domingo, 18 de outubro de 2020


 10 Questions.
 Text (1) – CHRISTMAS | Spotlight on Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press |
 Text (2) – THANKSGIVING Spotlight on the USA. New York: Oxford University Press |
 Text (3) – GHOSTS AND WITCHES Spotlight on Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press |

21-09, 22-20, 23-28, 24-34, 25-21
26-12, 27-25, 28-03, 29-05, 30-10

1 If you try to catch a train, a bus or an airplane on December 24th, you may have difficulty in finding a seat. This is the day when many people are traveling home to be with their families on Christmas Day, December 25th.
1 Se você tentar pegar um trem, um ônibus ou um avião no dia 24 de dezembro, poderá ter dificuldade em encontrar um assento. Este é o dia em que muitas pessoas viajam para casa para estar com suas famílias no dia de Natal, 25 de dezembro.
For most British families, this is the most important festival of the year, it combines the Christian celebration of the birth of Christ with the traditional festivities of winter.
Para a maioria das famílias britânicas, esta é a festa mais importante do ano, pois combina a celebração cristã do nascimento de Cristo com as festividades tradicionais do inverno.
2 On Sunday before Christmas many churches hold a carol service where special hymns are sung. Sometimes carol-singers can be heard on the streets as they collect money for charity.
2 No domingo antes do Natal, muitas igrejas celebram uma cerimônia de cânticos de Natal em que são cantados hinos especiais. Por vezes, ouvem-se nas ruas cantores de canções de Natal que recolhem dinheiro para obras de caridade.
Most families decorate their houses with brightly-colored paper, and they usually have a Christmas tree in the corner of the front room, glittering with colored lights and decorations.
A maior parte das famílias enfeita as suas casas com papel de cores vivas e, normalmente, têm uma árvore de Natal no canto da sala da frente, a brilhar com luzes coloridas e decorações.
3 There are a lot of traditions connected with Christmas, but perhaps the most important one is the giving of presents. Family members wrap up their gifts and leave them at the bottom of the Christmas tree to be found on Christmas morning. Small children believe that their gifts come from Santa Claus.
3 Há muitas tradições relacionadas com o Natal, mas talvez a mais importante seja a entrega de presentes. Os membros da família embrulham as suas prendas e deixam-nas no fundo da árvore de Natal para serem encontradas na manhã de Natal. As crianças pequenas acreditam que os seus presentes vêm do Papai Noel.
Their parents tell them that Santa Claus lives in the North Pole and, on the night before Christmas, he travels the world in a sled pulled by reindeer. He goes down the chimneys of houses to leave gifts only for children who have been good. At some time on Christmas Day, the family will sit down to a big turkey dinner followed by desserts specially prepared for the occasion.
Os pais dizem-lhes que o Papai Noel vive no Pólo Norte e que, na noite anterior ao Natal, viaja pelo mundo num trenó puxado por renas. Ele desce pelas chaminés das casas para deixar presentes apenas às crianças que se portaram bem. No dia de Natal, a família senta-se à mesa para um grande jantar de peru, seguido de sobremesas especialmente preparadas para a ocasião.
4 Later in the afternoon, they may watch the Queen on television as she delivers her traditional Christmas message to the United Kingdom. If they have room for even more food they may enjoy a piece of Christmas cake. December 26th is also a public holiday, and this is the time to visit friends and relatives or be a spectator at one of the many sporting events.
4 No final da tarde, podem assistir à transmissão televisiva da mensagem tradicional de Natal da Rainha para o Reino Unido. Se houver espaço para mais comida, podem saborear uma fatia de bolo de Natal. O dia 26 de dezembro é também feriado e esta é a hora de visitar amigos e familiares ou assistir a um dos muitos eventos desportivos.
From: SHEERIN, S.; SEATH, J.; WHITE, G. Spotlight on Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995, p.13. (Adapted)
De: SHEERIN, S.; SEATH, J.; WHITE, G. Destaque para a Grã-Bretanha. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995, p.13. (Adaptado)
👉 Questão  21 :
Select the proposition(s) in which both statements are true for each paragraph, according to the text.
01. Paragraph 1
• Christmas is a time when people enjoy being together with their relatives.
• This festival marks the birth of Christ in the Christian religion. 02. Paragraph 2
• The singing of hymns is part of the Christmas celebrations.
• The money collected for charity is used to buy Christmas trees and decorations.
04. Paragraph 3
• Exchanging gifts has become the only important tradition connected with Christmas.
• Parents shouldn’t lie to their children about Santa Claus.
08. Paragraph 4
• Christmas celebrations may last the whole day, with families doing things together.
• In Britain, the day after Christmas is a time to have fun and relax.
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  01+08 = (09) 
01. Paragraph 1
• Christmas is a time when people enjoy being together with their relatives. — O Natal é uma época em que as pessoas gostam de estar com os seus familiares. 
• This festival marks the birth of Christ in the Christian religion. — Esta festa assinala o nascimento de Cristo na religião cristã. 
02. Paragraph 2
• The singing of hymns is part of the Christmas celebrations.  — O canto de hinos faz parte das celebrações de Natal.
• The money collected for charity is used to buy Christmas trees and decorations.  —  O dinheiro recolhido para caridade é utilizado para comprar árvores de Natal e decorações.
04. Paragraph 3
• Exchanging gifts has become the only important tradition connected with Christmas.  —  A troca de presentes tornou-se a única tradição importante ligada ao Natal.
• Parents shouldn’t lie to their children about Santa Claus.  — Os pais não devem mentir aos filhos sobre o Papai Noel.
08. Paragraph 4
• Christmas celebrations may last the whole day, with families doing things together.  —  As celebrações de Natal podem durar o dia inteiro, com as famílias a fazerem coisas em conjunto.
• In Britain, the day after Christmas is a time to have fun and relax.  —  Na Grã-Bretanha, o dia a seguir ao Natal é uma altura para se divertir e relaxar.

