sábado, 7 de setembro de 2019

FMABC-2018-Vestibular da Faculdade de Medicina do ABC - Profº Valdenor Sousa - Prova de INGLÊS com gabarito e questões comentadas.

Hey, what's up my friends!!!...How have you been?!
Neste post, veremos a Prova de INGLÊS do Vestibular da FMABC-2018-Faculdade de Medicina do ABC. Prova aplicada em Novembro/2017.
[a]Banca Organizadora do Concurso Público 
[b]Padrão/Composição da prova 
➦06 Questões.
➦02 Textos.
Reading Comprehension(Compreensão textual).
Use of english(uso do inglês).
Caso necessário,sugiro que consulte os excelentes dicionários a seguir:
[to uncover ➝ descobrir]
[to unveil ➝ revelar]
🔄Phrasal Verbs :
[to "]
🔄Expressões verbais com o TO BE(simple present/simple past/simple future/ be going to/present continuous/past continuous/future continuous):
🔄Expressões verbais no PERFECT TENSE(present perfect/past perfect/present perfect continuous/past perfect continuous):
🔄Expressões com os 10 modais(can/could/may/might/must/should/would/ought to/will/shall):
🔄Expressões com verbos com ING:
[blanket ➝ cobertor]
[twins ➝ gêmeos]
🔄Adjetivos/Locuções adjetivas :
🔄Advérbios/Locução adverbial:
🔄 Pronomes Relativos(who, which, whom, that) :
🔄 Coordination Conjunctions (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so):
🔄 Subordination Conjunctions (however/nonetheless/nevertheless/notwithstanding)-(although/though/even though)-(as if/as though)-(as/so long as/provided that)-(despite/in spite of)-(as)-(once)-(otherwise)-(unless)-(untill)-(when/by the time)-(whenever)-(whereas)-(while)-(so that/so as to/in order that/in order to)-(since):
🔄 Correlative Conjunctions(not only...but also, both...and, as...as, either...or, wheter...or, neither...nor) :
🔄 Preposition (in ➜ mês), (on ➜ dia/data), (at➜ hora/momento específico: at night, at midnight, at lunchtime) :
🔄 Passive Voice: Verbo TO BE(no tempo verbal contextual)+VP no particípio passado. :
🔄Expressões idiomáticas :
🔄MEDICINE English - Expressões Técnicas na ÁREA DE MEDICINA:
🔄 Comparativos (superioridade) :
🔄Expressões com 'S (Genitive case=proprietário 'S propriedade) ➜ relação de posse , parentesco ou autoria. :
🔄 Afixos :
🔄Expressões com frações/números:
🔄Falso cognato:
Agora vamos à prova.
Atenção: Para responder às questões de números 73 a 75, considere o texto abaixo.
Homeopathic treatment for prolonged postoperative coma: a case report
G Vithoulkas, V Văcăraș, J Kavouras, AD Buzoianu, M Mărginean, D Văcăraș, and S Cozma
Although a rare complication, postoperative coma is a severe, death-leading condition, causing immense suffering on both the patient and the patient’s family. A multidisciplinary and thorough approach is necessary for these patients, but even after a wellconducted therapy, this condition often leads to the death of the patient.

This article presents a case of an 81-year old female patient with many severe illnesses, who recovered from a prolonged postoperative coma with the aid of homeopathy.

The homeopathic approach is completely different from the classical, allopathic one. If the allopathic medicine has the tendency to suppress any symptom, homeopathy uses these symptoms in order to choose the correct remedy (the remedy that would produce the same symptoms in a healthy person). Given to a sick person, this remedy will activate that person’s own defense mechanisms, which will grow stronger and lead that person’s organism to self-healing.

The healing depends mostly on the organism’s level of health when the illness occurs. If the organism is in one of the A and B groups (levels 1-6), one can get to healing by the administration of either one or a succession of 2, 3, 4 correct homeopathic remedies. If the organism is in one of the C and D groups (levels 7-12), the chances of healing are limited. In these cases, we can only ease the patient’s suffering, or, if the patient is in the C group, climb up the level of health and even reach healing by the correct administration of several remedies, but during a longer period of time.

Despite complex and correctly performed therapeutic efforts, the elderly patient did not regain consciousness and was still in a deep coma in the fourteenth day postoperatory, without having a confirmed medical explanation.

