segunda-feira, 9 de junho de 2014

UESPI-2014-PROFESSOR DE LÍNGUA INGLESA-PMP/MA - 06/03/2014 - Universidade Estadual do Piauí( UESPI) - Prefeitura Municipal de Parnarama/Maranhão - Prof° Valdenor Sousa - Prova de INGLÊS resolvida e comentada.

Hey,what's up guys!!!...How have you been?!
👍Neste post, veremos a Prova de CONHECIMENTOS ESPECÍFICOS DE INGLÊS - Órgão: Prefeitura Municipal de Parnarama/Ma - PROFESSOR DE LÍNGUA INGLESA - NÍVEL II (6º - 9º ANO) - Prova aplicada em 06/03/2014.
Universidade Estadual do Piauí (UESPI).
[b]Padrão da PROVA:
20 Questões(múltiplas escolhas com 05 alternativas cada)
[c]Dicionários sugestivos
Caso necessário, sugiro que consulte os 03(três) excelentes dicionários a seguir:
🔄Phrasal Verbs:
🔄Expressões verbais com o TO BE(simple present/simple past/simple future/ be going to/present continuous/past continuous/future continuous):
🔄Expressões verbais no PERFECT TENSE(present perfect/past perfect/present perfect continuous/past perfect continuous):
🔄Expressões com os 10 modais(can/could/may/might/must/should/would/ought to/will/shall):
🔄Expressões com 30 verbos/substantivos que transmitem ideia que ALGO CAIU, DESPENCOU, DECLINOU, REDUZIU, ENFRAQUECEU, AFOGOU (fall/flop/faint/drop/droop/down/ decrease/decline/diminish/dwindle/dip/dive/duck/ease/ebb/gasp/lower/mitigate/ plunge/sag/slash/slump/split/shrink/sink/stoop/stumble/wane/weaken/wilt):
👉[The groups had little difference in waking blood pressure, but married people had significantly larger dips in blood pressure during sleep.=""]
🔄Expressões: 25 verbs/nouns que transmitem ideia que algo SUBIU,ELEVOU, AUMENTOU, MELHOROU,REAGIU,ABASTECEU,AMPLIOU,(arise,better,boom, boost, broaden, clim, flood, fuel,further,grow,improve,increase,jump,lift,raise,rally,rise, skyrocket, soar, strenghten, surface,surpass,trigger, up, upgrade,widen):
🔄Expressões: verbs/nouns que transmitem ideia que ALGO MUDOU, TROCOU, PERMUTOU, TRANSFORMOU,ALTEROU,REFORMOU, SUBSTITUIU, CONVERTEU, ESCAMBOU, MODIFICOU, VIROU(amend,barter,change ,convert, exchange,replace,swap,switch ,swop,vary, turn around):
🔄Expressões com 20 verbos que transmitem ideia de COMBATE, DISPUTA, LUTA, GUERRA, COLISÃO, ATINGIR, ESPANCAR, SOCAR, BATER(bash,battle,beat, brawl, clash,cuff, fight ,grapple,hit,knock,punch,quarrel,slap,apank,apar, strike, tackle ,tussle,whack,wrestle):
🔄Expressões com verbos com ING:
🔄Expressões com VERBOS EM GERAL:
🔄Adjetivos/Locuções adjetivas:
🔄Expressões com 30 adjetivos que transmitem ideia que ALGO/ALGUÉM ESTÁ EM SITUAÇÃO RUIM/PARA BAIXO/DIFÍCIL (annoying, awful,boring,dim,dire, downward ,dreadful,dull,fearsome,frightful,gloomy,grim,hard,idle,irksome,maddening,misty,murky,nagging,wane,outrageous,pesky,shadowy,sluggish,thankless,thorny,tiresome,troublesome,worrisome,wearisome):
🔄Advérbios/Locução adverbial:
🔄Conectores/Marcadores de discurso:
🔄Expressões comuns:
🔄Expressões idiomáticas:
🔄Expressões/Vocábulos técnicos:
🔄Expressões com 'S (Genitive case=proprietário 'S propriedade):
🔄Expressões com frações/números:
🔄Falso cognato:

Agora, vamos à prova.
The text below is for questions 31 to 35.
