domingo, 11 de janeiro de 2015

FGV-2007-EAESP-ADMINISTRAÇÃO-VESTIBULAR-1º SEMESTRE-Fundação Getúlio Vargas & Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo- Prova de INGLÊS com gabarito e Questões Comentadas -

Welcome back to another post!
NESTE POST: PROVA de INGLÊS da FGV-2007-VESTIBULAR 1º SEMESTRE, prova aplicada em 03/12/2006.

LEITURA de textos de jornais digitais, revistas, websites, é um excelente treino para a prova.
• 15 Questões(múltiplas escolhas com 05 alternativas cada).
TÓPICOS ABORDADOS ao longo da prova:
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8-NOUN PHRASES(Adjective+noun):
• [ = ]
9-IDIOMS(Expressões Idiomáticas):
• [ = ]
• [ = ]
11-TECHNICAL ENGLISH(Business English, Finance English, Legal English and so on):
• [ = ]
• [ = ]
• [ = ]
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Vamos à Prova:
• TEXTO 1:
From Christmas Day in 1991, when the white, blue and red Russian flag rose over the Kremlin, symbolizing the end of the Soviet Union, the U.S. assumed a dominant presence in world affairs the likes of which has not been witnessed since the Imperium Romanum. Yet the nation that endorsed the idea of preemptive military action has acted with remarkable passivity when it comes to an energy policy that deals with climate change.
31 According to the text:
A) The Soviet Union invented preemptive military action.
B) Passive energy policy and preemptive military action are soviet characteristics.
C) Climate change is the price the world pays for American dominance.
D) Energy policy and climate change normally go hand in hand.
E) Passive energy policy and preemptive military action are American traits.
R E S P O S T A :   E
• De acordo com o texto:
A) The Soviet Union invented preemptive military action.
• A União Soviética inventou a ação militar preventiva.
B) Passive energy policy and preemptive military action are soviet characteristics.
• Política de energia passiva e ação militar preventiva são características soviéticas.
C) Climate change is the price the world pays for American dominance.
• A mudança climática é o preço que o mundo paga pelo domínio americano.
D) Energy policy and climate change normally go hand in hand.
• A política energética e as mudanças climáticas normalmente andam de mãos dadas.
E) Passive energy policy and preemptive military action are American traits.
• Política de energia passiva e ação militar preventiva são características americanas.
• Informação (E) DE ACORDO com o trecho:
• "[...] Yet the nation that endorsed the idea of preemptive military action has acted with remarkable passivity when it comes to an energy policy that deals with climate change.”
• No entanto, a nação que endossou a ideia de ação militar preventiva agiu com notável passividade quando se trata de uma política energética que lida com as mudanças climáticas.
• TEXTO 2:
The Atlantic forest of Brazil, which in the past 400 years has been reduced to less than 8 percent of its original size, could contain as many as 13 million unidentified species of bacteria, a new study has found.
32 According to the text:
a) Bacteria threatens the continued existence of the Brazilian Atlantic forest.
b) Recent studies have found that 8 percent of the bacteria have shrunk in size.
c) Brazil’s Atlantic coast is finally rid of ancient bacteria.
d) 13 million Brazilians run the risk of being infected by 400 year old bacteria.
e) Unknown bacteria are plentiful in the remaining jungle.
R E S P O S T A :   E
• De acordo com o texto:
a) Bacteria threatens the continued existence of the Brazilian Atlantic forest.
• Bactérias ameaçam a continuidade da existência da Mata Atlântica brasileira.
b) Recent studies have found that 8 percent of the bacteria have shrunk in size.
• Estudos recentes descobriram que 8 por cento das bactérias diminuíram de tamanho.
c) Brazil’s Atlantic coast is finally rid of ancient bacteria.
• A costa atlântica do Brasil está finalmente livre de bactérias antigas.
d) 13 million Brazilians run the risk of being infected by 400 year old bacteria.
• 3 milhões de brasileiros correm o risco de serem infectados por bactérias de 400 anos.
e) Unknown bacteria are plentiful in the remaining jungle.
• Bactérias desconhecidas são abundantes na selva remanescente.
• Informação (E) DE ACORDO com o trecho:
• "[...] could contain as many as 13 million unidentified species of bacteria, a new study has found.”
• pode conter até 13 milhões de não identificados espécies de bactérias, descobriu um novo estudo.
