quinta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2014


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 15 Multiple Choice Questions / 5 Options Each Question.
 Text (1) – Fellow Traveler – Natural History (8 questions)
 Text (2) – The Price of Suspicion – Newsweek (7 questions)
 TEXT 1:

Fellow Traveler

By Neil deGrasse Tyson

1    One floodlit midnight in early October 1957, beside the river Syr Darya in the Republic of Kazakhstan – while office workers in New York were taking their afternoon break – Soviet rocket scientists were launching a two-foot-wide, polished aluminum sphere into Earth orbit. By the time New Yorkers sat down to dinner, the sphere had completed its second full orbit, and the Soviets had informed Washington of their triumph: Sputnik 1, humanity's first artificial satellite, was tracing an ellipse around Earth every ninety-six minutes, reaching a peak altitude of nearly 600 miles.

2    The next morning, October 5, a report of the satellite's ascent appeared in Pravda, the ruling Communist Party's official newspaper. ("Sputnik," by the way, simply means "satellite" or, more generally, "fellow traveler.") Following a few paragraphs of straight facts, Pravda adopts a celebratory tone and ends on a note of undiluted propaganda:

3    “The successful launching of the first manmade earth satellite makes a most important contribution to the treasure-house of world science and culture...

4    Artificial earth satellites will pave the way to interplanetary traveI and apparently our contemporaries will witness how the freed and conscientious labor of the people of the new socialist society makes the most daring dreams of mankind a reality.” The space race between Uncle Sam and the Reds had begun. Round one had ended in a knockout. Ham radio operators could track the satellite’s persistent beeps at 20.005 megacycles and vouch for its existence. Birdwatchers and stargazers alike could see the shiny little ball with their binoculars.
5    And that was only the beginning: the Soviet Union won not only round one but nearly all the other rounds as well. Yes, in 1969 America put the first man on the Moon. But let’s curb our enthusiasm and look at the Soviet Union’s achievement during the first three decades of the Space Age.

Natural History, October 2007


According to the information in the article, which of the following probably best expresses the importance of what happened in early October 1957?

a) Americans were completely surprised by the size of the artificial satellite that had been built by the Soviet Union.
b) The Soviet Union offered concrete proof that its political system could perform better than that of the United States.
c) It was the first time that an artificial satellite was able to complete more than two orbits of Earth.
d) It was the first time that an artificial satellite was put into orbit around Earth.
e) It was the first time that a country other than the United States successfully put an artificial satellite into orbit.

R e s p o s t a :   D

• De acordo com as informações do artigo, qual das alternativas a seguir provavelmente expressa melhor a importância do que aconteceu no início de outubro de 1957?

a) Americans were completely surprised by the size of the artificial satellite that had been built by the Soviet Union.

• Os americanos ficaram completamente surpresos com o tamanho do satélite artificial construído pela União Soviética.

b) The Soviet Union offered concrete proof that its political system could perform better than that of the United States.

• A União Soviética ofereceu provas concretas de que seu sistema político poderia ter um desempenho melhor do que o dos Estados Unidos.

c) It was the first time that an artificial satellite was able to complete more than two orbits of Earth.

• Foi a primeira vez que um satélite artificial conseguiu completar mais de duas órbitas da Terra.

d) It was the first time that an artificial satellite was put into orbit around Earth.

• Foi a primeira vez que um satélite artificial foi colocado em órbita ao redor da Terra.

• Informação (D) de acordo com o trecho:

• “[...] Sputnik 1, humanity's first artificial satellite, was tracing an ellipse around Earth every ninety-six minutes, reaching a peak altitude of nearly 600 miles.

• o Sputnik 1, o 1º satélite artificial da humanidade, estava traçando uma elipse ao redor da Terra a cada noventa e seis minutos, alcançando uma altitude de pico de quase 600 milhas.

e) It was the first time that a country other than the United States successfully put an artificial satellite into orbit.

• Foi a primeira vez que um país diferente dos Estados Unidos colocou com sucesso um satélite artificial em órbita.


According to the information in the article, Sputnik 1

a) was at first intended to be a joint Soviet/U.S. project.
b) was never at a distance of more than 600 miles from Earth during its orbit.
c) spent a total of 96 minutes in orbit before returning to Earth.
d) was a small object with a relatively primitive, square shape.
e) traveled a total of 600 miles before returning to Earth.