Biological clock
          Biological Clock, a popular term for an internal regulator responsible for various cyclical responses in living things. Both plants and animals show yearly, monthly, daily, and other rhythmic changes that appear to be genetically programmed. Daily rhythms are called circadian rhythms (from the Latin circa dies, "about a day"). Research suggests that mammals have a biological clock that it is located in the hypothalamus of the brain, in a small area called the supra-chiasmatic nucleus.
          Various circadian rhythms can be observed in people. The most obvious is the alternation of wakefulness with sleep. Disruption of the human circadian rhythm can temporarily upset the body. For example, when a passenger flies across many time zones in a few hours, the discomfort called "jet lag" results. In a few days, however, the person's biological clock adjusts to the new time.
          Most cyclical responses occur at approximately the same time as changes in such external factors as light and temperature, suggesting that they are somehow caused by these external changes. Many of the seasonal changes in animals and plants are influenced by changes in day length. For instance, the decreasing amount of daylight in the fall triggers internal changes in some species of birds, causing them to migrate. Germination and flowering of plants generally occurs in the spring and summer when there is more daylight. However, experiments have shown that external factors are not always involved. For example, fiddler crabs in their natural habitat become darker in the morning, lighter in the evening. Yet when they are placed under constant environmental conditions (such as constant light) the
daily rhythm of their color changes persist.
          Scientists generally believe that various circadian rhythms are controlled by different mechanisms. For instance, many cycles respond to both external and internal stimuli, some cycles respond to external stimuli only, and a small number respond to internal stimuli alone.
Source : acessed in january, 2014
According to the text,
a) biological clock is a scientific term that refers to a mechanism responsible for regulate animal’s responses to external stimuli.
b) the mechanism of the biological clock in all living things only responds to external stimuli.
c) probably the rhythmic change that occurs, for example, yearly in a plant is genetically programed.
d) fiddler crabs when placed under constant light cannot maintain their circadian rhythms.
e) circadian rhythms cannot be observed in people.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  31(C) 
According to the text, circadian rhythm,
a) a type of biological clock that changes monthly in a human.
b) can be only verified in the physiologic alteration of wakefulness with sleep.
c) can be disrupted only by internal stimuli.
d) probably can be controlled, in a human, by an area in hypothalamus called supra-chiasmatic
e) a type of biological clock that occurs only in mammals.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  32(D) 
According to text, all the sentences are true, EXCEPT,
a) the phenomenon that occurs when a passenger flies many time zones in a few hours is similar to
the phenomenon that occurs when a fiddler crab is placed under a constant light.
b) probably the circadian rhythm is controlled by various mechanisms, proving that only external
stimuli cannot explain some rhythm changes in some animals.
c) biological clock can explain the reason for some plants germinate in summer and spring.
d) the term circadian is derived from Latin.
e) factors as light and temperature can trigger several internal mechanisms responsible for cyclical
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  33(A) 
According to the text, biological clocks can be controlled by some stimuli, EXCEPT,
a) light.
b) amount of daylight.
c) amount of food.
d) day length.
e) temperature.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  34(C) 
The main idea of the text is
a) biological clock isn't responsible for the many cyclical responses that occur in animals.
b) circadian rhythm is a mechanism that occurs in various species of living things, including humans, plants and other mammals, and it can explain why bird migrate in certain periods of the year. Moreover, it is confirmed that circadian rhythm is genetically programed.
c) the germination and flowering of plants can be explained by the biological rhythm.
d) the reasons of why the biological rhythm is a phenomenon that occurs by various stimuli.
e) biological clock is a mechanism that is responsible for several cyclical responses in various amounts of species, including the man. Biological clock can be influenced by different forms of stimuli; moreover circadian rhythm is a type of biological clock.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  35(E) 
In the sentence “in a small area called the supra-chiasmatic nucleus” what is the plural of nucleus?
a) Nuclea.
b) Nuclei.
c) Nucleum.
d) Nucleae.
e) Nucleam.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  36(B) 
37. In the sentence "however, experiments have shown that external factors are not always involved",
the highlighted word can be replaced by
a) nonetheless.
b) moreover.
c) thus.
d) accordingly.
e) therefore. 
