domingo, 23 de agosto de 2015



 6 MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) / 4 Options Each Question.
 Text  – Reflections on being a critic | |


Reflections on being a critic
Reflexões sobre ser um crítico

Recently, I was seriously criticized in the comments section of my blog for being careless in some of my criticisms of a mid 70s Mingus release, Changes One (I actually like the record, by the way). This made me wonder why I bother being critical of anything.
Recentemente, fui seriamente criticado na secção de comentários do meu blogue por ter sido descuidado nalgumas das minhas críticas a um disco de Mingus de meados dos anos 70, Changes One (a propósito, gosto muito do disco). Isto fez-me pensar porque é que me dou ao trabalho de criticar o que quer que seja.
If you go on and look at how the critics are rated, the top 100 critics are the ones who give positive reviews 99% of the time. It’s human nature that if you praise something to the skies, and someone likes that something too, they will find your review “helpful”.
Se for à e vir a classificação dos críticos, os 100 melhores críticos são os que dão críticas positivas em 99% das vezes. É da natureza humana que, se elogiarmos algo até aos céus e alguém também gostar desse algo, essa pessoa considerará a sua crítica "útil".
On the other hand, even if you give a mild criticism of something that’s thought to be a classic, you run the risk of being given a beat down, not to mention losing the popularity contest which, let’s face it, is what success on the Internet is all about.
Por outro lado, mesmo que você faça uma crítica leve a algo que se considera um clássico, corre o risco de levar uma surra, além de perder o concurso de popularidade que, convenhamos, é o que faz sucesso na internet.
Actually, I like nothing better than to rave1 about music and I prefer to write raves because: 1) they’re easier to write, 2) they result in links to my site, 3) readers like them and comment on them and, last but not least, 4) my major purpose in writing reviews is to steer my readers to music that I love.
Na verdade, não há nada que eu goste mais do que rave 1 sobre música e prefiro escrever raves porque: 1) são mais fáceis de escrever, 2) resultam em links para o meu site, 3) os leitores gostam e comentam sobre eles e, por último, mas não menos importante, 4) meu principal objetivo ao escrever resenhas é direcionar meus leitores para a música que eu amo.
So why write negative or mildly critical reviews at all? Well, I’d be the first to admit that guys like Charles Mingus, Miles Davis, John McLaughlin and John Coltrane are master jazz musicians. In fact, they are my heroes. But that doesn’t mean that every note they played was equally great.
Então, por que escrever críticas negativas ou levemente críticas? Bem, eu seria o primeiro a admitir que caras como Charles Mingus, Miles Davis, John McLaughlin e John Coltrane são grandes músicos de jazz. Na verdade, eles são meus heróis. Mas isso não significa que todas as notas que eles tocaram foram igualmente boas.
In my opinion, each one of these giants has put out lousy albums. So what? Everyone has an off day now and then, or even an off album... So, I’m just hoping to guide readers to the best records of these giants first, and if they love these guys so much that they want to be completists like me, that’s their call.
Na minha opinião, cada um destes gigantes lançou álbuns péssimos. E daí? Toda a gente tem um dia mau de vez em quando, ou até um álbum mau... Por isso, espero apenas guiar os leitores para os melhores discos destes gigantes, e se gostam tanto deles que querem ser completistas como eu, a decisão é deles.
Which brings up another subject. How do I judge how many stars to give a recording? Am I comparing each musician to the greats? If I am reviewing one of the greats, like Mingus, am I only comparing him to his greatest accomplishments? How about my personal taste? It’s certainly possible for a recording to be technically excellent, but I just don’t like it for some reason.
O que nos leva a outro assunto. Como é que eu avalio quantas estrelas devo dar a uma gravação? Estou a comparar cada músico com os grandes? Se estou a fazer uma crítica a um dos grandes, como Mingus, estou a compará-lo apenas com os seus maiores feitos? E quanto ao meu gosto pessoal? É certamente possível que uma gravação seja tecnicamente excelente, mas que eu não goste dela por alguma razão.
Well, first of all, I have to be honest enough to admit that I am the one listening to the recording, bringing my personal history and prejudices to my criticism. If I personally don’t enjoy something, I’m not going to rate it five stars, no matter how good it is. Of course, it’s my responsibility to point out the discrepancy between the technical excellence of the recording and my personal taste in that case.