R e s p o s t a :   B

• De acordo com as informações do artigo, Sputnik 1

a) was at first intended to be a joint Soviet/U.S. project.

• inicialmente pretendia ser um projeto união soviética / norte-americana.
b) was never at a distance of more than 600 miles from Earth during its orbit.

• nunca esteve a uma distância de mais de 600 milhas da Terra durante sua órbita.

• Informação (B) de acordo com o trecho:

• “[...] Sputnik 1, humanity's first artificial satellite, was tracing an ellipse around Earth every ninety-six minutes, reaching a peak altitude of nearly 600 miles.

• o Sputnik 1, o 1º satélite artificial da humanidade, estava traçando uma elipse ao redor da Terra a cada noventa e seis minutos, alcançando uma altitude de pico de quase 600 milhas.
c) spent a total of 96 minutes in orbit before returning to Earth.

• passou um total de 96 minutos em órbita antes de retornar à Terra.
d) was a small object with a relatively primitive, square shape.

• era um pequeno objeto com uma forma quadrada relativamente primitiva.
e) traveled a total of 600 miles before returning to Earth.

• viajou um total de 600 milhas antes de retornar à Terra.


According to the information in the article, which of the following probably best describes the report that appeared in Pravda on October 5?

a) It was a mixture of factual reporting, political propaganda, and pride in the achievement of Sputnik 1.
b) It was nothing more than dishonest political propaganda.
c) It was an attempt to make the launching of Sputnik 1 seem more important than it really was.
d) It was an example of typical Soviet journalism.
e) It was an attempt to make the United States afraid of the Soviet Union’s scientific and military power.

R e s p o s t a :   A

• De acordo com as informações do artigo, qual das alternativas a seguir provavelmente melhor descreve o relatório publicado no Pravda em 5 de outubro?

a) It was a mixture of factual reporting, political propaganda, and pride in the achievement of Sputnik 1.

• Foi uma mistura de reportagem factual, propaganda política e orgulho pela realização do Sputnik 1.

• Informação (A) de acordo com o trecho:

• “[...]Following a few paragraphs of straight facts, Pravda adopts a celebratory tone and ends on a note of undiluted propaganda: “The successful launching of the first manmade earth satellite makes a most important contribution to the treasure-house of world science and culture...”

• Após alguns parágrafos de fatos corretos, o Pravda adota um tom de celebração e termina com uma nota de propaganda pura: “O sucesso o lançamento do primeiro satélite terrestre feito pelo homem é uma contribuição muito importante para o tesouro da ciência e da cultura mundial ...

b) It was nothing more than dishonest political propaganda.

• Não foi nada mais do que propaganda política desonesta.

c) It was an attempt to make the launching of Sputnik 1 seem more important than it really was.

• Foi uma tentativa de fazer o lançamento do Sputnik 1 parecer mais importante do que realmente era.

d) It was an example of typical Soviet journalism.

• Foi um exemplo de jornalismo soviético típico.

e) It was an attempt to make the United States afraid of the Soviet Union’s scientific and military power.

• Foi uma tentativa de fazer os Estados Unidos temerem o poder científico e militar da União Soviética.


According to the Pravda report ,

a) the success of Sputnik 1 meant that in 10 years humans would land on the Moon.
b) the people who built Sputnik 1 were volunteers working without pay.
c) socialism is both a scientific and a political system.

d) the success of Sputnik 1 demonstrated that one day rockets would be able to travel to other planets.
e) the people who developed Sputnik 1 had once worked in labor camps.

R e s p o s t a :   D

• De acordo com o relatório do Pravda,
a) the success of Sputnik 1 meant that in 10 years humans would land on the Moon.

• o sucesso do Sputnik 1 significava que em 10 anos os humanos pousariam na lua.
b) the people who built Sputnik 1 were volunteers working without pay.

• as pessoas que construíram o Sputnik 1 eram voluntários trabalhando sem remuneração.
c) socialism is both a scientific and a political system.

• o socialismo é um sistema científico e político.

d) the success of Sputnik 1 demonstrated that one day rockets would be able to travel to other planets.

