terça-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2021


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➧ BANCA/ORGANIZADORwww.redentor.inf.br/graduacao/vestibular.


01-E, 02-A, 03-E, 04-C, 05-C



The conversation around aging in the U.S. must change —both in Washington and among industry stakeholders. This will require players in the ecosystem proactively working together to solve interoperability challenges, committing to value-based care and accommodating and supporting caregivers and patients alike. Supporting partnerships between hospitals and community organizations that provide more support for caregivers and reimbursing patients for tools outside of the healthcare ecosystem will be critical. By working together, the healthcare system can support aging gracefully and living happier, healthier lives.

Speaking of which, our friends at HLTH have launched a new conference with the goal of bringing industry players together to discuss how industry verticals can work together to solve complex challenges in healthcare — including addressing the aging population. Check out their website to learn more and read their latest blog on the aging U.S. population.

Samantha Smoak
https://www.thinkrevivehealth.com/bl og/five-ways-aging-populationimpacting-healthcare-united-states


We can claim, based on the text, that today in the U.S., the greater number of older adults has impacted in:

A) higher education;
B) Entrepreneurship industry;
C) the food industry;
D) the game industry;
E) technology companies.



This will require players in the ecosystem proactively working together to solve interoperability challenges, committing to valuebased care and accommodating and supporting caregivers and patients alike.”,

the word in bold sums up the idea of:

A) Changing the conversation about aging.
B) Changing the paradigm of Public Health System.
C) The importance of Washington D.C help small businesses.
D) The entrepreneurship of the industry stakeholders.
E) The importance of a Government, which provides aids to young citizens.


According to the text, one of the reasons why people today live longer is:

A) smarter ways of living.
B) eating habits.
C) government programs.
D) many advances in technology.
E) the progress in medicine.


By working together, the healthcare system can support aging gracefully and living happier, healthier lives”

The word by has the same meaning of the sentence above in:

A) Global Warming is a very serious issue. Going to work by public transportation, for example, is a sustainable action.
B) We shall know, by and by, if she has it in her to handle the challenge. [Deccan Chronicle].
C) By joining forces, we can sure change whatever has to be changed.
D) The American Constitution was written by the Founding Fathers to ensure an equitable society.
E) By the way, we need some reform in the political system as well.

A) Global Warming is a very serious issue. Going to work by public transportation, for example, is a sustainable action.
(O aquecimento global é um assunto muito sério. Ir para o trabalho DE TRANSPORTE PÚBLICO, por exemplo, é uma ação sustentável.)
• "by public transportation" é um Prepositional Phrasal(PP), onde a preposição "by" é usada para descrever o modo de viajar, ou seja, para descrever o meio de transporte.
• PP = Preposition + Noun/Pronoun.
• Outros exemplos de aplicação da preposição "by" para descrever o meio de transporte: by car, by train, by bike, by taxi, by bus, by boat, by plane. 

B) We shall know, by and by, if she has it in her to handle the challenge. [Deccan Chronicle].
(Saberemos, POUCO A POUCO, se ela tem condições de lidar com o desafio.)
• "by and by é um idiom, onde o vocábulo "by" é parte integrante da expressão idiomática "by and by" que significa "pouco a pouco, aos poucos, após um curto período". Neste caso, "by" não é preposição e sim uma parte integrante da expressão.
• By and by a man appeared.(Após um curto período de tempo, um homem apareceu.)
• By and by, everyone went home.(Pouco a pouco, todos foram para casa.)
• You'll get used to it by and by.(Você vai se acostumar com isso aos poucos.)

C) By joining forces, we can sure change whatever has to be changed.(descreve como fazer algo)
(AO UNIR FORÇAS, com certeza podemos mudar o que tiver que ser mudado.)
• We use "by + Verb-ing"  to describe how to do something.

D) The American Constitution was written by the Founding Fathers to ensure an equitable society.
(A Constituição americana foi escrita PELO the Founding Fathers para garantir uma sociedade equitativa.)
• "by the Founding Fathers" é um "Adverb Prepositional Phrasal(AdvPP), onde a preposição "by" descreve o adjetivo "written".
• Estrutura: verb/adjective/adverb + PP(Prepositional Phrase).
 We ate before school.(of the food modifica o verbo ate)
• She is tall for her age.(for her age descreve o adjetivo tall)
• Students study late at night.(at night descreve o advérbio  late)

E) By the way, we need some reform in the political system as well.
(A PROPÓSITO, precisamos de alguma reforma no sistema político também.)
• "by the way" é um idiom, onde o vocábulo "by" é usado para formar a expressão idiomática "by the way" que significa "a propósito". Neste caso, "by" não é preposição e sim uma parte integrante da expressão.


One of the key action to help the elderly live longer and healthier is to:

A) ignore what they say and focus only on what they need;
B) let them remain in their homes all by themselves doing as they please;
C) take into account their desires and wishes and guide care plans to go along.
D) favor them to stay connected to family and friends;
E) favor them to engage in physical activity for 30 to 45 minutes every day.

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