quarta-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2013

ADVISE-2009-PM-Casserengue/PB-Concurso Público para PROFESSOR DE INGLÊS da Prefeitura Municipal de Casserengue/PB - Profº Valdenor Sousa loja virtual - Prova de INGLÊS com gabarito e questões comentadas.

Hey, what's up my friends!!!...How have you been?! Welcome back to another post!
Neste post, veremos a Prova de INGLÊS da ADVISE-2009 da Prefeitura Municipal de Casserengue/PB. Cargo: Professor de Inglês. Prova aplicada em 13/09/2009.
LEITURA de textos de jornais digitais,revistas, websites, dicionários a seguir, é um excelente treino para a provas de inglês da ADVISE.
[b]Padrão/Composição da prova 
➦ A prova de Inglês é composta por 20 questões.
➦ Compreensão Textual de eventos atuais de relevância mundial.
Programa de Noticias para TV, Rádio e Internet: BBC NEWS.
Revista Norte-Americana: SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN.
Jornal norte-americana: THE NEW YORK TIMES, www.nytimes.com.
Caso necessário,sugiro que consulte os excelentes dicionários a seguir:
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🔄Phrasal Verbs: 
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🔄Expressões verbais com o TO BE(simple present/simple past/simple future/ be going to/present continuous/past continuous/future continuous):
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🔄Expressões verbais no PERFECT TENSE(present perfect/past perfect/present perfect continuous/past perfect continuous):
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🔄Expressões com os 10 modais(can/could/may/might/must/should/would/ought to/will/shall):
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🔄Adjetivos (Adjectives):
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🔄Expressões comuns:
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🔄Expressões técnicas(Educação/Saúde):
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🔄Expressões com 'S (Genitive case=indica posse):
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🔄Expressões com frações/números:
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Agora, vamos à prova.
Text I
Amazonia, the most precious place on the planet.
Amazonia is home to the world’s largest tropical forest and has an incredible diversity of animal, plant and tree species. Learn more about this region, which has been devastated by man in recent decades, and which is fundamental to our planet’s climate.
Amazonia is one of the largest and most important regions in the world. It stretches into nine countries: Brazil, Venezuela, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador, Suriname, Guiana and French Guiana. About 60% of the total area of Amazonia is in Brazil, covering about 5.5 million square meters. Brazilian Amazonia stretches to the States of Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Rondônia, Roraima, Pará, Maranhão, Mato Grosso and Tocantins. At least 55% of the indigenous population of Brazil lives in the Amazonian region.

In terms of volume of water, the Amazon is the world’s largest river. The region also has other great rivers, such as the Negro. Twenty percent of all the fresh water on the planet passes through the rivers in Amazonia. The region is also home to the largest tropical forest in the world. In the rivers and undergrowth of the region live millions of fish, birds and mammals. The plant wealth of the Amazonia is awesome. There are 200 different types of tree per hectare. The region also has the biggest mineral reserves on earth.
Fonte: http://www.maganews.com.br
👉 Questão  21 :
In a world view, Amazonia is the lungs of the world. And today it has:
I. no incredible diversity of animal.
II. a plenty of animals and tree species.
III. no rivers, no beauty, no animal species.
IV. no man, no indian, no water.
V. no fauna, no flora.
It is correct:
A) I
👉 Questão  22 :
According to text I, the aspect which relates man and nature in Amazonia nowadays is quite underlined in terms of:
I. a great care with the environment and the awareness with fauna and flora.
II. a no care with fauna, flora and all environment. III. an educational politics in terms of the future world.
IV. a large devastation in recent years.
V. the awareness with the lungs of the world.
It is correct:
A) I
E) every alternative is correct
👉 Questão  23 :
According to the text, what are the countries Amazonia has no extension?
A) Brazil, Venezuela, Peru, Colombia;
B) Brazil, Venezuela, France, Guiana;
C) Brazil, Guiana, Venezuela, Peru;
D) Brazil, Venezuela, French Guiana, Colombia;
E) None of the answers.
👉 Questão  24 :
According to the text, what is the percentage which involves Amazonia and Brazil?
A) one hundred- sixty per cent;
B) six thousand and sixty per cent;
C) sixty percent;
D) six percent;
E) sixtieth per cent.
👉 Questão  25 :
In the sentence, Amazonia is the most precious place on the planet, the underlined word group, in terms of syntax structure, designs the same use in:
A) most good;
B) most intelligent;
C) most crazy;
D) most pretty;
E) most tall.
👉 Questão  26 :
The sentence, The region also has other great rivers, can be replaced by:
I. The region has other great rivers too.
II. The region so has other great rivers.
III. The region has other rivers as well.
IV. The region although has other great rivers.
V. The region even though has other great rivers. According to the alternatives, it is:
A) I, II
B) I
C) I, III, V
D) II, IV, V

A Moment of Muddy Grace
BABY boomers won’t let go of the Woodstock Festival. Why should we? It’s one of the few defining events of the late 1960s that had a clear happy ending.

On Aug. 15 to 17, 1969, hundreds of thousands of people, me among them, gathered in a lovely natural amphitheater in Bethel (not Woodstock), N.Y. We listened to some of the best rock musicians of the era, enjoyed other legal and illegal pleasures, endured rain and mud and exhaustion and hunger pangs, felt like a giant community and dispersed, all without catastrophe.

