sábado, 8 de dezembro de 2018


Welcome back to another post!


 PADRÃO/COMPOSIÇÃO DA PROVA: 10 Questões do tipo (A,B,C,D,E).



• [to count (to enumerate) = contar, enumerar]
• [to benefit (to advantage) = beneficiar, favorecer] 
• [to compare (to confront) = comparar, confrontar]
• [to conspire (to plan) = conspirar, planejar]
• [to coincide (to concur) = coincidir, concordar]
• [to eschew (to avoid = evitar]
• [to flaw (to damage) = danificar]
• [to pertain = ser apropriado]
• [to shape (to formalize) = dar forma/configuração, formalizar]
• [to splinter (to chip) = lascar, estilhaçar, voar em estilhaços]
• [to suggest (to propose) = sugerir, propôs]
• [whenever they can = sempre que puderem]
• [one should always aim = Deve-se sempre visar]
• [cousin = primo]
• [core = núcleo]
• [flakes = flocos, pedaços de algo]
• [splinter = lasca]
• [hand ax = machado de mão]
• [narrative (story, narration) = narrativa, história]
• [portrait (picture) = retrato]
• [sloth (laziness) = preguiça]
• [tool = ferramenta]
• [active (alive, energetic, dynamic) = ativo, enérgico, dinâmico]
• [conversational = relativo à conversação]
• [idle (indolent, lazy, passive, lethargic) = passivo, ocioso, preguiçoso, letárgico]
• [beneficial = benéfico]
• [complete (whole) = inteiro]
• [incidental (accidental) = incidental, acidental]
• [paradoxical = paradoxal]
• [primary = primário]
• [wrought = forjada, trabalhada, moldada]
• [secondary (derivative) = secundário, derivativo]
• [scarce = escasso]
• [industrial revolution = revolução Industrial]
• [everyday conversational narratives = Narrativas conversacionais do dia a dia]
• [extremely effective cutting tools = ferramentas de corte extremamente eficazes]
• [large stone = pedra grande]
• [radical turnabout = virada radical]
• [scarce calories = calorias escassas]
• [stone core tool = ferramenta de núcleo de pedra]
• [waste products = produtos residuais]
• [couch potatoes (batatas de sofá) = uma pessoa que gasta pouco ou nenhum tempo exercitando e uma grande quantidade de tempo assistindo televisão]
• [busy bees (BíziBís)(abelhas ocupadas) = an industrious person = uma pessoa industriosa]
• [life expectancy = expectativa de vida]
• [countries' rates of physical activity = taxas de atividade física dos países]
• [to evolve(iVólv) = evoluir]
• [to involve(ênVólv) = envolver]


➧ TEXT IAnswer questions 01 to 05 in relation to text 1.

A paper in the Lancet, shamelessly timed to coincide with the Olympic games, compares countries' rates of physical activity. The study it describes, led by Pedro Hallal of the Federal University of Pelotas, in Brazil, is the most complete portrait yet of the world’s busy bees and couch potatoes. It suggests that nearly a third of adults, 31%, are not getting enough exercise.

That rates of exercise have declined is hardly a new discovery. Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, technology and economic growth have conspired to create a world in which the flexing of muscles is more and more an option rather than a necessity. But only recently have enough good data been collected from enough places to carry out the sort of analysis Dr Hallal and his colleagues have engaged in.

The high rates of inactivity he found in his paper are worrying. Paradoxically, human beings seem to have evolved to benefit from exercise while eschewing it whenever they can. In a state of nature it would be impossible to live a life that did not provide enough of it to be beneficial, while over- exercising would use up scarce calories to little advantage. But that no longer pertains. According to another paper in the Lancet, insufficient activity these days has nearly the same effect on life expectancy as smoking.

The Economist Jul 21st 2012, from the print edition

The study referred to in the first paragraph is about

A) the sufficient amount of physical exercises a person needs.
B) the most slothful countries in the world.
C) how technology can help people's activity.
D) human misbehavior towards physical exercises.
E) a new discovery concerning low rates of human exercises.