👉 Questão  22 :
Select the proposition(s) which contains (contain) correct answers for the following questions, according to the text.
Is it easy to travel when it’s Christmas time?
Yes, it is.
Do the families use ornaments to make their homes look prettier?
No, they don’t.
Are there religious activities related to Christmas?
Yes, there are.
Is special food one of Christmas traditions?
No, it isn’t.
Does Santa Claus leave gifts for any child?
No, he doesn’t.
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  04+16 = (20) 
Is it easy to travel when it’s Christmas time?
Yes, it is.
➭ Is it easy to travel when it’s Christmas time?
➭ RESPOSTA CORRETA: No, it isn't.
➭ NO TEXTO: "If you try to catch a train, a bus or an airplane on December 24th, you may have difficulty in finding a seat. This is the day when many people are traveling home to be with their families on Christmas Day, December 25th." — Se você tentar pegar um trem, um ônibus ou um avião no dia 24 de dezembro, poderá ter dificuldade em encontrar um assento. Este é o dia em que muitas pessoas viajam para casa para estar com suas famílias no dia de Natal, 25 de dezembro.
Do the families use ornaments to make their homes look prettier? — As famílias usam enfeites para deixar suas casas mais bonitas?
No, they don’t
➭ Do the families use ornaments to make their homes look prettier?
➭ RESPOSTA CORRETA: Yes, they do.
➭ NO TEXTO: "Most families decorate their houses with brightly-colored paper, and they usually have a Christmas tree in the corner of the front room, glittering with colored lights and decorations.— A maior parte das famílias enfeita as suas casas com papel de cores vivas e, normalmente, têm uma árvore de Natal no canto da sala da frente, a brilhar com luzes coloridas e decorações.
Are there religious activities related to Christmas? — Existem atividades religiosas relacionadas ao Natal?
Yes, there are.
➭ NO TEXTO: On Sunday before Christmas many churches hold a carol service where special hymns are sung. Sometimes carol-singers can be heard on the streets as they collect money for charity.  No domingo antes do Natal, muitas igrejas celebram uma cerimônia de cânticos de Natal em que são cantados hinos especiais. Por vezes, ouvem-se nas ruas cantores de canções de Natal que recolhem dinheiro para obras de caridade.
Is special food one of Christmas traditions? — A comida especial é uma das tradições de Natal?
No, it isn’t.
➭ NO TEXTO: "At some time on Christmas Day, the family will sit down to a big turkey dinner followed by desserts specially prepared for the occasion." — No dia de Natal, a família senta-se à mesa para um grande jantar de peru, seguido de sobremesas especialmente preparadas para a ocasião.
Does Santa Claus leave gifts for any child? — Papai Noel deixa presentes para qualquer criança?
No, he doesn’t.
➭ NO TEXTO: "He goes down the chimneys of houses to leave gifts only for children who have been good.— Ele desce pelas chaminés das casas para deixar presentes apenas às crianças que se portaram bem.
➭ ANY (for indefinite quantities in questions and negative sentences) — QUALQUER, QUAISQUER.

