segunda-feira, 24 de abril de 2017



30 MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) / 5 Options Each Question.
 Text (1) – Navy looking for drone operator flying device around Washington state base | |
 Text (2) – | The Armel-Leftwich Visitor Center  | |
 Text (3) – Additional Factors That Affect Sleep Comfort | |
 Text (4) – | Hard Lesson in Sleep for Teenagers  | |
 Text (5) – Eat healthy | |
 Text (6) – | 25 simple well-being tricks to health-proof your body  | |
 Text (7) – Electric Bikes | |
 Text (8) – | International Congress | |
 Text (9) – | Mosquito Screens to Be Used at Rio Games | |
 Text (10) – | Always hated my nose and finally ______ | |
 Text (11) – The Legacy of Hartlepool Hall London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson |
 Text (12) – The Legacy of Hartlepool Hall London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson |
 Text (13) – How to prepare yourself for entrance exams | |
 Text (14) – | |
 Text (16) – | Part Three: Himmler's Gas Station. | An autobiographical novel in four parts. | Milton Keynes: UK. Author House |
 Text (18) – | You can now edit and format your Google Docs by voice | |


01-E, 02-A, 03-C, 04-C, 05-C
06-A, 07-A, 08-C, 09-B, 10-C
11-B, 12-D, 13-A, 14-D, 15-D
16-B, 17-B, 18-B, 19-E, 20-C
21-D, 22-A, 23-C, 24-D, 25-E
26-B, 27-E, 28-E, 29-B, 30-D



Navy looking for drone operator flying device around Washington state base

Marinha procura dispositivo voador para operador de drone na base do estado de Washington

Published February 27, 2016 -

Publicado em 27 de fevereiro de 2016 -

( I ) ___________

A civilian employee of Naval Submarine Base Kitsap-Bangor reported seeing the drone, spokeswoman Silvia Klatman told

Um funcionário civil da Base Submarina Naval Kitsap-Bangor relatou ter visto o drone, disse a porta-voz Silvia Klatman ao

According to the Navy, it is illegal to operate a drone above the base without the permission of the Navy.

Segundo a Marinha, é ilegal operar um drone acima da base sem a autorização da Marinha.

"It's our intent to support the investigation and prosecution of this reported act, and any others that may occur, in coordination with civilian law enforcement," Klatman said reported that agents interviewed families who lived in houses surrounding the base.

“É nossa intenção apoiar a investigação e o processo deste ato relatado, e de quaisquer outros que possam ocorrer, em coordenação com as autoridades civis”, disse Klatman. O informou que os agentes entrevistaram famílias que viviam em casas ao redor da base.

( II ) _______

Officials said the drones were seen operating at night.

Autoridades disseram que os drones foram vistos operando à noite.

"It could be a hoax, but worst-case scenario, it could be clandestine, a foreign government, a cell," Al Starcevich, whose family's house is located between the base and Hood Canal in Washington, told the website.

“Poderia ser uma farsa, mas na pior das hipóteses, poderia ser clandestino, um governo estrangeiro, uma célula”, disse Al Starcevich, cuja casa da família está localizada entre a base e o Canal Hood, em Washington, ao site.

"The creepy thing is they're only doing it at night.” 

“O mais assustador é que eles só fazem isso à noite.”

(III) ________ 

Starcevich told The Seattle Times that agents told him there had been repeated incidents around the base involving an alleged drone.

Starcevich disse ao The Seattle Times que os agentes lhe disseram que houve repetidos incidentes ao redor da base envolvendo um suposto drone.

Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor's airspace was designated as "prohibited" by the FAA in May 2005, at the request of the Navy.

O espaço aéreo da Base Naval Kitsap-Bangor foi designado como "proibido" pela FAA em maio de 2005, a pedido da Marinha. 

(IV) ______

The prohibited area extends to the water across Hood Canal and the Navy-owned portion of Toandos Peninsula.

A área proibida se estende até as águas do Canal Hood e da porção de propriedade da Marinha da Península de Toandos.

Doug O'Donnell, chief pilot at Avian Flight Center at Bremerton National Airport, said security forces are supposed to shoot down aircraft that violate the FAA rules.

Doug O'Donnell, piloto-chefe do Avian Flight Center no Aeroporto Nacional de Bremerton, disse que as forças de segurança deveriam abater aeronaves que violassem as regras da FAA.

The Bangor base houses eight of the Navy's 14 ballistic-missile submarines, according to Each can carry up to 24 missiles with multiple nuclear warheads.

A base de Bangor abriga oito dos 14 submarinos de mísseis balísticos da Marinha, de acordo com Cada um pode transportar até 24 mísseis com múltiplas ogivas nucleares.

The Defense Department has held countless classified exercises to counter possible drone attacks, The Seattle Times reported.

O Departamento de Defesa realizou inúmeros exercícios confidenciais para conter possíveis ataques de drones, informou o The Seattle Times.

Last year, one exercise included a Marine sniper shooting one down from a military helicopter.

No ano passado, um exercício incluiu um atirador da Marinha abatendo um de um helicóptero militar.