• o sucesso do Sputnik 1 demonstrou que um dia os foguetes seriam capazes de viajar para outros planetas.
e) the people who developed Sputnik 1 had once worked in labor camps.

• as pessoas que desenvolveram o Sputnik 1 já trabalharam em campos de trabalho forçado.


In paragraph 4, the sentence “Round one had ended in a knockout” most likely means which of the following?

a) In the early days of the space race, both sides had equal technology.
b) Money, politics, and technology were the decisive factors in the space race.
c) The Soviet Union’s triumph in the opening days of the space race was also its last victory in the area of science and technology.
d) In the first stage of the space race, the Soviet Union was the decisive winner.
e) The successful launching of Sputnik 1 meant that the Soviet Union would never lose its dominant position in the space race.

R e s p o s t a :   D

• No parágrafo 4, a frase Round one had ended in a knockout(O primeiro round terminou em nocaute) provavelmente significa qual das seguintes opções?
a) In the early days of the space race, both sides had equal technology.

• Nos primeiros dias da corrida espacial, ambos os lados tinham tecnologia igual.
b) Money, politics, and technology were the decisive factors in the space race.

• Dinheiro, política e tecnologia foram os fatores decisivos na corrida espacial.
c) The Soviet Union’s triumph in the opening days of the space race was also its last victory in the area of science and technology.

• O triunfo da União Soviética nos primeiros dias da corrida espacial foi também sua última vitória na área de ciência e tecnologia.
d) In the first stage of the space race, the Soviet Union was the decisive winner.

• Na primeira etapa da corrida espacial, a União Soviética foi a vencedora decisiva.
e) The successful launching of Sputnik 1 meant that the Soviet Union would never lose its dominant position in the space race.

• O lançamento bem-sucedido do Sputnik 1 significou que a União Soviética nunca perderia sua posição dominante na corrida espacial.


Which of the following most likely applies to Sputnik 1?

a) It orbited in a perfect circle around Earth.
b) The scientists that launched it were, in fact, citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
c) With the help of binoculars, it was possible to view Sputnik 1 orbiting.
d) Though politically significant, it was not very important scientifically.
e) At first, the United States government refused to believe in the existence of Sputnik 1.

R e s p o s t a :   C

• Qual das opções a seguir provavelmente se aplica ao Sputnik 1?

a) It orbited in a perfect circle around Earth.

• Ele orbitava em um círculo perfeito ao redor da Terra.

b) The scientists that launched it were, in fact, citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

• Os cientistas que o lançaram eram, na verdade, cidadãos da República do Cazaquistão.

c) With the help of binoculars, it was possible to view Sputnik 1 orbiting.

• Com o auxílio de binóculos, foi possível visualizar a órbita do Sputnik 1.

• Informação (C) de acordo com o trecho:

• “[...] Birdwatchers and stargazers alike could see the shiny little ball with their binoculars.”

• Os observadores de pássaros e estrelas podiam ver a bolinha brilhante com seus binóculos.

d) Though politically significant, it was not very important scientifically.

• Embora politicamente significativo, não era muito importante cientificamente.

e) At first, the United States government refused to believe in the existence of Sputnik 1.

• A princípio, o governo dos Estados Unidos se recusou a acreditar na existência do Sputnik 1.


In paragraph 5, “that” in the phrase “And that was only the beginning…” most likely refers to which of the following?

a) The space race between Uncle Sam and the Reds.
b) The United States government’s recognition that the space race would be very hard to win.
c) The Soviet Union’s triumphant launching of the world’s first artificial satellite.
d) The Soviet Union’s decision to win the space race at any cost.
e) The incredible propaganda advantage that the Soviet Union gained by launching the world’s first artificial.

R e s p o s t a :   C

• No parágrafo 5, thatna frase And that was only the beginning…”(E isso foi apenas o começo ...) provavelmente se refere a qual das seguintes opções?
a) The space race between Uncle Sam and the Reds.

• A corrida espacial entre o Tio Sam e os Reds.
b) The United States government’s recognition that the space race would be very hard to win.

• O reconhecimento do governo dos Estados Unidos de que a corrida espacial seria muito difícil de vencer.
c) The Soviet Union’s triumphant launching of the world’s first artificial satellite.

