segunda-feira, 5 de abril de 2021


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 PADRÃO/COMPOSIÇÃO DA PROVA10 (Dez) Questões de Somatória.


01-(22), 02-(40), 03-(35), 04-(14), 05-(49)
06-(42), 07-(49), 08-(14), 09-(25), 10-(21)

  • a bit shaken up - um pouco abalada.
  • a football field - um campo de futebol.
  • a helpless, hopeless condition - uma condição desamparada e sem esperança.
  • a stroke - em derrame cerebral, um AVC.
  • a stroke victim - uma vítima de derrame.
  • a talkative person - uma pessoa falante, uma pessoa que fala muito.
  • an ostrich's eye - um olho de um avestruz.
  • catfish - bagre.
  • cockroach - barata.
  • flea - pulga.
  • headless - sem cabela.
  • left-handed - canhoto.
  • Later in the day - No final do dia.
  • overwhelmed (em contexto positivo) - emocionado,  impressionado, deslumbrado, maravilhado.
  • overwhelmed (em contexto negativo) - sobrecarregado com muitas tarefas ou transtornado, comovido devido a perda de um ente querido.
  • severe brain damage - graves danos cerebrais.
  • Polar bears - ursos polares.
  • Raise both arms - Levante os dois braços!
  • taste buds - papilas gustativas.
  • Starfish - As estrelas do mar.
  • silver anniversary - bodas de prata, aniversário de 25 anos de casamento.
  • to glow - incandescer.
  • to jump (= to leap) - pular, saltar.
  • to taste - ter paladar.


➧ TEXT I: Texto para as questões 01 a 03.

Facts from the Animal Kingdom

- The flea can jump 350 times its body length. It's like1 a human jumping the length of a football field.
- A cockroach will live nine days without2 its head before it starves to death.
- Elephants are the only animals that cannot3 jump.
- An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
- The catfish has over4 27,000 taste buds.
- A cat's urine glows under5 a black light.
- Butterflies taste with6 their feet. - Polar bears are ‘left-handed’.
- Starfish have no brains.


Considerando o texto “Facts from the Animal Kingdom”, sobre as espécies citadas, é correto afirmar:

(001) Três vivem na água.
(002) Uma é capaz de voar.
(004) Quatro estão citadas no plural.
(008) Duas são felinas.
(016) Uma habita regiões frígidas.
(032) Uma consegue saltar uma distância correspondente à largura de um campo de futebol.


Conforme seu uso no texto “Facts from the Animal Kingdom”, é correto afirmar:

(001) “like 1” significa gostar.
(002) “without 2” é o mesmo que “do lado de fora”.
(004) “cannot 3” pode ser substituído por “isn’t able to” sem alterar o sentido da frase.
(008) A tradução de “over 4” é “mais de/que”.
(016) A tradução de “under 5” é “menos de”.
(032) A tradução de “with 6” é “com”.


From the text

“Facts from the Animal Kingdom”

one might correctly state:

(001) One of the animals mentioned is able to leap a relatively great distance.
(002) The brain of one of the animals mentioned is smaller than its eye.
(004) The catfish is neither a cat nor a fish.
(008) The polar bear uses its right hand more skillfully than it uses its left hand.
(016) Cats urinate under glowing black lights.
(032) One of the animals mentioned can survive over a week when headless.


From the saying

“If you think nobody cares, try missing a couple of payments”, 

one might conclude:

(001) Nobody misses payments.
(002) People to whom you owe money will remember you if you don’t pay them on time.
(004) If you skip payments on a debt you will be remembered.
(008) Depending on what you don’t do there will always be somebody who cares.
(016) Nobody cares if you try missing a couple of payments.
(032) Couples who miss payments care about nobody.


Considerando o pensamento

“Frustration is trying to find your glasses without your glasses”,

é correto afirmar:

(001) Apresenta um exemplo de frustração.
(002) A primeira ocorrência da palavra “glasses” se refere a copos de vidro.
(004) Algumas pessoas podem se sentir frustradas tentando encontrar seus copos.
(008) A frustração está tentando encontrar seus copos sem os óculos.
(016) Procurar os próprios óculos é frustrante.
(032) A segunda ocorrência da palavra “glasses” se refere a óculos.