01 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

By reading the text, we CANNOT state that

(A) the Navy plans to work with non-military agencies on the case.
(B) there has been more than one report on drones in that region.
(C) there has been a huge number of exercises to fight drones.
(D) the Navy controls part of Toandos Peninsula.
(E) the Defense Department has shot down a spy drone.

 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  E 

Ao ler o texto, NÃO PODEMOS afirmar que

(A) the Navy plans to work with non-military agencies on the case. – a Marinha planeja trabalhar com agências não militares no caso.
(B) there has been more than one report on drones in that region. – houve mais de um relato sobre drones naquela região.
(C) there has been a huge number of exercises to fight drones. – houve um grande número de exercícios para combater drones.
(D) the Navy controls part of Toandos Peninsula. – a Marinha controla parte da Península de Toandos.
(E) the Defense Department has shot down a spy drone. – 
o Departamento de Defesa abateu um drone espião.

02 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

The sentences below have been removed from the text and replaced by (I), (II), (III) and (IV).

Number them to indicate the order they must appear to complete the text correctly. Then choose the option that contains that sequence.

(   ) They said they haven't seen anything unusual.

(   ) No aircraft of any kind is allowed to fly over the area up 2,500 feet.

(   ) The U.S. Navy is searching for the operator of a drone that has been seen flying near a Washington state naval base at night since Feb. 8.

(   ) What are you going to see at night unless you have an infrared camera?

(A) (II) (IV) (I) (III)
(B) (II) (I) (III) (IV)
(C) (IV) (II) (I) (III)
(D) (IV) (II) (III) (I)
(E) (II) (III) (I) (IV)

 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  A 

As sentenças abaixo foram retiradas do texto e substituídas por (I), (II), (III) e (IV).

Numere-os para indicar a ordem em que devem aparecer para completar o texto corretamente. Em seguida, escolha a opção que contém essa sequência.

( II ) They said they haven't seen anything unusual. – Disseram que não viram nada de anormal.

( IV) No aircraft of any kind is allowed to fly over the area up 2,500 feet. – Nenhuma aeronave de qualquer espécie poderá sobrevoar a área até 2.500 pés.

( I ) The U.S. Navy is searching for the operator of a drone that has been seen flying near a Washington state naval base at night since Feb. 8. – A Marinha dos EUA está em busca do operador de um drone que foi visto voando perto de uma base naval do estado de Washington à noite desde 8 de fevereiro.

( III ) What are you going to see at night unless you have an infrared camera? – O que você verá à noite se não tiver uma câmera infravermelha?

03 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

According to the text, it is right to say that

(A) there are 14 submarines on Bangor base at house eight.
(B) the total number of missiles on Bangor base is 24.
(C) there are six submarines that are not kept on Bangor base.
(D) half of all Navy's submarines are kept on Bangor Base.
(E) there are eight houses for the Bangor base submarines.

 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  C 

De acordo com o texto, é correto dizer que

(A) there are 14 submarines on Bangor base at house eight. – há 14 submarinos na base de Bangor, na casa oito. 

(B) the total number of missiles on Bangor base is 24. – o número total de mísseis na base de Bangor é 24.
(C) there are six submarines that are not kept on Bangor base. – há seis submarinos que não são mantidos na base de Bangor.
(D) half of all Navy's submarines are kept on Bangor Base. – metade de todos os submarinos da Marinha são mantidos na Base de Bangor.
(E) there are eight houses for the Bangor base submarines. – 
há oito casas para os submarinos da base de Bangor.

 TEXTO 2Based on the text below, answer question 04. 


The Armel-Leftwich Visitor Center

Centro de Visitantes Armel-Leftwich 

Welcome to the Armel-Leftwich Visitor Center of the United States Naval Academy. Visit the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD to see where future officers are educated and trained.

Bem-vindo ao Centro de Visitantes Armel-Leftwich da Academia Naval dos Estados Unidos. Visite a Academia Naval dos Estados Unidos em Annapolis, MD, para ver onde os futuros oficiais são educados e treinados.

The Visitor Center is conveniently located inside USNA Gate 1 at the Annapolis harbor. Pedestrian entrances are on Prince George and Randall Streets. The Visitor Center provides guided historical tours for visitors, as well as groups.

O Centro de Visitantes está convenientemente localizado dentro do Portão 1 da USNA, no porto de Annapolis. As entradas de pedestres ficam nas ruas Prince George e Randall. O Centro de Visitantes oferece passeios históricos guiados para visitantes, bem como para grupos.

Anyone 18 or older must show a government-issued photo ID or original passport to enter USNA grounds. Visitors from the states of Minnesota, Illinois, Missouri, New Mexico and Washington are required to present a SECOND PHOTO ID.

Qualquer pessoa com 18 anos ou mais deve apresentar um documento de identidade com foto emitido pelo governo ou passaporte original para entrar nas dependências da USNA. Visitantes dos estados de Minnesota, Illinois, Missouri, Novo México e Washington são obrigados a apresentar uma SEGUNDA IDENTIFICAÇÃO COM FOTO.

