domingo, 23 de abril de 2017


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➧ A pauta aqui é MILITARY ENGLISH.



➧ PADRÃO/COMPOSIÇÃO DA PROVA30 questões do tipo (A,B,C,D,E).


01-B, 02-C, 03-A, 04-C, 05-D
06-B, 07-E, 08-B, 09-C, 10-D
11-D, 12-C, 13-B, 14-E, 15-A
16-E, 17-E, 18-D, 19-B, 20-D
21-A, 22-E, 23-D, 24-E, 25-C
26-B, 27-B, 28-D, 29-A, 30-D


➧ TEXTBased on the text below, answer questions 01, 02 and 03.

Inside The U.S. Navy's Leadership School

The top level of Navy leadership is its admirals. There are 238 of them. They have responsibility for more than 390, 000 members of the Navy and control an annual budget of more than $130 billion. They are the equivalent of a corporate C-suite. Of the more than 3,000 captains who serve in the Navy, roughly 38--barely 1% --make the cut to admiral each year.

In 2001 the chief of naval operations--the Navy's CEO--asked retired Vice Admiral Phil Quast, who had spent 38 years in the Navy, to establish the program that became the Executive Learning Office. "Of 238 admiral positions, fewer than 40 are concerned with actual war fighting, " Quast notes. "The vast majority is doing jobs analogous to that of a CEO, CTO, CFO, COO or other functional business areas. Our job is to help them develop the business acumen they need to run the business of the Navy as excellent stewards of the public's money and its trust."

(Adapted from

01 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

Which is the best alternative considering some of the statements are true (T) and others are false (F)?

I - The American Navy has less than three hundred admirals.

II - Each Admiral is responsible for more than 390,000 members of the Navy.

III -The current leadership program is 38 years old.

IV - Most Admirals are more like Company Executives nowadays.

V - About a quarter of U.S. Admirals do jobs related to warfare.

The best alternative is:
(A) I- (T) II- (F) III- (F) IV- (F) V- (T)
(B) I- (T) II- (F) III- (F) IV- (T) V- (F)
(C) I- (F) II- (F) III- (T) IV- (T) V- (F)
(D) I- (T) II- (T) III- (T) IV- (T) V- (T)
(E) I- (F) II- (T) III- (F) IV- (F) V- (F)

02 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

Which alternative below is NOT CORRECT, based on the text?

(A) The word "They" (line 4) refers to Admirals.
(B) The word "who" (line 8) refers to Vice Admiral Quast.
(C) The word "our" (line 13) refers to CEO, CTO, CFO, COO.
(D) The word "them" (line 13)refers to Admirals.
(E) The word "they" (line 14)refers to Admirals.

03 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

The word "steward" in

" (...) to run the business of the Navy as excellent stewards of the public's money and its trust."


(A) manager
(B) representative
(C) assistant
(D) public relation
(E) attendant

Based on the text below, answer questions 04 and 05.


The contest between athletes who use performance-enhancing drugs and the authorities trying to catch them is much like a race itself. Each time a new drug test comes out, athletes and their doctors figure out a way to outsmart it.       

But a new "biological passport" that measures blood and body chemistry over time may finally be putting a dent in sports doping.          

Professional cycling is the first sport to embrace the relatively new test, and it's just nabbed its biggest catch: an Italian cyclist, Franco Pellizotti, who was one of the favorites to win this year's Giro d'Italia. The Giro d-Italia, a grueling threeweek event second in size and importance only to the Tour de France, kicks off on Saturday.

(Adapted from

04 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

What is NOT true according to the text?

(A) "Biological passport" is a kind of test that checks if athletes have used illegal substances.
(B) Professional cycling is the first sport to accept a new drug test which promises to stop sports doping.
(C) The Giro d-Italia will be cancelled.
(D) Franco Pellizotti won't be able to take part in this year's Giro d' Italia.
(E) The Tour de France is more important than the Giro d'Italia.

05 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

Considering the text, what does the word "outsmart" mean in this extract?

"Each time a new drug test comes out, athletes and their doctors figure out a way to outsmart it."

(A) hide
(B) destroy
(C) ignore
(D) cheat
(E) avoid

Based on the text below, answer questions 06 and 07.


In our age, everything is the newest New Thing or the biggest Big Thing. Steve Case of America Online already calls the new century "the Internet Century, " and some authorities whisper that the Internet rivals the importance of Gutenberg' s invention of the printing press in the 15th century.

          We suffer from historical amnesia.

          Suppose you were born in 1900. You wouldn't yet watch movies, let alone global TV. Fewer than 10% of U.S. homes had phones, and fewer than 8% had electricity. Antibiotics hadn't been discovered. As yet the Internet isn't in the same league with these developments.

          Each changed lifestyles and popular beliefs. The automobile suburbanized America and inaugurated mass travel. Antibiotics, vaccines and public-health advances helped raise life expectancy from 46 in 1900 to 77 today. The explosion of prosperity - a consequence of electricity, other technologies and modern management - shortened working hours and expanded leisure. Movies and TV transformed popular culture. As a matter of fact, the Internet is too young for anyone to foretell its ultimate significance.