At that point, the patient’s family requested a consult from a homeopathic specialist.

The homeopathic examination, which was performed on the fourteenth day postoperatively, revealed the following: old, comatose, tranquil patient, with pale and cold skin, with the need to uncover herself (the few movements that she made with her hands were to remove her blanket and clothes, as if she felt “thirst for air”), abdominal distension, and bloating. 

The symptoms taken into account in the case of this elderly patient were the unconsciousness, the pale skin, the cyanotic lips and finger tips, the “thirst for air” − the wish to uncover herself even if the body temperature was low, the abdominal distension. The remedy of choice for these symptoms was Carbo vegetabilis, a remedy known for its usefulness in critical situations, having as a starting point especially circulatory-cardiac problems.

The patient’s condition improved in a spectacular manner: she regained consciousness. However, she was in a state of extreme physical exhaustion caused by the simple acts of talking, eating, or slightly moving her limbs. That state led to the administration of the following remedy: Stanum metallicum. It is a remedy known for its usefulness in extreme physical exhaustion states, where even the slightest efforts lead to the patient feeling __I__. 

However, in this case, considering the patient’s medical history, her age, and her multiple illnesses, homeopathy was used as a complementary treatment to the classical, allopathic treatment the patient underwent, its primary purpose being to aid the body in activating its own healing mechanisms. 

Considering the severity of a postoperative complication such as coma and the impact it has not only on the patient, but also on the patient’s family, we believe that the case we presented should bring a new light on the use of complementary therapy such as homeopathy as a viable solution in the management of the patients suffering from severe conditions.
(Adapted from Journal of Medicine and Life, 2017 Apr-Jun; 10(2): 118-121)
👉 Questão  73 :
De acordo com o texto,
a) a homeopatia pode promover a autocura mesmo em casos de saúde muito precária (grupos C e D).
b) a recuperação completa da paciente exigiu um tratamento homeopático prolongado.
c) a homeopatia, associada a práticas alopáticas, foi eficaz no tratamento do coma pós-operatório.
d) o tratamento homeopático só surtiu efeito após ser administrado o segundo medicamento.
e) o tratamento alopático pode ser substituído pelo homeopático em casos de coma prolongado.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  C 
De acordo com o texto,
*Alternativa (A): a homeopatia pode promover a autocura mesmo em casos de saúde muito precária (grupos C e D).
*Alternativa (B): a recuperação completa da paciente exigiu um tratamento homeopático prolongado.
*Alternativa (C): a homeopatia, associada a práticas alopáticas, foi eficaz no tratamento do coma pós-operatório.
*Alternativa (D): o tratamento homeopático só surtiu efeito após ser administrado o segundo medicamento.
*Alternativa (E): o tratamento alopático pode ser substituído pelo homeopático em casos de coma prolongado.
➦IDEIA CONTEXTUAL no 2º parágrafo:
"[...] This article presents a case of an 81-year old female patient with many severe illnesses, who recovered from a prolonged postoperative coma with the aid of homeopathy."
(Este artigo apresenta um caso de uma paciente de 81 anos com muitas doenças graves, que se recuperou de um coma pós-operatório prolongado com o auxílio da homeopatia.)
👉 Questão  74 :
Preenche a lacuna I corretamente:
a) better.
b) best.
c) worst.
d) worse.
e) the worst.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  D 
*Alternativa (A): better.(comparativo de superioridade de good)
*Alternativa (B): best.(superlativo)
*Alternativa (C): worst.(superlativo)
*Alternativa (D): worse.(comparativo de superioridade de bad)
*Alternativa (E): the worst.(superlativo)
➦IDEIA CONTEXTUAL no 2º parágrafo:
"[...] where even the slightest efforts lead to the patient feeling worse"
(onde até mesmo os mínimos esforços levam o paciente a sentir-se pior)
➦DICA: todo adjetivo com "st" ➝ superlativo.
👉 Questão  75 :
O primeiro exame homeopático da paciente revelou
a) incapacidade de movimentar-se.
b) sensação de falta de ar.
c) constipação.
d) apatia profunda.
e) fadiga extrema.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  B 
O primeiro exame homeopático da paciente revelou
*Alternativa (A): incapacidade de movimentar-se.
*Alternativa (B): sensação de falta de ar.
*Alternativa (C): constipação.
*Alternativa (D): apatia profunda.
*Alternativa (E): fadiga extrema.
➦IDEIA CONTEXTUAL no 7º parágrafo:
"[...] The homeopathic examination, which was performed on the fourteenth day postoperatively, revealed the following: old, comatose, tranquil patient, with pale and cold skin, with the need to uncover herself (the few movements that she made with her hands were to remove her blanket and clothes, as if she felt “thirst for air”), abdominal distension, and bloating."
(O exame homeopático, realizado no décimo quarto dia de pós-operatório, revelou o seguinte: paciente idosa, em coma, tranquila, com pele pálida e fria, com necessidade de se descobrir (os poucos movimentos que fez com as mãos foram para removê-la cobertor e roupas, como se sentisse “sede de ar”), distensão abdominal e inchaço.)
Atenção: Para responder às questões de números 76 a 78, considere o texto abaixo.
Environmental factors influencing the risk of autism
Padideh Karimi, Elahe Kamali, Seyyed Mohammad Mousavi, and Mojgan Karahmadi
Autism described by Asperger (in 1938) and Kanner (in 1943) is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder and belongs to autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), including autism, Asperger syndrome, Rett syndrome, unidentified pervasive developmental disorders, and childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD).

