sábado, 3 de agosto de 2013


Hey, what's up guys!!!...How have you been?!
1) Phrase(It is a group of words) 
2) CLASUE(it is a group of words that contains a NOUN PHRASE and a verb)
 NOUN PHRASE = A noun phrase can be a single noun (or pronoun) or a group of words will act as the SUBJECT of the clause:
• PREDICATE = A predicate is everything that is said about the subject of the clause.
- It contains an action verb or a linking verb (a linking verb describes a condition of the subject: it looks, it is).
- A verb phrase ou verb group consists of a main verb and other auxiliary verbs (including modal verbs).
 Independent Clause(or Main Clause)
- It makes sense on its own as a sentence.
- It is independent because it has a complete thought or full  ideia and it makes perfect sense.
 Dependent Clause(or Subordinate Clause)
- It doesn't make sense on its own as a sentence)
Noun Clause or Nominal Clause.
- It is used as a noun.
- Noun Clauses that start with THAT;
- Noun Clauses that start with IF or WHETHER;
- Noun Clauses that start with a question-word(WHERE, WHO,HOW, WHEN, WHY).
 Adjective Clause or relative clause.
- It is used as an adjective.
Adverb Clause.
- It is used as an adverb.
 Simple Sentence:(1 independent clause, 0 subordinate clause)(Perído Simples)
- It contains ONE independent clause.
- It is also known as Independent Clause.
- For example:
- I like guava juice.
- I woke up in the morning.
 Compound Sentence:(2 independent clause, 0 subordinate  clause)(Período composto por coordenação)
- It contains TWO independent clause and they are linked by a coordinating conjunction(For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So)(FANBOYS).
- REMEMBER: Coordinating conjunction always preceded by a comma. 
- For example: 
- I woke up in the morning, and I brushed my teeth. 
 Complex Sentence:(1independent clause, >1sub. clause)(Período composto por subordinação)
- It contains 1 independent clause and 1 or more subordinate clause, and they are linked by a subordinating conjunction(after, because, even though, etc) or a relative pronoun(who, which, that, etc).
- REMEMBER: A complex sentence always has a subordinating conjunction or relative pronoun.
- For example:
- She brushes her teeth in the morning after waking up.
- I can't wait to meet everyone at the reunion dinner, which is tomorrow.
 Compound-Complex Sentence:(2independent clause, >1sc)
- It contains TWO independent clause and 1 or more subordinate clause.
- For example:
- I woke up in the morning and I brushed my teeth even though everyone else was sleeping.
She watches the movie.
(A) Simple Sentence
(B) Compound Sentence
(C) Complex Sentence
(D) Compound-Complex Sentence
- "She watches the movie." is a simple sentence.
- A simple sentence has one independent clause.
• The first type of sentence structure:(dêFôrsTáip-óv100têns-sTrókXôr)
• 1 independent clause.
- This is a sentence that has a SUBJECT(dêssêzêi100têns-déRRézêiSâbJéktch) end a PREDICATE(endêi-Prérikê).
- So the subject is just (êzDjêssê) WHO or WHAT(rru-ô-uátch) the sentence is about.
- The predicate is talking about 'what the subject does'.(dêprérikêi-êzTókénabáu-uôta'SâbJékt-Dáz)
- And the predicate is going to include the verb(êzgõin-thuinklu-dêVôrb).
- So let's look at this sentence right here(sôLétslûké'dê100têns-ráiThiôr) "She watches the movie." it is a simple sentence.
- Now let's break it down into its different parts.(ets-Díférên-Pórts) because an indepedent clause it's going to have a SUBJECT and a PREDICATE.
"She watches the movie."
- Who is the sentence about? uhmm well it's about she, so SHE is my subject.
- What does she do?(uóta-xidu) uhmm that's my predicate, she watches the movie.
- Predicate = verb + object.
- The independent clause simple sentence is going to have a subject and a predicate.
- "she" is the subject and "watches the movie" is the predicate.
- And If I want to break that further apart (en-êFáiuãnthuBrêik-dâ-Fôdôr'apór) because the predicate (bikóz'dêprédêkê) it has a verb(êrêrréz-êiVôrb), it's always going to have a verb(óuêisGõin-dêrrévaVôrb), and this case, it also has an object.(êRóusôu-RRézén-Âbjéktch).
- The entire predicate is watches the movie.
- This is a simple sentence(dês'êz-êiSímpôl100tens), it has a subject it has one predicate.
He plays basketball, but he doesn't play football.
(A) Simple Sentence
(B) Compound Sentence
(C) Complex Sentence
(D) Compound-Complex Sentence
- "He plays basketball, but he doesn't play football." is a compound sentence(kõmpãun100têns).
- A compound sentence has two independent clauses.
• The second type of sentence structure:(dêSSékén'Táip-óv100têns-sTrókXôr)
• 1 independent clause + 1 independent clause.
- If we're talking about a compound sentence, this is when you have 2 independent clauses.
- So it is a sentence with more than one Subject and Predicate.(uêfmôÔ-dênuã-SâbJéckt-end-Prérêkê)
- And it's going to be(ênNêtsGõéndubi) connected(kãNéktêd) by a CONJUNCTION(kõjõkxã).
