terça-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2016



➭ 07 Multiple Choice Questions / 5 Options Each Question.
 Text (1) – Fashion: Suits For Surviving Summer | www.newsweek.com |
 Text (2) – Olinda! What a lovely spot for a town | www.speakup.com.br |
 Text (3) – Gastronauts |www.nationalgeographic.com |
 Text (4) – Cartoon Snoopy |
 Text (5) – Cartoon Garfield |
 TEXT 1:
• I wonder how much it costs.(Quanto será que custa?!!)
• I wonder who.(Quem será?!!)
• wonder where.(Onde será?!!)
• wonder when.(Quando será?!!)
• wonder what.(O que será?!!)
• wonder if it will rain tomorrow.(Será que vai chover amanhã?!!)
• [to hung up (1) = pendurar]
• [to hung up (2) = desligar o telefone]
• [suit (1) = terno]
• [suit (2) = traje (bathing suit - traje de banho), roupa (jogging suit - roupa de corrida)]
• [suit (3) = ação judicial]
• [summer = verão]
• [business suit = terno de negócio, terno sociável]
• [washable business suit = terno sociável lavável]
 TEXT 1:
Fashion: Suits For Surviving Summer
by Akiko Kashiwagi
For those truly pressed __(I)__ time, there's now an easy way to wash a business suit without sending it out to the dry cleaners: just give it a shower and hang it __(II)__ to dry. The Japanese suit maker Konaka is manufacturing a suit made with an innovative coating that allows it to be cleaned only with hot water. It's made of a special wool fabric developed in association with the Australian Wool Innovation Ltd. that dries overnight. Small holes __(III)__ the bottom of the jacket help the water drain. And it retains its shape, so there's no need
for ironing (from $500; konaka.co.jp).

The item has proved so popular in Japan that Konaka's stores are running out of stock. But that's not the only option for Japanese businessmen looking to beat the heat. Another company, Aoyama Trading, has unveiled the "Skeleton Suit," which promises to make its wearer feel four degrees C cooler, thanks __( IV)__ its superior ventilation (from $400; aoyamasyouji.co.jp). Dressing conservatively never
felt so cool.
Fashion: Suits For Surviving Summer
Moda: Ternos para sobreviver ao verão
by Akiko Kashiwagi

For those truly pressed __(I)__ time, there's now an easy way to wash a business suit without sending it out to the dry cleaners: just give it a shower and hang it __(II)__ to dry. The Japanese suit maker Konaka is manufacturing a suit made with an innovative coating that allows it to be cleaned only with hot water.
Para aqueles que estão verdadeiramente pressionados pelo tempo, existe agora uma forma fácil de lavar um terno de trabalho sem o mandar para a lavandaria: basta dar-lhe um banho e pendurá-lo para secar. O fabricante japonês de ternos Konaka está fabricando um terno feito com um revestimento inovador que permite que seja limpo apenas com água quente.
It's made of a special wool fabric developed in association with the Australian Wool Innovation Ltd. that dries overnight. Small holes __(III)__ the bottom of the jacket help the water drain. And it retains its shape, so there's no need
for ironing (from $500; konaka.co.jp).
É feito de um tecido de lã especial desenvolvido em associação com a Australian Wool Innovation Ltd. que seca durante a noite. Pequenos orifícios na parte inferior do casaco ajudam a escoar a água. E mantém a sua forma, pelo que não é necessário passar a ferro (a partir de $500; konaka.co.jp).
The item has proved so popular in Japan that Konaka's stores are running out of stock. But that's not the only option for Japanese businessmen looking to beat the heat. Another company, Aoyama Trading, has unveiled the "Skeleton Suit," which promises to make its wearer feel four degrees C cooler, thanks __( IV)__ its superior ventilation (from $400; aoyamasyouji.co.jp). Dressing conservatively never
felt so cool.
O item provou ser tão popular no Japão que as lojas de Konaka estão ficando sem estoque. Mas essa não é a única opção para os empresários japoneses que procuram vencer o calor. Outra empresa, a Aoyama Trading, revelou o "Skeleton Suit", que promete fazer seu usuário se sentir quatro graus Celsius mais fresco, graças à sua ventilação superior (a partir de US$ 400; aoyamasyouji.co.jp). Vestir-se de maneira conservadora nunca foi tão legal.