Autism is four to five times more common among boys than girls. The most prominent clinical and phenotypic features of autism are extensive disabilities in social and behavioral communications, language impairment or inability to speak, and strong tendency toward stereotyped and repetitive patterns of behavior. Regarding statistical reports, the prevalence of autism had increased from 4-5 cases per 10,000 children in 1980s to 30–60 cases in 1990s, and through an astonishing increase, there are about 8.0 per 1000 children aged 8 years in 2004 and 9.0 per 1000 in 2006 or 1 in every 110 children aged 8 years in 2006. In 2012, a combined ASD prevalence of 11.3 per 1000 children aged 8 years or 1 in 88 children was published by the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network.

With regard to its progressive increase over the last two decades, and lack of effective treatment, and moreover, the difficulties imposed on the society and families of autistic children, the importance of investigation on causes of this disease and an effort to prevent it become clear. Studies of identical twins and lack of complete concordance among them and excessive genetic studies with no conclusive results unveil the importance of environmental risk factors and their role in the etiology of autism. Hence, the interactions between susceptible genes and environmental factors have been proposed as the major mechanism of autism etiology.

None of the environmental factors, however, is sufficient to yield autism, but rather a collection of them can be involved in its incidence. These can be divided into prenatal, natal, and postnatal risk factors.

Advanced parental age (particularly paternal age) has been identified as one of the most important prenatal risk factors of autism. In many studies, maternal and paternal age older than or equal to 34 years has been found associated with increased risk of autism in their offspring; however, in other studies, the relationship between child autism and the age of both parents or even the age of one parent is rejected. Intriguingly, the relationship between increased risk of autism and elevated paternal age has been approved in most studies.

Particularly, a study was conducted among Iranian people in 2010 to explore the presence or absence of association between parental age and risk of autism. Based on this study, autism risk increases by 29% for every 10-year elevation in fathers’ age. In other words, fathers aged between 34 and 39 had a nearly two-fold greater risk, and those who are older than 40 have more than two-fold (2.58) greater risk to have an affected child in comparison to ones aged 25-29 years old. In other studies in Japan and China, similar relationships were explored between paternal age and increased risk of autism. Lack of any correlation between maternal age and susceptibility of autism in these three mentioned studies has critical importance.

