quinta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2014

FGV-2009-EAESP-ADMINISTRAÇÃO-VESTIBULAR-2º SEMESTRE-Fundação Getúlio Vargas & Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo- Prova de INGLÊS com gabarito e Questões Comentadas - https://valdenorenglish.blogspot.com/

Welcome back to another post!
NESTE POST: PROVA de INGLÊS da FGV-2008-VESTIBULAR 1º SEMESTRE, prova aplicada em 02/12/2008.
LEITURA de textos de jornais digitais, revistas, websites, é um excelente treino para a prova.
• 15 Questões(múltiplas escolhas com 05 alternativas cada).
TÓPICOS ABORDADOS ao longo da prova:
• [ = ]
• [ = ]
• [ = ]
• [ = ]
• [ = ]
• [convicted = condenado]
• [ = ]
8-NOUN PHRASES(Adjective+noun):
• [fingerprint evidence = evidência de impressão digital]
9-IDIOMS(Expressões Idiomáticas):
• [ = ]
• [ = ]
11-TECHNICAL ENGLISH(Business English, Finance English, Legal English and so on):
• [ = ]
• [ = ]
• [ = ]
• [ = ]
Vamos à Prova:
• TEXTO 1:
Sticky fingers
By Olivia Judson
In 1905, two brothers, Alfred and Albert Stratton, were found guilty of murdering a shopkeeper and his wife in Deptford, a town outside London. The evidence? A thumbprint at the scene of the crime. The brothers were hanged.
The Stratton trial was the first time in Western jurisprudence that fingerprint evidence had been presented in a murder case. As such, it was a triumph for Charles Darwin's cousin Francis Galton. Galton had spent years collecting fingerprints, studying and classifying their patterns of loops, arches, and whorls. It was he who had not just speculated, but demonstrated that fingerprints are a reliable way of telling one person from another, and persuaded the police that they could be used to solve crimes.
Up to that point, fingerprints had been used not as a means to identify criminals, but as a way for you to prove that you were you and not someone else. The ancient Babylonians sometimes impressed fingerprints on clay tablets that recorded business transactions, and centuries ago the Chinese made use of thumbprints on clay seals. In India in the nineteenth century, a fingerprint took the place of a signature for people who were illiterate and could not, therefore, sign their names. The first use of fingerprints by "officialdom" didn't come until the 1860s, when William Herschel, a magistrate for the British colonial administration in India, realized that fingerprints could be used as a means of identification when people came to collect their pensions. The person collecting the pension would give a print, which would be compared to a print on file; in that way, fingerprints could be used to prevent identity fraud.
In instituting this, Herschel made the assumption that individuals have unique fingerprints; the fact that it was actually so remained to be proved. That proof was provided by Galton, who demonstrated statistically that the odds of two people having the same fingerprints are vanishingly remote. He also – using prints sent to him by Herschel – confirmed Herschel's observation that fingerprints do not change with age, a crucial feature if they were to be a reliable form of identification. And Galton began to develop a method for cataloging fingerprints, so that police could file fingerprints by type and quickly compare any two sets. (A full-fledged cataloging system, based on Galton's, was subsequently developed by Edward Richard Henry, who had served as inspector general of police in Bengal; the fingerprint classification system came to be known as the "Henry System.") In short, Galton laid the groundwork for the police to begin to build a usable fingerprint database.
NATURAL HISTORY – December 2008/January 2009
👉 Questão  31 :
According to the information in the article, Alfred and Albert Stratton
a) were the first people to be convicted of murder because of fingerprint evidence.
b) were the first people to use fingerprints to prove that a murder had been committed.
c) worked with the police to develop the use of fingerprints to solve a murder.
d) found the fingerprints of a shopkeeper and his wife murdered near London.
e) E admitted that they had murdered a shopkeeper and his wife near London.
R E S P O S T A :   A
• De acordo com as informações do artigo, Alfred e Albert Stratton
a) were the first people to be convicted of murder because of fingerprint evidence.
• foram as primeiras pessoas a serem condenadas por assassinato por causa de evidências de impressões digitais.
• Informação (A) de acordo com o trecho:
• "[...] The Stratton trial was the first time in Western jurisprudence that fingerprint evidence had been presented in a murder case."
• O julgamento de Stratton foi a primeira vez na jurisprudência ocidental que uma prova de impressão digital foi apresentada em um caso de assassinato.
