quinta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2013


❑ Welcome back to another post!

➭ 10 Questions.
 Text (1) – Injury and insult | Is it possible for cancer to develop as a result of an injury? | www.nytimes.com |
 Text (2) – | Smartphone app inquiry launched in Australia | www.bbc.co.uk |
Injury and insult
Is it possible for cancer to develop as a result of an injury?

"It's a common myth that injuries can cause cancer," the American Cancer Society informed on its Website. Until the 1920s, some doctors believed trauma did cause cancer, "despite the failure of injury to cause cancer in experimental animals."

But most medical authorities, including the Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute, see no such link.

The more likely explanation, the society suggests, is that a visit to the doctor for an injury could lead to finding an existing cancer.

Other possibilities are that scar tissue from an old trauma could look like a cancerous lesion and that an injured breast or limb would be more closely watched for cancer to develop.

A single interview-based study of breast cancer in England found that 67 women with breast carcinoma were more likely to report physical trauma to the breast in the preceding five years than 134 women in a matched control group without cancer. The study was criticized because of its size and methodology.

Published in 2002 in The European Journal of Cancer Prevention, the study has not been duplicated. Its authors suggested that it was plausible that models of epithelial cell generation could be a mechanism. But the case is far from proved, even for a single type of cancer.
Internet: <www.nytimes.com> (adapted).
Injury and insult
Lesão e insulto
Is it possible for cancer to develop as a result of an injury?
É possível que o câncer se desenvolva como resultado de uma lesão?
"It's a common myth that injuries can cause cancer," the American Cancer Society informed on its Website. Until the 1920s, some doctors believed trauma did cause cancer, "despite the failure of injury to cause cancer in experimental animals."
"É um mito comum que lesões podem causar câncer", informou a American Cancer Society em seu site. Até a década de 1920, alguns médicos acreditavam que o trauma causava câncer, "apesar de lesões não causarem câncer em animais experimentais".
But most medical authorities, including the Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute, see no such link.

Mas a maioria das autoridades médicas, incluindo a Cancer Society e o National Cancer Institute, não veem esse vínculo.
The more likely explanation, the society suggests, is that a visit to the doctor for an injury could lead to finding an existing cancer.
A explicação mais provável, sugere a sociedade, é que uma visita ao médico por causa de uma lesão pode levar à descoberta de um câncer existente.
Other possibilities are that scar tissue from an old trauma could look like a cancerous lesion and that an injured breast or limb would be more closely watched for cancer to develop.
Outras possibilidades são que o tecido cicatricial de um trauma antigo pode parecer uma lesão cancerígena e que um seio ou membro ferido seria observado mais de perto quanto ao desenvolvimento de câncer.
A single interview-based study of breast cancer in England found that 67 women with breast carcinoma were more likely to report physical trauma to the breast in the preceding five years than 134 women in a matched control group without cancer. The study was criticized because of its size and methodology.
Um único estudo baseado em entrevista sobre câncer de mama na Inglaterra descobriu que 67 mulheres com carcinoma de mama eram mais propensas a relatar trauma físico na mama nos cinco anos anteriores do que 134 mulheres em um grupo de controle pareado sem câncer. O estudo foi criticado por causa de seu tamanho e metodologia.
Published in 2002 in The European Journal of Cancer Prevention, the study has not been duplicated. Its authors suggested that it was plausible that models of epithelial cell generation could be a mechanism. But the case is far from proved, even for a single type of cancer.
Publicado em 2002 no The European Journal of Cancer Prevention, o estudo não foi duplicado. Seus autores sugeriram que era plausível que os modelos de geração de células epiteliais pudessem ser um mecanismo. Mas o caso está longe de ser comprovado, mesmo para um único tipo de câncer.
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
Com base no texto acima, julgue os itens a seguir.
31 The study which was subject to criticism has not been replicated.
32 In the past some doctors believed that injuries caused cancer because this is what animal experiments indicated.
33 Not all doctors believe there is no link between trauma and cancer.
34 According to the text, it has been proved that medical investigation may find cancer even if the patient has no symptoms of the disease.

👉 Questão-Item  31 
The study which was subject to criticism has not been replicated.
(O estudo que foi alvo de críticas não foi replicado.)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Correta 
➽IDEIA CONTEXTUAL, no último parágrafo:
"[...] Published in 2002 in The European Journal of Cancer Prevention, the study has not been duplicated."
(Publicado em 2002 no The European Journal of Cancer Prevention, o estudo não foi duplicado.)

👉 Questão-Item  32 
In the past some doctors believed that injuries caused cancer.
(No passado, alguns médicos acreditavam que os ferimentos causavam câncer porque era isso que as experiências com animais indicavam.)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Errada 
➽IDEIA CONTEXTUAL, houve fracasso da lesão em causar câncer em animais experimentais:
"[...] Until the 1920s, some doctors believed trauma did cause cancer, "despite the failure of injury to cause cancer in experimental animals."
(Até a década de 1920, alguns médicos acreditavam que o trauma causava câncer ", apesar do fracasso da lesão em causar câncer em animais experimentais.)