• TEXTO 3:
Psychedelic mushrooms have for millennia been said to trigger mystical experiences. The most rigorous scientific experiment with the hallucinogen, and the first in 40 years, proved capable of producing mystical states in the laboratory safely. Scientists at Johns Hopkins University selected 36 spiritually active volunteers, who might interpret the experiences best, and disqualified potential subjects who had a family or personal risk for psychosis or bipolar disorder. One third of volunteers given psilocybin, the mushroom’s active compound, described it as the most spiritually meaningful experience of their lives, and about two thirds rated it in their top five. Some side effects occurred: a third admitted significant fear in the hours following their dose, and some felt momentary paranoia. Two months later 79 percent reported moderately or greatly increased wellbeing or life satisfaction compared with those given a placebo. Further research could lead to therapies against pain, depression or addiction, experts commented online July 12 in Psychopharmacology.
Charles Q. Choi
33 According to the text:
a) 36 different spirits were made use of in the course of the experiments.
b) The best experiences were expected from spiritually involved volunteers.
c) Bipolar disorder was a psychotic side effect of the experiments.
d) The best results were given by the bipolar group.
e) Disqualified subjects included some Johns Hopkins University scientists.
R E S P O S T A :   B
• De acordo com o texto:
a) 36 different spirits were made use of in the course of the experiments.
• 36 espíritos diferentes foram usados no decorrer dos experimentos.
b) The best experiences were expected from spiritually involved volunteers.
• As melhores experiências eram esperadas de voluntários envolvidos espiritualmente.
• Informação (B) DE ACORDO com o trecho:
• "[...] Scientists at Johns Hopkins University selected 36 spiritually active volunteers, who might interpret the experiences best, and disqualified potential subjects who had a family or personal risk for psychosis or bipolar disorder"
• Cientistas da Universidade Johns Hopkins selecionaram 36 voluntários espiritualmente ativos, que poderiam interpretar melhor as experiências, e desqualificaram indivíduos em potencial que tinham uma família ou risco pessoal de psicose ou transtorno bipolar.
c) Bipolar disorder was a psychotic side effect of the experiments.
• O transtorno bipolar foi um efeito colateral psicótico dos experimentos.
d) The best results were given by the bipolar group.
• Os melhores resultados foram dados pelo grupo bipolar.
e) Disqualified subjects included some Johns Hopkins University scientists.
• Os sujeitos desqualificados incluíram alguns cientistas da Johns Hopkins University.
34 According to the text:
a) One third of the volunteers experience their most meaningful spiritual experience and paranoia at the same time.
b) Most volunteers did not experience much of anything.
c) It was proven that psilocybin leads to early paranoia.
d) Spiritual well being and paranoia normally go hand and hand in people’s lives.
e) The majority of the volunteers had spiritually meaningful experiences.
R E S P O S T A :   B
• De acordo com o texto:
• Informação (E) DE ACORDO com o trecho:
• "[...] One third of volunteers given psilocybin, the mushroom’s active compound, described it as the most spiritually meaningful experience of their lives, and about two thirds rated it in their top five."
• Um terço dos voluntários que receberam psilocibina, o composto ativo do cogumelo, descreveu-o como a experiência espiritualmente mais significativa de suas vidas, e cerca de dois terços o classificaram entre os cinco primeiros.
35 According to the text almost 80% of the volunteers:
a) were given placebos.
b) needed therapy for pain, depression and addiction.
c) reported increased quality of life.
d) reported further need for drug induced satisfaction.
e) were increasingly subject to bouts of paranoia and fear.
R E S P O S T A :   C
• De acordo com o texto quase 80% dos voluntários:
a) were given placebos.
• receberam placebos.
b) needed therapy for pain, depression and addiction.
• terapia necessária para dor, depressão e vício.
c) reported increased quality of life.
• relatou aumento da qualidade de vida.
• Informação (C) DE ACORDO com o trecho:
• "[...] Two months later 79 percent reported moderately or greatly increased well-being or life satisfaction compared with those given a placebo."
• Dois meses depois, 79 por cento relataram um aumento moderado ou significativo no bem-estar ou na satisfação com a vida em comparação com aqueles que receberam um placebo.
d) reported further need for drug induced satisfaction.
• relatou necessidade adicional de satisfação induzida pelo medicamento.
e) were increasingly subject to bouts of paranoia and fear.
• estavam cada vez mais sujeitos a crises de paranóia e medo.
