domingo, 16 de dezembro de 2012


 70 TFQs (True False Question).


 TEXTO:Text for items 51 to 65
About language teaching
Sobre o ensino de línguas

It is probably easier for __ teachers than for __ students to appreciate the reasons why learning English seems to become increasingly difficult once the basic structures and patterns of the language have been understood. Students are naturally surprised and disappointed to discover that a process which ought to become simpler does not appear to do so.
É provavelmente mais fácil para __ professores do que para __ alunos compreender as razões pelas quais aprender inglês parece tornar-se cada vez mais difícil uma vez que as estruturas e padrões básicos da língua tenham sido compreendidos. Os estudantes ficam naturalmente surpresos e desapontados ao descobrirem que um processo que deveria se tornar mais simples não parece fazê-lo.
It may not seem much consolation to point out that the teacher, too, becomes frustrated when his efforts appear to produce less obvious results. He finds that students who were easy to teach,because theysucceeded _______ putting everything they had been taught _______ practice, hesitate when confronted with the vast untouched area of English vocabulary and usage which falls outside the scope of basic textbooks. He sees them struggling because the language they thought they knew now appears to consist of a bewildering variety of idioms, clichés and accepted phrases with different meanings in different contexts. It is hard to convince them that they are still making progress towards fluency and that their English is certain to improve, given time and ____ dedication.
Pode não parecer muito consolador salientar que o professor também fica frustrado quando os seus esforços parecem produzir resultados menos óbvios. Ele descobre que os alunos que eram fáceis de ensinar, porque conseguiram _______ colocar em prática tudo o que aprenderam _______, hesitam quando confrontados com a vasta área intocada do vocabulário e uso do inglês que está fora do escopo dos livros didáticos básicos. Ele vê-os em dificuldades porque a linguagem que pensavam conhecer agora parece consistir numa variedade desconcertante de expressões idiomáticas, clichés e frases aceites com significados diferentes em contextos diferentes. É difícil convencê-los de que ainda estão progredindo em direção à fluência e que seu inglês certamente melhorará, com tempo e ____ dedicação.
In such circumstances it is hardly surprising that some give up in disgust, while others still wait hopefully for theteacher to givethem thesame confident guidance he was able to offer them at first. The teacher, for his part frequently reduced to trying to explain the inexplicable, may take refuge _______ quoting proverbs to his colleagues such as: “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink”, or, more respectfully if less grammatically: “It ain’t what you say. It’s the way that you say it.” His students might feel inclined to counter these with: "_____ more I learn, ____ less I know."
Em tais circunstâncias, não surpreende que alguns desistam, enojados, enquanto outros ainda esperam esperançosamente que o professor lhes dê a mesma orientação confiante que foi capaz de lhes oferecer no início. O professor, por sua vez frequentemente reduzido a tentar explicar o inexplicável, pode refugiar-se _______ citando provérbios aos seus colegas como: “Você pode levar um cavalo até a água, mas não pode obrigá-lo a beber”, ou, mais respeitosamente, se menos gramaticalmente: “Não é o que você diz. É a maneira como você diz isso. Seus alunos podem se sentir inclinados a responder com: "_____ mais eu aprendo, ____ menos eu sei."
Of course this is not true. What both students and teachers are experiencing is _______ recognition that the more complex structures one encounters in a language are not as vital_______makingoneselfunderstood and so have  a less immediate field of application. For the same reason, from the teacher’s point of view, selecting what should be taught becomes a more difficult task. It is much easier to get food of anykind than to choose the dishyou would most like to eat _______ a given day from a vast menu.
Claro que isso não é verdade. O que tanto os alunos como os professores estão a experienciar é o _______ reconhecimento de que as estruturas mais complexas que encontramos numa língua não são tão vitais para nos fazermos compreender e por isso têm um campo de aplicação menos imediato. Pelo mesmo motivo, do ponto de vista do professor, selecionar o que deve ser ensinado torna-se uma tarefa mais difícil. É muito mais fácil conseguir comida de qualquer tipo do que escolher o prato que você mais gostaria de comer _______ um determinado dia em um vasto cardápio.
W.S. Fowler.Proficiency English – language and composition. Nelson-Sunbury-on-thames, 2000 (with adaptations).

