sábado, 21 de setembro de 2019



 10 Questions.
 Text (1)  – | fragmento 1 |The Picture of Dorian Gray | http://proxcool.com |
 Text (2)  – fragmento 2 The Picture of Dorian Gray | www.helium.com |

 INSTRUÇÃO: As questões deverão ser respondidas em língua portuguesa. A língua estrangeira só deverá ser utilizada quando o enunciado o exigir.

➧ INSTRUÇÃO: As questões deverão ser respondidas em língua portuguesa. A língua estrangeira só deverá ser utilizada quando o enunciado o exigir.

➧ TEXTO 1:  O romance O retrato de Dorian Gray é apresentado nesta prova em dois fragmentos. No fragmento I, abaixo, o personagem Dorian vê pela primeira vez sua imagem retratada em uma pintura.

Twenty minutes later Hallward stopped painting. He stood back and looked at the portrait for a few moments. Then he bent down and signed his name in red paint on the bottom left-hand corner. “It is finished”, he cried.

Lord Henry came over and examined the picture. It was certainly a wonderful work of art.

“My dear man”, he said, “It is the best portrait of our time. Mr Gray, come over and look at yourself”. 

Dorian walked across to look at the painting. When he saw it, his cheeks went red with pleasure. He felt that he recognized his own beauty for the first time. But then he remembered what Lord Henry had said. His beauty would only be there for a few years. One day he would be old and ugly.

“Don’t you like it?”, cried Hallward, not understanding why the young man was silent.

“Of course he likes it”, said Lord Henry. “It is one of the greatest paintings in modern art”.
“How sad it is!”, said Dorian Gray, who was still staring at his own portrait. “I will grow old and horrible. But this painting will always stay young. It will never be older than this day in June… If only it were the other way!”

“What do you mean?”, asked Hallward.

“If I could stay young and the picture grow old! For that – for that – I would give everything! Yes, there is nothing in the whole world I would not give! I would give my soul for that!”

“I don’t think you would like that, Basil”, cried Lord Henry, laughing.

“I certainly would not, Harry”, said Hallward.

Dorian Gray turned and looked at him. “You like your art better than your friends.”

The painter stared in surprise. Why was Dorian speaking like that? What had happened? His face was red, and he seemed quite angry.

“You will always like this painting. But how long will you like me? Until I start getting old. Lord Henry Wotton is perfectly right. When I lose my beauty, I will lose everything. I shall kill myself before I get old.”


Many years passed. Yet the wonderful beauty that had so fascinated Basil Hallward stayed with Dorian Gray. Even those who had heard terrible rumours against him could not believe them when they met him. He always had the look of someone who had kept himself pure.

Many people suspected that there was something very wrong with Dorian’s life, but only he knew about the portrait. Some nights he would secretly enter the locked room. Holding a mirror in his hand, he would stand in front of the picture Basil Hallward had painted. He would look first at the horrible, old face in the picture, and then at the handsome young face that laughed back at him from the mirror. He fell more and more in love with his own beauty. And more and more interested in the corruption of his own soul.

Adaptado de WILDE, Oscar.
The Picture of Dorian Gray. Harlow: Pearson, 1994.


Ao longo da narrativa, o personagem Dorian Gray revela um desejo, que pode ser associado a um elemento fantástico.
Identifique esse desejo.
Em seguida, retire do texto uma frase, em inglês, que comprove sua realização.

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Desejo: permanecer jovem e belo enquanto seu retrato envelhece.
He would look first at the horrible, old face in the picture, and then at the handsome young face that laughed back at him from the mirror. 


Twenty minutes later Hallward stopped painting.(l. 1)
Considere a substituição do fragmento sublinhado por "stopped to paint".
Nesse caso, haveria uma alteração no sentido do enunciado.
Explicite essa alteração de sentido, comparando as duas construções.

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➦A primeira construção indica que Hallward concluiu a ação de pintar.
➦A segunda indica que Hallward parou / interrompeu uma atividade para iniciar uma outra ação (de pintar). 


Ao ver a pintura pela primeira vez, Dorian manifesta dois sentimentos contrastantes.
Indique esses sentimentos, explicitando o que motivou cada um deles.

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➦ Dorian sentiu PRAZER (por reconhecer sua beleza) e TRISTEZA (por lembrar que ela não duraria para sempre). 


(1) Dorian Gray turned and looked at him. “You like your art better than your friends.” (l. 19)

(2) The painter stared in surprise. Why was Dorian speaking like that? What had happened? His face was red, and he seemed quite angry. (l. 20-21)

Os trechos acima apresentam tipos diferentes de discurso relatado.
Identifique os dois tipos de relato.

