sexta-feira, 27 de julho de 2018


❑ Welcome back to another post!

➭ 10 Multiple Choice Questions / 4 Options Each Question.
 Text (1) – |
 Text (2) – Tirinha | |
 Text (3) – Do Gun Owners Want Gun Control? | |
 Text (4) – New Studies Link Cell Phone Radiation with Cancer | |
 Text (5) – | |
 Text (6) – Technology and its discontents | |
 Text (7) – The assistant we didn’t ask for, but can't live without  “Weird.” “Curious.” “Baffling.” “Quite Stupid.” | |
 Text (8) – “The woman hangs upside down behind her husband” Novelist and travel journalist Jo Piazza on the benefits of competing in the wife-carrying race | |
 Text (9) – A Shoe Engineered to Boost Performance | |
 Text (10) – | Über-Adaptable Airless Tires | |

1-B, 2-A, 3-C, 4-D, 5-A, 6-C, 7-B, 8-C, 9-A, 10-D


 TEXT 1:

"Once we're dead, we're dead. I don't want a Japanese designer to start designing Dolce & Gabbana," Gabbana, 55, said in an interview with Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera.
The veteran fashionistas launched their brand in 1985 and continue to work together despite breaking up as a couple in 2004. “When we split up, we said to ourselves that it was better to divide up everything, because if I took a blow to the head the next day he would have found himself dealing with someone not involved in the industry, like for example my cousin, who could ruin the business,” Gabbana said. "We have created a trust neither of us can touch."
Dolce, 59, added that the pair had refused “every offer to buy the brand”. “You can have all the money in the world, but if you are not free, what do you do? You don’t go to the grave with a coffin stuffed with money,” he said.
Designer Stefano Gabbana says he is tired of being labelled as gay. "I'm too busy working. I don't care about becoming richer – my goal is to be successful," he said. The two men said they still share an exceptional bond, even though they are no longer romantically linked. “Even today, what is mine is his, and what is his is mine ...”
Disponı́vel em:
Acesso em: 24 mar. 2018.
"Once we're dead, we're dead. I don't want a Japanese designer to start designing Dolce & Gabbana," Gabbana, 55, said in an interview with Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera.
"Quando estivermos mortos, estaremos mortos. Não quero que um estilista japonês comece a desenhar Dolce & Gabbana", disse Gabbana, 55, em entrevista ao jornal italiano Corriere della Sera.
The veteran fashionistas launched their brand in 1985 and continue to work together despite breaking up as a couple in 2004.
Os veteranoas fashionistas lançaram sua marca em 1985 e continuam trabalhando juntas, apesar de terem se separado em 2004.
“When we split up, we said to ourselves that it was better to divide up everything, because if I took a blow to the head the next day he would have found himself dealing with someone not involved in the industry, like for example my cousin, who could ruin the business,” Gabbana said. "We have created a trust neither of us can touch."
“Quando nos separamos, dissemos a nós mesmos que era melhor dividir tudo, porque se eu levasse uma pancada na cabeça no dia seguinte, ele estaria lidando com alguém que não é do ramo, como por exemplo meu primo , que poderia arruinar o negócio”, disse Gabbana. "Criamos uma confiança que nenhum de nós pode tocar."
Dolce, 59, added that the pair had refused “every offer to buy the brand”. “You can have all the money in the world, but if you are not free, what do you do? You don’t go to the grave with a coffin stuffed with money,” he said.
Dolce, 59, acrescentou que a dupla recusou "todas as ofertas para comprar a marca". “Você pode ter todo o dinheiro do mundo, mas se não for livre, o que você faz? Você não vai para o túmulo com um caixão recheado de dinheiro”, disse ele.
Designer Stefano Gabbana says he is tired of being labelled as gay. "I'm too busy working. I don't care about becoming richer – my goal is to be successful," he said.
O designer Stefano Gabbana diz que está cansado de ser rotulado como gay. "Estou muito ocupado trabalhando. Não me importo em ficar mais rico - meu objetivo é ter sucesso", disse ele.
The two men said they still share an exceptional bond, even though they are no longer romantically linked. “Even today, what is mine is his, and what is his is mine ...”
Os dois homens disseram que ainda compartilham um vínculo excepcional, embora não estejam mais ligados romanticamente. “Ainda hoje, o que é meu é dele, e o que é dele é meu...”
01  (UFU-2018/2-VESTIBULAR)
According to the text,
I. Domenico and Stefano imply the Dolce & Gabbana label will die with them.
II. The Italian designers still maintain a romantic and long lasting relationship.
III. For them, success in their careers seems to be more important than money.
IV. Gabbana said he only trusts Dolce and his own cousin to run their business.
V. Even though they love each other, their fortunes are kept apart from one another.  
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta apenas afirmativas corretas.
A) II e III.
B) I e III.
C) III e V.
D) I e IV.
 👍   Gabarito    B  
*Afirmativa (I) corretaDomenico e Stefano sugerem que o selo Dolce & Gabbana irá morrer com eles.
*Afirmativa (II) incorreta: Os designers italianos ainda mantêm um relacionamento romântico e duradouro.
*Afirmativa (III) correta: Para eles, o sucesso em suas carreiras parece ser mais importante que o dinheiro.
*Afirmativa (IV) incorreta: Gabbana disse que só confia em Dolce e sua prima para administrar seus negócios. 
*Afirmativa (V) incorreta: Mesmo que eles se amem, suas fortunas são mantidas separadas uma da outra.