(Adapted from http://Newsweek, January 24, 2000)

06 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

Considering some of the statements are true (T) and others are false (F), which is the best alternative?

I - Steven Case considers the 21th century the Internet Century.

II - Some specialists are certain that the Internet is as important as Gutenberg's invention of the printing press.

III - The TV was invented before 1900. IV- Phones were common in the beginning of the 20th century.

V - By having electricity people could have more free time.

VI - It is still too early to say the Internet is the biggest Big Thing in the 21st century.

The best alternative is:

(A) I-(F)  II-(F)  III-(F)  IV-(T)  V-(T)  VI-(T)
(B) I-(T)  II-(T)  III-(F)  IV-(F)  V-(T)  VI-(T)
(C) I-(F)  II-(F)  III-(T)  IV-(F)  V-(F)  VI-(T)
(D) I-(T)  II-(T)  III-(T)  IV-(F)  V-(T)  VI-(F)
(E) I-(T)  II-(F)  III-(T)  IV-(F)  V-(F)  VI-(T)

07 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

The word "raise" in

" (...) public-health advances helped raise life expectancy (...) ."


(A) come up
(B) bring on
(C) decrease
(D) put up
(E) increase

Based on the text below, answer questions 08 and 09. 

The turning tide for the turtles         

With their exquisite shells, their smiling faces, their deliberate movements, and their amazing sea-born agility, sea turtles have always captured human imagination. Once severely endangered, turtle populations are growing steadily thanks to conservation projects worldwide. And with more than 8000 km of coastline, large stretches of which are favorite nesting spots for turtles, Brazil is one of the leaders in the race to protect them.

(Adapted from

08 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

Choose the only alternative which is correct.

(A) Conservation projects have endangered turtle populations.
(B) Conservation projects have helped turtle survival.
(C) Turtle populations are in danger due to conservation projects.
(D) Human projects have captured sea turtles.
(E) The 8000km of coast line are favorite nesting spots.

09 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

The relative pronoun "which" in

" (...) large stretches of which are favorite nesting spots for turtles."

refers to:

(A) 8000 km.
(B) projects.
(C) coastline.
(D) large stretches.
(E) turtle populations.

10 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

What would you say if you didn't have a pen and wanted to use your friend's?

(A) Could you borrow your pen?
(B) Could you lend your pen?
(C) Could you borrow me your pen?
(D) Could you lend me your pen?
(E) Could you borrow my pen?

11 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

Which alternative completes the sentence correctly?

Put the loaves in the (1) and bake them till they go brown.

(A) cook
(B) stove
(C) rug
(D) oven
(E) grill

12 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

Read the extract below and choose the only sequence that can complete it.

2016 Summer Olympics 

The 2016 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Game of the XXXI Olympiad, are a major international multi-sport event to be celebrated in the tradition of the Olympic Games, as governed ____  the International Olympic Committee (IOC) . The host city of the games will be Rio de Janeiro, Brazil as announced ____  the 21st IOC Session held ____  Copenhagen, Denmark, ____  October 2nd , 2009. They are scheduled to be held ____  August 5th ____  21st , 2016.

( wiki/

2016 Summer Olympics)

(A) at - by - at - in - from - until
(B) by - by - in - at - since - until
(C) by - at - in - on - from - to
(D) at - in - at - on - from - to
(E) by - on - in - in - since - until

13 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

Which alternative expresses the same idea as this sentence?

The Superwoman has been replaced by a "real woman".

(A) The Superwoman was a "real woman".
(B) A "real woman" has replaced the Superwoman.
(C) The Superwoman replaces a "real woman".
(D) A "real woman" has been replaced by the Superwoman.
(E) The Superwoman has replaced a "real woman".

14 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

Which alternative completes the sentence correctly?

Our teacher ____  the homework assignments when he remembered that Tuesday was a holiday.

(A) already gave
(B) already given
(C) was already given
(D) would already give
(E) had already given

15 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

Which alternative completes the sentence correctly? 

Listen! He is broke! If he _______ the money, he ______ you.

(A) had - would certainly help
(B) had had - certainly helped
(C) has had - would certainly help
(D) had had - helped
(E) has - helped

16 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

Which alternative below completes the text correctly? 

I certainly didn't think the film was boring. _______ I really enjoyed it!

(A) In spite
(B) Although
(C) Unfortunately
(D) On the other hand
(E) On the contrary

17 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

Which is the correct option to complete the sentence below?

Wood _______ if _______no air.

(A) won' t burn - there was
(B) won' t burn - there will be
(C) doesn't burn - there was
(D) wouldn't burn - there is
(E) doesn' t burn - there is

18 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

Which sequence best completes the sentence below? 

I don't want to argue_______ anyone _______ that.