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(1) Discurso direto.
(2) Discurso indireto livre.


Until I start getting old. (l. 22)

A frase destacada faz parte de uma fala maior, mas não há indicação explícita de qual personagem a proferiu. Nessa mesma frase, também se observa o fenômeno da elipse, ou seja, a omissão de um ou mais termos que podem ser subentendidos.

Identifique quem proferiu a frase e com quem estava dialogando.
Em seguida, reescreva a frase, em inglês, recuperando os termos omitidos.

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Foi Dorian Gray quem proferiu a frase. 
Ele estava dialogando com o pintor Hallward Basil.
Reescritura: you will like me until I start getting old.


No último parágrafo do texto, a forma verbal would é usada em três frases com a mesma função.

Aponte essa função.
Justifique, ainda, esse uso de would, considerando o sentimento de Dorian pelo quadro.

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Função: expressar uma ação recorrente no passado. 
Justificativa: Dorian repetia as ações por estar obcecado pelo quadro. 


O fragmento II, a seguir, apresenta os momentos finais da história, após o personagem Dorian, durante muitos anos, ter levado uma vida libertina e de experiências amorais.

What worried Dorian was the death of his own soul. Basil had painted the portrait that had destroyed his life. He could not forgive him that. It was the portrait that had done everything.


A new life! That was what he wanted. That was what he was waiting for. Perhaps it had begun already. He would never again spoil innocence. He would be good.


He looked around and saw the knife that had killed Basil Hallward. He had cleaned it many times until there was no mark left on it. It was bright, and it shone. It had killed the painter. Now it would kill the painter’s work, and all that it meant. It would kill the past. When that was dead he would be free. He picked up the knife and pushed it into the picture. 

There was a cry, and a crash. The cry was so horrible that frightened servants woke and came out of their rooms. Two gentlemen, who were passing in the Square below, stopped, and looked up at the great house. They hurried on until they met a policeman, and brought him back. The policeman rang the bell several times, but there was no answer. Except for a light in one of the top windows, the house was all dark. After a time, he went away and stood in the garden of the next house and watched.


Inside the house the servants were talking in low whispers to each other. Old Mrs Leaf was crying. Francis was as white as death.

After about a quarter of an hour, they went fearfully upstairs.

When they entered the room they found a portrait hanging on the wall. It showed Mr Dorian Gray as they had last seen him, young and beautiful. Lying on the floor was a dead man in evening dress.

He had a knife in his heart. He was old and horribly ugly. It was not until they saw his rings that they recognized who the man was.
Adaptado de WILDE, Oscar.
The Picture of Dorian Gray.
Harlow: Pearson, 1994

He fell more and more in love with his own beauty. And more and more interested in the corruption of his own soul. (Fragmento I, l. 32-33)

What worried Dorian was the death of his own soul. Basil had painted the portrait that had destroyed his life. He could not forgive him that. (Fragmento II, l. 1-2)

Os trechos acima fazem menção à alma de Dorian Gray, indicando uma mudança no personagem.
Explicite essa mudança.

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Inicialmente, o personagem estava interessado na corrupção da sua alma. Ao longo da história, passou a ficar preocupado com a morte dela.


(1) It was the portrait that had done everything. (l. 2)

(2) It had killed the painter. (l. 6)

Identifique os agentes das ações sublinhadas, respectivamente, em (1) e em (2).
Explique, também, o efeito produzido pela escolha de tais agentes.

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Agentes: o quadro e a faca.
Explicação: ao fazer do quadro e da faca os agentes das ações “fazer” e “matar”, respectivamente, tirasse do personagem a responsabilidade por tais atos. 


(1) There was a cry, and a crash. The cry was so horrible (l. 9)

(2) Old Mrs Leaf was crying. (l. 14)

Nos trechos acima, a palavra cry assume diferentes significados.
Indique o significado de cry no trecho (1) e traduza todo o trecho (2).

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Significado: grito (substantivo).
Tradução: a senhora Leaf estava chorando.


O acontecimento relatado no último parágrafo do texto retoma o elemento fantástico presente no enredo da história.

Descreva a aparência do homem encontrado sem vida e a imagem pintada no quadro.
Explicite, ainda, a importância dos anéis mencionados na última frase.

👍 Comentários e Respostas   
Homem: velho e terrivelmente feio. 
Quadro: homem jovem e bonito.
Os anéis foram fundamentais para que o homem morto fosse identificado.

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