➧ TEXT II: Texto para as questões 06 a 09.

STROKE: Remember the 1st three letters…

February 01, 2006


During a barbecue at the home of friends, a lady stumbled and took a little fall1 – she assured everyone that she was fine and had just2 tripped over a brick because of3 her new shoes. Her friends got her4 cleaned up and got her a new plate of food – while she appeared a bit shaken up, Ingrid went about enjoying herself5 the rest of the afternoon.

Later in the day, after she had gone home, Ingrid's husband called her friends informing them that his6 wife had been taken to the hospital. At 6:00pm, Ingrid passed away -- It was discovered that she had suffered a stroke during lunch. Had they7 known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps she would be with us today.

However, many people who suffer strokes don't die. They8 end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead. It only takes a minute to read this and save somebody9 ’s life.

A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke ... totally! He10 said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours.


Just remember the first three letters of the word STRoke. Read and Learn!

Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may11 suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.

Doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:
S *Ask the individual12 to SMILE.
T *Ask the person13 to TALK, to SAY A SIMPLE SENTENCE, Coherently (i.e... It is sunny today).
R *Ask him14 or her15 to RAISE BOTH ARMS.

NOTE: Another way to recognize a stroke is by asking the person to stick his or her tongue out straight... if the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other - that is also an indication of a stroke.

If he or she has trouble with any one16 of these tasks, call 9-1-1 immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

Source: text received by e-mail


Considerando o texto

“STROKE: Remember the 1st three letters...”,

é correto afirmar:

(001) Ingrid sofreu uma queda por causa de um tijolo que havia sido deixado na calçada.
(002) Os amigos de Ingrid não lhe fizeram as três simples perguntas indicadas.
(004) Ingrid, mesmo com ferimentos leves, foi levada ao hospital pelos amigos.
(008) Uma mulher levou um pequeno tombo e seus amigos a acudiram.
(016) Ingrid bateu a cabeça na queda - o que resultou em um coágulo do cérebro.
(032) A senhora que levou um tombo foi levada ao hospital.


Baseado no texto

“STROKE: Remember the 1st three letters...”,

é correto afirmar:

(001) “her4 ” e “herself5 ” referem-se a Ingrid.
(002) “his6 ” refere-se aos amigos de Ingrid.
(004) “They8 ” refere-se aos amigos de Ingrid.
(008) “He10” refere-se ao esposo de Ingrid.
(016) “they7 ” refere-se aos amigos de Ingrid.
(032) “individual12”, “person13”, “him14” e “her15” referem-se a possíveis vítimas de um derrame cerebral.


Conforme sua ocorrência no texto

“STROKE: Remember the 1st three letters...”,

é correto afirmar:

(001) “fall1 ” é uma estação do ano “outono”.
(002) “just2 ” é sinônimo de “only”.
(004) “because of3 ” é sinônimo de “due to”.
(008) “somebody9 ” é sinônimo de “someone”.
(016) “may11” pode ser substituído por “is allowed to”.
(032) “any one16” é sinônimo de “anybody”.


From the text

“STROKE: Remember the 1st three letters...”,

one might correctly state:

(001) The lady who had a stroke died later in the day.
(002) Ingrid was a vegetarian and was having lunch with her friends.
(004) The lady who fell had to buy a new plate.
(008) Ingrid fell because she had suffered a stroke.
(016) The life of the friend who had a stroke could have been saved.
(032) The woman who had had a stroke arrived at the hospital at 6 in the afternoon.


During their silver anniversary, a wife reminded her husband:

- "Do you remember when you proposed to me, I was so overwhelmed that I didn't talk for an hour?"

The husband replied:

- "Yes, honey, that was the happiest hour of my life."

Considering the joke above one might infer that the

(001) couple had been married for twenty-five years;
(002) wife did not remember when the husband had proposed to her;
(004) wife was a talkative person;
(008) husband was happy because he liked honey;
(016) husband had enjoyed the period of silence provided by his future wife;
(032) husband had had only one happy hour in his whole life.

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