• O lançamento triunfante do primeiro satélite artificial do mundo pela União Soviética.
d) The Soviet Union’s decision to win the space race at any cost.

• A decisão da União Soviética de vencer a corrida espacial a qualquer custo.
e) The incredible propaganda advantage that the Soviet Union gained by launching the world’s first artificial.

• A incrível vantagem de propaganda que a União Soviética ganhou ao lançar o primeiro artificial do mundo.


According to the information in the article, the title Fellow Traveler is most likely

a) a reference to the fact the Soviet Union and the United States were traveling on the same road to scientific discovery.
b) a word that was invented by the Communist Party.
c) a reference to the scientists that helped the Soviet Union develop Sputnik 1.
d) a general English translation of the word Sputnik.
e) a reference to all the celestial bodies that have orbited Earth.

R e s p o s t a :   D

• De acordo com as informações do artigo, o título Companheiro de viagem é mais provável ...

a) a reference to the fact the Soviet Union and the United States were traveling on the same road to scientific discovery.

• uma referência ao fato de a União Soviética e os Estados Unidos estarem trilhando o mesmo caminho para a descoberta científica.

b) a word that was invented by the Communist Party.

• palavra inventada pelo Partido Comunista.

c) a reference to the scientists that helped the Soviet Union develop Sputnik 1.

• uma referência aos cientistas que ajudaram a União Soviética a desenvolver o Sputnik 1.

d) a general English translation of the word Sputnik.

• uma tradução geral para o inglês da palavra Sputnik.

• Informação (D) de acordo com o trecho:

• “[...] "Sputnik," by the way, simply means "satellite" or, more generally, "fellow traveler."

• A propósito, "Sputnik" significa simplesmente "satélite" ou, de maneira mais geral, "companheiro de viagem".

e) a reference to all the celestial bodies that have orbited Earth.

• uma referência a todos os corpos celestes que orbitaram a Terra.

 TEXT 2:

The Price of Suspicion

 By Tracy McNicoll

1    “HELL IS OTHER PEOPLE," JEAN Paul Sartre wrote in his 1944 play "No Exit.” Apparently his countrymen agree. A new book by two French economists says the French consistently have less trust in one another than almost any other people in the industrialized world. According to surveys cited by the economists, Yann Algan and Pierre Cahuc, the French more easily justify accepting or paying bribes, buying stolen goods or collecting state handouts they aren't entitled to. They are more distrustful of powerful institutions like the judiciary, Parliament and unions. And only 21 percent of the French "trust other people" – a statistic that puts France 24th out of 26 countries surveyed. Only Portugal and Turkey are more suspicious of their fellows.

2    This wariness, they argue, manifests itself in virtually every sector of life, including employment and personal finance. Indeed, in their book, "La Société de Défiance" ("The Society of Distrust"), Algan and Cahuc argue that this French "trust deficit... shackles the capacity to adapt, reform, and innovate.” Distrust translates into a fear of competition itself – and the demand for protection generates a tangle of stifling legislation. They figure that if the French were as insouciant of others' intentions as the Swedes, the most trusting among nations surveyed, French unemployment, now at 8 percent, would be three percentage points lower. The nation's economy would be 5 percent larger, or 1,500 wealthier per person.

3    It was not always the case. The economists say World War II and the postwar construction of the social-welfare system were turning points. A general postwar wariness of others developed into a bureaucratic system that bred more suspicion. France's welfare state became both corporatist (where privileges are doled out based on criteria like occupation and status) and statist (where the state intervenes to regulate and reward corporate entities). Getting anything done required opaque negotiations with bureaucracies that handed out favors, and mistrust of others became embedded in the French psyche. The solution: a wary eye on one's neighbor and a penchant for regulation that, would, presumably, ensure equal treatment.

Newsweek – October 29, 2007


In paragraph 1, the sentence “Apparently his countrymen agree” most likely refers to which of the following?

a) The French do not trust foreigners.
b) Instead of reducing the level of distrust in France, modern society has increased it.
c) Globalization and African immigration have led to an increased level of distrust in France.
d) Industrialization has led to an increased level of distrust in France.
e) In general, the French are very inclined to be suspicious of one other.

R e s p o s t a :   E

• No parágrafo 1, a frase “Aparentemente, seus conterrâneos concordam” provavelmente se refere a qual das seguintes opções?
a) The French do not trust foreigners.