👉 Questão  23 :
Select the proposition(s) which contains (contain) correct translations for the underlined words.
01. If you try to catch a train (...) you may have difficulty in finding a seat. ... para reservar um horário.
02. Sometimes carol-singers can be heard on the streets as they collect money for charity. ... uma vez que eles colecionam dinheiro ...
04. (...) they usually have a Christmas tree in the corner of the front room, glittering with colored lights and decorations. ... brilhando com luzes coloridas...
08. Family members wrap up their gifts and leave them at the bottom of the Christmas tree to be found on Christmas morning. ... para serem encontrados na manhã de Natal.
16. If they have room for even more food they may enjoy a piece of Christmas cake. Se eles tiverem espaço ...
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  04+08+16 = (28) 
01. If you try to catch a train (...) you may have difficulty in finding a seat. ... para reservar um horário.
❑ If you try to catch a train (...) you may have difficulty in finding a seat.Se você tentar pegar um trem (...) você pode ter dificuldade em encontrar um assento.
02. Sometimes carol-singers can be heard on the streets as they collect money for charity. ... uma vez que eles colecionam dinheiro ...
❑ Sometimes carol-singers can be heard on the streets as they collect money for charity— Por vezes, ouvem-se nas ruas cantores de canções de Natal que recolhem dinheiro para obras de caridade.
04. (...) they usually have a Christmas tree in the corner of the front room, glittering with colored lights and decorations. ... brilhando com luzes coloridas...
❑ (...) they usually have a Christmas tree in the corner of the front room, glittering with colored lights and decorations. — (...) eles costumam ter uma árvore de natal no canto da sala da frente, brilhando com luzes coloridas e enfeites.
08. Family members wrap up their gifts and leave them at the bottom of the Christmas tree to be found on Christmas morning. ... para serem encontrados na manhã de Natal.
❑ Family members wrap up their gifts and leave them at the bottom of the Christmas tree to be found on Christmas morning. — Os membros da família embrulham os seus presentes e deixam-nos no fundo da árvore de Natal para serem encontrados na manhã de Natal.
16. If they have room for even more food they may enjoy a piece of Christmas cake. Se eles tiverem espaço ...
❑ If they have room for even more food they may enjoy a piece of Christmas cake. — Se eles tiverem espaço para mais comida, poderão saborear uma fatia de bolo de Natal.