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  37(A) 
In the sentence "disruption of the human circadian rhythm can temporarily upset the body" the word
highlighted can be replaced EXEPCT by
a) harm.
b) spoil.
c) impair.
d) pester.
e) damage.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  38(D) 
"Yet when they are placed under constant environmental conditions (such as constant light) the daily rhythm of their color changes persist” The idea expressed by the highlighted word, can be maintained by the use of the following conjunction.
a) And.
b) Or.
c) Also.
d) Albeit.
e) Howsoever.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  39(D) 
The best way to complete "I am sorry. I ____ your name" is
a) had forgot.
b) have forgotten.
c) had been forgotten.
d) had been forgot.
e) have forget.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  40(B) 
The plurals of the nouns "conch", "soliloquy", "louse" and "child" are
a) conches, soliloquys, louses, children.
b) conchs, soliloquys, louses, children.
c) conches, soliloquies, louses, childs.
d) conchs, soliloquys, lice, childs.
e) conchs, soliloquies, lice, children.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  41(E) 
42. The correct use of the pronoun in the sentence "the sweetest girl ___ I have ever met is a girl from
my hometown".
a) Which.
b) Who.
c) That.
d) Whom.
e) Whose.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  42(C) 
"Marcus participated in the charity walk, albeit rather reluctantly." this sentence is an example of
a) clause of cause.
b) clause of contrast.
c) clause of purpose.
d) clause of result.
e) clause of restriction.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  43(B) 
The correct association of prepositions indicating antagonism of positions in space is
a) over, beside.
b) above, below.
c) in font of, on.
d) under, beside.
e) above, over.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  44(B) 
45. Use the relative pronouns in the sentences below:
A. A gave her ___ she needs.
B. This is Mr. Carlos, ___ you met last week.
C. I saw a boy ___ hair came down to his buttocks.
The correct alternative is
a) that – who – who.
b) which – whose – that.
c) whose – who – what.
d) which – who – her.
e) what – whom – whose.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  45(E) 
Answer questions 46 to 49 below.
By Nicholas Bakalar
             Happily married people tend to have lower blood pressure than their single peers, but being single may be healthier than being unhappily married, a new study suggests. The study, published on March 20 in The Annals of Behavioral Medicine, sampled 303 generally healthy men and women, 204 married and 99 single. Each responded to questions about marital quality, social support and mental health. Scales were used to rate stress and life satisfaction.
            Then each subject wore a portable blood pressure monitor for 24 hours while performing their
normal activities. The groups had little difference in waking blood pressure, but married people had significantly larger dips in blood pressure during sleep. People whose blood pressure does not dip during sleep are at higher risk for cardiovascular disease, according to Julianne Holt-Lunstad, the lead author and an assistant professor of psychology at Brigham Young University.
            On average, the unhappily married had higher daytime and 24-hour blood pressure readings
than single people. Having a wide social network had no effect on the trends for either married or single people. But marital satisfaction was significantly associated with satisfaction with life, lower stress, less depression and lower waking blood pressure. “Just being married per se isn't helpful,’’
Dr. Holt-Lunstad said, “because you can potentially be worse off in an unhappy marriage. So, choose wisely.’’
( Adapted)
According to the text,
a) it is better to be married rather than single.
b) happily married couples have a normal blood pressure and therefore have a better health.
c) blood pressure should increase during sleep; otherwise, there would be a higher risk for
cardiovascular disease.
d) the worst result of the study was shown by unhappily married people.
e) Social network and close friends make single people much happier than married people.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  46(D) 
O estudo apresentado pelo texto
a) consistiu em uma pesquisa com 303 casais.
b) comparou a pressão sanguínea de pessoas solteiras com a das casadas.
c) concluiu que a flutuação da pressão sanguínea é a mesma entre as pessoas casadas e solteiras.
d) indicou que as pessoas que são infelizes no casamento têm problemas semelhantes aos das
pessoas solteiras.
e) mostrou que as pessoas solteiras sofrem mais de depressão e estresse do que as mal casadas.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  47(B) 
In the excerpt of the last paragraph — So, choose wisely. The word so can be replaced, without
changing its meaning, for
a) therefore.
b) otherwise.
c) nevertheless.
d) moreover.
e) furthermore.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  48(A) 
In the second paragraph of the text "The groups had little difference in waking blood pressure, but
married people had significantly larger dips in blood pressure during sleep". The term groups refers to
a) married people.
b) single people.
c) healthy men and women.
d) unhappily married people.
e) married people and single people.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  49(E) 
The correct way to complete the sentence “Much of Munique ___ by fire in the seventeenth century”
using the passive voice is
a) destroyed.
b) was been fired.
c) was destroying.
d) was destroyed.
e) was fring.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito item  48(D) 

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