domingo, 16 de agosto de 2015


 5 MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) / 4 Options Each Question.
 Text  – | Global protest grows as citizens lose faith in politics and the state | |

01-E, 02-C, 03-A, 04-B, 05-C

 TEXT 1:

Global protest grows as citizens lose faith in politics and the state

The demonstrations in Brazil began after a small rise in bus fares that triggered mass protests. Within days this had become a nationwide movement whose concerns had spread far beyond fares: more than a million people were on the streets shouting about everything − from corruption to the cost of living to the amount of money being spent on the World Cup.

In Turkey, it was a similar story. A protest over the future of a city park in Istanbul snowballed too into something bigger, a wider-ranging political confrontation with prime minister.

If the recent scenes have seemed familiar, it is because they shared common features: viral, loosely organised with fractured messages and mostly taking place in urban public locations.

Unlike the protest movement of 1968, or even the end of Soviet influence in Eastern Europe in 1989, these are movements with few discernible leaders and often conflicting ideologies. Their points of reference are not even necessarily ideological, but take inspiration from other protests, including those of the Arab Spring and the Occupy movement. The result has seen a wave of social movements − sometimes short-lived − from Wall Street to Tel Aviv and from Istanbul to Rio de Janeiro, often engaging younger, better educated and wealthier members of society.

In Brazil, the varied banners underlined the difficulty of easy categorisation as protesters held aloft signs expressing a range of demands from education reforms to free bus fares, while denouncing the billions of public dollars spent on stadiums for the 2014 World Cup and the Olympics.

"It's sort of a Catch-22", Rodrigues da Cunha, a 63-year-old protester told the Associated Press. “On the one hand, we need some sort of leadership; on the other, we don’t want this to be compromised by being affiliated with any political party.”

As the Economist pointed out, while mass movements in Britain, France, Sweden and Turkey have been inspired by a variety of causes, including falling living standards, authoritarian government and worries about immigration, Brazil does not fit the picture, with youth unemployment at a record low and enjoying the biggest leap in living standards in the country’s history.

So what’s going on? “This is a very peculiar moment”, Saskia Sassen, a sociology professor at Columbia University, New York, told the Observer. She argues that one distinguishing factor is that many of the protest movements of the past decade have been defined by the involvement of what she calls “the modest middle class”, who have often been beneficiaries of the systems they are protesting against, but whose positions have been eroded by neoliberal economic policies that have seen both distribution of wealth and opportunities captured by a narrowing minority. As people have come to feel more distant from government and economic institutions, a large part of the new mass forms of dissent has come to be seen as an opportunity to demonstrate ideas of "citizenship".

Sassen's belief that many of the recent protests are middle-class-driven appeared to be confirmed overtly − in the case of Brazil, at least.

This text is an example of the genre opinion article.
The purpose of this article can be described as:

(A) provide the analysis of a current issue
(B) reveal the truth about a political event
(C) expose the details of a complex matter
(D) explain the coverage of a sensitive subject
- Este texto é um exemplo do gênero 'artigo de opinião'.
- O objetivo deste artigo pode ser descrito como:
 (A) provide the analysis of a current issue(fornecer a análise de um problema atual)
◼ (B) reveal the truth about a political event(revelar a verdade sobre um evento político)
◼ (C) expose the details of a complex matter(expor os detalhes de um assunto complexo)
◼ (D) explain the coverage of a sensitive subject(explicar a cobertura de um assunto delicado)
A questão 17 objetiva estabelecer relações semânticas entre as partes do texto.
- Segundo a opinião da professora Sassen muitos dos protestos recentes são movidos pela classe média.
- Ela fornecer a análise que um fator distintivo é que muitos dos movimentos de protesto da última década foram definidos pelo envolvimento do que ela chama de "a modesta classe média", que muitas vezes tem sido beneficiária dos sistemas contra os quais protestam, mas cujas posições foram corroídos por políticas econômicas neoliberais que viram tanto a distribuição da riqueza quanto as oportunidades capturadas por uma minoria cada vez menor.
"[...] Sassen's belief that many of the recent protests are middle-class-driven appeared to be confirmed overtly − in the case of Brazil, at least."
(A crença de Sassen de que muitos dos protestos recentes são movidos pela classe média parecia ter sido confirmada abertamente - no caso do Brasil, pelo menos.)


From the first to the fourth paragraph, various protest movements in different countries of the world are mentioned.

