segunda-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2018


➭ 9 TFQs (True False Questions) / 4 Options Each Question.
➭ Text (1) – | E. W. Said. Orientalism. |
➭ Text (2) – | D. Massey. For space. |
➭ Text (3) – | Africa: unity, sovereignty, and sorrow. |
➭ Text (4) – | Public Diplomacy. |
➭ Text (5) – | The impact of political and diplomatic disputes on international business activity|


➭     Gabarito -  EEEC   
Decide whether the following statements are right (C) or wrong (E) according to text I.
1 The author asserts that the Orient, as Europeans tend to see it, IS a culturally ancient creation. (ERRADO)
(O autor afirma que o Oriente, assim como os europeus tendem a vê-lo, é uma criação culturalmente antiga.)
ERRADA – O autor afirma que o ORIENTE FOI QUASE (WAS ALMOST) UMA INVENÇÃO/CRIAÇÃO EUROPÉIA, conforme o trecho (linha 6):
  • "[...] The Orient was almost a European invention...."

2 The Portuguese as well as other European peoples share the exact same Orientalist tradition as the British.
(Os portugueses, assim como outros povos europeus, compartilham exatamente a mesma tradição orientalista como os britânicos.)
ERRADA – porque os portugueses compartilham  orientalismo DIFERENTE (MENOR GRAU) dos franceses e dos britânicos (que são povos europeus), conforme o trecho (linhas:14 a 16):
  • "[...]  Unlike the Americans, the French and the British — less so the Germans, Russians, Spanish, Portuguese, Italians, and Swiss — have had a long tradition of what I shall be calling Orientalism, a way of coming to terms with the Orient that is based on the Orient’s special place in European Western experience."
  • NÃO DA MESMA FORMA QUE os americanos, os franceses e os britânicos - MENOS AINDA os alemães, os russos, os espanhóis, os portugueses, os italianos e os suíços - que tiveram uma longa tradição do que chamarei de orientalismo,..)
➭ UNLIKE = Differently from; not in a like manner. 
➭ LESS SO = to a smaller degree - MENOS AINDA - indica um grau menor da qualidade de algo em questão.

3 Even though the Orient neighbours Europe, the peoples of this region are the most likely to appear as Europe's Other.
ERRADA – porque não faz sentido o genitive case “Europe's Other” (Europa da Europa), tendo em vista que “Other” faz referência a “Europe”, conforme o trecho (linhas:18 a 22):
  •  “[…] The Orient is not only adjacent to Europe; it (= the Orient) is also the place of Europe’s greatest and richest and oldest colonies, the source of its civilizations and languages, its cultural contestant, and one of its deepest and most recurring images of the Other.” (O Oriente não é apenas adjacente à Europa; é também o lugar das maiores, mais ricas e mais antigas colônias da Europa, a fonte de suas civilizações e línguas, seu concorrente cultural e uma de suas imagens mais profundas e recorrentes da Europa.)
4 It can be said that the French journalist quoted in the text was disappointed not to find the landscape once described by the referred writers.
(Pode-se dizer que o jornalista francês citado no texto ficou desapontado por não encontrar a paisagem outrora descrita pelos referidos escritores.)
CORRETA A questão 4 é do estilo INFERENCE QUESTION (It can be said that ...) onde se infere que o jornalista francês ficou desapontado por não encontrar a paisagem outrora descrita pelos referidos escritores.
Neste tipo de questão você tem que verificar se a inferência apresentada na questão é possível com base em algum trecho do texto,ou em outras palavras.
A inferência da questão 4 é possível por estar em conformidade com o trecho (linhas:1 a 4):
  • "[...] On a visit to Beirut during the terrible civil war of 1975-1976 a French journalist wrote regretfully of the gutted downtown area that “it had once seemed to belong to the 4 Orient of "Chateaubriand and Nerval"."
  • Em uma visita a Beirute durante a terrível guerra civil de 1975-1976, um jornalista francês escreveu COM PESAR sobre o centro da cidade devastado que “uma vez parecia pertencer ao Oriente de Chateaubriand e Nerval”
➭ REGRETFULLY = used to talk about a situation that you wish was different. – synonym REGRETTABLY – LAMENTAVELMENTE, COM PESAR.
➭     Gabarito -  ECCX   
Considering the grammatical and semantic aspects of text I, decide whether the following items are right (C) or wrong (E).
1 The word "Orientalist" (R.49) could be correctly replaced by Orientalists.
➭ ERRADA – porque contextualmente, "Orientalist" funciona como ADJETIVO e sabemos que, em inglês, os adjetivos não se flexionam.
Mas você pode perguntar: por que "Orientalist" é adjetivo no contexto?
Vamos ao trecho:
  • Out of that closeness, whose dynamic is enormously productive even if it always demonstrates the comparatively greater strength of the Occident (British, French, or American), comes the large body of texts I call Orientalist.
2 The texts defined by E. W. Said as Orientalist, albeit numerous, always suggest the Occident's superiority.
(Os textos são definidos por E. W. Said como orientalistas, ainda que numerosos, sempre sugerem a superioridade do Ocidente.)