• Os franceses não confiam em estrangeiros.
b) Instead of reducing the level of distrust in France, modern society has increased it.

• Em vez de reduzir o nível de desconfiança na França, a sociedade moderna o aumentou.
c) Globalization and African immigration have led to an increased level of distrust in France.

• A globalização e a imigração africana levaram a um aumento do nível de desconfiança na França.
d) Industrialization has led to an increased level of distrust in France.

• A industrialização levou a um aumento do nível de desconfiança na França.
e) In general, the French are very inclined to be suspicious of one other.

• Em geral, os franceses são muito inclinados a suspeitar uns dos outros.

• Informação (E) de acordo com o trecho:

• “[…] A new book by two French economists says the French consistently have less trust in one another than almost any other people in the industrialized world.”

• Um novo livro de dois economistas franceses diz que os franceses têm consistentemente menos confiança uns nos outros do que quase qualquer outra pessoa no mundo industrializado. ”


Which of the following is most supported by the surveys cited by Yann Algan and Pierre Cahuc?

a) The French are inherently dishonest.
b) The French find it relatively easier to defend certain kinds of dishonest behavior.
c) The French have absolutely no faith in others.
d) The French rarely accept or pay bribes.
e) The French believe that the only way to have a good life is through dishonest behavior.

R e s p o s t a :   B

• Qual das alternativas a seguir é mais apoiada pelas pesquisas citadas por Yann Algan e Pierre Cahuc?

a) The French are inherently dishonest.

• Os franceses são inerentemente desonestos.
b) The French find it relatively easier to defend certain kinds of dishonest behavior.

• Os franceses acham relativamente mais fácil defender certos tipos de comportamento desonesto.

• Informação (B) de acordo com o trecho:

• “[…] the French more easily justify accepting or paying bribes, buying stolen goods or collecting state handouts they aren't entitled to.”

• os franceses justificam mais facilmente aceitar ou pagar subornos, comprar bens roubados ou coletar esmolas do estado a que não têm direito.
c) The French have absolutely no faith in others.

• Os franceses não acreditam absolutamente nos outros.
d) The French rarely accept or pay bribes.

• Os franceses raramente aceitam ou pagam subornos.
e) The French believe that the only way to have a good life is through dishonest behavior.

• Os franceses acreditam que a única maneira de ter uma vida boa é por meio de comportamento desonesto.


In paragraph 1, “They” in the sentence “They are more distrustful of powerful institutions like the judiciary, Parliament and unions” most likely refers to

a) Yann Algan and Pierre Cahuc.
b) people living in industrialized countries.
c) the French people.
d) 21 percent of the French people.
e) the people surveyed in 26 countries.

R e s p o s t a :   C

No parágrafo 1, “They” na frase “They are more distrustful of powerful institutions like the judiciary, Parliament and unions”(Eles desconfiam mais de instituições poderosas como o judiciário, o Parlamento e os sindicatos) provavelmente se refere a

a) Yann Algan and Pierre Cahuc.

• Yann Algan e Pierre Cahuc.
b) people living in industrialized countries.

• pessoas que vivem em países industrializados.
c) the French people.

• o povo francês.
d) 21 percent of the French people.

• 21 por cento dos franceses.
e) the people surveyed in 26 countries.

• as pessoas pesquisadas em 26 países.


In paragraph 2, the article probably mentions the French unemployment rate

a) in order to give an example of an economic benefit that could result from a higher level of trust in France.
b) because it is lower than the unemployment rates of Turkey and Portugal.
c) because it is three percentage points higher than that of Sweden, a more trusting country.
d) in order to highlight one of France’s most serious social and political problems.
e) in order to illustrate how distrust is the main cause of France’s economic problems.

R e s p o s t a :   A

• In paragraph 2, the article probably mentions the French unemployment rate

a) in order to give an example of an economic benefit that could result from a higher level of trust in France.

• para dar um exemplo de benefício econômico que poderia resultar de um maior nível de confiança na França.

b) because it is lower than the unemployment rates of Turkey and Portugal.

• porque é inferior às taxas de desemprego da Turquia e de Portugal.

c) because it is three percentage points higher than that of Sweden, a more trusting country.

