside.
A empresa dobrou de tamanho em relação ao ano anterior, deixando de lado os concorrentes internacionais.

“This is an important milestone for all of you who have helped spread Facebook around the world,”
“Este é um marco importante para todos vocês que ajudaram a espalhar o Facebook pelo mundo”,

Mark Zuckerberg, the company’s 26-year-old chief executive, said in a company blog post.
Mark Zuckerberg, o presidente-executivo da empresa, de 26 anos, disse em uma postagem no blog da empresa.

Facebook’s dizzying rise has not been without stumbles.
A ascensão vertiginosa do Facebook não ocorreu sem tropeços.

Most recently, the company was the focus of intense scrutiny over changes to its site that encouraged members to make more information about themselves accessible to anyone on the Internet.
Mais recentemente, a empresa foi foco de intenso escrutínio sobre mudanças em seu site que incentivavam os membros a tornarem mais informações sobre si mesmos acessíveis a qualquer pessoa na Internet.

A recent survey by the American Customer Satisfaction Index showed that user satisfaction with Facebook stood at 64 on a 100-point scale, which placed it in the bottom 5 percent of the companies covered in the index.
Uma pesquisa recente do Índice Americano de Satisfação do Cliente mostrou que a satisfação dos usuários com o Facebook era de 64 em uma escala de 100 pontos, o que o colocava entre os 5% inferiores das empresas incluídas no índice.

Facebook’s popularity has also spurred competition from the likes of Google, which views the billions of links and hours spent on the site each month as a threat to its business.
A popularidade do Facebook também estimulou a concorrência de empresas como o Google, que vê os bilhões de links e horas gastas no site todos os meses como uma ameaça aos seus negócios.

But if anything, the site’s steady growth in spite of its setbacks only validates the company’s approach, said Ray Valdes, an analyst at the research firm Gartner.
Mas, na verdade, o crescimento constante do site, apesar dos contratempos, apenas valida a abordagem da empresa, disse Ray Valdes, analista da empresa de pesquisas Gartner.

Facebook has been aggressive in pushing users “to the edge of their comfort zone,” Mr. Valdes said.
O Facebook tem sido agressivo em levar os usuários “ao limite de sua zona de conforto”, disse Valdes.

“But Facebook has proven that it can weather those challenges and still grow.”
“Mas o Facebook provou que pode enfrentar esses desafios e ainda crescer.”

Mr. Valdes, who estimates that Facebook is adding 50 million new members each month, attributed the company’s rapid ascension to its continuous effort to change and improve the service.
Valdes, que estima que o Facebook esteja adicionando 50 milhões de novos membros a cada mês, atribuiu a rápida ascensão da empresa ao seu esforço contínuo para mudar e melhorar o serviço.

“That keeps it bubbling away,” he said.
“Isso o mantém borbulhando”, disse ele.
(The New York Times, July 21, 2010)
45 – (ESPM-2011/1-VESTIBULAR)
The title “Facebook Tops 500 Million Users” most likely means that:
(A) Facebook has almost 500 million users.
(B) Facebook will soon have 500 million users.
(C) Facebook has already reached the number of 500 million
(D) Facebook shall surpass 500 million users in a near future.
(E) Facebook excelled the number of 500 million users six years ago.
 👍   Gabarito    C  

46 – (ESPM-2011/1-VESTIBULAR)
According to the information in the text, it is correct to state
that Facebook
(A) was created by a group of senior members of Harvard’s
(B) considers Google its only threat.
(C) has become a very lucrative company.
(D) is considered the best site in the social networking sphere.
(E) has grown at a meteoric pace.
 👍   Gabarito    E  

47 – (ESPM-2011/1-VESTIBULAR)
The important milestone Mark Zuckerberg refers to is:
(A) The user’s satisfaction with Facebook.
(B) The company’s astonishing profitability.
(C) The number of users.
(D) The qualified team that has helped to spread Facebook around the world.
(E) The results of a recent survey by the American Customer Satisfaction Index.
 👍   Gabarito    C  

48 – (ESPM-2011/1-VESTIBULAR)
According to the text, Facebook’s steady growth is due to:
(A) Its 500 million members.
(B) The weakness of international competitors.
(C) Its 26-year-old chief executive.
(D) The fact that its users are a hundred per cent satisfied.
(E) Its continuous improvement policy.
 👍   Gabarito    E  

49 – (ESPM-2011/1-VESTIBULAR)
You can infer from the text that the engineering department:
(A) ignored the video as soon as it arrived for appreciation.
(B) spent three months preparing the video.
(C) considered the video funny.
(D) said the video had to be technically improved.
(E) said the video was technically inaccurate.
 👍   Gabarito    C  
You can infer from the text that the engineering department:
Pode-se inferir do texto que o departamento de engenharia:
(A) ignored the video as soon as it arrived for appreciation.  –  ignorou o vídeo assim que chegou para apreciação.
(B) spent three months preparing the video.  – passou três meses preparando o vídeo.
(C) considered the video funny.  – achou o vídeo engraçado.
(D) said the video had to be technically improved.  – disse que o vídeo precisava ser melhorado tecnicamente.
(E) said the video was technically inaccurate.  –  disse que o vídeo era tecnicamente impreciso.

50 – (ESPM-2011/1-VESTIBULAR)
The e-mail she got back from Wally most likely read:
(A) “The script had been great.”
(B) “I think the script is humorless.”
(C) “It was funny.”
(D) “I thought the script would be great.”
(E) “It is great.”
 👍   Gabarito    E  
The e-mail she got back from Wally most likely read:
O e-mail que ela recebeu de Wally provavelmente dizia:
(A) “The script had been great.”  – “O roteiro foi ótimo.”
(B) “I think the script is humorless.”  – “Acho que o roteiro não tem humor.”
(C) “It was funny.”  – “Foi engraçado.”
(D) “I thought the script would be great.”  – “Achei que o roteiro seria ótimo.”
(E) “It is great.”  – “É ótimo.”

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