quarta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2013

38 Conectores mais frequentes em Provas de Inglês(Concurso Público & Vestibular).

Hey...everybody...How have you been?
Neste post,veremos 38 conectores mais utilizados em provas de Vestibulares e Concurso Públicos e responderemos várias questões de provas abordando os referidos conectores.
Conectores são palavras ou expressões ligam palavras,frases ou sentenças.
O uso correto de conectores permite uma maior coesão textual e permite uma leitura facilitada da globalidade do texto.
Nas provas de concurso ou vestibulares,o uso do conectores é assunto presente,pois como sabemos a escolha errada de um conector pode causar a deturpação de um texto,dai, a importância do pleno conhecimento sobre o assunto.
Há vários tipos de conectores tais como de ADIÇÃO(and),CONCLUSÃO(so),CONTRASTE(but),etc.
Estudaremos neste post, os CONECTORES mais utilizados em provas de vestibulares e concursos públicos.
São eles:
1)FUTHERMORE[fâdôrmór]=além disso.
2)MOREOVER[móRôuvôr]=além disso.
3)ALTHOUGH[óldôu]=apesar de.(Inicio de frase)(+formal).
4)THOUGH[dôu]=apesar de.(depois de vírgula)(+informal)
5)EVEN THOUGH[ívênDôu]=apesar de.(+enfático)
6)EVEN IF[ívênNêf]=mesmo se.
8)NEVERTHELESS[névôrdêLêss]=não obstante,mesmo assim.
9)NONETHELESS[nândêLêss]=mas,não obstante.
10)UNLESS[ânLês]=a menos que.
12)HOWEVER[rráuÉvôr]=mas,não obstante.
13)AND[n]=e13)BECAUSE OF[bikôzâv]=por causa de.
14)INSTEAD OF[ênstêrâv]=em vez de.
15)IN SPITE OF[ênsPáirâv]=apesar de.
16)DESPITE[dêsPáitch]=apesar de.
17)INDEED[ênDíd]=realmente,de fato.
18)INASMUCH[ênésMátch]=na medida que. 
19)AS[éz]=como,na qualidade de.
20)AS IF[éZêf]=como se.
21)AS LONG AS[ézlõnéz]=desde que(condição).
24)SO THAT[Sôudé]=para que.
26)SUCH AS[Sâtchéz]=como.
27)WHEREAS[uéréz]=enquanto que.
28)INSOFAR AS[uênsôufâRéz]=visto que. 
31)LIKEWISE[Láikuáis]=da mesma forma. 
32)OTHERWISE[âdôr'uáis]=caso contrário,do contrário.
33)IN OTHER WORDS[ênâdôr'uôrds]=em outras palavras.
36)MEANWHILE[min-uáiól]=enquanto isso.
37)DUE TO[dúitchu]=devido a.
38)OWING TO[Ôuêntchu]
39)RATHER THAN[rédôrDén]=em vez de.
2ª)[In adition]=[besides]=[futhermore]
In the sentence of the third paragraph “However, the country has been criticised by some activists who say the government has struck a deal with a major pharmaceutical company to avoid breaking the patent on the firm’s anti- Aids drugs.”, the word “however” can be substituted, without changing the meaning, for:

👉Q#02:[QUADRIX-Concurso Professor-SEDF-2017][certo]
[...]"One of the most popular is still the Atkins diet.However,only 2 per cent of women believe that it is good for their health."
Both yet and nevertheless express the same idea as “However” in paragraph.
( ) Certo
( ) Errado
No trecho do terceiro parágrafo “However since 2010, it has been decreasing over that time.”, o termo “however” pode ser substituído, sem alteração de sentido, por
[a] meanwhile.
[b] like.
[c] then.
[d] but.
[e] so.

👉Q#04:[CESPE-Concurso SEDF - 2017][certo]
[...]"Palmer,however,stayed on,opened his own school,and began to think seriously about the work he was doing and  how could be improved."
In the text, the connective adverb “however” (l.7) is synonymous with nonetheless.
( ) Certo
( ) Errado 
The expression in bold type and the item in parentheses convey equivalent ideas in:
[a]“In other words, Chinese firms view Africa similar to the way Western firms previously viewed China.” lines 13-15 (Otherwise)
[b]“Hence, it is not only Chinese businesses that are looking with renewed interest in Africa’s opportunities.” lines 20-22 (Thus)
[c]“Yet Chinese enterprises growing activity in Africa is also creating new opportunities.” lines 31-33 (Insofar as)
[d]“Moreover, many Chinese companies are not well-informed about the investment risks in Africa that are not purely business-related.” lines 84-86 (Although)
[e“Likewise, African firms can benefit from building partnerships with Chinese companies.” lines 120-121 (Alternatively)
👉Q#06:[UNIFESP-2007] No trecho do terceiro parárafo do texto – "… although even then many doctors were concerned that smoking was a health risk." – a palavra although significa, em português:
[a] portanto.
[b] exceto.
[c] enquanto.
[d] conforme.
[e] embora.