The Visitor Center is the first stop on a visit to the undergraduate college of the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps. Information specialists welcome visitors to view the 13-minute film, "The Call to Serve", and to take a guided walking tour with a professional, certified guide.

O Centro de Visitantes é a primeira parada em uma visita à faculdade de graduação da Marinha dos EUA e do Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais dos EUA. Especialistas em informação dão as boas-vindas aos visitantes para assistir ao filme de 13 minutos, "The Call to Serve", e para fazer um passeio a pé guiado por um guia profissional certificado. 

Admissions Information

Informações sobre a admissão

United States Naval Academy Admissions briefings, lasting approximately one hour, are held at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, on the second deck of the Visitor Center. 

As sessões de informação sobre a admissão na Academia Naval dos Estados Unidos, com a duração aproximada de uma hora, realizam-se às 10h00 e às 14h00, de segunda a sábado, no segundo convés do Centro de Visitantes. 

U.S. Naval Academy Museum 

Museu da Academia Naval dos EUA

The museum's artifacts are displayed in galleries located on two floors in Preble Hall. The first floor is devoted to the exhibit entitled "Leadership and Service: The History of the United States Navy and the Naval Academy". The famous Rogers Collection of antique ship models is the focus of the second floor exhibit.

Os artefatos do museu são exibidos em galerias localizadas em dois andares do Preble Hall. O primeiro andar é dedicado à exposição intitulada “Liderança e Serviço: A História da Marinha dos Estados Unidos e da Academia Naval”. A famosa coleção Rogers de modelos de navios antigos é o foco da exposição do segundo andar.

Adapted from

04 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

According to the text, which statement is correct?

(A) There is a single pedestrian entrance, which is located on Prince George Street.
(B) People under eighteen are required to show a photo ID or original passport to visit USNA.
(C) "The Call to Serve", a film that lasts less than thirty minutes, is shown to visitors.
(D) United States Naval Academy Admissions briefings take place from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p .m., six days a week.
(E) The museum presents an exhibit called "Leadership and Service" on the second floor.

 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  C 

De acordo com o texto, qual afirmação está correta?

(A) There is a single pedestrian entrance, which is located on Prince George Street. – Há uma única entrada de pedestres, localizada na Prince George Street.
(B) People under eighteen are required to show a photo ID or original passport to visit USNA. – Pessoas menores de dezoito anos são obrigadas a apresentar um documento de identidade com foto ou passaporte original para visitar a USNA.
(C) "The Call to Serve", a film that lasts less than thirty minutes, is shown to visitors. – “O Chamado para Servir”, filme que dura menos de trinta minutos, é exibido aos visitantes.
(D) United States Naval Academy Admissions briefings take place from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p .m., six days a week. – As sessões de informação sobre as admissões na Academia Naval dos Estados Unidos têm lugar das 10:00 às 14:00, seis dias por semana.
(E) The museum presents an exhibit called "Leadership and Service" on the second floor. – 
O museu apresenta uma exposição chamada “Liderança e Serviço” no segundo andar.

 TEXTO 3Based on the text below, answer questions 05 and 06. 


Additional Factors That Affect Sleep Comfort

Fatores adicionais que afetam o conforto do sono

The type of mattress one uses is not the only factor for patients with pain and sleep difficulty. – O tipo de colchão utilizado não é o único fator para pacientes com dores e dificuldades para dormir.

Many other factors need to be considered that may affect sleep, including; – Muitos outros fatores que podem afetar o sono precisam ser considerados, incluindo;

- medication side effects; – efeitos colaterais de medicamentos;
- irregular sleep patterns; – padrões de sono irregulares;
- caffeine / alcoho l/ tobacco use; – uso de cafeína/álcool/tabaco;
- sleep apnea; – apnéia do sono;
- anxiety  /stress. – ansiedade/estresse
If comfort is not the only thing making sleep difficult, it is advisable for the patient to consult his or her family physician to discuss other possible causes and treatments for sleeplessness. – Se o conforto não é a única coisa que dificulta o sono, é aconselhável que o paciente consulte o seu médico de família para discutir outras possíveis causas e tratamentos para a insônia.
If anyone experiences significant or persistent back pain, there may be an underlying back condition that has nothing to do with the mattress.
 – Se alguém sentir dores nas costas significativas ou persistentes, pode haver uma condição subjacente nas costas que não tem nada a ver com o colchão.

It is always advisable for people with back pain to consult with a health care provider for a thorough exam, diagnosis, and treatment program. – É sempre aconselhável que as pessoas com dores nas costas consultem um médico para um exame completo, diagnóstico e programa de tratamento.

As a reminder, sleep comfort is first and foremost a matter of personal preference.
 – Lembre-se de que o conforto do sono é, antes de mais nada, uma questão de preferência pessoal.

No one should expect that switching mattresses or beds will cure their lower back pain, and changes in the type of bed or mattress used should be made solely for the sake of comfort. – Ninguém deve esperar que a troca de colchões ou camas cure a dor lombar, e as mudanças no tipo de cama ou colchão utilizado devem ser feitas apenas por uma questão de conforto.