Studies involving maternal age have shown that being small for gestational age can increase the risk of autism due to lack of physical maturity, inability, and poor maternal cares. Mothers who are younger than 20 may be exposed to intrauterine growth retardation of fetus and preterm birth, which are both associated with increased risk of autism.
(Adapted from Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 2017; 22:27)
👉 Questão  76 :
De acordo com o texto,
a) pesquisas atuais apontam para possibilidades de tratamento eficaz para o autismo desde que iniciado até os 8 anos de idade.
b) estudos com gêmeos idênticos confirmaram a relevância de fatores genéticos no desenvolvimento do autismo.
c) a relevância da genética na etiologia do autismo foi comprovada em estudos no Irã, na China e no Japão.
d) o autismo é um distúrbio do desenvolvimento neurológico de difícil diagnóstico.
e) o estado atual da pesquisa sobre a etiologia do autismo justifica que se estude o impacto de fatores ambientais no desenvolvimento desse transtorno.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  E 
De acordo com o texto,
*Alternativa (A): pesquisas atuais apontam para possibilidades de tratamento eficaz para o autismo desde que iniciado até os 8 anos de idade.
*Alternativa (B): estudos com gêmeos idênticos confirmaram a relevância de fatores genéticos no desenvolvimento do autismo.
*Alternativa (C): a relevância da genética na etiologia do autismo foi comprovada em estudos no Irã, na China e no Japão.
*Alternativa (D): o autismo é um distúrbio do desenvolvimento neurológico de difícil diagnóstico.
*Alternativa (E): o estado atual da pesquisa sobre a etiologia do autismo justifica que se estude o impacto de fatores ambientais no desenvolvimento desse transtorno.
➦IDEIA CONTEXTUAL no 1º parágrafo:
"[...] Studies of identical twins and lack of complete concordance among them and excessive genetic studies with no conclusive results unveil the importance of environmental risk factors and their role in the etiology of autism. Hence, the interactions between susceptible genes and environmental factors have been proposed as the major mechanism of autism etiology.
(Estudos de gêmeos idênticos e falta de concordância completa entre eles e estudos genéticos excessivos sem resultados conclusivos revelam a importância dos fatores de risco ambientais e seu papel na etiologia do autismo. Portanto, as interações entre genes suscetíveis e fatores ambientais têm sido propostas como o principal mecanismo da etiologia do autismo)
👉 Questão  77 :
Segundo as informações do texto,
a) o autismo é apenas um dos transtornos do espectro autista.
b) a síndrome de Asperger é uma versão branda de autismo.
c) todos os transtornos do espectro autista têm em comum uma grave deficiência de socialização.
d) meninas são mais propensas a desenvolver autismo do que meninos.
e) a prevalência de autismo chegou a uma em cada 88 crianças de 8 anos de idade em 2012.
Resolução Lê-se no texto: “Autism described by Asperger (in 1938) and Kanner (in 1943) is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder and belongs to autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), including autism, ...”
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  A 
Segundo as informações do texto,
*Alternativa (A): o autismo é apenas um dos transtornos do espectro autista.
*Alternativa (B): a síndrome de Asperger é uma versão branda de autismo.
*Alternativa (C): todos os transtornos do espectro autista têm em comum uma grave deficiência de socialização.
*Alternativa (D): meninas são mais propensas a desenvolver autismo do que meninos.
*Alternativa (E): a prevalência de autismo chegou a uma em cada 88 crianças de 8 anos de idade em 2012.
"[...] Autism described by Asperger (in 1938) and Kanner (in 1943) is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder and belongs to autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), including autism,"
(O autismo descrito por Asperger (em 1938) e Kanner (em 1943) é um grave distúrbio do desenvolvimento neurológico e pertence aos transtornos do espectro do autismo (TEAs), incluindo o autismo
👉 Questão  78 :
Studies have confirmed that
a) advanced parental age is definitely associated with an increased risk of the child developing autism.
b) parents over 34 years of age run a high risk of bearing an autistic child.
c) the older the father, the higher the risk of having an offspring with autism.
d) maternal age is of critical importance in preventing the birth of an autistic offspring.
e) the younger the mother, the lower the risk of an autistic offspring, except in the case of preterm birth.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  C 
Estudos confirmaram que
*Alternativa (A): a idade avançada dos pais está definitivamente associada a um risco aumentado de a criança desenvolver autismo.
*Alternativa (B): pais com mais de 34 anos correm um alto risco de ter um filho autista.
*Alternativa (C): quanto mais velho o pai, maior o risco de ter um filho com autismo.
*Alternativa (D): a idade materna é de importância crítica na prevenção do nascimento de um filho autista.
*Alternativa (E): quanto mais jovem a mãe, menor o risco de um filho autista, exceto no caso de parto prematuro.
"[...] Advanced parental age (particularly paternal age) has been identified as one of the most important prenatal risk factors of autism."
(A idade avançada dos pais (principalmente a idade paterna) foi identificada como um dos mais importantes fatores de risco pré-natal do autismo.)

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