quinta-feira, 11 de abril de 2024

UFPR–2024–Vestibular–Língua Inglesa–Universidade Federal do Paraná–Prova com Gabarito.




 08 MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) / 5 Options Each Question.

❑ TEXTO: The following text is reference to questions 83 to 85.
According to the text, it is correct to say that while Teixeira was at home, a local news station was:
(A) recording Teixeira’s video material.
(B) searching for online news on Teixeira.
(C) helping the FBI agents.
(D) hiding inside a helicopter.
(E) running to the back porch of Teixeira’s house.
      Comentários e Gabarito    A  
According to the text, it is correct to say that while Teixeira was at home, a local news station was:
Segundo o texto, é correto dizer que enquanto Teixeira estava em casa, uma emissora local estava:
(A) recording Teixeira’s video materialgravando o material de vídeo de Teixeira.(CORRETA)
(B) searching for online news on Teixeira. buscando notícias online sobre Teixeira.
(C) helping the FBI agents. ajudando os agentes do FBI.
(D) hiding inside a helicopter. escondida dentro de um helicóptero.
(E) running to the back porch of Teixeira’s house. correndo para a varanda dos fundos da casa de Teixeira.
"[...] Moments before his arrest by armed FBI agents on Thursday, a helicopter from a local news station caught footage of 21-year-old Jack Teixeira reading a book on the sun-splashed back porch of his house in North Dighton, Mass."
Momentos antes de sua prisão por agentes armados do FBI na quinta-feira, um helicóptero de uma estação de notícias local FEZ FILMAGENS de Jack Teixeira, de 21 anos, lendo um livro na varanda ensolarada dos fundos de sua casa em North Dighton, Massachusetts.

According to the text, it is correct to say that Jack Teixeira lives:
(A) in a busy large city.
(B) close to a local news station.
(C) in a quiet and peaceful neighborhood.
(D) with some friends.
(E) inside a vehicle.
      Comentários e Gabarito    C  
According to the text, it is correct to say that Jack Teixeira lives:
Segundo o texto, é correto dizer que Jack Teixeira vive:
(A) in a busy large city. em uma cidade grande e movimentada.
(B) close to a local news station. perto de uma estação de notícias local
(C) in a quiet and peaceful neighborhoodem bairro tranquilo e sossegado.(CORRETA)
(D) with some friends. com alguns amigos.
(E) inside a vehicle. dentro de um veículo.
"[...] The dramatic scene playing out in a sleepy, riverside exurb underscored the peculiarity of a case that exposed military documents, complicated relations with U.S. allies, and triggered national embarrassment.
A cena dramática se desenrolando em um subúrbio tranquilo e ribeirinho, destacou a peculiaridade de um caso que expôs documentos militares, complicou as relações com os aliados dos EUA e provocou constrangimento nacional.