The text states that
a) if you have no time left, you should dress conservatively.
b) the ventilating suit can dry really fast.
c) the washable business suit is being produced by a Japanese company.
d) the Konaka suit can be easily bought at any store in Japan.
e) factories all over the world have been developing coats that can fit anybody pretty well.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   C  
• O texto afirma que ...
a) if you have no time left, you should dress conservatively.
• se você não tem tempo, você deve se vestir de forma conservadora.
b) the ventilating suit can dry really fast.
• a roupa de ventilação pode secar muito rápido.
c) the washable business suit is being produced by a Japanese company.
• o terno sociável lavável está sendo produzido por uma empresa japonesa.
• Informação (C) de acordo com o trecho:
• "[...] The Japanese suit maker Konaka is manufacturing a suit made with an innovative coating that allows it to be cleaned only with hot water."
• O fabricante japonês Konaka fabrica um terno feito com um revestimento inovador que permite que ele seja limpo apenas com água quente.
d) the Konaka suit can be easily bought at any store in Japan.
• o terno Konaka pode ser facilmente comprado em qualquer loja no Japão.
e) factories all over the world have been developing coats that can fit anybody pretty well.
• fábricas em todo o mundo têm desenvolvido casacos que podem caber muito bem em qualquer pessoa.

The prepositions that properly fill in blanks I, II, III and IV, in the text, are
a) by, out, in and for.
b) in, on, on and on.
c) on, in, on and about.
d) for, up, at and to.
e) with, above, up and for.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   D  

 TEXT 2: The following text refers to questions 14 and 15.
Olinda! What a lovely spot for a town
Legend has it that a view gave rise to the name of Pernambuco's first capital. In 1535 provincial lord Duarte Coelho, having climbed to the top of a hill, is believed to have said "Oh! Linda posição para uma vila!" The truth of this is anyone's guess. By the same reasoning one would expect to find places like Poxaquebonita and Quelugarchique on the map – when in fact they do not exist. Still, the story is colorful – and gives you a destination this sunny morning: Alto da Sé, the hill from which Duarte Coelho supposedly waxed poetic.

So you tramp up Rua do Amparo. With Carnaval just days away, Olinda is as pretty as a flower garden in Spring. Cobblestone alleys branch off in interesting directions, but you stay on course. Time to explore later, you think. First the view…
Olinda! What a lovely spot for a town
Olinda! Que lugar adorável para uma cidade
Legend has it that a view gave rise to the name of Pernambuco's first capital. In 1535 provincial lord Duarte Coelho, having climbed to the top of a hill, is believed to have said "Oh! Linda posição para uma vila!" The truth of this is anyone's guess. By the same reasoning one would expect to find places like Poxaquebonita and Quelugarchique on the map – when in fact they do not exist. Still, the story is colorful – and gives you a destination this sunny morning: Alto da Sé, the hill from which Duarte Coelho supposedly waxed poetic.
Reza a lenda que uma vista deu origem ao nome da primeira capital de Pernambuco. Em 1535, o senhor de engenho Duarte Coelho, ao subir ao topo de um morro, teria dito: "Oh! Linda posição para uma vila!" A veracidade deste facto é uma incógnita. Pelo mesmo raciocínio, seria de esperar encontrar no mapa lugares como Poxaquebonita e Quelugarchique - quando, de facto, não existem. Ainda assim, a história é colorida - e dá-lhe um destino nesta manhã de sol: O Alto da Sé, a colina de onde supostamente Duarte Coelho se pôs a poetizar.
So you tramp up Rua do Amparo. With Carnaval just days away, Olinda is as pretty as a flower garden in Spring. Cobblestone alleys branch off in interesting directions, but you stay on course. Time to explore later, you think. First the view…
Então, sobe-se a Rua do Amparo. Com o Carnaval a poucos dias de distância, Olinda está tão bonita quanto um jardim de flores na primavera. As ruelas de paralelepípedos ramificam-se em direções interessantes, mas você mantém o rumo. Mais tarde, há tempo para explorar, pensa. Primeiro a vista...