b) were the first people to use fingerprints to prove that a murder had been committed.
• foram as primeiras pessoas a usar impressões digitais para provar que um assassinato havia sido cometido.
c) worked with the police to develop the use of fingerprints to solve a murder.
• trabalharam com a polícia para desenvolver o uso de impressões digitais para solucionar um assassinato.
d) found the fingerprints of a shopkeeper and his wife murdered near London.
• encontraram as impressões digitais de um lojista e sua esposa assassinados perto de Londres.
e) admitted that they had murdered a shopkeeper and his wife near London.
👉 Questão  32 :
Which of the following probably best explains the importance of Francis Galton?
a) In helping to investigate a murder near London, he proved that a thumbprint at the scene of the crime belonged to one of the Stratton brothers.
b) He was the first person to collect and use fingerprint samples on a systematic basis.
c) He was the first person to use fingerprints as a reliable means of identification.
d) He was the person who found the thumbprint that the police used to convict Alfred and Albert Stratton of murder.
e) He was the first person to show that each person’s fingerprints are unique and therefore can be used to help solve crimes.
R E S P O S T A :   E
• Qual das alternativas a seguir provavelmente explica melhor a importância de Francis Galton?
a) In helping to investigate a murder near London, he proved that a thumbprint at the scene of the crime belonged to one of the Stratton brothers.
• Ao ajudar a investigar um assassinato perto de Londres, ele provou que uma impressão digital na cena do crime pertencia a um dos irmãos Stratton.
b) He was the first person to collect and use fingerprint samples on a systematic basis.
• Ele foi a primeira pessoa a coletar e usar amostras de impressões digitais de maneira sistemática.
c) He was the first person to use fingerprints as a reliable means of identification.
• Ele foi a primeira pessoa a usar as impressões digitais como meio confiável de identificação.
d) He was the person who found the thumbprint that the police used to convict Alfred and Albert Stratton of murder.
• Ele foi a pessoa que encontrou a impressão digital que a polícia usou para condenar Alfred e Albert Stratton por assassinato.
e) He was the first person to show that each person’s fingerprints are unique and therefore can be used to help solve crimes.
• Ele foi a primeira pessoa a mostrar que as impressões digitais de cada pessoa são únicas e, portanto, podem ser usadas para ajudar a resolver crimes.
👉 Questão  33 :
According to the information in the article,
a) in the nineteenth century, India’s knowledge of fingerprints was more advanced than China’s.
b) to facilitate commerce between their countries in the nineteenth century, the Indians and the Chinese used fingerprints to register cross-border business transactions.
c) in India in the nineteenth century, an illiterate person could give his fingerprint instead of his signature.
d) the Indian intelligentsia in the nineteenth century used fingerprints instead of signatures to identify themselves.
e) for Indians in the nineteenth century, giving your fingerprint instead of signing your name was considered a disgrace.
R E S P O S T A :   C
• De acordo com as informações do artigo,
a) in the nineteenth century, India’s knowledge of fingerprints was more advanced than China’s.
• no século XIX, o conhecimento da Índia sobre impressões digitais era mais avançado do que o da China.
b) to facilitate commerce between their countries in the nineteenth century, the Indians and the Chinese used fingerprints to register cross-border business transactions.
• para facilitar o comércio entre seus países no século XIX, os indianos e os chineses usaram as impressões digitais para registrar transações comerciais transfronteiriças.
c) in India in the nineteenth century, an illiterate person could give his fingerprint instead of his signature.
• na Índia do século XIX, um analfabeto podia fornecer sua impressão digital em vez de sua assinatura.
d) the Indian intelligentsia in the nineteenth century used fingerprints instead of signatures to identify themselves.
• a intelectualidade indiana do século XIX usava impressões digitais em vez de assinaturas para se identificar.
e) for Indians in the nineteenth century, giving your fingerprint instead of signing your name was considered a disgrace.
• para os índios do século XIX, dar a impressão digital em vez de assinar o nome era considerado uma vergonha.
👉 Questão  34 :
According to the information in the article, in the 1860s William Herschel
a) set up a fingerprint-identification system in colonial India to prevent fraud when people received their retirement money.