One of the reasons the FBI agents arrested Jack Teixeira was that he:
A) took issue with a group called Thug Shaker Central.
B) was part of a spy operation.
C) was an unauthorized member in the Massachusetts Air National Guard.
D) reported illegal activities within the government to someone in authority.
E) put in danger some government papers.
      Comentários e Gabarito    E  
One of the reasons the FBI agents arrested Jack Teixeira was that he:
Uma das razões pelas quais os agentes do FBI prenderam Jack Teixeira foi que ele:
(A) took issue with a group called Thug Shaker Central. discordou de um grupo chamado Thug Shaker Central.
(B) was part of a spy operation. fazia parte de uma operação de espionagem.
(C) was an unauthorized member in the Massachusetts Air National Guard. era um membro não autorizado da Guarda Aérea Nacional de Massachusetts.
(D) reported illegal activities within the government to someone in authority. denunciou atividades ilegais dentro do governo a alguém com autoridade.
(E) put in danger some government paperscolocou em perigo alguns documentos governamentais.(CORRETA)
"[...] The dramatic scene playing out in a sleepy, riverside exurb underscored the peculiarity of a case that exposed military documents, complicated relations with U.S. allies, and triggered national embarrassment.
A cena dramática se desenrolando em um subúrbio tranquilo e ribeirinho, destacou a peculiaridade de um caso que expôs documentos militares, complicou as relações com os aliados dos EUA e provocou constrangimento nacional.
The Strange Saga of Jack Teixeira Reveals New Security Challenges
A estranha saga de Jack Teixeira revela novos desafios de segurança
Moments before his arrest by armed FBI agents on Thursday, a helicopter from a local news station caught footage of 21-year-old Jack Teixeira reading a book on the sun-splashed back porch of his house in North Dighton, Mass.
Momentos antes de sua prisão por agentes armados do FBI na quinta-feira, um helicóptero de uma estação de notícias local capturou filmagens de Jack Teixeira, de 21 anos, lendo um livro na varanda ensolarada dos fundos de sua casa em North Dighton, Massachusetts.
►to catch/caught/caught.
►21-year-old (de 21 anos de idade).
In his front yard, meanwhile, FBI agents in camouflage tactical gear were climbing out of an armored vehicle, tightening the straps of their bullet-proof vests and gripping long guns.
Enquanto isso, em seu jardim da frente, agentes do FBI com camuflagem e equipamentos táticos estavam saindo de uma viatura blindada, apertando as tiras de seus coletes à prova de balas e empunhando armas de longo alcance.
The dramatic scene playing out in a sleepy, riverside exurb underscored the peculiarity of a case that exposed military documents, complicated relations with U.S. allies, and triggered national embarrassment.
A cena dramática se desenrolando em um subúrbio tranquilo e ribeirinho, destacou a peculiaridade de um caso que expôs documentos militares, complicou as relações com os aliados dos EUA e provocou constrangimento nacional.
►a sleepy, riverside exurb (um subúrbio tranquilo e ribeirinho).
Intelligence leaks of this magnitude in the past have been the result of an alienated whistle-blower, double agent or successful spy operation.
No passado, fugas de informações desta magnitude foram o resultado de um denunciante alienado, de um agente duplo ou de uma operação de espionagem bem sucedida.
Now arguably the most damaging disclosure of U.S. government documents in a decade may have stemmed from the hubris of a junior enlisted member in the Massachusetts Air National Guard who shared them in a small online chat group called Thug Shaker Central.
Agora, sem dúvida, a divulgação mais prejudicial de documentos do governo dos EUA numa década pode ter resultado da arrogância de um membro júnior alistado na Guarda Aérea Nacional de Massachusetts, que os partilhou num pequeno grupo de chat online chamado Thug Shaker Central.
Available in: https://time.com/6271787/jack-teixeira-arrest-leaks/.
Disponível em: https://time.com/6271787/jack-teixeira - prisão-vazamentos
Consider the following excerpt:
Mark the alternative that completes the brackets in the order they appear in the excerpt.
A) to be found – have never been identified – are.
B) are found – will never be identified – might be.
C) to find – will be identified – are.
D) found – have never been identified – may be.
E) find – have been identified – might be.
      Comentários e Gabarito    D  
► About 90 percent of species [ ] in the Clarion Clipperton Zone [ ], yet they [ ] at risk from mining for minerals such as cobalt and nickel.
► Cerca de 90 por cento das espécies [] na zona Clarion Clipperton [], mas elas [] em risco devido à prospecção de minerais tais como cobalto e níquel.
About 90 percent of species found in the Clarion Clipperton Zone have never been identified, yet they may be at risk from mining for minerals such as cobalt and nickel.
Cerca de 90 por cento das espécies encontradas na zona Clarion Clipperton nunca foram identificadas, mas elas podem estar em risco devido à prospecção de minerais tais como cobalto e níquel.

Consider the following excerpt:
According to the excerpt, it is correct to say that a Michigan student stopped the school bus as he noticed that the driver had:
(A) died.
(B) a sudden vision loss.
(C) a nervous breakdown.
(D) disappeared.
(E) fainted.
      Comentários e Gabarito    E  
According to the excerpt, it is correct to say that a Michigan student stopped the school bus as he noticed that the driver had:
De acordo com o trecho, é correto dizer que um estudante de Michigan parou o ônibus escolar ao perceber que o motorista tinha/teve
(A) died. morrido.
(B) a sudden vision loss. uma súbita perda de visão.
(C) a nervous breakdown. um colapso nervoso.
(D) disappeared. desaparecido.
(E) fainteddesmaiado.
A seventh-grader in Michigan is being heralded a hero after he safely stopped his school bus after the driver passed out.
Um aluno da 7ª série em Michigan, está sendo considerado um herói, depois de parar com segurança seu ônibus escolar logo que o motorista desmaiou.

Consider the following text:
According to the text, it is correct to say that Alexis:
(A) disappeared on her way home.
(B) was found after a long-year search.
(C) is waiting for her mother to pick her up at school. 
(D) is a missing American Black girl.
(E) was kidnapped by her mother.
      Comentários e Gabarito    D  
According to the text, it is correct to say that Alexis:
Segundo o texto, é correto dizer que Alexis:
(A) disappeared on her way home. desapareceu a caminho de casa.
(B) was found after a long-year search. foi encontrado após uma busca de longo ano.
(C) is waiting for her mother to pick her up at school. está esperando a mãe buscá-la na escola.
(D) is a missing American Black girl. é uma garota negra americana desaparecida.
(E) was kidnapped by her mother. foi sequestrada pela mãe.
Alexis, 7 years old and in first grade, always got home from school around 2:05 p.m.
Alexis, de 7 anos e estudante da 1ª série, sempre chegava da escola por volta das 14h05.
When she hadn’t arrived by 2:55 on a Friday in May 2002, her mother, Ayanna Patterson, began to worry. At 3, Patterson ran to the school in a panic.
Quando ela não chegou às 14h55 de uma sexta-feira de maio de 2002, sua mãe, Ayanna Patterson, começou a se preocupar. Às 3h, Patterson correu para a escola em pânico.
“That’s when I found out that my baby never made it,” Patterson told USA TODAY. “She never made it to school.”
“Foi quando descobri que meu bebê nunca fez isso”, disse Patterson ao USA TODAY. “Ela nunca chegou à escola.”
The story of Alexis’ disappearance started with a massive search for the little girl and sympathy for her family, but that quickly changed as her parents became suspects.
A história do desaparecimento de Alexis começou com uma busca massiva pela menina e simpatia por sua família, mas isso mudou rapidamente quando seus pais se tornaram suspeitos.
Over the years, there have been conspiracy theories and false leads and cases of mistaken identity.
Ao longo dos anos, surgiram teorias de conspiração, pistas falsas e casos de identidade equivocada.
Still, her mom has never given up hope that Alexis will come home again someday.
Mesmo assim, sua mãe nunca perdeu a esperança de que Alexis voltasse para casa algum dia. 
In Season 4 of Unsolved, we work to get to the bottom of what really happened to Alexis, what efforts were made to find [...] why so many missing Black kids in America are never found.
Na 4ª temporada de Unsolved, trabalhamos para descobrir o que realmente aconteceu com Alexis, quais esforços foram feitos para descobrir [...] por que tantas crianças negras desaparecidas na América nunca são encontradas.
Available in: https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/news/investigations/2023/04/18/unsolved-season.