Disponı́vel em:
Acesso em: 22 abr. 2018.
- Wife: Guess what, Earl, today is the 20th anniversary of the red hat society. (Adivinhe, Earl, hoje é o 20º aniversário da sociedade do chapéu vermelho.)
- Wife: It was 20 years ago that exalted queen Sue Ellen bought a red hat and put it on her head. (Há 20 anos, a exaltada rainha Sue Ellen comprou um chapéu vermelho e colocou na cabeça.)
-Wife: And now it's in the Smithsonian Institution.(E agora está na Smithsonian Institution.)
- Husband: Her head? (A cabeça dela?)
-Wife: No, her hat!! (Não, o chapéu dela !!)

02  (UFU-2018/2-VESTIBULAR)

Sobre a tirinha, pode-se concluir que o efeito de humor ocorre devido ao fato

A) de a fala da esposa provocar ambiguidade.
B) de a rainha encontrar-se no Smithsonian.
C) de a esposa gostar de chapéus vermelhos.
D) de o marido não se interessar pela esposa.
 👍   Gabarito    A  
Sobre a tirinha, pode-se concluir que o efeito de humor ocorre devido ao fato
*Alternativa (A): de a fala da esposa provocar ambiguidade.
*Alternativa (B): de a rainha encontrar-se no Smithsonian.
*Alternativa (C): de a esposa gostar de chapéus vermelhos.
*Alternativa (D): de o marido não se interessar pela esposa.
• Very cool hmmm, this cartoon is very funny, the wife's speech provokes ambiguity in the 3rd comic, when she says that "And now it's in the Smithsonian Institution" and the husband asks if it is the head of the queen who is in "the Smithsonian Institution" , the wife then responds in surprise and says "No, her hat!!". 