As far as the use or omission of the definite article is concerned, judge the following items referring to the text above.
51 On lines 1 and 2, the definite article should be inserted right before "teachers" and "students".
>>ERRADO: Nas linhas 1 e 2, o artigo definido DEVE ser inserido logo antes de "teachers"(professores) e "students"(alunos).
➦ Uso inadequado de artigos:
  • It is probably easier for teachers than for students to appreciate the reasons why learning English seems to become increasingly difficult once the basic structures and patterns of the language have been understood.
  • Provavelmente é mais fácil para os professores do que para os alunos avaliar as razões pelas quais o aprendizado de inglês parece se tornar cada vez mais difícil depois que as estruturas e os padrões básicos do idioma forem compreendidos.
52 On line 21, there should be no article before “dedication”.
53 In the quotation on lines 31 and 32, no definite article is necessary at all.
>>ERRADO: Na citação nas linhas 31 e 32, nenhum artigo definido é necessário.
➦ Uso do comparativo paralelo: The more...the less.
➦ No texto:
His students might feel inclined to counter these with: "THE more I learn, THE less I know."
(Seus alunos podem se sentir inclinados a contrariar isso: "Quanto mais eu aprendo, menos eu sei".)

54 On line 34, the definite article should be used right before “recognition”.
With respect to the use of prepositions and considering the previous text, judge the items below.

55 On line 11, the preposition that follows “succeeded” is at.
56 The preposition to be placed after “taught” ( .12) is on.
57 The preposition from should be used after “refuge” ( .27).
58 On line 36, the preposition by comes after “vital”.
59 On line 41, the preposition that comes after “eat” is in.
In the previous text,
60 the word “increasingly” ( .3) can be replaced by quite with no difference in meaning.
61 the expression “point out” ( .8) is synonymous with draw attention to, indicate.
62 “struggling” ( .15) means challenging, attacking.
63 theword “bewildering” ( .17) can be replaced by profusion or abundance with no change in meaning.
64 “counter” ( .31) means argue against, respond to.
65 “selecting” ( .38) is synonymous with picking out.
According to the established rules of phonetics and phonology of the English language, judge the items below.

66 In the pronunciation of the following words subtle, lamb, climb and thumb, the b is always silent.
67 In the following words, the initial h is never silent: hate, hello, honest, history.
68 The sound of the letter a in ago and in about is unstressed and it is called a schwa.
69 The following sets of words are illustrative of minimal pairs: toe/so, later/litter, they/day, bid/bead.
70 The pronunciation of the verbal forms attached, disposed, needed, advanced, disturbed, and noted leads to the conclusion that there are only three possibilities for the edending pronunciation.
71 A shift (or change) in the stressed syllable of nouns such as contract, defect, object, progress turns them into verbs.
72 The pronunciation of the verb usehas two different forms in “He used his pen to sign his name” and in “He used to wear short trousers when he was a boy”.

Decide about the correctness of the following items concerning singular and plural forms.
73 Most nouns ending in f or fe have plurals in ves, as in half/halves, knife/knives, leaf/leaves, life/lives.
74 The singular and plural form of the following words is the same: series, species, means.
75 The plural forms of hypothesis, thesis, and crisis are respectively hypotheses, theses, and crises.
76 Mathematics, athletics, and politics are singular nouns.

Judge the following items.
77 In terms of sentence structure,“I came, I saw, I conquered” is an example of a simple sentence with asyndetic coordination.
78 In “Fred built the cabin with his own hands”, the underlined fragment is an adjunct.
79 A disjunct is found in “Donnawon’t cooperate,whichmakes things more difficult”.
80 In “The strong belief that he was unbeatable wasHugh’sfirst defeat”, the underlined passage has an appositive function.
81 “Playing video games and to watch sitcomson cable TV are my favorite pastimes” is an example of coordinated structures with appropriate parallelism.
In regard to sentence connection, decideabout thecorrectness of the following statements.
82 In “Medication is ineffective for some types of headaches; however, patients can learn how to deal with them”, the underlined connecting word is a conjunctive adverb linking two independent clauses.
83 “Mark’s friends don’t like Japanese food, and Mark doesn’t either” would still be correct if rewritten as Mark’s friends don’t like Japanese food, and so does he.
84 There is no change in meaning in “Luke, you had better listen to me, or be ready to bear the consequences” if the linking word is replaced by besides.
Judge the following items concerning subordinated structures.

