domingo, 4 de setembro de 2016



➭ 5 TFQs (True False Questions)
 Text (1) – Engineering and software engineering |
 Text (2) – | Safety and health for engineers |

01-E, 02-C, 03-C, 04-E, 05-E


Specializations emerge and evolve in response to changing needs and opportunities, and focus on many different interlocking and cross-cutting aspects and dimensions of a field. The established branches of engineering illustrate this process in a very high degree. There are specializations by engineering artifact — automobile, aeronautical, naval and chemical engineering; by problem world — civil and mining engineering; and by requirement — production engineering, industrial and transportation engineering. There are specializations in theoretical foundations — control and structural engineering; in techniques for solving mathematical problems that arise in the analysis of engineering products — finite-element analysis and control-volume analysis; in engineering components for use in larger systems — electric motors, and internal combustion engines; in technology and material — reinforced concrete, conductive plastics; and in other dimensions too.

M. Jackson. Engineering and software engineering.
In: S. Nanz (Ed.)
The future of software engineering.
London: Springer, 2011, p. 106 (adapted).

Judge the following items according to the text above.

01. According to the text, specialization arises from the need to prevent certain dimensions of a field from becoming obsolete after they had been recognized as established or traditional areas.

02. The author uses engineering as an instance of specialization of a field of knowledge in order to support his argument.


Engineers do have an important role in reducing risks posed to society by modern technology, its products, and its wastes. Although engineers cannot bear the total blame for safety and health risks, they are able to help reduce them to levels acceptable to society. In planning, design, operations, maintenance, or management activities, engineers should know how to eliminate, reduce, or control safety and health risks within their sphere of responsibility. Every engineer must know when and how to use other professions, including safety professions, in analyzing and reviewing their procedures and design decisions.

R. L. Brauer. Safety and health for engineers.
New Jersey: Wiley, 2006, p. 10 (adapted).

According to the text above, judge the next items.

03. Even though the verbs "should" (R.6) and “must” (R.8) have different meanings, they can be used interchangeably in the text without invalidating the author’s plea.

04. The risks to safety and health mentioned in "reducing risks posed to society"(R.1-2) are caused by the work of engineers in their "procedures and design decisions" (R.10-11).

05. The text claims that engineers are as much responsible for the reduction of risks in modern society as any other professional, because they "cannot bear the total blame"(R.3).

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