Bem, antes de mais, tenho de ser suficientemente honesto para admitir que sou eu que estou a ouvir a gravação, trazendo a minha história pessoal e os meus preconceitos para a minha crítica. Se eu pessoalmente não gostar de algo, não o vou classificar com cinco estrelas, por muito bom que seja. É claro que, nesse caso, é da minha responsabilidade apontar a discrepância entre a excelência técnica da gravação e o meu gosto pessoal.
And second of all, any and all of the criteria discussed in this article might come into play when rating a date. You might say that results in me comparing apples to oranges, and you’d be right. For example, how could I possibly justify that a seriously flawed John McLaughlin album like Floating Point and a consistently good Mingus album like Changes One both rate three stars?
E, em segundo lugar, todos e quaisquer critérios discutidos neste artigo podem entrar em jogo ao classificar um encontro. Poderão dizer que isso me leva a comparar maçãs com laranjas, e terão razão. Por exemplo, como é que eu poderia justificar que um álbum de John McLaughlin com falhas graves, como Floating Point, e um álbum de Mingus consistentemente bom, como Changes One, fossem ambos classificados com três estrelas?
I don’t know what to tell you except to read both reviews. I hope that by reading the reviews, looking at the star ratings, and listening to the samples, and factoring in your own taste, you can come to some reasonable conclusion for yourself.
Não sei o que lhe dizer, exceto que leia as duas críticas. Espero que, ao ler as críticas, ao ver as classificações por estrelas, ao ouvir as amostras e ao ter em conta o seu próprio gosto, possa chegar a uma conclusão razoável.
That conclusion might be that I’m off my rocker and that you can depend on me to pan2 recordings that you love, in which case you might want to pay special attention to things I pan. Or it may be that you agree with me a lot of the time. Or it may be that you find my criticism completely inconsistent and worthless, in which case you probably won’t be visiting this site very often. Whichever conclusion you come to is fine with me.
Essa conclusão pode ser a de que estou fora de mim e que pode confiar em mim para fazer pan2 em gravações que adora, e nesse caso pode querer prestar especial atenção às coisas que faço pan. Ou pode ser que concorde comigo muitas vezes. Ou pode ser que considere as minhas críticas completamente inconsistentes e inúteis e, nesse caso, provavelmente não visitará este sítio com muita frequência. Qualquer que seja a conclusão a que chegue, por mim tudo bem.
Michael Kydonieus
1 to rave – criticar entusiasticamente
2 to pan – criticar severamente.
👉 Questão  16 :
This made me wonder why I bother being critical of anything. (l. 3)
The fragment above points to what motivated the blog writer to develop his reflection.
His motivation is related to the:
(A) criticism raised by the blog readers
(B) reviews written by the other critics
(C) album recorded by the jazz master Mingus
(D) comments posted by the users
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  A 
His motivation is related to the:
*Alternative (A): criticism raised by the blog readers(críticas levantadas pelos leitores do blog)
According to the text, the criticism raised by the blog readers motivated the blog editor to develop his reflection.
- "[...] Recently, I was seriously criticized in the comments section of my blog for being careless in some of my criticisms of a mid 70s Mingus release, Changes One (I actually like the record, by the way). This made me wonder why I bother being critical of anything."
(Recentemente, fui seriamente criticado na seção de comentários do meu blog por ser descuidado em algumas de minhas críticas a um lançamento do Mingus em meados dos anos 70, Changes One (A propósito, na verdade, gosto do álbum). Isso me fez pensar por que me incomodo em ser crítico de qualquer coisa.)
*Alternative (B): reviews written by the other critics(críticas escritas por outros críticos)
*Alternative (C): album recorded by the jazz master Mingus(álbum gravado pelo mestre de jazz Mingus)
*Alternative (D): comments posted by the users(comentários postados pelos usuários da
According to the text, the blog writer was seriously criticized in the comments section of his blog, that is, he was criticized by users of his blog and not of the site
👉 Questão  17 :
The author not only states that readers like positive reviews, but also gives reasons for their preference.
The paragraph where these reasons can be found is the:
(A) second
(B) fourth
(C) sixth
(D) eighth
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  A 
The paragraph where these reasons can be found is the:
*Alternative (A): second
In the second paragraph, the author states that readers like positive criticism because according to him, it is human nature that if you praise something, and if someone likes it too, they will find your comment useful. On the other hand, if you even make a moderate criticism of something, you run the risk of being beaten, not to mention losing its popularity having, let's face it, success in The Internet is all about.