👉 Questão  24 :
Choose the correct proposition(s) to complete the following paragraph.
Children ______ a long sock at the end of their bed on Christmas Eve, December 24th , ______ that Santa Claus will come down the chimney ______ night and bring them small presents, fruit and nuts. Their expectations are usually not ______!
01. hang – looking – before the – disapproved
02. leave – hoping – during the – disappointed
04. hide – thinking – on – motivated
08. have – feeling – after the – disagreed
16. place – wishing – in – explained
32. put – expecting – at – frustrated
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  02+32 = (34) 
Children ______ a long sock at the end of their bed on Christmas Eve, December 24th , ______ that Santa Claus will come down the chimney ______ night and bring them small presents, fruit and nuts. Their expectations are usually not ______!
➭ Children LEAVE a long sock at the end of their bed on Christmas Eve, December 24th,
As crianças DEIXAM uma meia comprida na ponta da cama na véspera de Natal, 24 de dezembro,
➭ Na lacuna, cabem contextualmente os verbos HANG (penduram), LEAVE (deixam),  PLACE (colocam), PUT (colocam).
➭ Eliminados os verbos HIDE (escondem) e HAVE (tem) QUE NÃO FAZEM COESÃO no contexto da sentença.
, ______ that Santa Claus will come down the chimney
, ESPERANDO que o Papai Noel desça pela chaminé,
➭ Na lacuna, cabem contextualmente os verbos HOPING (esperando), WISHING (desejando), EXPECTING (esperando).
➭ Eliminados os verbos LOOKING (vendo), THINKING (pensando) e FEELING (sentindo), QUE NÃO FAZEM COESÃO no contexto da sentença.
______ night
à noit,
➭ Na lacuna, cabem contextualmente as preposições "DURING THE" ou "AT".
Their expectations are usually not ______!
,Suas expectativas geralmente não são FRUSTADAS!
➭ Na lacuna, cabem contextualmente os adjetivos "disappointed", "frustrated".

01. hang – lookingbefore the – disapproved
02. leave – hoping – during the – disappointed
04. hidethinkingonmotivated
08. havefeelingafter thedisagreed
16. place – wishing – inexplained
32. put – expecting – at – frustrated

In 1620 one of the first British settlements in America was established in Massachusetts. These settlers, known as Pilgrims, had come to America to freely practise their religion. They arrived in November, when it was too late to plant crops. Although many people died, the Pilgrim settlement survived the winter because of help from Indians who lived nearby.
Em 1620, uma das primeiras colônias britânicas na América foi estabelecida em Massachusetts. Estes colonos, conhecidos como Peregrinos, tinham vindo para a América para praticar livremente a sua religião. Chegaram em novembro, quando já era demasiado tarde para plantar. Embora muitas pessoas tenham morrido, a colônia dos Peregrinos sobreviveu ao inverno graças à ajuda dos índios que viviam nas proximidades.
The Indians taught the Pilgrims about corn and showed them where to fish. The next November, after the crops were harvested, the Pilgrims gave thanks to God at a feast to which they invited the Indians.
Os índios ensinaram os peregrinos sobre o milho e mostraram-lhes onde pescar. No mês de novembro seguinte, após a colheita, os peregrinos deram graças a Deus numa festa para a qual convidaram os índios.
Every year, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. Families and friends get together for a big feast. The meal usually includes roast turkey with stuffing and gravy, a sweet sauce made from cranberries, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin pie. What a meal! It’s not surprising that a recent Thanksgiving tradition is to sit after dinner in front of the TV watching a professional football game.
Todos os anos, os americanos celebram o Dia de Ação de Graças. As famílias e os amigos juntam-se para um grande banquete. A refeição inclui normalmente peru assado com recheio e molho, um molho doce feito de arandos, batatas doces e tarte de abóbora. Que refeição! Não é de admirar que uma tradição recente do Dia de Ação de Graças seja sentar-se depois do jantar em frente à televisão a ver um jogo de futebol profissional.
From: FALK, R. Spotlight on the USA. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993, p. 14.
👉 Questão  25 :
Select the correct proposition(s) according to the text.
01. Americans have turkey and other special dishes on Thanksgiving.
02. All the Pilgrims died because of cold weather when they came to America.
04. Massachusetts was one of the places where the Pilgrims first established themselves.
08. British and American people love watching games on TV after celebrating Thanksgiving.
16. The Indians that the Pilgrims met in America were friendly and helpful.
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  01+04+16 = (21) 
Select the correct proposition(s) according to the text.
Selecione a(s) proposição(ões) correta(s) de acordo com o texto.
01. Americans have turkey and other special dishes on Thanksgiving. — Os americanos comem peru e outros pratos especiais no Dia de Ação de Graças.
02. All the Pilgrims died because of cold weather when they came to America. — Todos os peregrinos morreram por causa do tempo frio quando vieram para a América.
04. Massachusetts was one of the places where the Pilgrims first established themselves. — Massachusetts foi um dos locais onde os Peregrinos se estabeleceram pela primeira vez.
08. British and American people love watching games on TV after celebrating Thanksgiving. — Os britânicos e os americanos adoram ver jogos na televisão depois de celebrarem o Dia de Ação de Graças.
16. The Indians that the Pilgrims met in America were friendly and helpful. — Os índios que os peregrinos conheceram na América foram amigáveis e prestativos.