The text states that
a) Olinda was named after provincial lord Duarte Coelho.
b) the name "Olinda" may have been originated from a statement made by Duarte Coelho.
c) if you look carefully, you can find “Quelugarchique” on the map.
d) carnaval is taking place I Olinda right now.
e) in spring, Olinda is full of cobblestone alleys.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   B  
The text states that
*Alternativa (A): Olinda was named after provincial lord Duarte Coelho.
*Alternativa (B): the name "Olinda" may have been originated from a statement made by Duarte Coelho.
*Alternativa (C): if you look carefully, you can find “Quelugarchique” on the map.
*Alternativa (D): carnaval is taking place I Olinda right now.
*Alternativa (E): in spring, Olinda is full of cobblestone alleys.
O texto afirma que o nome "Olinda" pode ter sido originado de uma declaração feita por Duarte Coelho, VEJA no parágrafo:
"[...] Legend has it that a view gave rise to the name of Pernambuco's first capital. In 1535 provincial lord Duarte Coelho, having climbed to the top of a hill, is believed to have said "Oh! Linda posição para uma vila!"
(A lenda diz que uma visão deu origem ao nome da primeira capital de Pernambuco. Em 1535, o senhor provincial Duarte Coelho, tendo subido ao topo de uma colina, acredita ter dito: "Oh! Linda posição para uma vila!)

The sentence "Duarte Coelho is believed to have said something" in the active voice is
a) Duarte Coelho believes he said something.
b) Something believes Duarte Coelho said.
c) Everybody said something to Duarte Coelho.
d) We can believe Duarte Coelho said anything.
e) People believe Duarte Coelho said something.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   E  

 TEXT 3:
by Catherine L. Barker
Shrimp cocktail.Tortellini.Chocolate pudding cake! The International Space Station crew eats well, and soon they’ll have even more choices. In late 2008 Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata will blast off on Expedition 18 along with some delicacies devised by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency for a test. His picks will later join the menu. Cooking space food is no small task – it must be shelf stable (no refrigerator up there), nutritious, and fit for zero gravity (salt and pepper are in liquid form as specks would float around). Food containers are fastened to trays. Astronauts sip liquids with a straw or dig into solids with forks and spoons. The new eats pose new issues. “For ramen,” says Wakata, “I would definitely like to use chopsticks.”
Shrimp cocktail.Tortellini.Chocolate pudding cake! The International Space Station crew eats well, and soon they’ll have even more choices. In late 2008 Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata will blast off on Expedition 18 along with some delicacies devised by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency for a test.
Coquetel de camarão. Tortellini. Bolo de pudim de chocolate! A tripulação da Estação Espacial Internacional come bem e, em breve, terá ainda mais opções. No final de 2008, o astronauta japonês Koichi Wakata partirá na Expedição 18 com algumas iguarias concebidas pela Agência de Exploração Aeroespacial do Japão para um teste.
His picks will later join the menu. Cooking space food is no small task – it must be shelf stable (no refrigerator up there), nutritious, and fit for zero gravity (salt and pepper are in liquid form as specks would float around). Food containers are fastened to trays. Astronauts sip liquids with a straw or dig into solids with forks and spoons. The new eats pose new issues. “For ramen,” says Wakata, “I would definitely like to use chopsticks.”
As suas escolhas juntar-se-ão mais tarde ao menu. Cozinhar comida espacial não é tarefa fácil - tem de ser estável nas prateleiras (não há frigorífico lá em cima), nutritiva e adequada à gravidade zero (o sal e a pimenta estão em forma líquida, pois os grãos flutuariam). Os recipientes para alimentos são fixados em tabuleiros. Os astronautas bebem os líquidos com uma palhinha ou comem os sólidos com garfos e colheres. Os novos alimentos colocam novos problemas. "Para comer ramen", diz Wakata, "gostava mesmo de usar pauzinhos".