05 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

Which option expresses a recommendation?

(A) "The type of mattress one uses is not the only factor for patients with pain and sleep difficulty."
(B) "Many other factors need to be considered that may affect sleep [...] . "
(C) " it is advisable for the patient to consult his or her family physician , "
(D) "If anyone experiences significant or persistent back pain."
(E) " sleep comfort is first and foremost a matter of personal preference."

 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  C 

06 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

Considering the text, the word "solely" in

"[...] changes in the type of bed or mattress used should be made solely for the sake of comfort."


(A) only.
(B) mainly.
(C) nearly.
(D) lately.
(E) quickly.

 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  A 

 TEXTO 4Based on the text below, answer questions 07, 08 and 09.

Hard Lesson in Sleep for Teenagers

By Jane E. Brody October 20, 2014

Few Americans these days get the hours of sleep optimal for their age, but experts agree that teenagers are more likely to fall short than anyone else.
Researchers report that the average adolescent needs eight and a half to nine and a half hours of sleep each night. However, in a poll taken in 2006 by the National Sleep Foundation, less than 20 percent reported getting that much rest on school nights. With the profusion of personal electronics, the current percentage is believed to be even worse. A study in Fairfax, Va., found that only 6 percent of children in the 10th grade and only 3 percent in the 12th grade get the recommended amount of sleep. Two in three teens were found to be severely sleep-deprived, losing two or more hours of sleep every night. The causes can be biological, behavioral or environmental. The effect on the well-being of adolescents — on their health and academic potential — can be profound.
Insufficient sleep in adolescence increases the risks of high blood pressure and heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and obesity, said Dr. Owens, pediatric sleep specialist at Children's National Health System in Washington. Sleeplessness is also linked to risk-taking behavior, depression, suicidal ideation and car accidents. Insufficient sleep also impairs judgment, decision-making skills and the ability to curb impulses, which are "in a critical stage of development in adolescence," Dr. Owens said. With the current intense concern about raising academic achievement, it is worth noting that a study by Kyla Wahlstrom of 9,000 students in eight Minnesota public high schools showed that starting school a half-hour later resulted in an hour's more sleep a night and an increase in the students' grade point averages and standardized test scores.
When children reach puberty, a shift in circadian rhythm makes it harder for them to fall asleep early enough to get the requisite number of hours and still make it to school on time. A teenager’s sleep-wake cycle can shift as much as two hours, making it difficult to fall asleep before 11 p.m. If school starts at 8 or 8:30, it is not possible to get enough sleep. Based on biological sleep needs, a teenager who goes to sleep at 11 p.m, should be getting up around 8 a.m.
Adding to the adolescent shift in circadian rhythm are myriad electronic distractions that cut further into sleep time, like smartphones, iPods, computers and televisions. A stream of text messages, tweets, and postings on Facebook and Instagram keep many awake long into the night.

Parents should consider instituting an electronic curfew and perhaps even forbid sleep-distracting devices in the bedroom, Dr. Owens said. Beyond the bedroom, many teenagers lead overscheduled lives that can lead to short nights.
Also at risk are many teenagers from low-income and minority families, where overcrowding, excessive noise and safety concerns can make it difficult to get enough restful sleep, the academy statement said. Trying to compensate for sleep deprivation on weekends can further compromise an adolescent's sleep-wake cycle by inducing permanent jet lag. Sleeping late on weekends shifts their internal clock, making it even harder to get to sleep Sunday night and wake up on time for school Monday morning.

Adapted and abridged from


Hard Lesson in Sleep for Teenagers

Lição difícil sobre sono para adolescentes

Few Americans these days get the hours of sleep optimal for their age, but experts agree that teenagers are more likely to fall short than anyone else. – Poucos americanos hoje em dia conseguem dormir as horas ideais para a sua idade, mas os especialistas concordam que os adolescentes têm maior probabilidade de dormir aquém do que qualquer outra pessoa.
Researchers report that the average adolescent needs eight and a half to nine and a half hours of sleep each night.
 – Os pesquisadores relatam que o adolescente médio precisa de oito horas e meia a nove horas e meia de sono todas as noites.

However, in a poll taken in 2006 by the National Sleep Foundation, less than 20 percent reported getting that much rest on school nights. – No entanto, numa sondagem realizada em 2006 pela Fundação Nacional do Sono, menos de 20 por cento relataram descansar tanto nas noites escolares.

With the profusion of personal electronics, the current percentage is believed to be even worse. – Com a profusão de eletrônicos pessoais, acredita-se que o percentual atual seja ainda pior.

A study in Fairfax, Va., found that only 6 percent of children in the 10th grade and only 3 percent in the 12th grade get the recommended amount of sleep. – Um estudo realizado em Fairfax, Virgínia, descobriu que apenas 6% das crianças do 10º ano e apenas 3% do 12º ano dormem a quantidade recomendada.

Two in three teens were found to be severely sleep-deprived, losing two or more hours of sleep every night. – Descobriu-se que dois em cada três adolescentes sofrem de grave privação de sono, perdendo duas ou mais horas de sono todas as noites.