The author establishes links among them by means of the following textual strategy:

(A) causality
(B) comparison
(C) enumeration
(D) particularization
- Do primeiro ao quarto parágrafo, são mencionados vários movimentos de protesto em diferentes países do mundo.
- O autor estabelece ligações entre eles por meio da seguinte estratégia textual:
◼ (A) causality
 (B) comparison
◼ (C) enumeration
◼ (D) particularization
A questão 18 é sobre formas de articulação de ideias e exige do candidato a identificação da estratégia usada para a construção textual.
- A estratégia textual usada foi a de comparação identificada pelo uso das expressões:
- 'a similar story' no 2º parágrafo (In Turkey, it was a similar story).
- 'common features' no 3º parágrafo (it is because they shared common features).
- 'Unlike the' no 4º parágrafo (Unlike the protest movement of 1968,).


In the fourth paragraph (l. 10-16), the author characterizes the typical members of the Brazilian society engaging in the protests.

This characterization is based on the criteria of:

(A) age, education, income
(B) maturity, schooling, profit
(C) experience, culture, interest
(D) generation, breeding, expenditure
- No quarto parágrafo (l. 10-16), o autor caracteriza os típicos membros da sociedade brasileira engajados nos protestos.
- Esta caracterização é baseada nos critérios de:
 (A) age, education, income(idade, educação, renda)
◼ (B) maturity, schooling, profit(maturidade, escolaridade, lucro)
◼ (C) experience, culture, interest(experiência, cultura, interesse)
◼ (D) generation, breeding, expenditure(geração, reprodução, despesas)
- Vamos ao trecho do 4º parágrafo:
"[...] The result has seen a wave of social movements − sometimes short-lived − from Wall Street to Tel Aviv and from Istanbul to Rio de Janeiro, often engaging younger, better educated and wealthier members of society."
(O resultado tem visto uma onda de movimentos sociais - às vezes de curta duração - de Wall Street a Tel Aviv e de Istambul ao Rio de Janeiro, muitas vezes envolvendo membros mais jovens, mais instruídos e mais ricos da sociedade.)
- Portanto a caracterização é baseada nos critérios de 'younger, better educated and wealthier members of society', ou seja, age, education, income.


It's sort of a Catch-22, (l. 21)

The underlined idiomatic expression introduces the idea of:

(A) solution
(B) certainty
(C) dilemma
(D) suspicion
- A expressão idiomática sublinhada introduz a ideia de:
◼ (A) solution(solução)
◼ (B) certainty(certeza)
 (C) dilemma(dilema, tricky situation)
◼ (D) suspicion(desconfiança, dúvida)
A questão 21 é sobre IDIOM(expressão idiomática).
- 'It's sort of a Catch-22,' transmite a mesma ideia de "se correr o bicho pega, se ficar o bicho come", ou seja, transmite a ideia de um dilema
"[...] It's sort of a Catch-22, Rodrigues da Cunha, a 63-year-old protester told the Associated Press. “On the one hand, we need some sort of leadership; on the other, we don’t want this to be compromised by being affiliated with any political party."
("se correr o bicho pega, se ficar o bicho come", disse Rodrigues da Cunha, um manifestante de 63 anos à Associated Press. “Por um lado, precisamos de algum tipo de liderança; por outro, não queremos que isso seja comprometido por sermos filiados a qualquer partido político.)


According to Saskia Sassen, protesters have taken to the streets to show their dissatisfaction with various issues.

One of the main reasons for the protests is the lack of confidence in:

(A) political parties
(B) living standards
(C) immigration systems
(D) governmental entities
- Segundo Saskia Sassen, os manifestantes foram às ruas para mostrar sua insatisfação com várias questões.
- Uma das principais razões para os protestos é a falta de confiança em:
◼ (A) political parties(partidos políticos)
◼ (B) living standards(padrões de vida)
◼ (C) immigration systems(sistemas de imigração)
 (D) governmental entities(entidades governamentais)
A questão 21 é sobre o uso semântico da conjunção AS.
- Note que contextualmente, poderemos substituir a conjunção AS por BECAUSE, transmitindo uma relação de causa/efeito, ou seja, grande parte das novas formas de dissidência foi PORQUE as pessoas passaram a se sentir mais distantes do governo.
"[...] As people have come to feel more distant from government and economic institutions, a large part of the new mass forms of dissent has come to be seen as an opportunity to demonstrate ideas of "citizenship"."
(Já que as pessoas passaram a se sentir mais distantes do governo e das instituições econômicas, grande parte das novas formas de dissidência em massa passou a ser vista como uma oportunidade para demonstrar ideias de "cidadania".)

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