domingo, 16 de dezembro de 2012



 16 Multiple Choice Questions / 4 Options Each Question.

1 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

Only one of the words from the item has O with the sound /ou/. Which is this word ?

a) lover
b) cover
c) clover
d) discover
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  C 

02 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

Every word in this item, except one, rhymes with weak. Identify this word in which the EA sounds like /ei/.

a) leak
b) beak
c) steak
d) peaky
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  C 

03 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

Complete the following text:

And the World Cup is ________ from a global economic perspective. It generates ________ of $ 428 million for sponsor rights and $ 450 million for TV rights. Licensed merchandise _______ are projected at $ 1.2 million.

a) big / taxis / sells
b) huge / fees / sales
c) huge / rates / sizes
d) gigantic / changes / prices
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  B 

04 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

Choose the correct alternative.

The ship struck an iceberg, which tore a huge hole in _______ side.

a) its
b) his
c) her
d) their
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  A/C 

05 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

“(...) still in the doorway, I heard a mission bell and I was thinking ______ this could be heaven or this could be hell.”

a) with me
b) of myself
c) to myself
d) about my own
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  C 

06 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

The doctor advised her ______ while pregnant. 

a) stops to smoke
b) to stop smoking
c) to stop to smoke
d) stopping smoking
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  B 

07 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

Read the text below:

Paul McCartney eulogized his wife, Linda, before more than 700 mourners - including Sting, Elton John, and former Beatles George Harrison and Ringo Starr - at a memorial service Monday evening at a West End church. “She was my girlfriend. I lost my girlfriend. I still can’t believe it, but it’s true. I have to believe it.” McCartney said Linda, 56, died of breast cancer in April. Observe the underlined words.

The pronoun IT refers to:

a) I have to believe.
b) I still can’t believe.
c) I lost my girlfriend.
d) She was my girlfriend.
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  C 

08 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

Choose the WRONG comparison.

a) The more he thinks, the more he smokes.
b) The most he has got, the more he wants to get.
c) The diamond was worth more than its high price.
d) As the time went by she became more and more beautiful. 
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  B 

Based on the text below answer questions 9 and 10.

“Defense Secretary William Cohen refused Monday to segregate male and female recruits in Army, Navy and Air Force training camps. After nearly six months of review, Cohen announced training the sexes together from the start __(I)__ prepare troops to work together later.__(II)__ 14%__(II)__ the force female, “we cannot run a military today __(II)__ women, ”Cohen said.”

09 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

Choose an alternative to complete blank number (I) on the text.

a) was a good way to
b) were better ways to
c) was the best way for
d) were the best way to
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  A 

10 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

Complete the blank marked with number (II) with prepositions:

a) at / in / on
b) with / from / over
c) with / of / without
d) both / in / without
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  C 

11 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

This hot weather has affected my ___________. 

a) concentrated ability
b) ability concentrating
c) ability concentration
d) ability to concentrate
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  D 

12 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

Complete the text.

“Airbus’ success _______ its US competitors and could cause a bitter transatlantic trade war. Jean Pierson ______ like a true capitalist. “We are in this business to build aircraft and make money,” _______ the head of Airbus Industrie”.

a) worry / to talk / say
b) worries / talks / says
c) has worried / talks / to say
d) has been worrying / talking / saying
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  B 
13 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

Complete the text.

“Of course, they are no angels, but they __________ us pretty well and they ________ to kill us, like the Russian.” (Yelena Kapran, one of the hundreds of Russian civilians taken hostage in Budyonnovsk, after her release by Chechen Guerrillas.)

a) cared / attacked
b) treated / didn’t try
c) haven’t treated / haven’t tried
d) have worked / haven’t shooted
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  B 

14 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

Complete the text.

“City residents tired of noisy car alarms that go off at all hours of the night ________ this: an auto-security system that uses smoke, not noise. Called the Dragon Vehicle Defense Machine, it ________ robbery by filling the car with a cloud of smoke so dense that the thief can’t see. It ________ at car stores in June. Cost 35 dollars.”

a) love / will prevent / is
b) will love / prevents / will be
c) won’t love / is preventing / won’t be
d) loving / is going to prevent / is being
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  B 

15 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

Complete the text.

“Mr. Brooks _______ well since last year and _______ help from any doctor until he _______ at the dinner party.”

a) had felt / had sought / fainted
b) hasn’t felt / as sought / has faint
c) hasn’t felt / hasn’t sought / fainted
d) had felt / hadn’t sought / had been fainting
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  C 

16 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

The passive voice is correct in:

I- 719.521 firearms had been imported by the USA since 1991.