👉 Questão-Item  33 
Not all doctors believe there is no link between trauma and cancer.
(Nem todos os médicos acreditam que não há ligação entre trauma e câncer.)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Correta 
"[...] Until the 1920s, some doctors believed trauma did cause cancer, "despite the failure of injury to cause cancer in experimental animals."
(Até a década de 1920, alguns médicos acreditavam que o trauma causava câncer ", apesar do fracasso da lesão em causar câncer em animais experimentais.)

👉 Questão-Item  34 
According to the text, it has been proved that medical investigation may find cancer even if the patient has no symptoms of the disease.
(De acordo com o texto, ficou provado que a investigação médica pode encontrar câncer, mesmo que o paciente não tenha sintomas da doença.)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   Errada 
➽ O texto provou nada.
Smartphone app inquiry launched in Australia

Australia's Assistant Treasurer David Bradbury said he would be inviting smartphone owners to "name and shame" apps they were unhappy with.

The inquiry will ask whether users are given enough information about the costs associated with apps before and after they are downloaded.

"In a very short period of time, new mobile devices like smartphones and tablets have changed the way consumers engage in commerce," said Mr Bradbury in a statement. “At the same time though, some consumers have raised concerns about aspects of mobile commerce, particularly when purchases can be made without much difficulty using stored credit card data.”

Mr Bradbury said he was particularly concerned about apps aimed at children, and that encourage the purchase of virtual goods and subscriptions.

“We have strong consumer laws in Australia that protect the rights of consumers and place clear obligations on businesses,” he said. “This inquiry is an opportunity to look at the adequacy of existing measures to address any consumer concern.”

The inquiry, which will start soon, will be carried out by the government’s Consumer Affairs Advisory Council.
Internet: <www.bbc.co.uk> (adapted)
Smartphone app inquiry launched in Australia
Pesquisa de aplicativo para smartphone lançada na Austrália
Australia's Assistant Treasurer David Bradbury said he would be inviting smartphone owners to "name and shame" apps they were unhappy with.
O tesoureiro assistente da Austrália, David Bradbury, disse que convidaria os proprietários de smartphones a "nomear e envergonhar" os aplicativos com os quais não estavam satisfeitos.
The inquiry will ask whether users are given enough information about the costs associated with apps before and after they are downloaded.
A consulta perguntará se os usuários recebem informações suficientes sobre os custos associados aos aplicativos antes e depois do download.
"In a very short period of time, new mobile devices like smartphones and tablets have changed the way consumers engage in commerce," said Mr Bradbury in a statement. “At the same time though, some consumers have raised concerns about aspects of mobile commerce, particularly when purchases can be made without much difficulty using stored credit card data.”
"Em um período muito curto de tempo, novos dispositivos móveis como smartphones e tablets mudaram a forma como os consumidores se engajam no comércio", disse Bradbury em um comunicado. “Ao mesmo tempo, porém, alguns consumidores levantaram preocupações sobre aspectos do comércio móvel, particularmente quando as compras podem ser feitas sem muita dificuldade usando dados de cartão de crédito armazenados.”
Mr Bradbury said he was particularly concerned about apps aimed at children, and that encourage the purchase of virtual goods and subscriptions.
Bradbury disse estar particularmente preocupado com aplicativos voltados para crianças e que incentivam a compra de bens virtuais e assinaturas.
“We have strong consumer laws in Australia that protect the rights of consumers and place clear obligations on businesses,” he said. “This inquiry is an opportunity to look at the adequacy of existing measures to address any consumer concern.”
“Temos fortes leis do consumidor na Austrália que protegem os direitos dos consumidores e estabelecem obrigações claras para as empresas”, disse ele. “Esta investigação é uma oportunidade para analisar a adequação das medidas existentes para abordar qualquer preocupação do consumidor.”
The inquiry, which will start soon, will be carried out by the government’s Consumer Affairs Advisory Council.
A apuração, que será iniciada em breve, será realizada pelo Conselho Consultivo de Defesa do Consumidor do governo.
Based on the text above, judge the following items.

Com base no texto acima, julgue os itens a seguir.
35 The inquiry was motivated by the sudden change in the way shoppers shop.  – A investigação foi motivada pela mudança repentina na forma como os compradores compram. (ERRADA)
36 The ease with which purchases can be made on mobile devices is mentioned as a specific concern.  – A facilidade com que as compras podem ser feitas em dispositivos móveis é mencionada como uma preocupação específica(CORRETA)
37 The Assistant Treasurer considers worrying the way children, in particular, are led to spend money on products.  – O Tesoureiro Adjunto considera preocupante a forma como as crianças, em particular, são levadas a gastar dinheiro em produtos(CORRETA)
38 The inquiry was motivated by a generalized feeling that consumers' rights are being infringed on.  – O inquérito foi motivado por um sentimento generalizado de violação dos direitos dos consumidores(ERRADA)
39 The aim of the inquiry mentioned on the text is to
identify apps which do not disclose precise information about costs involved in its use.  – O objetivo da consulta mencionada no texto é identificar aplicativos que não divulgam informações precisas sobre os custos envolvidos em seu uso(CORRETA)
40 Users are invited to identify and denounce the apps which they find unsatisfying.  – Os usuários são convidados a identificar e denunciar os aplicativos que consideram insatisfatórios(CORRETA)

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