• TEXTO 4:
Petroleum alternatives include renewable fuels such as biodiesel, derived primarily from soybeans, and ethanol, distilled mostly from corn grain. In the first comprehensive analysis of the energy gains and environmental impact of both fuels, University of Minnesota researchers determined biodiesel to be the better choice. Ethanol from corn grain produces 25 percent more energy than all the energy people invested in it, whereas biodiesel from soybeans returns 93 percent more. Compared with fossil fuels, ethanol produces 12 percent fewer greenhouse gas emissions, whereas biodiesel produces 41 percent fewer. Soybeans also generate significantly less nitrogen, phosphorus and pesticide pollution. Dedicating all current U.S. corn and soybean production to biofuels, however, would meet only 12 percent of gasoline demand and 6 percent of diesel
Charles Q. Cho
36 According to the text:
a) Alternatives to petroleum include hydrogen and methane gas.
b) Renewable fuels include derivatives of soy beans and corn.
c) Petroleum is not easily renewable.
d) To gain energy one must first burn fuels.
e) Minnesota researchers thought ethanol was better used for drinking purposes.
R E S P O S T A :   B
• De acordo com o texto:
a) Alternatives to petroleum include hydrogen and methane gas.
• Alternativas ao petróleo incluem hidrogênio e gás metano.
b) Renewable fuels include derivatives of soy beans and corn.
• Combustíveis renováveis incluem derivados de soja e milho.
• Informação (B) DE ACORDO com o trecho:
• "[...] Petroleum alternatives include renewable fuels such as biodiesel, derived primarily from soybeans, and ethanol, distilled mostly from corn grain"
• As alternativas de petróleo incluem combustíveis renováveis como o biodiesel, derivado principalmente da soja, e etanol, destilado principalmente do grão de milho.
c) Petroleum is not easily renewable.
• O petróleo não é facilmente renovável.
d) To gain energy one must first burn fuels.
• Para ganhar energia é preciso primeiro queimar combustíveis.
e) Minnesota researchers thought ethanol was better used for drinking purposes.
• Pesquisadores de Minnesota acharam que o etanol era mais bem usado para beber.
37 According to the text total American production of soybeans and corn made into fuel:
a) would practically solve all America energy problems.
b) would meet all but 6% of America diesel demand.
c) would meet all but 18% of energy needs of the continental USA.
d) would be well below the total energy needs of America.
e) would go a long way towards meeting global fuel.
R E S P O S T A :   D
• De acordo com o texto produção total americana de soja e milho transformada em combustível:
a) would practically solve all America energy problems.
• resolveria praticamente todos os problemas de energia da América.
b) would meet all but 6% of America diesel demand.
• atenderia tudo, exceto 6% da demanda de diesel da América.
c) would meet all but 18% of energy needs of the continental USA.
• atenderia a tudo, exceto 18% das necessidades de energia dos EUA continentais.
d) would be well below the total energy needs of America.
• estaria bem abaixo das necessidades totais de energia da América.
• Informação (D) DE ACORDO com o trecho:
• "[...] Dedicating all current U.S. corn and soybean production to biofuels, however, would meet only 12 percent of gasoline demand and 6 percent of diesel demand"
• Dedicar toda a produção atual de milho e soja aos biocombustíveis, no entanto, atenderia a apenas 12 por cento da demanda de gasolina e 6 por cento da demanda de diesel.
e) would go a long way towards meeting global fuel.
• contribuiria muito para atender ao combustível global.
• TEXTO 5:
In Freakonomics, Levitt proffered his own theory for the source of the 1990s crime decline: Roe v. Wade, a famous US Supreme Court ruling on abortion. According to Levitt, children born into impoverished and adverse environments are more likely to land in jail as adults. After Roe v. Wade, millions of poor single women had abortions instead of future potential criminals; 20 years later the set of potential offenders had shrunk, along with the crime rate. Levitt employed a comparative statistical analysis to show that the five states that legalized abortion at least two years before Roe v. Wade witnessed a crime decline earlier than the other 45 states. Further, those states with the highest
abortion rates in the 1970s experienced the greatest fall in crime in the 1990s.
38 According to the text, Levitt has shown that:
a) impoverished children tend to grow up healthier than normal infants.
b) an adverse environment helps develop character in children.
c) adult prisoners frequently start life in impoverished and adverse circumstances.
d) children are more likable when they know poverty and adversity.
e) criminals are as likely to come from poor as well as from privileged backgrounds.