 TEXT 3:
Do Gun Owners Want Gun Control?
By Jess Bidgood and Sabrina Tavernise 
Tom Galinat signed a letter to lawmakers, urging them to expand background checks for gun purchases. Mr. Galinat, 35, a farmer and hunter who owns nine guns, traveled last month from his home in Peacham, Vt., to Montpelier, the state capital, with a firm goal in mind: Convince lawmakers to enact a ban on high-capacity magazines.
Jonathan Leach, 56, a policy analyst in Augusta, Me., and the owner of about 10 guns, testified before Maine legislators in favor of a bill to let judges order people deemed dangerous to surrender their firearms. Mr. Leach said he wanted to serve as a counterweight to gun rights enthusiasts he knew would speak against the idea.
Disponı́vel em: <>.
Acesso em: 24 Abr. 2018.
Do Gun Owners Want Gun Control?
Os proprietários de armas querem o controle de armas?
By Jess Bidgood and Sabrina Tavernise 
Tom Galinat signed a letter to lawmakers, urging them to expand background checks for gun purchases. Mr. Galinat, 35, a farmer and hunter who owns nine guns, traveled last month from his home in Peacham, Vt., to Montpelier, the state capital, with a firm goal in mind: Convince lawmakers to enact a ban on high-capacity magazines.
Tom Galinat assinou uma carta aos legisladores, instando-os a expandir as verificações de antecedentes para compras de armas. Galinat, 35, um fazendeiro e caçador que possui nove armas, viajou no mês passado de sua casa em Peacham, Vermont, para Montpelier, a capital do estado, com um objetivo firme em mente: convencer os legisladores a decretar a proibição de armas de fogo de alta revistas de capacidade.
Jonathan Leach, 56, a policy analyst in Augusta, Me., and the owner of about 10 guns, testified before Maine legislators in favor of a bill to let judges order people deemed dangerous to surrender their firearms. Mr. Leach said he wanted to serve as a counterweight to gun rights enthusiasts he knew would speak against the idea.
Jonathan Leach, 56, analista de políticas em Augusta, Me., e proprietário de cerca de 10 armas, testemunhou perante os legisladores do Maine a favor de um projeto de lei para permitir que os juízes ordenem que pessoas consideradas perigosas entreguem suas armas de fogo. Leach disse que queria servir de contrapeso aos entusiastas dos direitos das armas que ele sabia que falariam contra a ideia.
03  (UFU-2018/2-VESTIBULAR)
Com base no texto, é correto afirmar que
A) Tom acredita que a aquisição de armas deve ser proibida.
B) os homens mencionados acham que armas são perigosas.
C) Tom e Jonathan concordam que haja controle de armas.
D) Jonathan critica aqueles que defendem o uso de armas.
 👍   Gabarito    C  