The causes can be biological, behavioral or environmental. – As causas podem ser biológicas, comportamentais ou ambientais.

The effect on the well-being of adolescents — on their health and academic potential — can be profound. – O efeito no bem-estar dos adolescentes — na sua saúde e no seu potencial académico — pode ser profundo.
Insufficient sleep in adolescence increases the risks of high blood pressure and heart disease,
 – O sono insuficiente na adolescência aumenta os riscos de hipertensão e doenças cardíacas,

Type 2 diabetes and obesity, said Dr. Owens, pediatric sleep specialist at Children's National Health System in Washington. Sleeplessness is also linked to risk-taking behavior, depression, suicidal ideation and car accidents. – Diabetes tipo 2 e obesidade, disse o Dr. Owens, especialista em sono pediátrico do Sistema Nacional de Saúde Infantil em Washington. A insônia também está ligada a comportamentos de risco, depressão, ideação suicida e acidentes de carro.

Insufficient sleep also impairs judgment, decision-making skills and the ability to curb impulses, which are "in a critical stage of development in adolescence," Dr. Owens said. – O sono insuficiente também prejudica o julgamento, as habilidades de tomada de decisão e a capacidade de conter impulsos, que estão “em um estágio crítico de desenvolvimento na adolescência”, disse o Dr. Owens.

With the current intense concern about raising academic achievement, it is worth noting that a study by Kyla Wahlstrom of 9,000 students in eight Minnesota public high schools showed that starting school a half-hour later resulted in an hour's more sleep a night and an increase in the students' grade point averages and standardized test scores. – Com a atual intensa preocupação em aumentar o desempenho acadêmico, vale a pena notar que um estudo realizado por Kyla Wahlstrom com 9.000 alunos em oito escolas públicas de ensino médio de Minnesota mostrou que começar a escola meia hora depois resultou em uma hora a mais de sono por noite e em um aumento na as médias de notas dos alunos e as pontuações dos testes padronizados.
When children reach puberty, a shift in circadian rhythm makes it harder for them to fall asleep early enough to get the requisite number of hours and still make it to school on time.
 – Quando as crianças atingem a puberdade, uma mudança no ritmo circadiano torna mais difícil para elas adormecerem cedo o suficiente para terem o número necessário de horas e ainda chegarem à escola a tempo.

A teenager’s sleep-wake cycle can shift as much as two hours, making it difficult to fall asleep before 11 p.m. – O ciclo sono-vigília de um adolescente pode mudar até duas horas, tornando difícil adormecer antes das 23h.

If school starts at 8 or 8:30, it is not possible to get enough sleep. – Se as aulas começarem às 8h ou 8h30, não é possível dormir o suficiente. 

Based on biological sleep needs, a teenager who goes to sleep at 11 p.m, should be getting up around 8 a.m. – Com base nas necessidades biológicas de sono, um adolescente que vai dormir às 23h deve acordar por volta das 8h
Adding to the adolescent shift in circadian rhythm are myriad electronic distractions that cut further into sleep time, like smartphones, iPods, computers and televisions.
 – Somando-se à mudança do ritmo circadiano dos adolescentes estão inúmeras distrações eletrônicas que reduzem ainda mais o tempo de sono, como smartphones, iPods, computadores e televisões.

A stream of text messages, tweets, and postings on Facebook and Instagram keep many awake long into the night. – Um fluxo de mensagens de texto, tweets e postagens no Facebook e Instagram mantém muitos acordados até altas horas da noite.

Parents should consider instituting an electronic curfew and perhaps even forbid sleep-distracting devices in the bedroom, Dr. Owens said.
 – Os pais deveriam considerar a instituição de um toque de recolher eletrônico e talvez até proibir dispositivos que distraem o sono no quarto, disse Owens.

Beyond the bedroom, many teenagers lead overscheduled lives that can lead to short nights. – Além do quarto, muitos adolescentes levam vidas sobrecarregadas que podem resultar em noites curtas.
Also at risk are many teenagers from low-income and minority families, where overcrowding, excessive noise and safety concerns can make it difficult to get enough restful sleep, the academy statement said.
 – Também correm risco muitos adolescentes de famílias de baixa renda e de minorias, onde a superlotação, o ruído excessivo e as preocupações com a segurança podem dificultar um sono reparador suficiente, disse o comunicado da academia.

Trying to compensate for sleep deprivation on weekends can further compromise an adolescent's sleep-wake cycle by inducing permanent jet lag. – Tentar compensar a privação de sono nos fins de semana pode comprometer ainda mais o ciclo sono-vigília do adolescente, induzindo o jet lag permanente.

Sleeping late on weekends shifts their internal clock, making it even harder to get to sleep Sunday night and wake up on time for school Monday morning. – Dormir até tarde nos fins de semana altera o relógio interno, tornando ainda mais difícil dormir no domingo à noite e acordar na hora para a escola na segunda de manhã.

07 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

What does the pronoun "their" refer to in the excerpt

"Sleeping late on weekends shifts their internal clock, making it even harder to get to sleep Sunday night and wake up on time for school Monday morning."?