👉 Questão  26 :
According to the text, the Pilgrims...
01. reached America at the right time to grow crops.
02. watched TV after having dinner.
04. learned how to plant corn with the Indians.
08. and the Indians took part in a feast that was prepared after the Pilgrims had harvested their crops.
16. and their religion were of great importance to the Indians since they had no god.
 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  04+08 = (12) 
According to the text, the Pilgrims...
De acordo com o texto, os peregrinos...
01. reached America at the right time to grow crops. — chegaram à América no momento certo para cultivar.
02. watched TV after having dinner. — viram televisão depois do jantar.
04. learned how to plant corn with the Indians. — aprenderam a plantar milho com os índios.
08. and the Indians took part in a feast that was prepared after the Pilgrims had harvested their crops. — e os índios participaram num banquete que foi preparado depois de os peregrinos terem feito as suas colheitas.
16. and their religion were of great importance to the Indians since they had no god. — e a sua religião eram de grande importância para os índios, uma vez que eles não tinham um deus.

👉 Questão  27 :
Which question(s) CAN be answered according to the text?
01. Who were the Pilgrims?
02. What was the Pilgrims’ religion?
04. How many Pilgrims arrived in America?
08. How did the Indians help the Pilgrims?
16. What kind of food do people prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving?
32. Which drinks are part of the Thanksgiving traditions?
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  01+08+16 = (25) 
Which question(s) CAN be answered according to the text?
Que pergunta(s) PODE(M) ser respondida(s) de acordo com o texto?
01. Who were the Pilgrims? — Quem foram os peregrinos?
➭ Eram colonos que tinham vindo para a América para praticar livremente a sua religião.
02. What was the Pilgrims’ religion? — Qual era a religião dos peregrinos?
04. How many Pilgrims arrived in America? — Quantos peregrinos chegaram à América?
08. How did the Indians help the Pilgrims? — Como é que os índios ajudaram os peregrinos?
➭ Os índios ensinaram os peregrinos sobre o milho e mostraram-lhes onde pescar.
16. What kind of food do people prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving? — Que tipo de comida é que as pessoas preparam para celebrar o Dia de Ação de Graças?
➭ A refeição inclui normalmente peru assado com recheio e molho, um molho doce feito de arandos, batatas doces e tarte de abóbora.
32. Which drinks are part of the Thanksgiving traditions? — Que bebidas fazem parte das tradições do Dia de Ação de Graças?