 TEXT 4:
New Studies Link Cell Phone Radiation with Cancer
Researchers call for greater caution, but skeptics say the evidence from rat studies is not convincing
By Charles Schmidt
Does cell phone radiation cause cancer? New studies show a correlation in lab rats, but the evidence may not resolve ongoing debates over causality or whether any effects arise in people.
The ionizing radiation given off by sources such as x-ray machines and the sun boosts cancer risk by shredding molecules in the body. But the nonionizing radio-frequency (RF) radiation that cell phones and other wireless devices emit has just one known biological effect: an ability to heat tissue by exciting its molecules. Still, evidence advanced by the studies shows prolonged exposure to even very low levels of RF radiation, perhaps by mechanisms other than heating that remain unknown, makes rats uniquely prone to a rare tumor called a schwannoma, which affects a type of neuron (or nerve cell) called a Schwann cell.
Disponı́vel em:>.
Acesso em: 29 mar. 2018.
New Studies Link Cell Phone Radiation with Cancer
Novos estudos ligam a radiação do telefone celular ao câncer
Researchers call for greater caution, but skeptics say the evidence from rat studies is not convincing
Os pesquisadores pedem mais cautela, mas os céticos dizem que as evidências dos estudos com ratos não são convincentes
By Charles Schmidt
            Por Charles Schmidt
Does cell phone radiation cause cancer? New studies show a correlation in lab rats, but the evidence may not resolve ongoing debates over causality or whether any effects arise in people.
A radiação do celular causa câncer? Novos estudos mostram uma correlação em ratos de laboratório, mas as evidências podem não resolver os debates em andamento sobre a causalidade ou se algum efeito surge nas pessoas.
The ionizing radiation given off by sources such as x-ray machines and the sun boosts cancer risk by shredding molecules in the body.
A radiação ionizante emitida por fontes como máquinas de raios-x e o sol aumenta o risco de câncer ao destruir moléculas no corpo.
But the nonionizing radio-frequency (RF) radiation that cell phones and other wireless devices emit has just one known biological effect: an ability to heat tissue by exciting its molecules.
Mas a radiação de radiofrequência (RF) não ionizante que os telefones celulares e outros dispositivos sem fio emitem tem apenas um efeito biológico conhecido: a capacidade de aquecer o tecido excitando suas moléculas.
Still, evidence advanced by the studies shows prolonged exposure to even very low levels of RF radiation, perhaps by mechanisms other than heating that remain unknown, makes rats uniquely prone to a rare tumor called a schwannoma, which affects a type of neuron (or nerve cell) called a Schwann cell.
Ainda assim, as evidências avançadas pelos estudos mostram que a exposição prolongada a níveis muito baixos de radiação de RF, talvez por outros mecanismos além do aquecimento que permanecem desconhecidos, torna os ratos propensos a um tumor raro chamado schwannoma, que afeta um tipo de neurônio (ou nervo). célula) chamada de célula de Schwann.
04  (UFU-2018/2-VESTIBULAR)
Com base no texto, afirma-se que
A) o celular provoca um tipo de tumor em seres humanos.
B) a radiação RF não causa efeitos biológicos.
C) o estudo comprova o perigo causado pelo celular em humanos.
D) a exposição à radiação ionizante afeta moléculas do corpo.
 👍   Gabarito    D  
*Item (A) incorreto pois extrapolou o texto que apenas afirma que:
"[...]But the nonionizing radio-frequency (RF) radiation that cell phones and other wireless devices emit has just one known biological effect: an ability to heat tissue by exciting its molecules."
(Mas a radiação não-ionizante de radiofrequência (RF) que os telefones celulares e outros dispositivos sem fio emitem tem apenas um efeito biológico conhecido: uma capacidade de aquecer o tecido excitando suas moléculas.)
*Item (B) incorreto, o texto afirma o contrário, ou seja, a radiação RF causa efeitos biológicos, veja:
"[...] The ionizing radiation given off by sources such as x-ray machines and the sun boosts cancer risk by shredding molecules in the body."
(A radiação ionizante emitida por fontes como máquinas de raio-x e o sol aumentam o risco de câncer ao destruir moléculas no corpo.)
*Item (C) incorreto pois extrapolou o texto que apenas afirma que:
"[...]But the nonionizing radio-frequency (RF) radiation that cell phones and other wireless devices emit has just one known biological effect: an ability to heat tissue by exciting its molecules. Still, evidence advanced by the studies shows prolonged exposure to even very low levels of RF radiation, perhaps by mechanisms other than heating that remain unknown, makes rats uniquely prone to a rare tumor called a schwannoma, which affects a type of neuron (or nerve cell) called a Schwann cell."
(Mas a radiação não-ionizante de radiofrequência (RF) que os telefones celulares e outros dispositivos sem fio emitem tem apenas um efeito biológico conhecido: uma capacidade de aquecer o tecido excitando suas moléculas. Ainda assim, evidências avançadas pelos estudos mostram que a exposição prolongada a níveis muito baixos de radiação de RF, talvez por outros mecanismos que não o aquecimento, torna os ratos unicamente propensos a um tumor raro chamado schwannoma, que afeta um tipo de neurônio (ou nervo). célula) chamada de célula de Schwann.)
*Item (D) CORRETO, o texto afirma a radiação ionizante causa efeitos biológicos, veja:
"[...] The ionizing radiation given off by sources such as x-ray machines and the sun boosts cancer risk by shredding molecules in the body.="A radiação ionizante emitida por fontes como máquinas de raio-x e o sol aumentam o risco de câncer ao destruir moléculas no corpo."

 TEXT 5:                         
A new study, published Monday in the journal Nature Astronomy, established the chemical composition of Uranus' upper cloud deck for the first time. Using an instrument called the Near-Infrared Integral Field Spectrometer (NIFS) at the Gemini North telescope in Hawaii, researchers determined that Uranus’ cloud cover is composed of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas, which is what gives rotten eggs their distinctive, noxious scent.
A new study, published Monday in the journal Nature Astronomy, established the chemical composition of Uranus' upper cloud deck for the first time.
Um novo estudo, publicado na segunda-feira na revista Nature Astronomy, estabeleceu pela primeira vez a composição química das nuvens superiores de Urano.
Using an instrument called the Near-Infrared Integral Field Spectrometer (NIFS) at the Gemini North telescope in Hawaii, researchers determined that Uranus’ cloud cover is composed of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas, which is what gives rotten eggs their distinctive, noxious scent.
Usando um instrumento chamado Near-Infrared Integral Field Spectrometer (NIFS) no telescópio Gemini North, no Havaí, os pesquisadores determinaram que a cobertura de nuvens de Urano é composta de gás sulfeto de hidrogênio (H2S), que é o que dá aos ovos podres seu cheiro distinto e nocivo. 
Disponı́vel em:
<>. Acesso em: 24 abr. 2018.