- "He plays basketball, but he doesn't play football."(rriplêis-BáskêBól-barrí'Dózênt-plêi'FûtBól)
- It's a compound sentence with two(uêfthu) independent clauses.
- Let's break this down little bit for you.
- We have "He plays basketball," that is ONE independent clause, he is the subject, plays basketball is the predicate.
- We have the second independent clause "he doesn't play football", again subject and predicate.
- The conjunction that connects these sentences is the word but.(dêkõjõkxã-dékãNéks-díz100TÊNS-êsduôrd-bât)
Before I go to sleep, I like to read in bed.
(A) Simple Sentence
(B) Compound Sentence
(C) Complex Sentence
(D) Compound-Complex Sentence
- "Before I go to sleep, I like to read in bed." is a complex sentence(Kõmpléks100têns) and we're gonna get a little more detail.(uigãnagué-aLíromôr-ditél)
• The third type of sentence structure:(dêTôri'Táip-óv100têns-sTrókXôr)
• 1 independent clause + at least 1 dependent clause.
• at least 1 dependent clause + 1 independent clause.
- It is a sentence that it's going to have ONE independent clause and at least ONE dependent clause, it may have more than that.(êtMêi-rrévmôr-dênNé)
- But it's a sentence that's going to have ONE independent clause and at least ONE dependent clause.(ÉtLíst-uã-diPéndên-klóz).
- The dependent clause is likely going to begin with a subordinating conjunction.(uêFêi-sôBôrdNêirén'kõjõkxã).
- And you're probably thinking, what is a subordinating conjunction???(EníupróbaFênkên)
- So those are words like(sô12óuôrdsLáik): AFTER (Áftôr), BEFOR (bêfôr), WHILE(uÁiôu), WHEN(uén).
- They often come at the beginning of a dependent clause.
- "Before I go to sleep, I like to read in bed."(bêfôr-áigôrêsLíp-áiLáik-thuRírênBéd)
- "Before I go to sleep," that is a dependent clause because it is not a full sentence.
- If I just say something like "Before I go to sleep,"(êfáidjôssêi-SãmtêmLáik), you're probably thinking , what?well, I need more information.
- It is not a complete thought, it is not a full sentence.(êrêznara-kãPlít-Fó)
- BEFORE is a subordinating conjuction, it comes at the beginning of the dependent clause.
- Now "I like to read in bed." this is a full sentence, it is an independent clause, it is easy to understand, if I tell you this on its own you understand what it means.(Ãnêts'õ- iuãndôrsTên-uórêMîns)
- So when we put these together "Before I go to sleep, I like to read in bed." that is a complex sentence.(pôTízthuguédôr-Dárêz-êi-Kõmpleks100têns)
- Punctuation(põkthíuêixén), comma(cama).
- In this case, the dependent clause is first.
- The dependent clause it does not always have come first.
- It can come before the independent clause.
dependent clause + independent clause
- It can come after the independent clause.
* independent clause + dependent clause.
• "Before I go to sleep, I like to read in bed."
• "I like to read in bed before I go to sleep."
- What's changed?
-  When the dependent clause comes first you need to separate them with a comma.
- Dependent clause COMMA independent clause.
-  When the dependent clause comes after the independent clause there is no comma.
- This become important because there is a slight pause when you have that comma.
• "I like to read in bed before I go to sleep."
- Oftentimes even when we're speaking, even when we're having a conversation this uhmm this is going to affect the way that we say things.
You left after 10 minutes, but they you come back.
(A) Simple Sentence
(B) Compound Sentence
(C) Complex Sentence
(D) Compound-complex Sentence
- "You left after 10 minutes, but then you come back." is a Compound-complex Sentence.
- A compound-complex sentence has two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause.
• The fourth type of sentence structure:
• 2 independent clause + at least 1 dependent clause.
• "You left after 10 minutes, but then you come back."(iúLéft-áftôTén'Mên'néts-bátên'niu'kãmBék).
- "You left" is a independent clause because it has a subject and a predicate, it is a very short sentence but if I say this to you, you left, he left, she left, you understand what that means(uótáMíns), it is a full thought, it is a complete thought.
- "after ten minutes" is a dependent clause because often it is going to begin with that (uêta) subordinating conjunction.
- Remember: after, before, when, while, because, those are all(12ôról) subordinating conjunctions which tell us uh okay it is a dependent clause.
- "but then you come back." it is an independent clause because it has a subject and a predicate and it is a full thought, it is a complete thought.
After I brush my teeth, I get dressed for work.
(A) Simple Sentence
(B) Compound Sentence
(C) Complex Sentence
(D) Compound-Complex Sentence
- This is a "complex sentence".
Go wash your hands, or you can't eat.
(A) declarative sentence(dikléurêRêv-100Têns)
(B) interrogative sentence(ênnóróguêRêv-100Têns)
(C) imperative sentence(imPéurêRêv-100Têns)
(D) exclamatory sentence(ÊksKlãmaThóri-100Têns)
- It is imperative sentence because it's like a command(kãMénd), I'm giving you a command, I'm telling you to do something.
- It is also a compound sentence because I have two independent sentences and I'm combining them with that conjunction(uêtâ-kõjõkxã) "or".   

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