👉Q#07:[UFTM-2012] No trecho do segundo parágrafo – "But the region continues to have the highest inequality rate in spite of advances in helping income distribution." –, in spite of equivale, em português, a
[a] inspirado por.
[b] apesar de.
[c] devido a.
[d] por causa de.
[e] juntamente com.

No trecho da resposta à primeira pergunta – "Even though they have fast ferries and airplanes now" –, é possível substituir corretamente Even though, sem alterar o sentido da frase, por:
[a] However.
[b] Whether.
[c] As if.
[d] Nevertheless.
[e] In spite of the fact that.

[...]But as a management practice, the structure rarely makes economic sense. Generally speaking, work should be delegated to the lowest-cost employee who can do it well. (I)........ companies have embraced this logic by outsourcing work to vendors or to operations abroad, back at headquarters they ignore it, forcing top talent to misuse their time."
The alternative that fits the blank (I) best is: :
[a] And.
[b] Moreover.
[c] In addition.
[d] For example.
[e] Although.

👉Q#10:[CESPE-Concurso TRE/PE - 2017][c]
[...]"Software architecture is a complex topic. Due to its complexity, our profession has produced a variety of definitions, each more or less useful depending on your point of view."
In the first line of text, the expression “Due to” could be correctly replaced by
[a] In order to.
[b] More than.
[c] Owing to.
[d] In spite of.
[e] In addition to.

👉Q#11:[UFMT-Concurso UFSBA-2017][c]
Brazilian Gestures That Non-Brazilians Won't Be Able To Guess
[…] We Brazilians are famous for being expressive — not just vocally, but gesturally (after all, what’s music without some dancing to go with it?). So where does this talent for talking with our hands come from? Perhaps we inherited it from our Italian great-grandmothers (there have been several waves of Italian immigration to Brazil over the last century-and-a-half); or maybe it comes from our even older African and Portuguese roots. One thing is certain: We Brazilians have invented many gestures that are unique to our country. […]
Disponível em: https://www.babbel.com/en/magazine/. Acesso em: 06/11/2016.) 
Sobre os recursos linguísticos empregados no texto, marque V para as afirmativas verdadeiras e F para as falsas.
( ) Perhaps introduz uma suposição.
( ) or maybe expressa dúvida.
( ) not just nega possibilidades.
( ) So introduz ideia de conclusão.
Assinale a sequência correta. 
[a] V, F, V, F
[b] F, V, F, V
[c] V, V, F, V
[d] F, F, V, F

No trecho do terceiro parágrafo do texto – "children raised in authoritative households were typically psychologically healthy, whereas those raised in authoritarian ones had elevated anxiety and depression." - whereas pode ser substituída, sem alteração de sentido por:
[a] portanto.
[b] exceto.
[c] enquanto.
[d] conforme.
[e] embora.

👉Q#13:[IFB-Concurso Professor-2017][b]
Choose the CORRECT conjunction to complete the sentence: “you can have my bike ___________ you bring it back tomorrow”.
[a] so
[b] as long as
[c] as if
[d] as though
[e] whereas

👉Q#14:[IFB-Concurso Professor-2017][a]
In “He originally trained as a lawyer but began writing short stories in his spare time despite only a handful of his works being published during his lifetime”, the underlined words are classified, RESPECTIVELY, as:
[a] preposition, conjunction, preposition.
[b] preposition, conjunction, conjunction.
[c] preposition, preposition, preposition.
[d] conjunction, conjunction, preposition.
[e] conjunction, conjunction, conjunction.

👉Q#15:[QUADRIX-Concurso Professor-SEDF-2017][errado]
[...]"The Japanese like to improve on every idea,even if the idea is cash.So they have been enthusiastic about the pre-paid card."
even if” can be replaced by even though without affecting the meaning of the sentence.
( ) Certo 
( ) Errado
👉Q#16:[QUADRIX-Concurso Professor-SEDF-2017][certo]
[...]"The Japanese like to improve on every idea,even if the idea is cash.So they have been enthusiastic about the pre-paid card."
Therefore is a suitable substitute for “So”.
( ) Certo
( ) Errado
👉Q#17:[QUADRIX-Concurso Professor-SEDF-2017][certo]
[...]"Fad diets are known to be a source of potential harm to the individual.In addition,they may be ultimatly responsible for worsening the obesity issue.doctors warned."
Both Besides and Furthermore can be used instead of “In addition”.
( ) Certo
( ) Errado
In the excerpt of the fifth paragraph – "Predictably, the tobacco companies derided these and other studies as mere statistical arguments or anecdotes rather than definitions of causality." – the expression rather than can be substituted, without changing its meaning, for:
[a] because of.
[b] such as.
[c] instead of.
[d] so that.
[e] due to.

👉Q#19:[QUADRIX-Concurso Professor-SEDF-2017][certo]
[...]"Although these food fads are often based on a scientific theory, the nutritional content of the diets has rarely been tested because they are so complex."
In paragraph , using in spite of the fact that instead of “Although” will not affect the meaning of the sentence.
( ) Certo
( ) Errado
👉Q#20:[PRJ-Concurso Professor-2017][c]
The excerpt “…unless there is a shared language in which to impart that knowledge, little will be accomplished” includes an example of adverb clause of: 
[a] reason
[b] time
[c] condition
[d] place

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