(A) at - with
(B) on - about
(C) with - on
(D) with - about
(E) at - about

19 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

Analyse the sentences below. Which alternative is correct?

(A) A little people passed the exam because it was too difficult.
(B) Few people passed the exam because it was too difficult.
(C) Much people passed the exam because it was too difficult.
(D) Many people passed the exam because it was too difficult.
(E) A lot of people passed the exam because it was too difficult.

20 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

Choose the best reply to this statement. 

Carol: I got caught up in the traffic.
You ____ .

(A) Neither did I.
(B) Nor did I.
(C) So got I.
(D) So did I.
(E) So do I.

21 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

Which is the correct option to complete the sentence below? 

I don't mind paying to go to the dentist or ____ my eyes ______.

(A) to have - checked
(B) to have - checking
(C) to having - checked
(D) have - checking
(E) have - checked

22 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

Which sequence best completes the conversation below? 

Jane: Did you paint your bedroom when you ______ to your new flat?

Mary: Yes, I did.

Jane: But did you do it yourself or did you call a painter?

Mary: Oh, I don't think I'd able to do it myself. I _______ my bedroom _______ .

(A) moved - have - painted
(B) moved - had - paint
(C) move - have - painted
(D) move - had - painted
(E) moved - had - painted

23 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

Which is the correct option to complete the text below? 

Water shortages don't just affect _____ . _____  can also seriously harm _____ environment. _____ water comes from rivers and groundwater so every drop _____ use has a direct effect on the _____ environment.

(Adapted from:

(A) we - They - its - Their - they - Ø
(B) us - It - my - Our - we - our
(C) us - We - its - Its - we - Ø
(D) us - They - our - Our - we - Ø
(E) we - It - our - Their - they - our

24 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

Choose the best option to rewrite the sentence keeping the same meaning. 

On August 2nd, 2010, Mary asked Peter: "What were you doing this morning at 8"?
Mary wanted to know what...

(A) was he doing this morning at 8?
(B) had he done this morning at 8?
(C) he had done that morning at 8.
(D) he were doing that morning at 8.
(E) he was doing that morning at 8.

25 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

Which TWO sentences are NOT correct?

(1) If you dye your hair, your old friends won't recognize you.

(2) I never speak to you again if you don't tell me the truth.

(3) Callie won't enjoy the trip if we will stay in cheap hotels.

(4) If you help me with my Science project, I'll edit your essay for your English class.

The answer is
(A) 1 and 2
(B) 1 and 4
(C) 2 and 3
(D) 2 and 4
(E) 1 and 3

26 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

Which sequence best completes the text below? 

Where the Jobs Are: Nurse Educator    

Health care is one field that hasn't gotten _____ beaten in the brutal economy, and nurses have fared _____   _____ . They had an unemployment rate of ______ 1.4% in the fourth quarter of 2009.
     Nurse educators have _____ been faculty members of teaching hospitals or nursing schools. Those positions still exist, but over the past couple of decades, jobs at medical equipment makers, and at staffing outfits that serve those companies, have enjoyed _____ growth.

(Adapted from

(A) bad - especially - good - mere - traditional- enormously
(B) badly - especially - well- merely- traditionally- enormous
(C) bad - special - well - mere -traditional-enormous
(D) badly - specially -good -merely -traditionally -enormously
(E) badly - special -well -merely -traditional- enormous

27 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

What is the correct way to complete the sentence below?

According to this article, everybody in costal cities _____  find a way to escape from the 2012 tsunamis.

(A) are trying to
(B) is trying to
(C) trying to
(D) have tried to
(E) have been trying to

28 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

Which sequence best completes the text below? 

Almost everyone who studies, lives or works abroad experiences some degree of culture shock. This period of cultural adjustment involves everything from _____ the food and language to _____ how to use the telephone. No matter how patient and flexible you are, _____ to a new culture can, at times, be difficult and frustrating. It is easy _____lost, depressed and homesick. You may even want _____back home!

(A) get used to - learning -to adjusting -to getting - go
(B) getting used to - learn -to adjust -to get - to go
(C) getting used to -learning - adjusting - get -to go
(D) getting used to- learning - adjusting- to get - to go

(E) to get used to - learn - adjusting - to get - go

29 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

Which alternative completes the sentence correctly? 

Unlike the atmosphere, which _____ by turbulent weather systems, the deep waters are fairly stable. This is because it _____ from above, in contrast to the atmosphere, which _____ from below.

(Adapted from

(A) is characterized - is heated - is heated
(B) was characterized - heated - is heated
(C) was characterized - is heated - heated
(D) is characterized - heated - is heated
(E) is characterized - is heated - heated

30 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2010/2011)

Mary saw James, her doctor, two days ago. James said: "See me tomorrow again." 

Which alternative best reports what he said?

(A) He said Mary will see him tomorrow.
(B) He told to her to see him the day after.
(C) He said to her to see him tomorrow.
(D) He told her to see him the day after.
(E) He told her to see him the day after tomorrow.

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