II- 719.521 firearms were imported by the USA in 1991.

III- 719.521 firearms have been imported by the USA since 1991.

IV- 719.521 firearms have being imported by the USA in 1991. 

a) all sentences above
b) sentences I and II only
c) numbers I, II and III only
d) numbers II, III and IV only
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  C 

17 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

Use the right tense of the verbs in parenthesis to complete the text below:

“The comic-book Superman _____ (to die) about three years ago _____ (to kill) in a colossal fight with an alien archfiend named Doomsday. Seven issues later he _____ (to be) back in action, resurrected by an artist’s ink and imagination. If only silver-screen Superman Christopher Reeve could be as lucky. Reeve, 42, _____ (to lie) last week in a Virginia hospital, paralyzed and breathing only with help of a respirator after he _____ (to injure) himself in an equestrian competition over the holiday weekend.”

a) died / killed / was / lay / injured
b) died / killed / was / lied / injuring
c) has died / killing / is / lied / injured
d) died / killed / has been / lied / injured
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  A 

18 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

Complete the text below.

“A bright light _____ the plane”, _____ Lt. Col. Paul Tibbets, the pilot of the Enola Gay, the B-29 that _____ the first atomic bomb. “We _____ back to look at Hiroshima. The city was hidden by that awful... cloud boiling up mushrooming.”

a) firing / told / made / went
b) filled / wrote / dropped / turned
c) shone / said / exploded / come
d) fired / described / dropped / got 
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  B 

19 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

Complete the text below.

“We _______ you today which players will start the game against Scotland. We _______ a secret as long as we can,” said Brazilian soccer team’s coach Zagallo when asked about Brazil’s line-up.

a) told / were keeping
b) will not tell / might keep
c) had told / are going to keep
d) are not going to tell / will keep
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  D 

Based on the text below, answer questions from 20 to 24.

In Masai culture, when you really want to honor a woman, you refer to her as the mother of her oldest daughter. So last week, when a group of Masai schoolgirls in northern Tanzania held up a sign saying KARIBU MAMA CHELSEA, it __(I)__ more than just “Welcome Chelsea’s mom”. Hillary and Chelsea Clinton, on a good-will tour trip of several African countries, understood the compliment. They also understood that the sheltered First Daughter is developing a fan club of her own. Mrs. Clinton quickly noted that the Masai girls __(II)__ to someone “more active than her mother,” and Chelsea took floor with ease. Asked about the problem of American youth, she mentioned the drug abuse and the ”hopelessness and cynicism” that plague many of her fellow teenagers. “The solutions ultimately have to come from the youth people themselves,” Chelsea concluded confidently. “We are the future, and we make of our future what we make of it.”

20 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

The verbal form to complete blank (I) is:

a) means
b) meant
c) will mean
d) has meant
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  B 

21 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

The blank (II) is going to be filled with:

a) may enjoy talking
b) might enjoy talking
c) may to enjoy talking
d) might enjoyed to talk
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  C 

22 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

The honor to a woman is to

a) refer to the daughter of her mother’s.
b) have the same of her daughter’s name.
c) be referred to as her daughter’s mother.
d) be called by the name of her daughter’s.
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  B 

23 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

A lot of young people in the USA

a) believe in the future with great hope.
b) are drug addicted and feel little hope.
c) will follow Chelsea’s solutions themselves.
d) believe that a plague will get the teenagers.
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  A 

24 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

In the text Chelsea:

I- uses the floor to sit down.

II- made many questions about the problems in the USA.

III- creates a shelter in a fan club of her own.

IV- was asked about young Americans’ problems.

V- said the Clintons can make the future.

a) Only one sentence is true.
b) Only two sentences are true.
c) Only two sentences are false.
d) Four of the sentences are true.
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  A 

25 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

Considering that the papers were locked in the desk we can say that:

I- She locked up the papers in the desk.

II- She locked the papers up in the desk.

III- She locked up them in the desk.

IV- She locked them up in the desk.

V- She locked up in the desk the papers

a) All the sentences are correct.
b) Only two sentences are correct.
c) Only four sentences are correct.
d) Only three sentences are correct.
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  D 

26 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

Choose the best structured sentence.

a) Never I have a cigarette before breakfast.
b) Before breakfast I have never a cigarette.
c) I never have a cigarette before breakfast.
d) Never before breakfast I have a cigarette.
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  C 

27 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

Considering the sentences below mark the correct alternative.