O gabarito oficial é CORRETA, no entanto, consideramos a questão ERRADA por motivo explicado a seguir. 
➭ ERRADA O autor usa o verbo TO DEMONSTRATE (to show or prove something clearly) que carrega um sentido semântico diferente do verbo TO SUGGEST (to make someone think that a particular thing is true) utilizado na questão.
  • “[...] Out of that closeness, whose dynamic is enormously productive even if it always demonstrates the comparatively greater strength of the Occident (British, French, or American), comes the large body of texts I call Orientalist.”
  • Fora dessa proximidade, cuja dinâmica é enormemente produtiva, mesmo que sempre DEMONSTRE a força comparativamente maior do Ocidente (britânico, francês ou americano), vem o grande corpo de textos que chamo de orientalistas.
3 The adjective "remarkable" (R.8) could be replaced by significant or uncanny in the context of the text.
4 The expression "coming to terms with" (R.17) could be replaced by assimilating, without altering the meaning of the sentence.
➭     Gabarito -  CCCE   
According to text I, decide whether the following statements are right (C) or wrong (E).
1 The notion of Orientalism, which the author intends to investigate, is built upon a volume of written texts throughout the centuries.
2 The Orient has taken part in molding the contemporary European experience.
3 The British and French tradition of Orientalism is forged through the colonial experience and academic corpora.
4 Presently, America situates itself in a different position towards the Orient, regarding British and French perspectives.
➭     Gabarito -  CCXE   
In text I, without altering the meaning of the sentence, the noun "realms" (R.35) could be replaced by (mark right — C — or wrong — E):
1 spheres.
2 domains.
3 grounds.
4 divisions.

➭     Gabarito -  ECCC   
Considering the ideas and the vocabulary of text II, decide whether the statements below are right (C) or wrong (E).
1 The word "ineluctability" (R.13) is synonymous with
2 The expression "sleight of hand" (R.14) carries the notion of skilful deception.
3 The author asserts that, even though "space" is an extension to be travelled, it is nowadays intertwined with the notion of time.
4 The adjective "coeval" (R.19) could be replaced by coetaneous without changing the meaning of the sentence.

     Gabarito -  XXCE   
Decide whether the statements below, concerning the ideas and the vocabulary of text II, are right (C) or wrong (E).
1 The social and political consequences of the definition of globalisation are that some countries may be regarded as delayed in their historic progression.
2 The phrase "obliterates the multiplicities" (R.22) can be replaced by removes diversities, without changing the meaning of the sentence.
3 In the text, the adjective "totemic" (R.26) is the same as emblematic.
4 Globalisation, as a project, intends to respect and promote different futures and dynamics for different countries.

     Gabarito -  EEEC   
Decide whether the following statements, concerning the grammatical and semantic aspects of text III, are right (C) or wrong (E).
1 Both the author of the book itself and the reviewer agree that African countries should not have had their independence determined by outside forces.
2 Most publications tend to propose explanations for the situation of African and Asian countries in a generalised form.
3 If “yardstick” (R.2) is replaced by criterion in the text, it would be necessary to change the preposition following it — “of” — in order to maintain grammatical accuracy.
4 The author of the review blames the problems of Englebert’s book mostly on his search for a single answer for the issues concerning African countries.

     Gabarito -  CECC   
The statements below are about the ideas of text III and the vocabulary used in it.
Decide whether those statements are right (C) or wrong (E).
1 The author of the review understands the problems of the African continent as a more complex issue.
2 The word “myriad” (R.21) is synonymous with intricate.
3 Englebert’s experience in the eastern Congo is paradigmatic for the elaboration of his thesis.
4 The noun “constraints” (R.6) could be correctly replaced by limitations.

     Gabarito -  ECCE   
Considering the content of text IV,
decide whether the following statements are right (C) or wrong (E).
1 US educational and cultural exchange programs have been in place for over sixty years.
2 The US information programs abroad started operating due to an ambassador’s complaint.
3 The basic instruments of public diplomacy have practically remained the same.
4 Public diplomacy programs still remain disconnected across government agencies.

     Gabarito -  CEEE   
Decide whether the statements below are right (C) or wrong (E) according to the ideas and information of text IV.
1 Integration is bigger than any other internal change.
2 Public diplomacy programs have long been integrated into the Department of State.
3 Public diplomacy officers serve either in the Department’s regional and functional bureaus or in public affairs sections of the embassy.
4 The flow of information has been slowing its pace for years.

     Gabarito -  EEEC   
In text IV the expression “deferred gratification” (R.5) could be replaced, without changing of meaning, by (decide whether the items below are right — C — or wrong — E):1 expected gratification.
2 generous expectation.
3 paid-off expectation.
4 put-off gratification.
     Gabarito -  ECEC   
Based on text V, decide whether the statements below are right (C) or wrong (E).
1 There has never been any conflict between members of WTO.
2 Trade disputes can be categorized into at least three facets.
3 Friendly nations are those ones which belong to WTO.
4 The majority of international trade is carried out free of 

     Gabarito -  EECC   
Decide whether the following statements are right (C) or wrong (E) according to text V.
1 Disputes on international issues neither demand the intervention of diplomats nor of technical trade experts.
2 Never before has there been a dispute between the US Government and BP.
3 The main company involved in the Macondo accident is, just by chance, based in UK.
4 Intergovernmental differences of substance are not involved in the case.

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