05  (UFU-2018/2-VESTIBULAR)
De acordo com o texto, infere-se que
A) o cheiro de Urano deve ser desagradável ao nosso olfato.
B) a superfície de Urano é composta por material rico em H2S.
C) as nuvens de gás cobrem toda a superfície do planeta Urano.
D) os pesquisadores sabiam da existência do gás H2S no planeta.
 👍   Gabarito    A  

 TEXT 6:
Technology and its discontents                      
Nuclear bombs can destroy us. Facebook undermines our privacy. Artificial intelligence (AI) and robots can enslave us (or, worse, take our jobs). Synthetic biology and geneediting have humans playing God. Social media make us depressed: we’ve never been so connected yet never so alone.
Those are just a few of the complaints leveled against technology. For most of human history, however, technology was mostly seen as a force for good. More people would live because of technical progress, from refrigeration to vaccination, than perish because of it, despite lethal inventions such as gunpowder.
Disponı́vel em:
< >.
Acesso em: 25 mar. 2018.
Technology and its discontents
Tecnologia e seus descontentamentos

Nuclear bombs can destroy us. Facebook undermines our privacy. Artificial intelligence (AI) and robots can enslave us (or, worse, take our jobs).
As bombas nucleares podem nos destruir. O Facebook mina nossa privacidade. A inteligência artificial (IA) e os robôs podem nos escravizar (ou, pior, tirar nossos empregos).
Synthetic biology and geneediting have humans playing God. Social media make us depressed: we’ve never been so connected yet never so alone.
A biologia sintética e a edição genética fazem os humanos brincarem de Deus. A mídia social nos deixa deprimidos: nunca estivemos tão conectados, mas nunca tão sozinhos.
Those are just a few of the complaints leveled against technology. For most of human history, however, technology was mostly seen as a force for good.
Essas são apenas algumas das reclamações feitas contra a tecnologia. Durante a maior parte da história humana, no entanto, a tecnologia foi vista principalmente como uma força para o bem.
More people would live because of technical progress, from refrigeration to vaccination, than perish because of it, despite lethal inventions such as gunpowder.
Mais pessoas viveriam por causa do progresso técnico, da refrigeração à vacinação, do que pereceriam por causa dele, apesar de invenções letais como a pólvora.
06  (UFU-2018/2-VESTIBULAR)
After reading this text, one could state that
A) technology is more harmful than good.
B) people are satisfied with social media.
C) the role of technology is under debate.
D) humans have always rejected technology.
 👍   Gabarito    C  