I - The librarian recommended that he return the book sooner. 

II - What does he suggest that John do?

III - Perhaps the soldier wants to visit the museum.

IV- It is necessary that the lady see a doctor at once.

a) Only number III is correct.
b) All of them are not correct.
c) All these sentences are right.
d) Only numbers I and II are right.
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  C 

I - The librarian recommended that he return the book sooner. – O bibliotecário recomendou que ele devolvesse o livro mais cedo. (o verbo "recommended" exige o verbo "return" na FORMA SUBJUNTIVA)

II - What does he suggest that John do? –  O que ele sugere que João faça? (o verbo "suggest" exige o verbo "do" na FORMA SUBJUNTIVA)

III - Perhaps the soldier wants to visit the museum. – Talvez o soldado queira visitar o museu. (FORMA NORMAL pois não há verbo atrativo de subjuntivo.)

IV- It is necessary that the lady see a doctor at once. – É necessário que a senhora procure um médico imediatamente. (o adjetivo "necessary" exige o verbo "see" na FORMA SUBJUNTIVA)

 08 (Oito) VERBOS QUE ATRAEM O SUBJUNTIVO: "to command," "to order," "to wish," "to suggest," "to recommend," "to ask," "to insist," and "to demand."
 Lembrar do mnemônico COWS-RAID.

 05 (Cinco) VERBOS QUE ATRAEM O SUBJUNTIVO: important - necessary - imperative - crucial - essential.
 Lembrar do mnemônico IN-ICE.

28 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

- When can I see you again to decide this ?
- Meet me __________.

I. by the post office

II. tomorrow afternoon

III. at a quarter to four

IV. on the corner

V. sharp

Choose the correct alternative which orders the adverbial phrases to complete the meaning of the sentence above.

a) I - V - III - IV - II
b) III - IV - II - V - I
c) IV - I - III - V - II
d) III - II - V - I - IV
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  C 

29 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

“Come back to me and you will really know what happiness can be.” means

a) if you come back to me, you will know what happiness can be.
b) if coming back makes you happy, it could bring happiness to me.
c) if you come back to me, you would know what happiness could be.
d) come back to me or else you won’t know what could be happiness.
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  A 

30 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

Complete the text below.

“Deaths among men _______ took the wildly popular impotence pill Viagra have climbed to 16, including seven men ________ reportedly died during or after sex, the Food and Drug Administration said Tuesday. The FDA said there is no evidence ________ Viagra itself is dangerous, but again warned ________ nitroglycerin and the impotence drug are a dangerous mix.”

a) that / ∅ / who / that
b) who / which / ∅ / who
c) which / who / that / ∅
d) who / who / that / that
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  D 

31– (AFA-CFO-1998)

Read the following text and choose the best construction that Johnny should use to make his friend obey him in a clear imperative form.

“Johnny had a very important test for a job the next day. If he passed, he’d get himself a good job and the chance to make some real good money. He had a notebook in his hands, but couldn’t concentrate because of the music coming from the next room. He’d been having this problem for almost two hours and he finally had enough of it.”

a) He walked up to the door, opened it and said: Can you turn for God’s sake this music off? You know I’m studying.
b) He walked up to the door, knocked, put his head inside and said: Why don’t you turn that off?
c) He walked up to the door, knocked, opened it and said: Turn off, I told you I had to study!
d) He walked up to the door, knocked, opened it and said: Would you mind turning the radio off? I need to study.
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  C 

32 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

My mother said to me : “Don’t leave your little brother alone!” 

The reported speech of the above sentence is:

a) My mother told my little brother not to be left alone.
b) My mother told me don’t leave my little brother alone.
c) My mother said me to not leave my little brother alone.
d) My mother told me not to leave my little brother alone. 
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  D 

33 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

“(...) and so all the pilots decided not to fly that strange day, and it was extremely lucky because we had the most heavy thunderstorm of the year in that region.”

From the text we can say:

a) that strange day was extremely lucky, and all the pilots decided not to fly then.
b) all the pilots decided not to fly that day, which was extremely lucky for them.
c) all the pilots decided not to fly that day which was extremely lucky, in the year.
d) that lucky day which was extremely strange, had the most heavy thunder storm of the year.
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  B 

34 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

Read the text below.