- So let's take a look at the 2nd paragraph:
"[...] If you go on and look at how the critics are rated, the top 100 critics are the ones who give positive reviews 99% of the time. It’s human nature that if you praise something to the skies, and someone likes that something too, they will find your review “helpful”. On the other hand, even if you give a mild criticism of something that’s thought to be a classic, you run the risk of being given a beat down, not to mention losing the popularity contest which, let’s face it, is what success on the Internet is all about."
(Se você acessar a e observar como os críticos são avaliados, os 100 maiores críticos são os que dão avaliações positivas 99% das vezes. É da natureza humana que se você elogiar algo aos céus, e alguém gostar desse algo também, eles acharão seu comentário “útil”. Por outro lado, mesmo que faça uma crítica moderada a algo que se pensa ser um clássico, corre o risco de levar uma surra, sem falar de perder o concurso de popularidade que, convenhamos, é o sucesso no A Internet tem tudo a ver.)
- So, in the second paragraph, the author points out 02 strong reasons. The first reason is human nature: if you praise something, and if someone likes it too, your comment will be helpful. The second reason is the following, when something is not well praised,  even if you moderately criticize something, you run the risk of getting beaten, not to mention losing your popularity and even success on the internet and everything.
*Alternative (B): fourth
*Alternative (C): sixth
*Alternative (D): eighth
👉 Questão  18 :
In the third paragraph, the author explains why he prefers to write positive reviews, but one of these explanations is strictly related to his aim in writing raves.
The author’s main goal can be identified in the following alternative:
(A) write texts about good music
(B) read the comments about his opinion
(C) increase the number of links to his site
(D) direct his readers to his musical preference
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  D 
The author’s main goal can be identified in the following alternative:
*Alternative (A): write texts about good music
*Alternative (B): read the comments about his opinion
*Alternative (C): increase the number of links to his site
*Alternative (D): direct his readers to his musical preference
So let's take a look at the 3rd paragraph:
"[...] Actually, I like nothing better than to rave1 about music and I prefer to write raves because: 1) they’re easier to write, 2) they result in links to my site, 3) readers like them and comment on them and, last but not least, 4) my major purpose in writing reviews is to steer my readers to music that I love."
(Na verdade, nada gosto mais do que fazer crítica moderadas sobre música e prefiro escrever crítica moderadas porque: 1) são mais fáceis de escrever, 2) resultam em links para o meu site, 3) leitores gostam e comentam sobre eles e, por último mas não menos importante, 4) meu principal objetivo ao escrever críticas é direcionar aos meus leitores as músicas que adoro.)
- So one of these explanations that is strictly related to his goal in writing positive reviews is due to the fact that the main objective of the blog author is to write positive reviews of the songs he loves and to direct them to his readers.
👉 Questão  19 :
Which brings up another subject. (L.21)
A new subject is introduced by the sentence above.
The subject can be best summarized by the following word from the text:
(A) results(resultados)
(B) criteria(critérios)
So let's take a look at the 5th paragraph:
"[...] Which brings up another subject. How do I judge how many stars to give a recording? Am I comparing each musician to the greats? If I am reviewing one of the greats, like Mingus, am I only comparing him to his greatest accomplishments? How about my personal taste? It’s certainly possible for a recording to be technically excellent, but I just don’t like it for some reason."
- The word "criteria" is the plural of "criterion".
- Criterion means a standard by which you judge, decide about, or deal with something.
(C) prejudices(preconceitos)
(D) accomplishments(realizações)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  B 
The subject can be best summarized by the following word from the text:
(A) results
(B) criteria
(C) prejudices
(D) accomplishments
👉 Questão  20 :
In the last paragraph, the author advises his readers to follow certain procedures so that they can come to their own conclusions.
One of these conclusions, however, may decrease the number of visitors to his blog because readers might consider his criticism as:
(A) fair
(B) faulty
(C) severe
(D) partial
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  B 
(A) fair
(B) faulty
(C) severe
(D) partial
👉 Questão  21 :
The language used in blogs can often be characterized as informal.
Two examples of informal use of language, present in the text, can be identified in:
(A) raves (l. 10) / to steer (l. 12)
(B) major (l. 12) / lousy (l. 17)
(C) guys (l. 14) / So what? (l. 17)
(D) first of all (l. 25) / in that case (l. 28-29)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  C 
(A) raves (l. 10) / to steer (l. 12)
(B) major (l. 12) / lousy (l. 17)
(C) guys (l. 14) / So what? (l. 17)
(D) first of all (l. 25) / in that case (l. 28-29) 

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