R E S P O S T A :   C
• De acordo com o texto, Levitt mostrou que:
a) impoverished children tend to grow up healthier than normal infants.
• crianças pobres tendem a crescer mais saudáveis do que bebês normais.
b) an adverse environment helps develop character in children.
• um ambiente adverso ajuda a desenvolver o caráter das crianças.
c) adult prisoners frequently start life in impoverished and adverse circumstances.
• presos adultos freqüentemente começam a vida em circunstâncias empobrecidas e adversas.
• Informação (C) DE ACORDO com o trecho:
• "[...] children born into impoverished and adverse environments are more likely to land in jail as adults"
• crianças nascidas em ambientes empobrecidos e adversos têm maior probabilidade de ir para a prisão como adultos.
d) children are more likable when they know poverty and adversity.
• as crianças são mais simpáticas quando conhecem a pobreza e a adversidade.
e) criminals are as likely to come from poor as well as from privileged backgrounds.
• os criminosos têm a mesma probabilidade de vir de origens pobres e privilegiadas.
39 According to the text Roe v. Wade:
a) permitted the abortion of future criminals.
b) forced women to have compulsory abortions.
c) drove poor women into potential criminality.
d) led to an increase of criminal abortions.
e) had a moral cleansing effect in many states.
R E S P O S T A :   E
• De acordo com o texto Roe v. Wade:
a) permitted the abortion of future criminals.
• permitia o aborto de futuros criminosos.
b) forced women to have compulsory abortions.
• mulheres forçadas a fazer abortos compulsórios.
c) drove poor women into potential criminality.
• levou as mulheres pobres à criminalidade potencial.
d) led to an increase of criminal abortions.
• levou a um aumento de abortos criminosos.
e) had a moral cleansing effect in many states.
• teve um efeito de limpeza moral em muitos estados.
• Informação (E) DE ACORDO com o trecho:
• "[...] Levitt employed a comparative statistical analysis to show that the five states that legalized abortion at least two years before Roe v. Wade witnessed a crime decline earlier than the other 45 states"
• Levitt empregou uma análise estatística comparativa para mostrar que os cinco estados que legalizaram o aborto pelo menos dois anos antes de Roe v. Wade testemunharam um declínio da criminalidade antes dos outros 45 estados.
• TEXTO 6:
For the poor countries, the benefits of lowering fertility are apparent. High fertility rates are leading to extreme local environmental pressures, water stress, land degradation, overhunting and overfishing, falling farm sizes, deforestation and other habitat destruction thereby worsening the grave economic challenges these
lands face. High fertility also represents a disaster for the added children themselves, who suffer from profound underinvestments in education, health and nutrition and are thus far more likely to grow up impoverished. In short, a move to lower fertility rates will mean healthier children, much faster growth in living standards and reduced environmental stressors.
40 According to the text:
a) Lower fertility spells disaster for developing regions.
b) The apparent lowering of fertility hides deeper problems in developing regions.
c) High fertility is one cause of smaller farms sizes and the destruction of forests.
d) The destruction of habitats and deforestation are of lesser import in poor countries.
e) We can reduce environmental impact by impoverishing children.
R E S P O S T A :   C
• De acordo com o texto:
a) Lower fertility spells disaster for developing regions.
• Baixa fertilidade significa desastre para as regiões em desenvolvimento.
b) The apparent lowering of fertility hides deeper problems in developing regions.
• A aparente redução da fertilidade oculta problemas mais profundos nas regiões em desenvolvimento.
c) High fertility is one cause of smaller farms sizes and the destruction of forests.
• Alta fertilidade é uma das causas de fazendas menores e da destruição de florestas.
• Informação (C) DE ACORDO com o trecho:
• "[...] High fertility rates are leading to extreme local environmental pressures, water stress, land degradation, overhunting and overfishing, falling farm sizes, deforestation and other habitat destruction thereby worsening the grave economic challenges these lands face."
• As altas taxas de fertilidade estão levando a pressões ambientais locais extremas, estresse hídrico, degradação da terra, caça excessiva e pesca excessiva, diminuição do tamanho das fazendas, desmatamento e outras destruições de habitat, agravando assim os graves desafios econômicos que essas terras enfrentam.
d) The destruction of habitats and deforestation are of lesser import in poor countries.
• A destruição de habitats e o desmatamento têm menor importância nos países pobres.
e) We can reduce environmental impact by impoverishing children.