b) became chief magistrate for the British colonial pension administration in India.
c) decided that Indians must leave a signature when they collected their pensions from the British colonial administration.
d) restructured India’s colonial pension system.
e) made it impossible for illiterate Indians to defraud the British colonial administration in India.
R E S P O S T A :   A
• De acordo com as informações do artigo, na década de 1860
William Herschel
a) set up a fingerprint-identification system in colonial India to prevent fraud when people received their retirement money.
• estabelece um sistema de identificação por impressão digital na Índia colonial para evitar fraudes quando as pessoas recebessem o dinheiro da aposentadoria.
b) became chief magistrate for the British colonial pension administration in India.
• tornou-se magistrado-chefe da administração de pensões colonial britânica na Índia.
c) decided that Indians must leave a signature when they collected their pensions from the British colonial administration.
• decidiu que os índios deveriam deixar uma assinatura ao receberem suas pensões da administração colonial britânica.
d) restructured India’s colonial pension system.
• reestruturou o sistema de pensões colonial da Índia.
e) made it impossible for illiterate Indians to defraud the British colonial administration in India.
• tornou impossível para índios analfabetos fraudar a administração colonial britânica na Índia.
👉 Questão  35 :
In paragraph 4, “this” in the phrase “In instituting this…” most likely refers to
a) a pension system for British civil servants in colonial India.
b) fingerprint identification to prevent dishonesty in the pension system.
c) the use of fingerprints in identifying known criminals.
d) a restructuring of fingerprint-identification techniques
e) a strengthening of pension laws in British colonial India.
R E S P O S T A :   B
 No parágrafo 4, “this” na frase  “In instituting this…”(Ao instituir isto) muito provavelmente se refere a
a) a pension system for British civil servants in colonial India.
• um sistema de pensões para funcionários públicos britânicos na Índia colonial.
b) fingerprint identification to prevent dishonesty in the pension system.
• identificação por impressão digital para evitar desonestidade no sistema previdenciário.
c) the use of fingerprints in identifying known criminals.
• o uso de impressões digitais na identificação de criminosos conhecidos.
d) a restructuring of fingerprint-identification techniques.
• uma reestruturação das técnicas de identificação de impressão digital.
e) a strengthening of pension laws in British colonial India.
• um fortalecimento das leis de pensões na Índia colonial britânica.
👉 Questão  36 :
According to the information in the article,
a) William Herschel developed modern police fingerprinting techniques.
b) William Herschel was unaware of the great importance of fingerprints in solving crimes.
c) William Herschel believed that no fingerprint is the same as any other fingerprint, but he never proved it.
d) William Herschel’s work in India proved that each fingerprint is unique.
e) William Herschel’s use of fingerprint identification eliminated fraud in the British colonial administration in India.
R E S P O S T A :   C
 De acordo com as informações do artigo,
a) William Herschel developed modern police fingerprinting techniques.
• William Herschel desenvolveu técnicas modernas de impressão digital da polícia.
b) William Herschel was unaware of the great importance of fingerprints in solving crimes.
• William Herschel desconhecia a grande importância das impressões digitais na resolução de crimes.
c) William Herschel believed that no fingerprint is the same as any other fingerprint, but he never proved it.
• William Herschel acreditava que nenhuma impressão digital é igual a qualquer outra impressão digital, mas nunca o provou.
d) William Herschel’s work in India proved that each fingerprint is unique.
• O trabalho de William Herschel na Índia provou que cada impressão digital é única.
e) William Herschel’s use of fingerprint identification eliminated fraud in the British colonial administration in India.
• O uso de identificação por impressão digital por William Herschel eliminou a fraude na administração colonial britânica na Índia.
👉 Questão  37 :
Which of the following probably best describes the “crucial feature” mentioned in paragraph 4?
a) Fingerprints can be an important part of police investigations.
b) Each person’s fingerprints are unique.
c) It is possible to collect and catalog fingerprints.
d) As the years pass, a person’s fingerprints remain the same.
e) Only identical twins can have identical fingerprints.
R E S P O S T A :   D