 TEXT 7:
The assistant we didn’t ask for, but can't live without
           “Weird.” “Curious.” “Baffling.” “Quite Stupid.” 
These words all once described Alexa, the voice-activated digital assistant on Amazon’s Echo device. But Amazon says the Echo Dot, a smaller, less expensive version of the Echo, was its “top-selling device” during the holiday season.
In 2014, it was odd to even consider owning an Echo — and impossible to buy without an invitation from Amazon. Today, you can pick from five Echo models. Or, you can try Google’s version: the Google Home, Google Home Mini or Google Home Max. Apple has also released a digital assistant device, the HomePod, which is fully capable with Siri. You can have your pick of digital assistants — each with varying capabilities of improving your life.
Alexa now has more than 15,000 skills, meaning any Echo device can go beyond describing the weather or playing music. The Google Assistant, first released in 2016, is catching up.
So why buy one now? First, they’re relatively inexpensive and far easier to use and understand than they were when first released. Think back to MP3 players or early smartphones: people learned a lot about using the products and became so adjusted to them that they didn’t know how to go back. Second, the future is paved with smart home devices, and voice-activated assistants to control them are becoming ubiquitous. The Echo and Google Home are no longer “test products” — the companies behind them want them to last.
Disponível em:
Acesso em: 10 mar. 2018
The assistant we didn’t ask for, but can't live without
A assistente que não pedimos, mas sem a qual não vivemos
“Weird.” “Curious.” “Baffling.” “Quite Stupid.” These words all once described Alexa, the voice-activated digital assistant on Amazon’s Echo device. But Amazon says the Echo Dot, a smaller, less expensive version of the Echo, was its “top-selling device” during the holiday season.
"Esquisito." "Curioso." "Desconcertante." “Muito estúpido.” Todas essas palavras já descreveram Alexa, a assistente digital ativada por voz no dispositivo Echo da Amazon. Mas a Amazon diz que o Echo Dot, uma versão menor e mais barata do Echo, foi seu “dispositivo mais vendido” durante a temporada de festas.
In 2014, it was odd to even consider owning an Echo — and impossible to buy without an invitation from Amazon. Today, you can pick from five Echo models.
Em 2014, era estranho até mesmo considerar possuir um Echo - e impossível comprar sem um convite da Amazon. Hoje, você pode escolher entre cinco modelos Echo.
Or, you can try Google’s version: the Google Home, Google Home Mini or Google Home Max. Apple has also released a digital assistant device, the HomePod, which is fully capable with Siri.
Ou você pode experimentar a versão do Google: Google Home, Google Home Mini ou Google Home Max. A Apple também lançou um dispositivo de assistente digital, o HomePod, que é totalmente compatível com a Siri.
You can have your pick of digital assistants — each with varying capabilities of improving your life.
Você pode escolher entre os assistentes digitais - cada um com recursos variados para melhorar sua vida.
Alexa now has more than 15,000 skills, meaning any Echo device can go beyond describing the weather or playing music. The Google Assistant, first released in 2016, is catching up.
Alexa agora tem mais de 15.000 habilidades, o que significa que qualquer dispositivo Echo pode ir além de descrever o clima ou tocar música. O Google Assistant, lançado pela primeira vez em 2016, está se atualizando.
So why buy one now? First, they’re relatively inexpensive and far easier to use and understand than they were when first released.
Então, por que comprar um agora? Primeiro, eles são relativamente baratos e muito mais fáceis de usar e entender do que quando foram lançados.
Think back to MP3 players or early smartphones: people learned a lot about using the products and became so adjusted to them that they didn’t know how to go back.
Pense nos MP3 players ou nos primeiros smartphones: as pessoas aprenderam muito sobre como usar os produtos e se acostumaram tanto com eles que não sabiam como voltar atrás.
Second, the future is paved with smart home devices, and voice-activated assistants to control them are becoming ubiquitous.
Em segundo lugar, o futuro está pavimentado com dispositivos domésticos inteligentes, e os assistentes ativados por voz para controlá-los estão se tornando onipresentes.
The Echo and Google Home are no longer “test products” — the companies behind them want them to last.
O Echo e o Google Home não são mais “produtos de teste” – as empresas por trás deles querem que durem.
07  (UFU-2018/2-VESTIBULAR)
Com base no texto, afirma-se que

I. existem vários modelos de assistentes digitais ativados por voz no mercado.

II. Alexa ainda é bastante limitada, mas descreve o tempo e toca músicas.

III. Google, Apple e Amazon desenvolveram assistentes digitais em parceria.

IV. há justificativas para a compra de um Echo Dot ou de um Google Home.

V. alguns dos assistentes digitais mencionados ainda se encontram em fase de testes.

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta apenas afirmativas corretas.

