domingo, 24 de maio de 2015

VUNESP 2015 - Concurso TCE/SP - Auxiliar da Fiscalização Financeira II -Prova de INGLÊS resolvida e comentada.

Hey,what's up guys!!!...How have you been?!
👍Neste post, veremos a Prova de INGLÊS - Concurso Público TCE/SP(Tribunal de Contas do Estado de São Paulo) realizada em 08/03/2015 - Cargo:Auxiliar da Fiscalização Financeira II - Informática. 
[b]Padrão da prova:
*01 texto & 04 questões(em inglês).
*Text I:"To troubleshoot hardware problems"(Solucionar problemas de hardware).
[c]Verbs & phrasal verbs:

(1)[to troubleshoot(solucionar)=literalmente é "atirar no problema"]
(2)[to shut down(desligar)=turn off(desligar,apagar)="Shut down the computer!"(Desligue o computador!)]
(3)[to attempt=to try(tentar)] 
(4)[to ensure=to guarantee=to assure(assegurar,garantir)]
(5)[to turn on(ligado)=to connect=to link] 
(6)[to summarize(SâmôRáiz)=to resume(resumir)=to sum up(resumir)]
(1)[while(quando/embora)=although(embora)."While" pode ser conjunção temporal "quando" ou conjunção concessiva "embora".]
(2)[As a matter of fact(de fato,na verdade)]
(3)[As a result(como resultado)=transmite ideia de "consequência" ou "efeito"]
(4)[despite(apesar de)]
(5)[In no time(em nenhum momento)] 
(6)[Sooner or later(mais cedo ou mais tarde)] 
(1)[faulty computer parts(peças de computador com defeito)]
(2)[arquebusier=soldado munido com arma portátil suportada em um tripé ou um descanso bifurcado] 
(3)[eerie chants()=cânticos estranhos]
(4)[mid-1980s()="meados dos anos 80"]
(5)[ordered disorder(ôrôdiZôrôr)=desordem ordenada].
(6)[order of a kind(ôrôRôvKáind)=uma espécie de ordem].
(7)[pikemen=soldados munidos de lança com ponta de aço]
(8)[pre-dawn(príDôn)="pré-alvorecer","antes do amanhacer"]
(9)[predicated upon=baseado(fundamentado) em] 
(1)[case(kêiz)=box(caixa),"computer's case"]
(9)[struglle(sTrâgôu)=fight(briga)=strife(luta)](10)[warfare(guerra)=war(guerra). They mean the same thing.O uso é diferente.Usamos ]
(3)[manageable(Mênêdjêbôl)(manejável)=workable(uôrkbôl)(trabalhável=que se pode trabalhar)]
(4)[makeshift(improvisado)="makeshift shelter"(abrigo improvisado)]
Agora, vamos à prova!
Bons estudos,boa sorte e um abraço!
Leia o texto para responder às questões de números 09 a 12.
"To troubleshoot hardware problems"
1.  If your computer beeps when you start it but does not display anything on your monitor:
      a. Disconnect and reconnect your monitor from   your computer.
      b. Verify that your monitor's power cord is connected and that your monitor is turned on.
      c. If possible, connect your monitor to a different computer to make sure that your monitor works properly.
      d. If your monitor works but your computer beeps and displays nothing, your video adapter has probably failed. If your computer is under warranty, contact your computer manufacturer for support. If your computer is not under warranty, and you are comfortable opening your computer’s case and replacing internal hardware, purchase and install a compatible replacement video adapter. Otherwise, contact a service center for assistance. While replacing a part is a nuisance and may be costly, your documents, pictures, and e-mail should be safe and will be available when your computer is fixed.
2.  If you see an error message that indicates that a keyboard is not present or a key is stuck, turn off your computer and reconnect your keyboard. If the problem continues, replace your keyboard.
3.  Sometimes your computer won’t start because your computer is not compatible with a hardware accessory. If you have recently added a new hardware accessory, turn your computer off, remove the accessory, and restart your computer.
4.  Remove all hardware accessories except your keyboard, mouse, and monitor. If your computer starts successfully, shut down Windows, turn off your computer, and add one hardware accessory. Then, restart your computer. If your computer fails to start, the hardware accessory you most recently added is causing a problem. Remove the hardware and contact the hardware vendor for support. You can reconnect other hardware accessories.
5.  You may have a loose connector. Turn off your computer, remove all connectors from the outside of your computer, and then carefully push the connectors back in. Look for stray wires, bent pins, and loosely fitting connectors.
6.  If you are comfortable opening your computer’s case, shut down your computer, unplug the power, and open your computer’s case. Remove and reconnect all cables. Remove and reconnect all cards inside your computer, including your computer’s memory chips. Reassemble your computer before attempting to start it again.
7.  If your computer still doesn’t start, your motherboard, processor, memory, or graphics card may have developed a problem. While failed hardware can be frustrating, your documents, pictures, and email should be safe and will be there when your computer is fixed.
(Available at: how-to-fix-computer-that-will-not-start).
The purpose of the text is to
(A) instruct how one should upgrade faulty computer parts.
(B) find and solve problems that prevent hardware from working properly.
(C) identify the best accessories to get and install in the computer.
(D) show how to keep documents safe even when the computer is out of order.
(E) remind that connectors should be checked from time to time.
Gabarito (B):
*O item (B) é CORRETO.A proposta do texto é encontrar e resolver problemas que impedem que o hardware funcione corretamente.O título do texto confirma o item,veja:[...] "To troubleshoot hardware problems"(Solucionar problemas de hardware).
According to item 1 of the text, in order to ensure that the monitor is working well, one should
(A) replace the video adapter.
(B) take it to a service center as soon as possible.
(C) turn off the computer and connect a better monitor.
(D) unplug the monitor and connect it to another computer.
(E) shut down the computer and then restart it.
Gabarito (D):
The procedure recommended in item 4 aims at
(A) making the computer start anyway.
(B) ensuring that the keyboard and monitor are compatible with each other.
(C) identifying the accessory that is causing trouble.
(D) choosing the most efficient accessories for one’s needs.
(E) updating the necessary software to make the computer start.