(A) Teenagers.
(B) Minority families.
(C) Safety concerns.
(D) Weekends,
(E) Parents.

 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  A 

08 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

Mark the only option that is FALSE according to the text.

(A) Most Americans are sleep deprived nowadays but teenagers are the age group mostly affected by it.
(B) Sleep deprivation may lead to several diseases such as diabetes, obesity and depression.
(C) For a teenager, falling asleep early is only a matter of self-discipline.
(D) According to research done is some schools, starting classes half an hour later increased student performance.
(E) A teenager's social status may influence his/her sleeping habits .

 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  C 

09 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

Which words are similar in meaning to ''curb" and "curfew" in the following extracts:

"Insufficient sleep also impairs judgment, decision-making skills and the ability to curb impulses [...]." and

"Parents should consider instituting an electronic curfew and perhaps even forbid sleep-distracting devices in the bedroom [...]."?(A) restrict / device

(B) restrict / limit
(C) restrict / delay
(D) encourage / device
(E) encourage / delay

 👍  Comentários e Gabarito  B 

 TEXTO 5 (paragraph)Which option best completes the paragraph below?

Eat healthy

In today's fast-paced world, it is so easy ________ through a drive-through window to grab something to eat. It is also easy ______ into a gas station ______ a bag of chips, a soda, and some candy. However, ______ this is not the best choice for our bodies. Simply put - the more junk you put into your body, the worse you are going to feel. Try ______ your body with healthy food, drink plenty of water, and skip fast food lines as much as you can to feel healthy and happy.

Abridged from

10 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

(A) driving / stopping / to buy / to do / to nourish
(B) driving / stopping / to buy / doing / to nourish
(C) to drive / to stop / to buy / doing / to nourish
(D) to drive / to stop / buying / doing / nourishing
(E) to drive / to stop / to buy / to do / nourishing

 👍  Comentários e Gabarito   C  

 In today's fast-paced world, it is so easy to drive through a drive-through window to grab something to eat. – No mundo acelerado de hoje, é muito fácil passar de carro pela janela do "drive-through" para pegar algo para comer.
➭ It is also easy to stop into a gas station... – Também é fácil parar em um posto de gasolina...

 It is also easy to into a gas station to buy a bag of chips, a soda, and some candy. – Também é fácil entrar em um posto de gasolina para comprar um saco de batatas fritas, um refrigerante e alguns doces.

TÓPICO (3) - GERUND PHRASE (A frase gerúndio atuando como sujeito na sentença):

➭ However, doing this is not the best choice for our bodies. No entanto, FAZER ISSO não é a melhor escolha para o nosso corpo. (FRASE DE GERÚNDIO ATUANDO COMO SUJEITO DA SENTENÇA)

TÓPICO (4) - "TRY" é seguidor de INFINITIVO COM "TO" e também  é seguidor de GERÚNDIO
➭ Try to nourish your body with healthy food... – Tente nutrir seu corpo com alimentos saudáveis.
➭ Try nourishing your body with healthy food... – Tente nutrir seu corpo com alimentos saudáveis.

1) ATUANDO COMO SUJEITO DA SENTENÇA. O sujeito é a coisa ou pessoa que realiza a ação do verbo.

• Sleeping through the night is difficult for me.

• Brushing your teeth is important.

• Making noise is what happy children do best.

• Watching bad television defined my teenage years.

2) ATUANDO COMO OBJETO DIRETO DO VERBO PRINCIPAL. O objeto direto é o substantivo ou pronome que recebe a ação do verbo principal.

 I love sleeping through the night.

 My parents prefer eating dinner alone.

• We would not recommend travelling without insurance.

 His daughter enjoys fixing broken bicycles.

3) ATUANDO COMO OBJETO INDIRETO DO VERBO PRINCIPAL. O objeto indireto é afetado pela ação do verbo, mas não é seu objeto principal.

•  Clinton gave running for president her best shot. –Clinton deu o seu melhor na CANDIDATURA À PRESIDÊNCIA.

• Men don’t always see raising children well as an accomplishment. – Os homens nem sempre veem O CRIAR ADEQUADO DOS FILHOS como uma conquista.

5) ATUANDO COMO PREDICATIVO DO SUJEITO. Um predicativo do sujeito completa o verbo de ligação e renomeia o sujeito.

 Her favorite thing was listening to music– A coisa favorita dela era OUVIR MÚSICA.

• A good career for her might be coaching soccer– Uma boa carreira para ela pode ser TREINAR FUTEBOL.

• The critical issue of his arrest wasn’t driving without a license– A questão crítica de sua prisão não foi DIRIGIR SEM HABILITAÇÃO.

5) ATUANDO COMO OBJETO DE UMA PREPOSIÇÃO. O objeto de uma preposição é simplesmente uma palavra ou frase que é precedida por uma preposição e completa seu significado.

• Exercise is futile without eating healthily– O exercício é inútil sem uma ALIMENTAÇÃO SAUDÁVEL

• Detectives were relieved after finding the evidence– Os detetives ficaram aliviados depois de ENCONTRAR AS EVIDÊNCIAS.