85 “Prices in Europe are so high that it costs a fortune to spend a month there” is an example of a complex sentence.
86 The mixed conditional in “If John had followed his doctor’s advice, he wouldn’t still be ill” implies that John did not do what his doctor told him to, and that is why he is not well now.
87 “Although Grant did not have any money” requires another clause introducing an expected result, such as he didn’t go to the movies.
88 The relative structure in “The judge praised the jury members who had respected the rules of court” means that some members of the jury failed to comply with the rules.
Judge if each of the following items is correctly written.
89 The news of his spectacular achievements comes as a surprise to us.
90 Food from different geographic locations and of several ethnic groups often help distinguish specific cultural aspects.
91 He is one of those political advisors who was interested in helping all voters to feel part of the political process.
92 A number of animals at the recently-opened city zoo have been mysteriously poisoned to death.
93 The orchestra conductor, as well as all musicians, was so upset by the audience’s reaction that he interrupted the concert to tell off the crowd.
With regard to verb tenses and verb forms, judge the items below.
94 In “He stopped smoking”and in “Hestopped to smoke”, the meaning is the same because the verb “to stop” accepts both the infinitive and the gerund forms.
95 The sentence “I have never met or spoke to your father” is gramatically correct.
96 “That morning, by the time Hugh woke up, his wife had already gone to work” implies that Hugh did not see his wife that morning.
97 The sentence “I wouldn’t have to deal with pollution if I lived in the countryside” describes a real present situation.
98 Considering that John asked: “How can I apply?”, in reported speech, this sentence would become: John asked how he can apply.
99 Considering that Patricia said: “Don’t do this!” to her daughter, in reported speech, this sentence changes to “Patricia told her daughter for her not doing that.”
100 In the sentences “Dancing is an excellent aerobic exercise” and “She is dancing with her brother”, the underlined forms are gerunds.
Having in mind the established rules for the formation of comparative forms, judge the following items.
101 Gisele Bündchen is at least 20 centimeters taller that the average Brazilian man.
102 The sooner you arrive, the better.
103 The two brothers Peter and Paul are very good-looking, but Peter is the most handsome one.
104 The worse thing that could possibly happen to me is to lose my job.

Decide about the correctness of the following items in regard to adjectives, adverbs, and pronouns.
105 Where have all my students gone? There is everybody in the classroom.
106 Why should I be punished? I haven’t done nothing wrong.
107 In “The friendly lady sings beautifully”, the underlined words have both an adverbial function.
108 In “The audience was _______ at the tragic ending of the play” and “The _______ news made them speechless”, the blanks should be filled in respectively with the words shocked and shocking.
109 In “She drives ________” and in “She has a ________ car”, you can fill in the blanks with theword fast because both the adjective and the adverb have the same form.
110 In “When traveling, one should be careful with one’s personal belongings”, the underlined form does not exist as a possessive adjective.

In regard to error treatment and language teaching methods, decide about the correctness of the items below.
111 In the Silent Way, errors are to be avoided at all costs through the teacher’s awareness of where the students will have difficultyand restriction of what they are taught to say.
112 In Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), errors of form are tolerated during fluency-based activities and are seen as a natural outcome of the development of communication skills. The teacher may note the errors during fluency activities and return to them later with an accuracy-based activity.
113 In the Grammar-Translation method, errors are seen as a natural, indispensable part of the learning process. The teacher uses students’ errors as a basis for deciding where further work is necessary. Self and peer correction are fostered as well.
114 In the Total Physical Response (TPR) approach, errors are expected when students first begin speaking. The teacher should be tolerant and only correct structural errors unobtrusively. As students get more advanced, the teacher can correct more minor errors.
115 In Georgi Lozanov’s Suggestopedia, now called Desuggestopedia to reflect the importance placed on suggesting no limitations on learning, errors are corrected gently, with the teacher using a soft voice. This method is illustrative of what came to be known as an affectivehumanistic approach to language teaching.
116 Content-based Instruction, Task-based Instruction, and the Participatory Approach to foreign language teachingsubvert the idea that students should learn to use a language and suggest instead that they should use a language in order to learn it.
117 In Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), the target language isa vehicle for classroom communication, not just theobject of study. That is one of thereasons why theuseof the mother tongue should be handled sensibly and carefully.
118 Integrating the four skills (reading, speaking, listening, and writing) from the beginning is a characteristic of the AudioLingual Method because it is concerned with habit formation.
119 There is student-to-student interaction in drilling exercises or when students take different roles in dialogs, but this interaction is teacher-centered. Also, students are not allowed to initiate interaction. This describes the nature of student-student interaction in Suggestopedia.
120 One of the basic assumptions of the Grammar-Translation Method is that by learning to communicate students will be more motivated to study a foreign language since they will feel they are learning to do something useful with the language.

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