sábado, 20 de dezembro de 2014


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ntro Brasileiro de Pesquisa em Avaliação e Seleção e de Promoção de Eventos.


01-C, 02-E, 03-E, 04-E, 05-E
06-E, 07-C, 08-C, 09-C, 10-C


[a powerful reminder = um lembrete poderoso"]
[active service = serviço ativo / serviço militar) é sinônimo de "assist at work" (estar presente no trabalho). ]
[hull (RRâl) = casco]
[newly = recently = recentemente]
[into dominance of the sea="no domínio do mar"] 
[Ironsides = "algo muito resistente" ou "uma pessoa com grande resistência"]
[commissioned vessel = embarcação encomendada
, embarcação sob encomenda]
[frigate (Frêguê) = fragata /navio de guerra]
[glanced off  (ricochetear) = é sinônimo de "baunce", "rebound", "ricochet"]👴
[merchant shipping = frota / transporte mercante / comercial]
[Navy yard = estaleiro da Marinha]
[shipyard = estaleiro]
[the standard run of frigate = a tendência padrão de]
[the nation's earliest steps = os primeiros passos da nação]
[the Navy's capital ships = os navios principais da Marinha]
[to berth =sinônimo de "anchor"(ancorar),"moor"(atracar)]
[to default (derrotar) = "capture"(capturar)","vanquish"(vencer),"beat" (bater),"conquer" (conquistar) ]
[to glance = dar uma olhada rápida","dar uma olhadela"]
[to overhaul = to make the repairs, adjustments=sinônimo de "examine"(examinar),"inspect"(inspecionar),"verify"(verificar)]
[to break up = "desmontar" ou "separar/dividir em partes menores"]
[to glance off = "ricochetear", "bater em algo e desviar", "bater de raspão" ]
[to give away = "reveal"(revelar) ou "donate"(doar) ou "bestow" (conceder)]
[bicentennial in 1997= bicentenário em 1997]
[the Naval Act of 1794 = O decreto naval de 1794]
[Throughout the last 200 years = Ao longo dos últimos 200] 
[wooden-hulled = casco/carcaça de madeira]

TEXT: Nos itens de 01 a 10, a seguir, são avaliados conhecimentos em língua inglesa.

USS Constitution under sail in Massachusetts Bay, 21 July 1997. USS Constitution is a wooden-hulled, three-masted heavy frigate of the United States Navy. Named after the Constitution of the United States of America by President George Washington, she is the oldest commissioned vessel afloat in the world. Constitution, launched in 1797, was one of the six original frigates authorized for construction by the Naval Act of 1794 to be the Navy's capital ships, and so Constitution and her sisters were larger and more heavily armed than the standard run of frigate. Built in Boston, Massachusetts, her first duty with the newly formed United States Navy was to provide protection for American merchant shipping during the Quasi War with France and to defeat the Barbary pirates in the First Barbary War.
Her most famous era of naval warfare was the War of 1812 against Great Britain, when she defeated five British warships. From the battle with Guerriere, she earned the nickname of "Old Ironsides" because cannon balls glanced off her thick hull. She continued to actively serve the nation as flagship in the Mediterranean and African squadrons and circled the world in the 1840s. From 1853 to 1855 she patrolled the coast of Africa searching for illegal slave traders. During the American Civil War, the sailing frigate gave way to the progress of shipbuilding. For several years "Old Ironsides" was used as a training ship for the United States Naval Academy. Considered unfit to sea, the USS Constitution was rescued from destruction when Oliver Wendell Holmes's poem "Old Ironsides" launched a preservation movement in 1830. Retired from active service in 1881, she served as a receiving ship until designated a museum ship in 1907, and in 1931 she made a three year 90-port tour of the nation. The frigate was completely overhauled for its bicentennial in 1997 and it sailed under its own power, drawing international attention.
Now the oldest U.S. warship still in commission, Constitution remains a powerful reminder of the nation's earliest steps into dominance of the sea. The Naval Historical 37 Center Detachment of Boston is responsible for planning and performing her maintenance, repair and restoration, keeping her as close to her 1812 configuration as possible. She is berthed at Pier 1 of the former Charlestown Navy Yard, at one end of Boston’s Freedom Trail, and she is open to the public year round.

Internet: <www.wikipedia.org> (adapted).

Based on the text, judge the following items.

01. Throughout the last 200 years as Constitution's purpose and function changed from fighting warship, to training vessel, to receiving ship, to dock side exhibit.

02. USS Constitution was the first ship of line built in the United States to defend the young American nation.

03. After minor repair USS Constitution celebrated its 200th birthday in 1997 making passage under her own sail in Massachusetts Bay.

04. USS Constitution returned in 1931 after a three-year world circumnavigation scheduled journey.

05. Because of an inspirational poem, the USS Constitution was reported unseaworthy and condemned to be broken up, but the museum helped to raise funds for her overhauling.

06. In 1934, Old Ironsides returns to her place of honor in Boston harbor after a national cruise to ninety American different cities.

07. “wooden-hulled” (R.1) and “three-masted” (R.1), related to “USS Constitution”, are examples of modifying compounds that are often hyphenated when preceding a noun.

08. In the text, "glanced" (R.17) can be replaced by bounced without any change in meaning.

09. "actively serve" (R.18) means assist at work.

10. "was used" (R.24) can be substituted by served, maintaining the same tense.

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