A) II e V.
B) I e IV.
C) III e V.
D) II e III.
 👍   Gabarito    B  

 TEXT 8:
“The woman hangs upside down behind her husband”
Novelist and travel journalist Jo Piazza on the benefits of competing in the wife-carrying race
You don’t hear that enough in life. But it was the first thing my husband and I were told after flying across the country to Sunday River, Maine, to enter the North American Wife Carrying Championship. Never heard of wife carrying? You’re forgiven. Popular in Finland as Eukonkanto and legally dubbed a “sport” there in 1991, wife carrying is a race wherein a man hurls a woman over his shoulders as if she were a sack of potatoes and stumbles through and over obstacles to cross a finish line and collect his prize— his wife’s weight in beer. Yes, that's the prize.
We also learned that there are well-thought-out wife-carrying techniques, the most popular being the “Estonian carry,” whereby the woman hangs upside down behind her husband facing his butt, with her legs thrown over his shoulders. It’s as uncomfortable as it sounds.
Disponível em:
Acesso em: 25 mar. 2018.
“The woman hangs upside down behind her husband”
“A mulher pendurada de cabeça para baixo atrás do marido”
Novelist and travel journalist Jo Piazza on the benefits of competing in the wife-carrying race
O romancista e jornalista de viagens Jo Piazza fala sobre os benefícios de competir na corrida de carregar esposas
You don’t hear that enough in life. But it was the first thing my husband and I were told after flying across the country to Sunday River, Maine, to enter the North American Wife Carrying Championship.
Você não ouve isso o suficiente na vida. Mas foi a primeira coisa que meu marido e eu ouvimos depois de voar pelo país para Sunday River, Maine, para entrar no Campeonato Norte-Americano de Carregamento de Esposas.
Never heard of wife carrying? You’re forgiven. Popular in Finland as Eukonkanto and legally dubbed a “sport” there in 1991, wife carrying is a race wherein a man hurls a woman over his shoulders as if she were a sack of potatoes and stumbles through and over obstacles to cross a finish line and collect his prize— his wife’s weight in beer. Yes, that's the prize.
Nunca ouviu falar de esposa carregando? Você está perdoado. Popular na Finlândia como Eukonkanto e legalmente apelidado de “esporte” lá em 1991, o carregamento de esposas é uma corrida em que um homem arremessa uma mulher sobre os ombros como se ela fosse um saco de batatas e tropeça em obstáculos para cruzar a linha de chegada e receba seu prêmio - o peso de sua esposa em cerveja. Sim, esse é o prêmio.
We also learned that there are well-thought-out wife-carrying techniques, the most popular being the “Estonian carry,” whereby the woman hangs upside down behind her husband facing his butt, with her legs thrown over his shoulders.
Também aprendemos que existem técnicas bem pensadas para carregar a esposa, sendo a mais popular o “carregamento estoniano”, em que a mulher fica pendurada de cabeça para baixo atrás do marido, de frente para a bunda dele, com as pernas jogadas sobre os ombros dele.
It’s as uncomfortable as it sounds.
É tão desconfortável quanto parece.
08  (UFU-2018/2-VESTIBULAR)
De acordo com o texto,
I. a mulher é carregada como se fosse um saco de batatas.

II. EukonKanto é considerado um esporte praticado nos EUA.

III. o esposo deve carregar sua esposa acima de sua cabeça.

IV. cerveja equivalente ao peso da esposa é o prêmio ofertado.

V. segurança e conforto da mulher são critérios fundamentais.

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta apenas afirmativas corretas.

A) II e III.
B) II e IV.
C) I e IV.
D) III e V.
 👍   Gabarito    C  

 TEXT 9:
A Shoe Engineered to Boost Performance
By Julia Zorthian
Imagine a shoe that lets you run faster, pivot better and jump higher. That’s the idea behind the Futurecraft 4D, a new sneaker whose midsole can be expertly tailored to the needs of its wearers—not only in size and shape, but also in flexibility, impact type, cushioning and more. The key is the 3-D printing process, which enables the company to “look at every single square millimeter of a midsole and tune it from a performance standpoint,” says Al VanNoy, who headed the project. It would take weeks to make those modifications using traditional shoemaking methods. But the Futurecraft 4D midsoles can be printed in as little as two hours, meaning they could even be produced in stores. At least that’s a possibility for the future.
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Acesso em: 25 mar. 2018.
A Shoe Engineered to Boost Performance
Um sapato projetado para aumentar o desempenho
By Julia Zorthian
Por Julia Zorthian
Imagine a shoe that lets you run faster, pivot better and jump higher. That’s the idea behind the Futurecraft 4D, a new sneaker whose midsole can be expertly tailored to the needs of its wearers—not only in size and shape, but also in flexibility, impact type, cushioning and more.
Imagine um sapato que permite correr mais rápido, girar melhor e pular mais alto. Essa é a ideia por trás do Futurecraft 4D, um novo tênis cuja entressola pode ser habilmente adaptada às necessidades de seus usuários - não apenas em tamanho e forma, mas também em flexibilidade, tipo de impacto, amortecimento e muito mais.
The key is the 3-D printing process, which enables the company to “look at every single square millimeter of a midsole and tune it from a performance standpoint,” says Al VanNoy, who headed the project. It would take weeks to make those modifications using traditional shoemaking methods.
A chave é o processo de impressão 3-D, que permite à empresa “olhar para cada milímetro quadrado de uma entressola e ajustá-la do ponto de vista do desempenho”, diz Al VanNoy, que liderou o projeto. Levaria semanas para fazer essas modificações usando métodos tradicionais de fabricação de calçados.
But the Futurecraft 4D midsoles can be printed in as little as two hours, meaning they could even be produced in stores. At least that’s a possibility for the future.
Mas as entressolas Futurecraft 4D podem ser impressas em menos de duas horas, o que significa que podem até ser produzidas nas lojas. Pelo menos é uma possibilidade para o futuro.
09  (UFU-2018/2-VESTIBULAR)
Based on the text, Futurecraft 4D
A) can be personalized to match the wearer´s midsole.
B) is already available in specialized shoe stores in the USA.
C) uses traditional shoemaking methods for better results.
D) was developed with the help of 4-D printing technology.
 👍   Gabarito    A  