Gabarito (C):
In the excerpt of item 7 of the text – While failed hardware can be frustrating, your documents, pictures, and email should be safe – the word "while" can be correctly replaced by
(A) although.
(B) when.
(C) whenever.
(D) during.
(E) along.
Gabarito (A):
*O item (A) é CORRETO.O texto acima ,passa a ideia dos arquivos devem estar salvos EMBORA o computador esteja com defeito.Veja o texto:
[...]"If your computer still doesn't start, your motherboard, processor, memory, or graphics card may have developed a problem. While failed hardware can be frustrating, your documents, pictures, and email should be safe and will be there when your computer is fixed."(Se o seu computador ainda não iniciar, sua placa-mãe, processador, memória ou placa gráfica podem ter desenvolvido um problema. EMBORA o hardware com falha pode ser frustrante, seus documentos, fotos e e-mails DEVEM estar seguros e estarão lá quando o seu computador for resolvido.)
Perceba que a conjunção "while" funciona aqui como uma conjunção CONCESSIVA com o sentido de "embora"
A conjunção "although=though= even though(embora)" tem uma carga semântica de concessão a um fato e portanto pode substituir a conjunção "while" quando na função concessiva.
*O item (B) é INCORRETO."when"(quando) poderia substituir "while" se esta tivesse na função temporal,o que não é o caso".
*O item (C) é INCORRETO."whenever"(sempre que) poderia substituir "while" se esta tivesse na função temporal,o que não é o caso".
*O item (D) é INCORRETO."during"(durante) poderia substituir "while" se esta tivesse na função temporal,o que não é o caso".
*O item (E) é INCORRETO."along"(ao longo de) não substitui "while" em nenhuma situação.

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