quarta-feira, 29 de junho de 2022

GRAMÁTICA - "How you sing beautifully!" está gramaticalmente INCORRETA - EFOMM-2018/2019 - LÍNGUA INGLESAS - RESOLUÇÃO DA 6ª QUESTÃO.

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Mark the correct alternative.

(A) Remember always what I told you.
(B) They are so kind people!
(C) What nice dress!
(D) Don’t anybody say a word.
(E) How you sing beautifully!

Gabarito: (D) 


- How you sing beautifully!

-  INCORRETA porque a estrutura é “HOW BEAUTIFULLY YOU SING!” (not: How you sing beautifully!)


- Quando HOW for usado em EXCLAMATION (exclamação) com adjetivo ou advérbio, este deve vir imediatamente depois do HOW.


- How well she plays! (not: How she plays well!)

- How beautifully they sang! [Cambrige Dictionary]

- They've bought her some flowers. How nice of them! [Cambrige Dictionary]

- How kind of you to help! [Oxford Learner's Dictionaries]

sábado, 25 de junho de 2022

TEXTO - CBS NEWS - The world's deepest shipwreck ever located.

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A pauta aqui é o texto da CBS NEWS  sobre um destróier da Marinha dos EUA afundado durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial que foi encontrado a quase 7.000 metros (23.000 pés) abaixo do nível do mar nas Filipinas, tornando-o o naufrágio mais profundo do mundo já localizado.


USS Samuel B. Roberts, Navy destroyer sunk during World War II, is "the deepest shipwreck ever located," exploration team says

FONTE: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/uss-samuel-b-roberts-world-war-ii-destroyer-found-deepest-shipwreck-ever-located/?ftag=CNM-00-10aab7e&linkId=170754444

UPDATED ON: JUNE 25, 2022 

A U.S. Navy destroyer sunk during World War II has been found nearly 7,000 meters (23,000 feet) below sea level off the Philippines, making it the world's deepest shipwreck ever located, an American exploration team said.

The USS Samuel B. Roberts went down during a battle off the central island of Samar on October 25, 1944, as U.S. forces fought to liberate the Philippines — then a U.S. colony — from Japanese occupation.

A crewed submersible filmed, photographed and surveyed the battered hull of the "Sammy B" during a series of dives over eight days this month, Texas-based undersea technology company Caladan Oceanic said.

Images showed the ship's three-tube torpedo launcher and gun mount.

"Resting at 6,895 meters, it is now the deepest shipwreck ever located and surveyed," tweeted Caladan Oceanic founder Victor Vescovo, who piloted the submersible.

"This small ship took on the finest of the Japanese Navy, fighting them to the end," he wrote.

According to U.S. Navy records, Sammy B's crew "floated for nearly three days awaiting rescue, with many survivors perishing from wounds and shark attacks." Of the 224 crew, 89 died.

The battle was part of the larger Battle of Leyte, which saw intense fighting over several days between U.S. and Japanese forces.

Sammy B was one of four U.S. ships sunk in the October 25 engagement.  

Among the crew's victims was Gunners Mate 3rd Class Paul Henry Carr, from Checotah, Oklahoma. Images posted by Vescovo show the turret "where the brave and mortally wounded GM3 Paul H. Carr died trying to place a final round into the broken breech."

According to the Oklahoma History Center, the ship's executive officer wrote: "Paul's leadership and sterling qualities…won for him the battle station of gun captain of one of the ship's five inch guns. His gun and gun crew were the pride of the ship."

The USS Johnston, which at nearly 6,500 meters was previously the world's deepest shipwreck identified, was reached by Vescovo's team in 2021.

In the latest search, the team also looked for the USS Gambier Bay at more than 7,000 meters below sea level, but was unable to locate it.

It did not search for the USS Hoel due to the lack of reliable data showing where it may have gone down.

The wreck of the Titanic lies in about 4,000 meters of water.



sexta-feira, 24 de junho de 2022

GRAMÁTICA - EFOMM -2018 - INGLÊS - Resolução da QUESTÃO Nº 10.

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Segue a resolução da QUESTÃO Nº 10 (PROVA BRANCA) DA EFOMM -2018 ilustrando a aplicação: 

 Mark the correct alternative.

(A) You have made me be a happy man.
(B) I don't know enough of French to read this.
(C) I got a grandmother last month.
(D) She spoke very fast that nobody could understand.
(E) He's from Austin, as you can tell from his accent.

Resposta :   E

(A) You have made me be a happy man.

§  INCORRETA devido a incoerência contextual causada pelo verbo MADE.
§  Em vez de usar o verbo LET na estrutura, foi empregado o verbo MADE que não faz coesão com o sentido da sentença.
§  O correto seria:
§  You have let me be a happy man. (Você me permitiu ser um homem feliz.)
- Se eu digo "You have let me be a happy man" quer dizer que "EU QUERO ME TORNAR UM HOMEM FELIZ." o que faz sentido contextual.

§ Veja essa situação:

-Se eu falo que "My parents make me study hard" quer dizer que "EU NÃO QUERO ESTUDAR MUITO"
-Percebeu a ideia causada pela estrutura "MAKE ME STUDY".

§ Veja essa situação:

-Se eu falo que "My parents let me stay out late." quer dizer que "EU QUERO FICAR FORA DE CASA ATÉ TARDE."
-Observe a ideia motivada pela estrutura "LET ME STAY OUT".


§  Na estrutura “MAKE + object + bare infinitive”, o verbo MAKE é usado no sentido de FORÇAR alguém a fazer algo (quando na verdade a pessoa não quer fazer):

ü They made us work for 12 hours a day. [Cambridge Dictionary]

ü His mother made him clean his room.

§  Na estrutura “LET + object + bare infinitive”, o verbo LET é usado no sentido de ALLOW (permitir) algo que na verdade a pessoa quer fazer:

ü The inheritance let us finally buy a house. [The Free Dictionary]

ü I let them borrow the car. [The Free Dictionary]

(B) I don't know enough of French to read this.

§  INCORRETA devido o erro colocacional da preposição OF entre o adjetivo ENOUGH e o  SUBSTANTIVO (French → language).

§  Sentença corregida:

§  I don't know enough French to read this.


ü Na noun phrase ENOUGH+SUBSTANTIVO, “enough” funciona como adjetivo com o sentido de “suficiente” qualificando o substantivo:

ü // There isn’t enough time. [macmillandictionary]

(C) I got a grandmother last month.

§  INCORRETA devido ao erro de incoerência textual causada pelo vocábulo "grandmother"(vovó) e o verbo "I got" (Eu tive/Eu ganhei/Eu recebi).

§  A sentença “I got a grandmother last month. - Eu ganhei uma avó no mês passado.” Não faz o menor sentido.

§  Sentença corrigida:

§  I got a grandson last month. (Eu ganhei um neto no mês passado.)

(D) She spoke very fast that nobody could understand.

§  INCORRETA porque a estrutura correta para enfatizar resultado é “SO...THAT” e não “VERY ... THAT”

§  Sentença corregida:

§  “She spoke so fast that nobody could understand.”


ü She worked so slowly that she didn't finish in time.

ü I was so tired that I went to sleep on the sofa.

(E) He's from Austin, as you can tell from his accent.

§  CORRETA porque a expressão idiomática “AS YOU CAN TELL from” é sinônima de “AS YOU CAN SEE from” (AYCS) que se traduz como “Como podemos observar” ou “Como é notável”.

§ He's from Austin, as you can tell from his accent. - Ele é de Austin, como é notável pelo sotaque dele.