• Podemos reduzir o impacto ambiental empobrecendo as crianças.
• TEXTO 7:
An American court ruled that Luis Posada Carriles, a Cuban former CIA agent, should be released from an immigration centre. He is wanted by Cuba and Venezuela in connection with the 1976 bombing of a Cuban plane that killed 73 people and a plot to kill Fidel Castro. The Americans refuse to deport him, believing he could be tortured.
The Economist. Thursday Sep 14th 2006.
41 According to the text:
a) The court ruled that only Americans have the right to torture suspects.
b) Mr. Carriles was congratulated by the court for getting rid of 73 undesirables.
c) Cuban civilian airplanes are put there for bomb training by CIA operatives.
d) The wants of Cuba or Venezuela were not taken in consideration by the American court.
e) Luis was released from the immigration center before he had a chance to hone his killing skills on his fellow internees.
R E S P O S T A :   D
• De acordo com o texto:
a) The court ruled that only Americans have the right to torture suspects.
• O tribunal decidiu que apenas os americanos têm o direito de torturar suspeitos.
b) Mr. Carriles was congratulated by the court for getting rid of 73 undesirables.
• O Sr. Carriles foi felicitado pelo tribunal por se livrar de 73 indesejáveis.
c) Cuban civilian airplanes are put there for bomb training by CIA operatives.
• Aviões civis cubanos são colocados lá para treinamento de bombas por agentes da CIA.
d) The wants of Cuba or Venezuela were not taken in consideration by the American court.
• As vontades de Cuba ou da Venezuela não foram levadas em consideração pela corte americana.
• Informação (D) DE ACORDO com o trecho:
• "[...] He is wanted by Cuba and Venezuela in connection with the 1976 bombing of a Cuban plane that killed 73 people and a plot to kill Fidel Castro. The Americans refuse to deport him, believing he could be tortured"
• Ele é procurado por Cuba e Venezuela em conexão com o atentado a bomba em 1976 de um avião cubano que matou 73 pessoas e uma conspiração para matar Fidel Castro. Os americanos se recusam a deportá-lo, acreditando que ele poderia ser torturado.
e) Luis was released from the immigration center before he had a chance to hone his killing skills on his fellow internees.
• Luis foi libertado do centro de imigração antes de ter a chance de aprimorar suas habilidades de matar em seus colegas internos.
• TEXTO 8:
Europeans worry that American foreign policy under George Bush is too influenced by religion. The “holy warriors” who hijacked the planes on September 11th reintroduced God into international affairs in the most dramatic of ways. It seems that George Bush is replying in kind, encouraging a clash of religions that could spell global catastrophe.
American religiosity also has a more indirect influence on foreign policy. It predisposes Americans to look at the world in certain ways – to regard America as a special nation and to see the world in terms of a struggle between good and evil. These tendencies have always
been there. But they have arguably become more pronounced since the September 11th attacks. VicePresident Dick Cheney claims, of the “war on terror”, that “the United States and only the United States can
see this effort through to victory.” The National Security Strategy of the United States of 2002 states boldly that “our responsibility to history is already clear: to answer these attacks and rid the world of evil.”
The Economist. Thursday Sep 14th 2006
42 According to the text:
a) Europeans have led a misguided effort to keep America away from God.
b) Europeans are worried that Bush is over-concerned with religion.
c) Americans are the holy warriors of the true faith.
d) The influence of religion is a healthy facet of European foreign policy.
e) Americans and Europeans agree on the positive influence of religion on foreign policy.
R E S P O S T A :   B
• De acordo com o texto:
a) Europeans have led a misguided effort to keep America away from God.
• Os europeus têm feito um esforço equivocado para manter a América longe de Deus.
b) Europeans are worried that Bush is over-concerned with religion.
• Os europeus estão preocupados com o fato de Bush estar excessivamente preocupado com a religião.
• Informação (B) DE ACORDO com o trecho:
• "[...] Europeans worry that American foreign policy under George Bush is too influenced by religion"
• Os europeus se preocupam que a política externa americana sob George Bush seja muito influenciada pela religião.
c) Americans are the holy warriors of the true faith.
• Os americanos são os guerreiros sagrados da verdadeira fé.
d) The influence of religion is a healthy facet of European foreign policy.
• A influência da religião é uma faceta saudável da política externa europeia.
e) Americans and Europeans agree on the positive influence of religion on foreign policy.