According to the text,

a) some kinds of delicacies are already part of the space men.
b) ramen is eaten with chopsticks in space.
c) astronauts can choose the kind of food they wish to cook in space.
d) gravity is a big issue in space, for only forks and spoons can be used at meal times.
e) chocolate pudding and tortellini are seldom sipped with a straw.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   A  
According to the text,
*Alternativa (A): some kinds of delicacies are already part of the space men. — alguns tipos de iguarias já fazem parte dos astronautas. 
*Alternativa (B): ramen is eaten with chopsticks in space. — o ramen é comido com pauzinhos no espaço.
*Alternativa (C): astronauts can choose the kind of food they wish to cook in space. — os astronautas podem escolher o tipo de comida que desejam cozinhar no espaço.
*Alternativa (D): gravity is a big issue in space, for only forks and spoons can be used at meal times. — a gravidade é um grande problema no espaço, pois só podem ser usados garfos e colheres na hora das refeições.
*Alternativa (E): chocolate pudding and tortellini are seldom sipped with a straw. — pudim de chocolate e tortellini raramente são saboreados com um canudo.
➭ NO TEXTO: De acordo com o texto, alguns tipos de iguarias já fazem parte dos astronautas, conforme o parágrafo:
  • "[...] Shrimp cocktail. Tortellini. Chocolate pudding cake! The International Space Station crew eats well, and soon they’ll have even more choices."
  • (Coquetel de camarão. Tortellini. Bolo de pudim de chocolate! A tripulação da Estação Espacial Internacional come bem e logo eles terão ainda mais escolhas.)
 TEXT 4:
According to Snoopy,

a) Woodstock used to carry messages to headquarters.
b) Woodstock could have been a carrier pigeon.
c) Woodstock was brave and didn’t talk even when he was tortured.
d) Woodstock could talk a little when he was small.
e) Woodstock has never been captured by the enemies.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   B  
According to Snoopy,
Segundo o Snoopy,
a) Woodstock used to carry messages to headquarters. — O Woodstock costumava levar mensagens para o quartel-general.
b) Woodstock could have been a carrier pigeon. — O Woodstock podia ter sido um pombo-correio.
➭ “Woodstock, you’d have made a great carrier pigeon! You could have carried messages back to headquarters…” - “Woodstock, você daria um ótimo pombo-correio! Você poderia ter levado mensagens de volta para o quartel-general…
c) Woodstock was brave and didn’t talk even when he was tortured. —  O Woodstock era corajoso e não falava mesmo quando era torturado.
d) Woodstock could talk a little when he was small. — O Woodstock conseguia falar um pouco quando era pequeno.
e) Woodstock has never been captured by the enemies. —

 TEXT 5:
In the story above, Garfield

a) is practicing kitty door smashing.
b) wonders what to do after killing the mailman on the sidewalk.
c) is testing his running skills around the house.
d) believes Match 2 is considered federal offense.
e) is afraid of being caught by the mailman.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   C  
In the story above, Garfield
Na história acima, o Garfield
a) is practicing kitty door smashing. — está praticando o esmagamento da porta do gatinho.
b) wonders what to do after killing the mailman on the sidewalk. — está a pensar no que fazer depois de matar o carteiro na calçada.
c) is testing his running skills around the house. — está testando as suas capacidades de corrida pela casa.
d) believes Match 2 is considered federal offense. — acredita que o Jogo 2 é considerado um crime federal.
e) is afraid of being caught by the mailman. — tem medo de ser apanhado pelo carteiro.

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