 TEXT 10:
Über-Adaptable Airless Tires
By Lisa Eadicicco
In the future, our cars will be smart, and our tires will be smarter. For starters, it’s airless, eliminating the need to worry about pounds per square inch. It’s also made from recycled materials in an effort to reduce waste. But the most impressive feature may be its 3-D--printed treads, which can be swapped in and out to accommodate various road conditions—without changing the tire itself. The challenge will be figuring out a way to do it quickly, says Terry Gettys, who helped lead the project, “because consumers are going to want their tires [ready to go] in just a few minutes.”
Disponı́vel em: <>.
Acesso em: 25 mar. 2018.
Über-Adaptable Airless Tires
Pneus sem ar Über-adaptáveis
By Lisa Eadicicco
Por Lisa Eadicicco
In the future, our cars will be smart, and our tires will be smarter. For starters, it’s airless, eliminating the need to worry about pounds per square inch.
No futuro, nossos carros serão inteligentes e nossos pneus serão mais inteligentes. Para começar, é sem ar, eliminando a necessidade de se preocupar com libras por polegada quadrada.
It’s also made from recycled materials in an effort to reduce waste. But the most impressive feature may be its 3-D--printed treads, which can be swapped in and out to accommodate various road conditions — without changing the tire itself.
Também é feito de materiais reciclados em um esforço para reduzir o desperdício. Mas a característica mais impressionante pode ser sua banda de rodagem impressa em 3-D, que pode ser trocada para dentro e para fora para acomodar várias condições de estrada - sem trocar o próprio pneu.
The challenge will be figuring out a way to do it quickly, says Terry Gettys, who helped lead the project, “because consumers are going to want their tires [ready to go] in just a few minutes.”
O desafio será descobrir uma maneira de fazer isso rapidamente, diz Terry Gettys, que ajudou a liderar o projeto, “porque os consumidores vão querer seus pneus [prontos] em apenas alguns minutos”.

10  (UFU-2018/2-VESTIBULAR)
One of the most innovative features of this new concept tire is that it
A) is airless and as such needs little or no calibration.
B) can be changed quickly to meet consumer needs.
C) is easily adaptable and helps Uber drivers move safely.
D) can be physically adjusted to different driving contexts.
 👍   Gabarito    D  
One of the most innovative features of this new concept tire is that it
Uma das características mais inovadoras deste novo conceito de pneu é que
A) is airless and as such needs little or no calibration.  – é sem ar e, como tal, precisa de pouca ou nenhuma calibração.
B) can be changed quickly to meet consumer needs.  – pode ser alterado rapidamente para atender às necessidades do consumidor.
C) is easily adaptable and helps Uber drivers move safely.  – é facilmente adaptável e ajuda os motoristas do Uber a se locomoverem com segurança.
D) can be physically adjusted to different driving contexts.  – pode ser fisicamente ajustado a diferentes contextos de condução.

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