Halloween means “holy evening”, and takes place on October 31st. Although it is a much more important festival in the United States than Britain, it is celebrated by many people in the UK. It is particularly connected with witches and ghosts.
Halloween significa "noite santa" e tem lugar a 31 de outubro. Embora seja uma festa muito mais importante nos Estados Unidos do que na Grã-Bretanha, é celebrada por muitas pessoas no Reino Unido. Está particularmente ligado às bruxas e aos fantasmas.
At parties people dress up in strange costumes and pretend they are witches. They cut horrible faces in pumpkins and other vegetables and put a candle inside, which shines through the eyes. People may play difficult games such as trying to eat an apple from a bucket of water without using their hands.
Nas festas, as pessoas vestem-se com fatos estranhos e fingem que são bruxas. Cortam caras horríveis em abóboras e outros legumes e colocam uma vela no interior, que brilha através dos olhos. As pessoas podem fazer jogos difíceis, como tentar comer uma maçã de um balde de água sem usar as mãos.
In recent years children dressed in white sheets knock on doors at Halloween and ask if you would like a “trick” or “treat”. If you give them something nice, a “treat”, they go away. However, if you don’t, they play a “trick” on you, such as making a lot of noise or spilling flour on your front doorstep!
Nos últimos anos, crianças vestidas com lençóis brancos batem às portas no Dia das Bruxas e perguntam se querem uma "travessura" ou um "doce". Se lhes dermos algo de bom, uma "guloseima", elas vão-se embora. No entanto, se não der, elas pregam-lhe uma "partida", como por exemplo fazer muito barulho ou entornar farinha na sua porta!
From: SHEERIN, S.; SEATH, J.; WHITE, G. Spotlight on Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995, p. 12.
👉 Questão  28 :
Select the correct proposition(s) to complete the following sentence, according to the text.
The text informs us that...
01. children dressed in frightening costumes visit different houses asking for something good.
02. people make lanterns using different types of vegetables. 04. nowadays “trick or treat” is discouraged by many parents because they consider it extremely dangerous.
08. a Strawberry Party is annually held on Halloween in the United States and Britain.
16. most children love playing word games during this festival, when they don’t receive any sweets from their neighbors.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  01+02 = (03) 
The text informs us that...
01. children dressed in frightening costumes visit different houses asking for something good.
02. people make lanterns using different types of vegetables. 04. nowadays “trick or treat” is discouraged by many parents because they consider it extremely dangerous.
08. a Strawberry Party is annually held on Halloween in the United States and Britain.
16. most children love playing word games during this festival, when they don’t receive any sweets from their neighbors.
👉 Questão  29 :
The statements in italics below were extracted or adapted from the text. They are all correct.
Select the proposition(s) in which the statement in letter b) contradicts the statement in letter a).
a) Halloween is celebrated by many people in the UK.
b) Few people commemorate Halloween in the UK.
a) Halloween is particularly connected with witches and ghosts.
b) Witches and ghosts have a lot to do with Halloween.
a) At parties people dress up in strange costumes.
b) Normal clothes are worn by people at parties.
a) People pretend they are witches during this festival.
b) On Halloween people behave like witches.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  01+04 = (05) 
a) Halloween is celebrated by many people in the UK.
b) Few people commemorate Halloween in the UK.
a) Halloween is particularly connected with witches and ghosts.
b) Witches and ghosts have a lot to do with Halloween.
a) At parties people dress up in strange costumes.
b) Normal clothes are worn by people at parties.
a) People pretend they are witches during this festival.
b) On Halloween people behave like witches.
👉 Questão  30 :
Select the proposition(s) in which both sentences (a) and (b) can meaningfully complete the text.
Although Halloween, on October 31st, is not an official holiday, it is a very special day. (a)____________________________________. The windows of many houses have Halloween decorations and lanterns made of pumpkins. In the evening, the children go from house to house, knocking on doors and saying “trick or treat”. (b)____________________________________. If they don’t, the children might play a small trick on them!
a) If people have no time for it, they put gifts in boxes and deliver them to their homes.
b) A friend is always there to help them to buy what they want.
a) On Halloween, children dress in costumes as all kinds of things – as witches, ghosts, monsters and pirates.
b) The people in the houses give the children candy or some other treat.
a) Good books on this subject are sold everywhere during this festival.
b) Before leaving home, they tell their parents about their failures.
a) It’s common to meet people dressed up as strange characters on this day.
b) Almost all the people give them something.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  02+08 = (10) 
Although Halloween, on October 31st, is not an official holiday, it is a very special day. (a)____________________________________. The windows of many houses have Halloween decorations and lanterns made of pumpkins. In the evening, the children go from house to house, knocking on doors and saying “trick or treat”. (b)____________________________________. If they don’t, the children might play a small trick on them!
a) If people have no time for it, they put gifts in boxes and deliver them to their homes.
b) A friend is always there to help them to buy what they want.
a) On Halloween, children dress in costumes as all kinds of things – as witches, ghosts, monsters and pirates.
b) The people in the houses give the children candy or some other treat.
a) Good books on this subject are sold everywhere during this festival.
b) Before leaving home, they tell their parents about their failures.
a) It’s common to meet people dressed up as strange characters on this day.
b) Almost all the people give them something.       

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