sexta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2016


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 PADRÃO/COMPOSIÇÃO DA PROVA10 questões do tipo C (correto) ou E (errado).


01-C, 02-C, 03-E, 04-C, 05-C
06-E, 07-E, 08-C, 09-C, 10-E

➧ TEXT: Text for items from 01 through 10
Around the world the public sector is under siege: taxpayers everywhere want better, cheaper government. The message is simple: tinkering with the system is not good enough. What’s needed is a complete reinvention of government.
Since the federal government initiated the National Performance Review in 1993, by most accounts progress has been uneven in the implementation of the approaches developed.
The report notes that public confidence in the federal government has never been lower. The average citizen believes cents of every tax dollar are wasted. Five of every six strongly want “fundamental change”. Only 20% of the people trust the federal government to do the right thing most of the time — down from 76 per cent thirty years ago. The national debt now exceeds $ 4 trillion — $ 16,600 for every man, woman, and child.
There is enormous unseen waste. The Audit Department has found that the Defense Department owns more than $ 40 billion in unnecessary supplies. The Internal Revenue Service struggles to collect billions of unpaid bills. A century after industry replaced farming as the country’s principal source of wealth creation, the Agriculture Department still operates more than 12,000 field service offices, an average of nearly four for every county in the nation — rural, urban, or suburban.
But the report goes farther:
And yet, waste is not the only problem. The federal government is not simply broke; it is broken. Ineffective regulation of the financial industry brought us the Savings and Loan debacle. Ineffective education and training programs jeopardize our competitive edge. Ineffective welfare and housing programs undermine our families and cities.
The conclusion was that the US is suffering the deepest crisis of faith in government in memory. In past crises, people doubted their leaders on moral grounds. They felt their government was deceiving them or failing to represent values. Today’s crisis is different: people simply feel the government doesn’t work.

Don Tapscott.
The digital economy: promise & peril in the age of networked intelligence (adapted).

Based on the text, judge the items below.

01. All over the world the public sector is besieged by those who pay taxes.

02. Reliance on the US federal government has once been higher.

03. Most people believe that near half a cent of each dollar is badly spent.

04. More than eighty percent of the people hunger for basic changes.

05. Three decades ago, at most 24% of people didn’t rely on the federal government.

According to the text, it can be deduced that

06. the Internal Revenue Service has now succeeded in getting back billions of the existing debt.

07. today, the main source of wealth creation lies in the agricultural activities.

08. poor educational standards and training programs put in danger the advantage over competitors.

09. never before has the US experienced such a profound crisis of faith in government.

10. "enormous" (R.9) is the same as large.

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