A year after the riots at the Democratic convention in Chicago, expectations about large gatherings of young people were so low that this was considered a surprise. Although the festival didn’t go exactly as planned, it was, as advertised, three days of peace and music. That made Woodstock an idyll, particularly in retrospect, even though it was declared a state disaster area at the time.

“Not withstanding their personality, their dress and their ideas, they were and they are the most courteous, considerate and well-behaved group of kids I have ever been in contact with in my 24 years of police work,” Lou Yank, the chief of police in nearby Monticello, told The New York Times.

Yet for all the benign memories, Woodstock also set in motion other, more crass impulses. While its immediate aftermath was amazement and relief, the festival’s full legacy had as much to do with excess as with idealism. As the decades roll by, the festival seems more than ever like a fluke: a moment of muddy, disheveled, incredulous grace. It was as much an endpoint as a beginning, a holiday of naïveté and dumb luck before the realities of capitalism resumed. Woodstock’s young, left-ofcenter crowd — nice kids, including students, artists, workers and politicos, as well as full-fledged L.S.D.-popping hippies — was quickly recognized as a potential army of consumers that mainstream merchants would not underestimate again. There was more to sell them than rolling papers and LPs.
👉 Questão  27 :
According to the text, what does it mean “BABY boomers”?
A) a large number of artists.
B) a large numbers of rock stars.
C) a large number of recent-born-babies.
D) the artist babies.
E) babies who can play the guitar.
👉 Questão  28 :
In the sentence, Why should we?, the underlined term represents:
I. a grammatical term which represents the person who performs the actions in sentences.
II. a grammatical term which represents the possession related between the person and the object.
III. a demonstrative term which represents the performer and the object.
IV. the representation of people who also go to Woodstock Festival.
V. a term which indicates action in the sentences. According to the alternatives, it is correct:
C) I, IV
D) I, IV, V
E) I
👉 Questão  29 :
In the sentence, … hundreds of thousands of people, me among them…, the underlined term is the real representation of:
I. the invited person to go to the event.
II. the person who wrote the article.
III. the inclusion of all invited people to go to the event.
IV. you as also a participant to go to the event.
V. the person who is in the picture.
It is correct:
A) I, II
👉 Questão  30 :
According to the text, what is the definition of the bold words? Put the number in the parenthesis respectively.
( ) a lucky or unusual thing that happens by accident, not because of planning or skill.
( ) a sudden strong feeling of physical or emotional pain.
( ) water that falls from clouds in separate drops.
( ) very stupid and showing no sympathy or understanding.
( ) not far way.
According to the definitions, it is correct:
A) 5, 2, 1, 3, 4
B) 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
C) 5, 2, 1, 4, 3
D) 4, 3, 2, 1, 5
E) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
👉 Questão  31 :
The underlined word, (LP) is an acronym which represents:
A) the abbreviation for long play songs;
B) the abbreviation for long play listening;
C) the abbreviation for long play readable;
D) the abbreviation for long-playing record;
E) the abbreviation for long play written.
👉 Questão  32 :
In text III, the performers interact with each other using some signs of language.
In the sentence, Hand me the hairdryer, the underlined one represents:
A) a rude way to express foolishness.
B) an imperative way of asking something.
C) a stupid way of expressing a sign of death.
D) a word which represents violence.
E) a word which represents a part of the body.
👉 Questão  33 :
In accordance with the text, the man is giving the revolver to the woman because he wants to express something.
What can it be said in terms of it:
I. it is a sign which represents that the man doesn’t love his wife anymore.
II. it is a sign which represents the end of love in their marriage.
III. it is a sign to represent violence in marriage nowadays.
IV. it is a sign which represents an ironic language to perform a criticism in the view of marriage nowadays.
V. it is a sign which represents the woman’s confidence in her husband.
It is correct:
A) I
B) II,
D) every alternatives is correct
E) none of the alternatives is correct
👉 Questão  34 :
How many characters are there in text III?
A) two
B) three
C) four
D) one
E) five
👉 Questão  35 :
The language used in text III represents:
A) love
B) ambiguity
C) criticism
D) poetry
E) song

God and the man
A man visits God and says “God, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?” God says “No, ask me anything at all.”

So the man says “God, you’ve been around for a very long time, so, for you, how long is a thousand years?”

God replies “For me, a thousand years is only five minutes.”

The man then says “That’s interesting God. And, for you, how much is a million dollars?”

God replies “For me, a million dollars is only five cents.” The man says “Really? Well then God, could you lend me five cents please?”
God looks at the man, smiles, and says “Of course my son. Just wait five minutes!”
👉 Questão  36 :
The bold words in text IV are respectively:
A) object and subject;
B)subject and object;
C) object and verb;
D) verb and subject;
E) verb and complement.
👉 Questão  37 :
In the sentence, ask me anything at all, God asked the man to:
A) ask him all questions in the world.
B) ask him just anything in the world.
C) ask him about all doubts in the world.
D) ask every thing he wanted know in that moment. E) ask him be quite for ever.
According to the text:
A) God is never giving the money to the man.
B) God give the money to the man in five minutes.
C) God gives the money to the man in five seconds.
D) God gives a lot of money to the man in five seconds.
E) God give just five dollars to the man.
👉 Questão  39 :
In the sentence, The man says Really, the underlined word in Portuguese is:
A) realidade
B) verdade
C) mentira
D) todavia
E) então
👉 Questão  40 :
In the sentence, God looks at the man, smiles, and says, the underlined words are verbs in:
A)simple past
B)simple future
C)simple present
D) conditional
E) present perfect

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