11 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

Analyze these sentences.

I - The boss discussed about the new sales report.

II - Does the coefficient of kinetic friction depend on speed?

III - My son finally succeeded in finding a new job.

IV - Some people still blame the driver on the accident.

V - He apologized for his girlfriend to being late.

Choose the correct option.

(A) Only I and II are grammatically correct.
(B) Only II and III are grammatically correct.
(C) Only II and IV are grammatically correct,
(D) Only I and IV are grammatically correct.
(E) Only II and V are grammatically correct.

Resposta:  B

 TEXTO 6 (sentence): Which is the correct option to complete the sentence below?

25 simple well-being tricks to health-proof your body        

Let's be honest, we could all do with looking ,___ ourselves better. And if you follow these simple well-being tricks to health-proof your body, you'll soon feel the benefits. Here are 25 instant body boosters from top to toe.

12 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

(A) for
(B) up
(C) to
(D) after
(E) into

Resposta:  D

 TEXTO 7Which option completes the paragraph below correctly?

Electric Bikes          

The US is different from other countries when it comes to electric bikes. Nearly 32m e-bikes _____ in 2014, most of them in China, where they are primarily used for transportation. They are popular in much of Europe, too. They are common in the Netherlands and Switzerland; German postal workers use them to get around and BMW offers one for about $3,000.
Electric bikes are different from motorcycles or mopeds, which rely on motorized power; they are bicycles that ______ with - or without - help from an electric motor. Riding an e-bike feels like riding a normal bike with a strong wind behind you; the motor just helps you to go faster or climb hills. Unlike mopeds, e-bicycles ________ on bike paths and they cannot travel faster than 20mph.

(Abridged from

13 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

(A) were sold / can be pedaled / are usually permitted
(B) were sold /can pedal / usually permit
(C) are sold / can be pedaled / are usually permitted
(D) have been sold / can pedal / usually permit
(E) have been sold / can be pedaled / are usually permitted

Resposta:  A

14 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

Which of the sentences below is INCORRECT?

(A) If the Earth dies, you die. If you die, the planet surely survives.
(B) If you don't want to wait 1.5 seconds, press Control-Power button.
(C) I will not go away if you promise to change and behave yourself.
(D) You could see it through my eyes if you would realize how special you are.
(E) My mother is going to kick me out tomorrow unless I stop all contact with my boyfriend.

Resposta:  D

 TEXTO 8: Choose the correct option to complete the text below.

International Congress

Join us _______ our 2016 International Education Conference _______ Orlando, at the Disney's Boardwalk Inn! The Boardwalk is located within the Walt Disney World Resort and 10 minutes away ______ the Epcot Theme Park. In addition to the Education Conference, we are also hosting a Business Conference that will be held on the same days, at the same venue.

(Abridged from

15 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

(A) in / in / at
(B) on / in / under
(C) at / at / under
(D) at / in / from
(E) in / at / from

Resposta:  D

16 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

 TEXTO 9: What is the correct option to complete the text below?

Mosquito Screens to Be Used at Rio Games          

Even as athletes grow increasingly concerned about ____ outbreak of ___ Zika virus in Brazil, ____ organizing committee for the August Olympics in Rio de Janeiro said it would charge national delegations to have mosquito screens on athletes' rooms.
____ screens, one measure Brazilians are using to help ward off the mosquito that is the primary transmitter of Zika, will be installed in communal areas "where required," but affixed to lodging only if national delegations decide to pay for it, said Philip Wil kinson, ____ spokesman for the Rio 2016 organizing committee.


16 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

(A) an / - / the / - / an
(B) the / the / the / the / a
(C) the / a / the / the / a
(D) an / the / - / the / a
(E) the / the / the / the / an

Resposta:  B

17 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

Choose the best reply to the statement below.

I went to school yesterday.

(A) So I did.
(B) So did I .
(C) Nor I did,
(D) Neither went I.
(E) Neither did I.

Resposta:  B

18 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

Mark the correct option.

(A) Beth got married with an American engineer last week.
(B) After 30 minutes standing in line, he was tired of waiting.
(C) The disadvantage in having a car is the need with insurance.
(D) During his high school years, he had always been good in math and chemistry.
(E) There are some differences of living in a house and living in a flat.

Resposta:  B

 TEXTO 10: Choose the correct option to complete this forum post.

Always hated my nose and finally ______

My "beak-like" nose needed to be shaped, but I was afraid the surgery would hurt too much. A friend talked me into ______ after hearing me complain so many times. If I had known how easy the recovery was, I would have done it a long time ago!


19 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

(A) it had fixed / getting it done
(B) had fixed it / getting it done
(C) it had fixed / it getting done
(D) had fixed it / it getting done
(E) had it fixed / getting it done

Resposta:  E

 TEXTO 11: Which is the correct option to complete the excerpt below?