• porque é três pontos percentuais superior ao da Suécia, país que mais confia.

d) in order to highlight one of France’s most serious social and political problems.

• para evidenciar um dos problemas sociais e políticos mais graves da França.

e) in order to illustrate how distrust is the main cause of France’s economic problems.

• para ilustrar como a desconfiança é a principal causa dos problemas econômicos da França.


In paragraph 3, the sentence “It was not always the case” most likely refers to which of the following?

a) Before World War II, the French level of distrust was in fact higher than it is today.
b) Since the end of World War II, France’s economy has grown very slowly.
c) Before World War II, the French level of distrust had no effect on the economy.
d) Before World War II, French distrust was concentrated mainly in the private sector.
e) Before World War II, the French level of distrust was in fact lower than it is today.

R e s p o s t a :   E

No parágrafo 3, a frase “Nem sempre foi o caso” provavelmente se refere a qual das seguintes opções?
a) Before World War II, the French level of distrust was in fact higher than it is today.

• Antes da Segunda Guerra Mundial, o nível de desconfiança dos franceses era de fato maior do que hoje.
b) Since the end of World War II, France’s economy has grown very slowly.

• Desde o final da Segunda Guerra Mundial, a economia da França cresceu muito lentamente.
c) Before World War II, the French level of distrust had no effect on the economy.

• Antes da Segunda Guerra Mundial, o nível de desconfiança dos franceses não afetava a economia.
d) Before World War II, French distrust was concentrated mainly in the private sector.

• Antes da Segunda Guerra Mundial, a desconfiança francesa estava concentrada principalmente no setor privado.
e) Before World War II, the French level of distrust was in fact lower than it is today.

• Antes da Segunda Guerra Mundial, o nível de desconfiança dos franceses era de fato menor do que hoje.


According to the information in the article, which of the following most likely applies to the French bureaucratic system?

a) No other French institution has done so much to guarantee individual liberties.
b) Rather than reduce distrust in France, it has made the problem worse.
c) Without the bureaucratic system, French society would fall into chaos.
d) Unfortunately, it will never change.
e) It cannot be blamed as one of the causes of the high level of French distrust.

R e s p o s t a :   B

De acordo com as informações do artigo, qual das alternativas a seguir provavelmente se aplica ao sistema burocrático francês?

a) No other French institution has done so much to guarantee individual liberties.

• Nenhuma outra instituição francesa fez tanto para garantir as liberdades individuais.

b) Rather than reduce distrust in France, it has made the problem worse.

• Em vez de reduzir a desconfiança na França, piorou o problema.

c) Without the bureaucratic system, French society would fall into chaos.

• Sem o sistema burocrático, a sociedade francesa cairia no caos.

d) Unfortunately, it will never change.

• Infelizmente, isso nunca mudará.

e) It cannot be blamed as one of the causes of the high level of French distrust.

• Não pode ser considerada uma das causas do alto nível de desconfiança dos franceses.


According to the information in the article, because the French have a tendency not to trust one another,

a) they often believe they must rely on the government to guarantee fair treatment through regulation.
b) they have demanded that the country’s bureaucracy be made smaller and more flexible.
c) they have demanded that the country’s government regulate every aspect of personal and professional behavior.
d) their only option is to bribe officials at all levels of government.
e) the country’s bureaucracy is useless in mediating disputes and resolving crises.

R e s p o s t a :   A

De acordo com as informações do artigo, como os franceses tendem a não confiar uns nos outros,

a) they often believe they must rely on the government to guarantee fair treatment through regulation.

• muitas vezes acreditam que devem contar com o governo para garantir um tratamento justo por meio de regulamentação.
b) they have demanded that the country’s bureaucracy be made smaller and more flexible.

• exigem que a burocracia do país seja menor e mais flexível.
c) they have demanded that the country’s government regulate every aspect of personal and professional behavior.

• exigiram que o governo do país regulasse todos os aspectos do comportamento pessoal e profissional.
d) their only option is to bribe officials at all levels of government.

• sua única opção é subornar funcionários em todos os níveis de governo.
e) the country’s bureaucracy is useless in mediating disputes and resolving crises.

• a burocracia do país é inútil para mediar disputas e resolver crises.

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