❑ TEXTO:The following text is reference to questions 89 and 90.
According to the text, it is correct to say that the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao:
(A) has been refurbished 25 years ago by Frank Gehry.
(B) is a place visitors are interested in exploring both its inside and outside.
(C) is a building that has a structure made almost entirely of cross-laminated timber.
(D) has an architecture similar to the Royal Palace in Madrid.
(E) has straight lines in its building.
      Comentários e Gabarito    B  
According to the text, it is correct to say that the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao:
Segundo o texto, é correto dizer que o Museu Guggenheim de Bilbao:
(A) has been refurbished 25 years ago by Frank Gehry. foi reformado há 25 anos por Frank Gehry.
(B) is a place visitors are interested in exploring both its inside and outsideé um local que os visitantes têm interesse em explorar tanto por dentro quanto por fora.
(C) is a building that has a structure made almost entirely of cross-laminated timber. é um edifício que possui estrutura quase inteiramente de madeira laminada cruzada.
(D) has an architecture similar to the Royal Palace in Madrid. tem uma arquitetura semelhante à do Palácio Real de Madrid.
(E) has straight lines in its building. possui linhas retas em sua construção.

Consider the following sentences about the building of the Royal Collections Gallery:
1. It has eight floors.
2. It has won several architecture awards.
3. It has no wood in its construction.
4. It is placed on the top of a hill with a view of the impressive Casa de Campo park.
Mark the correct alternative.
A) Only affirmative 3 is correct.
B) Only affirmatives 1 and 2 are correct.
C) Only affirmatives 3 and 4 are correct.
D) Only affirmatives 1, 2 and 4 are correct.
E) Affirmatives 1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct.
      Comentários e Gabarito    B  
Consider the following sentences about the building of the Royal Collections Gallery:
Considere as seguintes sentenças sobre a construção da Galeria das Coleções Reais:
1. It has eight floors. Possui oito andares.(CORRETA)
2. It has won several architecture awards. Ganhou vários prêmios de arquitetura.(CORRETA) 
3. It has no wood in its construction. Não possui madeira em sua construção.(ERRADA) 
4. It is placed on the top of a hill with a view of the impressive Casa de Campo park. Situa-se no topo de uma colina com vista para o impressionante parque da Casa de Campo.(ERRADA)
When the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao opened in northern Spain 25 years ago, architect Frank Gehry’s curvy titanium-clad building was itself as much a part of the attraction for many art lovers as the exhibits inside.
Quando o Museu Guggenheim de Bilbao foi inaugurado no norte da Espanha, há 25 anos, o curvilíneo edifício revestido de titânio do arquiteto Frank Gehry era, por si só, uma parte da atração para muitos amantes da arte, assim como as exposições em seu interior.
As Spain opens the long-awaited Royal Collections Gallery in Madrid next week, its sleek new eight-story building, perched on an iconic hillside next to the Royal Palace, may also steal some of the attention from the Old Masters on display.
Enquanto a Espanha inaugura a tão esperada Galeria das Coleções Reais em Madrid na semana seguinte, o seu novo e elegante edifício de oito andares, situado numa encosta icônica ao lado do Palácio Real, também poderá roubar alguma da atenção dos Antigos Mestres em exposição. 
Spanish architects Emilio Tuñon and Luis Mansilla won the 2017 American Architecture Prize and a dozen other awards for this design, built with white concrete, granite and oak and featuring hundreds of windows overlooking the leafy gardens below the Royal Palace and the expansive Casa de Campo park beyond.
Os arquitetos espanhóis Emilio Tuñon e Luis Mansilla ganharam o American Architecture Prize 2017 e uma dúzia de outros prêmios por este projeto, construído em concreto branco, granito e carvalho e com centenas de janelas com vista para os jardins frondosos abaixo do Palácio Real e para o amplo parque da Casa de Campo.
Available in: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/23/style/madrid-royal-collections-museum/index.html. 

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