The Legacy of Hartlepool Hall          

"[...] Where did you get this recipe for roast chicken, my dear? Quite delicious."
"It's the same thing we have every day, Daddy,' replied Annabel.
Is it really? It tastes quite different this week. Do you have a good cook at Hartlepool Hall, Edward? Is Mrs. Horton still there? But she ______ be. She ______ be dead by now. '

(TORDAY, Paul. The Legacy of Hartlepool Hall. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2012 .)

20 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

(A) might not / can't
(B) can't / will
(C) can't / must
(D) shouldn't / mustn't
(E) shouldn't / can't

Resposta:  C

 TEXTO 12: Which is the correct way to complete the excerpt below?

The Legacy of Hartlepool          

"He thought that if he had the courage to visit the Long Gallery, the portraits of ___ ancestors would come to life in ___ frames. ___ would point ___ fingers and say: ' We did ___ duty. We spent the money as . was meant to be spent [...]."

(TORDAY, Paul. The Legacy of Hartlepool Hall. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2012 . )

21 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

(A) him / its / We / ours / ours / he

(B) him / theirs / They/ their / ours / it
(C) her / their / We / ours / our / he
(D) his / their / They / their/ our / it
(E) his / its / They / theirs/ our / it

Resposta:  D

22 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

Mark the only sentence that is correct.

(A) I don't mind doing all the housework.
(B) She suggested to go to a new restaurant on Sunday.
(C) They avoid to go out at night because of the violence.
(D) The children refused making their beds.
(E) He promised not being late next time.

Resposta:  A

 TEXTO 13: Which is the correct option to complete the paragraph below?

How to prepare yourself for entrance exams         

While you are studying for the test, ______ the time to anticipate what obstacles you might encounter when taking the actual test. A helpful tool for doing this will be the practice tests: ______ which questions trip you up the most. Then, _______ up with strategies for handling those minor issues while you take your exam.

23 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

(A) are taking / notice / comes
(B) takes / noticing / coming
(C) take / notice / come
(D) takes / noticing / com
(E) take / noticing / coming

Resposta:  C

 TEXTO 14: Which is the correct way to complete the paragraph below?

No language is easy to learn well, though languages which are related to our first language are ______. Learning a completely different writing system is a huge challenge, but that does not necessarily make a language ______ another. In the end, it is impossible to say that there is one language that is ______ language in the world.

Adapted from

24 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

(A) easier / more difficult / harder
(B) the easiest / more difficult / harder
(C) as easy as / the most difficult / the hardest
(D) easier / more difficult than / the hardest
(E) the easiest / more difficult than / the harder

Resposta:  D

 TEXTO 15: Which question word best completes the paragraph below? 

So if smoking is so bad for you, ______ is it so hard to quit? Stopping smoking is difficult for several reasons: nicotine is highly addictive, rewarding psychological aspects of smoking and genetic predisposition.

Adapted from http://www.spine-health,com/wellness/stop-smoking

25 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

(A) what
(B) when
(C) who
(D) whose
(E) why

Resposta:  E

26 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

Which is the correct option to complete the dialogue?

What did John tell Mary last Saturday?
John told __________________ the day before.

(A) Mary that he will buy some flowers
(B) her that he had bought some flowers
(C) him that he did buy some flowers
(D) to Mary that he bought some flowers
(E) that he has to buy some flowers

Resposta:  B

27 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

Which of the options completes the sentence correctly?

Peter's got blue eyes, _____ ?

(A) isn't he
(B) does Peter
(C) doesn't he
(D) has Peter
(E) hasn't he

Resposta:  E

 TEXTO 16: Choose the correct option to complete this novel excerpt.

"Where is Louisia?", shouted Paul.          
"Paul", said Mrs Schobert softly [...] "Louisia has not______ nor ______ . She has not______ home - yet. I am sorry. I don't know what to think."

(HOOD, P.F.F.; HOOD, C.L. Tomorrow, soldier.

Part Three: Himmler's Gas Station.

An autobiographical novel in four parts.

Milton Keynes: UK. Author House, 2007, p.40.)

28 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

(A) called / wrote / come
(B) called /wrote / came
(C) call / wrote / came
(D) call / written / came
(E) called / written / come

Resposta:  E

 TEXTO 17: Which of the options completes the sentence correctly?          

Surveys have found that even though 80% of smokers would like to quit smoking, less than five percent are able to quit on their own ______ the highly addictive properties of nicotine.

29 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

(A) because
(B) due to
(C) moreover
(D) however
(E) instead of

Resposta:  B

 TEXTO 18: Which is the correct way to complete the text below?

You can now edit and format your Google Docs by voice

About six months ago, Google ______ voice typing for Google Docs on the web ______ you to dictate your text into a document. Today it's taking this feature a step further by also allowing you to edit and format your text by voice, too.
This ______ you can now say things like "select all, " "align center", "bold", "got to end of line", or "increase font size" and Google Docs ______ and follow your commands. You can find a full list of available commands here.

30 – (ESCOLA NAVAL-CPAEN-2016/2017)

(A) has introduced / to allow / means / understanding
(B) introduces /allowed / meant/has understood
(C) has introduced / to allow / is meaning / understood
(D) introduced / to allow / means / will understand
(E) introduced / allowed / meant / understand

Resposta:  D

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