👉 Questão  38 :
With respect to the information in the article, which of the following is not true about Francis Galton?
a) He was related to Charles Darwin.
b) His fingerprint cataloging system is an important part of police work around the world.
c) His fingerprint research took years.
d) In his fingerprint work he received help from William Herschel.
e) He verified the existence of important fingerprint characteristics.
R E S P O S T A :   B

• TEXTO 2:

At a time when much of the global economy is falling apart and demand both for consumer goods and the firms that make and finance them is collapsing, the notoriously cyclical world of agriculture is holding up remarkably well. Prices for grains and meat are down from the peaks of mid-2008, but are 30-50% above their averages over the past decade. There is reason to believe that this strength is more than just another of the many bubbles that have recently inflated, only to pop.
Higher prices are hardly a universal blessing: they are good for farmers, many of whom are poor, but bad for consumers. Some of the increase can be blamed on the shift of crops from food to fuel, prompted by wildly inefficient subsidies. But high prices are also a sign of progress because their single largest cause is the steady increase in demand from poorer countries, as people there eat more food – especially more protein. More people are better nourished thanks to a bit more grain, a lot more meat, and much more milk.
China's role has been profound, reflecting its enormous economic progress and huge population. In the past decade, says Carlo Caiani of Caiani & Company, an investment-advisory firm based in Melbourne, the consumption of milk has grown seven-fold, and that of olive oil six-fold. China is consuming twice as much vegetable oil (instead of less healthy pork fat), 60% more poultry, 30% more beef and 25% more wheat, and these are merely the obvious foods. Scores of niches have expanded dramatically: people are drinking four times as much wine, for example.
And yet even with all this growth, people in China still, on average, consume only one-third as much milk and meat as people in wealthy countries such as Australia, America and Britain. The gap is even larger with India, which is also growing fast. Overall, protein intake in Europe and America is unlikely to expand much, but a combination of rising incomes and population in developing countries could increase demand by more than 5% annually for years to come. "Once people are accustomed to eating more protein, they won't take it out of their diet," says Mr Caiani.
Expanding supply at the same rate will be difficult, because the amount of arable land under cultivation is growing by only a fraction of a percentage point each year. In China and India many of the most fertile areas are the ones being developed for roads and factories. That means existing land is becoming more valuable, and must become more productive.
The Economist – March 21st 2009
👉 Questão  39 :
According to the information in the article, though much of the global economy is falling apart,
a) prices for agricultural products have remained stable for the past decade.
b) the cyclical nature of agriculture has caused an increased worldwide demand for food products.
c) certain food prices, though not as high as they once were, have shown themselves to be surprisingly resilient.
d) prices for agricultural commodities are at their highest level in a decade.
e) agricultural firms have been able to continue producing food despite their diminished access to outside financial support.
R E S P O S T A :   C

👉 Questão  40 :
Which of the following is most likely the author’s opinion of the current state of agriculture?
a) As the cyclical nature of agriculture has become more quantifiable, it is now possible to predict with greater certainty commodity-price increases and decreases.
b) Though prices for agricultural products have fallen since last year, they are still somewhat inflated and so will probably fall even more.
c) In terms of real monetary value, prices for agricultural products are anywhere from 30-50% higher than what they should be.
d) Despite the unstable situation of the global economy, it seems quite possible that, unlike other businesses, agriculture will continue to be robust.
e) The apparently strong worldwide situation of agriculture is in reality a speculative bubble that is ready to burst.
R E S P O S T A :   D

👉 Questão  41 :
With respect to food prices, which of the following is most supported by information in the article?
a) Food prices have increased in part because some crops are no longer being used for food.
b) Food prices have increased greatly because people from all countries are eating much more protein than they used to.
c) In developing countries, the poor segments of society have suffered greatly because of increasing food prices.
d) Though food has become more expensive, farmers in general have been unable to increase their income.
e) Inefficient agricultural subsidies have encouraged unprofitable farming practices that result in wasted food.
R E S P O S T A :   A

👉 Questão  42 :
In paragraph 3, the phrase “China’s role has been profound…” most likely means that
a) China has made progress but still has the largest number of undernourished people in the world.
b) China’s huge population now enjoys much better nutrition thanks to the country’s enormous economic progress.
c) China’s increased food consumption has been a major factor in keeping world prices of agricultural products relatively high.
d) as China now consumes more milk and olive oil than any other country, prices for those products have been increasing steadily.
e) by increasing its agricultural production, China has been significant in facilitating greater protein consumption in poorer countries.
R E S P O S T A :   C

👉 Questão  43 :
According to Carlo Caiani of Caiani & Company,
a) China’s increased protein consumption is currently the most important reason that world agricultural prices have remained high.
b) China is now the world’s biggest consumer of protein.
c) eating more protein is an important part of anyone’s healthy diet.
d)taking  into consideration the increased protein consumption in poor countries has become an important factor in planning investment strategies.
e) when a larger amount of protein becomes a normal part of a person’s diet, it is likely to remain so.
R E S P O S T A :   E

👉 Questão  44 :
Which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?
a) Despite its strongly cyclical nature, agriculture is the one business in the world that has not been negatively affected by the current global economic crisis.
b) Though China’s food consumption has increased dramatically in the past decade, most of that country’s farmers have remained in poverty.
c) Though Australia, America and Britain produce much of the world’s food, their food intake has actually decreased in recent years.
d) Though China’s economic power and consequent food intake have grown tremendously in recent years, its meat and milk consumption is still far behind that of some of the rich countries.
e) Though India’s economy is growing fast, its per capita food consumption has remained at essentially the same level for the past decade.
R E S P O S T A :   D

👉 Questão  45 :
Which of the following is not mentioned as a problem that China and India face in feeding their populations?
a) In those two countries, some of the best land is being used more and more for industrial purposes instead of for agriculture.
b) Over-cultivation has resulted in the decreased fertility of a large amount of agricultural land in those two countries.
c) In those two countries, new roads are occupying land that once was used for agriculture.
d) Because of increasing demand, the available agricultural land in those countries must grow more and more food.
e) Around the world, the amount of land that can be used for agriculture is increasing very little year by year.
R E S P O S T A :   B

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