• Americanos e europeus concordam sobre a influência positiva da religião na política externa.
43 According to the text, Europeans think that:
a) Bush’s policy is leading to the occurrence of religious war concerned with ridding the world of evil.
b) Bush is calling on religion to help avert global catastrophe.
c) the time has come for the reintroduction of God in foreign affairs.
d) George Bush rarely takes religious advice before making policy decisions.
e) international affairs can take dramatic turns if God’s will is not taken into consideration.
R E S P O S T A :   B
• De acordo com o texto, os europeus pensam que:
a) Bush’s policy is leading to the occurrence of religious war concerned with ridding the world of evil.
• A política de Bush está levando à ocorrência de uma guerra religiosa preocupada em livrar o mundo do mal.
b) Bush is calling on religion to help avert global catastrophe.
• Bush está apelando à religião para ajudar a evitar uma catástrofe global.
• Informação (B) DE ACORDO com o trecho:
• "[...]It seems that George Bush is replying in kind, encouraging a clash of religions that could spell global catastrophe."
• Parece que George Bush está respondendo na mesma moeda, encorajando um choque de religiões que pode significar uma catástrofe global.
c) the time has come for the reintroduction of God in foreign affairs.
• é chegada a hora da reintrodução de Deus nas relações exteriores.
d) George Bush rarely takes religious advice before making policy decisions.
• George Bush raramente aceita conselhos religiosos antes de tomar decisões políticas.
e) international affairs can take dramatic turns if God’s will is not taken into consideration.
• os assuntos internacionais podem ter reviravoltas dramáticas se a vontade de Deus não for levada em consideração.
44 Accorping to the text, Americans tend to believe that:
a) God has appointed Dick Cheney as His guardian against evil.
b) the indirect influence of religion on American foreign policy is small.
c) the struggle of good against evil has America at its forefront.
d) September 11th showed that America lacked religious fervor.
e) there is only one true God and George Bush is his spokesperson.
R E S P O S T A :   C
• • De acordo com o texto, os americanos tendem a acreditar que:
a) God has appointed Dick Cheney as His guardian against evil.
• Deus nomeou Dick Cheney como Seu guardião contra o mal.
b) the indirect influence of religion on American foreign policy is small.
• a influência indireta da religião na política externa americana é pequena.
c) the struggle of good against evil has America at its forefront.
• a luta do bem contra o mal tem a América em sua vanguarda.
• Informação (C) DE ACORDO com o trecho:
• "[...] to regard America as a special nation and to see the world in terms of a struggle between good and evil"
•considerar a América como uma nação especial e ver o mundo em termos de uma luta entre o bem e o mal.
d) September 11th showed that America lacked religious fervor.
• O 11 de setembro mostrou que faltou fervor religioso à América.
e) there is only one true God and George Bush is his spokesperson.
• existe apenas um Deus verdadeiro e George Bush é seu porta-voz.
45 According to the text:
a) America’s special relationship with evil has a long and distinguished history.
b) America’s special relationship with goodness starts on September 11th.
c) God has been kind to America allowing Dick Cheney to become its Vice-President.
d) National Security Strategy of the United States is to abolish evil.
e) Getting rid of rival religious fanatics will avert global catastrophe.
R E S P O S T A :   D
• De acordo com o texto:
a) America’s special relationship with evil has a long and distinguished history.
• O relacionamento especial da América com o mal tem uma longa e distinta história.
b) America’s special relationship with goodness starts on September 11th.
• O relacionamento especial da América com a bondade começa em 11 de setembro.
c) God has been kind to America allowing Dick Cheney to become its Vice-President.
• Deus tem sido bom para a América, permitindo que Dick Cheney se tornasse seu vice-presidente.
d) National Security Strategy of the United States is to abolish evil.
• A Estratégia de Segurança Nacional dos Estados Unidos é abolir o mal.
• Informação (D) DE ACORDO com o trecho:
• "[...] The National Security Strategy of the United States of 2002 states boldly that “our responsibility to history is already clear: to answer these attacks and rid the world of evil"
• A Estratégia de Segurança Nacional dos Estados Unidos de 2002 afirma com ousadia que" nossa responsabilidade com a história já está clara: responder a esses ataques e livrar o mundo do mal.
e) Getting rid of rival religious fanatics will avert global catastrophe.
• Livrar-se de fanáticos religiosos rivais evitará uma catástrofe global. 

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