“For three and a half years, the Bosnian Serbs strangled Sarajevo in the belief that one day it would be theirs. From outlying districts of the city, they cut off electricity, gas and water and shelled the government, killing more than 10,000 people. Serb marksmen in the Grbavica district picked off hapless civilians a few hundred yards away on a thoroughfare that came to be known as Aleja Snajpera (Sniper Alley). Then, in Dayton, the Serbs lost it all. The peace agreement made Sarajevo a united city, ruled by Muslim-dominated-Bosnian government. Now, because they are Dayton’s biggest losers, the Serbs who besieged Sarajevo could become the biggest troublemakers as NATO troops try to enforce the peace agreement. Some Serbs promise to fight. Others say they will move away, leaving scorched earth behind them. “We will never live with Muslims,” vows Srpko Tobica, a 52- year-old soldier.”

Based on the text you can say that

a) Aleja Snajpera was known as a city after that.
b) the peace agreement besieged Sarajevo at all.
c) Sarajevo received its supplies from the Serb district.
d) some Serbs would burn the earth they were leaving.
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  D 

35 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

Choose the correct alternative to complete the text. “In the beginning the Earth was inhabited only by men. At that time ________ gods Zeus and Prometheus had ________ quarrel because Zeus had hidden fire away from the men. However, Prometheus found it and took it back to Earth. Zeus got very angry with _________ Prometheus, and decided to take revenge on him and all men. So Zeus made the first woman - Pandora. He have her _________ small box, but told her not to open it. Pandora married the brother of Prometheus. One day she became curious about ________ box - too curious and opened it. And a great number of tiny monsters flew out. They were: hate, envy, anger, jealousy, revenge, selfishness, greed cruelty, disease, and all of the curses that often make us humans miserable. Pandora quickly closed the box, but it was too late. The only thing left in ________ box was hope.”

a) a / the / the / ∅ / a / a
b) ∅ / ∅ / a / the / ∅ / the
c) the / a / ∅ / a / the / the
d) ∅ / the / ∅ / a / a / the
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  C 

36 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

“Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail ?”

The question asks

a) if you can tell a story about the field and the cold steel rail.
b) if you are able to say how to go from the green field to the rail road.
c) if you know one difference between the green and the cold steel rail.
d) if you are able to see how different is a green field from a cold steel rail.
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  D 

Read the text below and answer questions 37 to 40


If you have a big piece of your money in the stock market these days, you must feel the way Hugh Grant felt when he went for his famous drive down Sunset Boulevard: your brain is telling you to play it safe and go home, but your lust is so great that you can’t help yourself.

The lust we’re talking about, of course, is money lust. The market has risen so far so fast - the 30-stock Dow Jones industrial average up 23 percent for the year through Friday, the broader Standard & Poor’s 500 up 22 percent - that almost anyone who’s been in the market has made a ton of money this year. Including dividends, the gains through last Friday work out a rate of around 45 percent a year. If things get a little hotter, 1995 could become the best year in market history, topping the sap’s 53 percent return in 1993. This kind of thing makes investors with a sense of history very jumpy, because it’s too good to last. You’re afraid to pull your money out of the market and miss the rest of the fun, but you’re also afraid of getting caught with your money exposed if the market crashes. You don’t dare be in the stock market at these prices, but you don’t dare not be in. What’s a greedy investors to do? 

The short answer: no one knows. Even though stock prices are very high by important standards like dividends, the market isn’t necessarily heading for a fall. But there are warning flags flying. The two most worrisome signals: dividends are at their lowest level relative to stock prices in at last 70 years, and the four most dangerous words in finance, “This time it’s different,” are abroad in the land.

Dividends matter because they have historically accounted for almost half of investors’ returns. If you own stocks, you make money from price increases and from dividends. If dividends are lower than usual, then stock prices have to rise more than usual for you to make your normal return.

37 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

Through the comparison with Hugh Grant the text tells us that the desire to invest in the stock market has become

a) famous.
b) charming.
c) profitable.
d) irresistible.
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  D 

38 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

The market results have been
a) scary.
b) terrific.
c) terrible.
d) reasonable.
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  B 

39 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

What’s investor’s biggest doubt?

a) When they should crash.
b) What they should invest in.
c) The average of the Dow Jones rates.
d) To leave capital in or out of the market.
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  D 

40 – (AFA-CFO-1998)

What factors are an alert that the market may be going down?

a) investors are greed and stock prices are very high this time. b) dividends aren’t high and investors’ belief that “this time it’s different”.
c) stock prices are very high and investors’ belief that “this time it’s different”.
d) dividends are lower than 70 years ago and investors’ belief that “this time it’s different”.
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  B 

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