O estudo realizado por Pedro Hallal aponta

A) o crescimento econômico como razão da necessidade de o indivíduo exercitar-se.
B) o prejuízo à saúde que causam o excesso e a
escassez de exercícios físicos.
C) a proporção mundial de pessoas que não praticam suficiente atividade física.
D) os efeitos do fumo e da atividade física insuficiente na expectativa de vida humana.
E) o conceito de exercício físico como uma opção e não como uma necessidade.


According to Hallal's research, people in the world are NOT becoming

A) active and dynamic.
B) idle and alive.
C) laborious and lazy.
D) indolent and strenuous.
E) lethargic and robust.


The alternative in which the words have the same grammatical order as in shame (noun) – shameless (adj) – “shamelessly” (adv – line 01) is

A) active – activity – actively
B) near – nearness – nearly
C) hard – hardness – hardly
D) paradox – paradoxical – paradoxically
E) insufficient – insufficiency – insufficiently


The word which can be a substitute for “eschewing”,
as it is used in line 19, is

A) achieving.
B) stopping.
C) holding.
D) avoiding.
E) deceiving.


➧ INSTRUÇÃO: Answer questions 06 to 10 in relation to text 2.
Everyday conversational narratives of personal experience might be regarded as the country cousins of more well-wrought narratives. The work of archaeologist Nicholas Toth revolutionized the understanding of Stone Age tools. Prior to Toth’s studies, the received perspective was that early hominids chipped a cobble in such a way that it could be used as a pick or a hand ax.
Researchers considered the splintered flakes as waste products and examined them for information about techniques used to shape the stone core tool. While others were analyzing the morphological shapes and cognitive correlates of the chipped cores, Toth, in a radical turnabout, discovered that the flakes were the primary tools and that the large stone was an incidental byproduct, possibly a secondary tool. The flakes turned out to be “extremely effective cutting tools” for animals, wood, hides, and other work. We posit that, like stone flakes, mundane conversational narratives of personal experience constitute the prototype of narrative activity rather than the flawed by-product of more artful and planned narrative discourse.

OCHS, E. & CAPPS, L. (2001)
Living Narrative – creating lives in everyday
storytelling. Harvard University Press, England, p.3

*Chip – small piece of something, like wood or glass,
 mainly when it has broken off something.
*Cobble – small round-shaped stone; cobblestones.
*Well-wrought – skillfully shaped or decorated.


De acordo com o texto, Nicholas Toth

A) descobriu uma nova maneira de trabalhar rochas de modo produtivo.
B) mudou a visão que existia sobre as ferramentas feitas de pedra.
C) criou novas possibilidades para a elaboração de textos sobre a Idade da Pedra.
D) chegou a uma importante conclusão sobre narrativas bem elaboradas.
E) propôs que textos orais se originam de textos escritos bem elaborados.

➧ INSTRUÇÃO: Para resolver a questão 07, leia as afirmativas sobre o texto 2 e preencha os parênteses com V (verdadeiro) ou F (falso).


According to text 2,

(  ) one should always aim at skillfully shaped texts.

(  ) large stone tools resulted from making cutting tools.

(  ) elaborate narratives grow out of informal conversations.

(  ) the bigger the product, the more important it is.

O preenchimento correto dos parênteses, de cima para baixo, é

A) V – V – V – F
B) V – F – V – F
C) V – F – F – V
D) F – V – V – F
E) F – V – F – V


O termo "as" é empregado com o mesmo sentido em "could be used as a pick" (linha 08) e em

A) As the day breaks, the first lights appear in the sky.
B) She works in a school as a pedagogical coordinator.
C) One should behave as one thinks it is best.
D) As it is late, we should go home.
E) Oh, wait for me; I'm not as fast!


The opposite of the term “flawed” (line 21)


A) perfect.
B) unique.
C) inevitable.
D) distinctive.
E) corresponding.

➧ INSTRUÇÃO: Para resolver a questão 10, considere as afirmativas sobre algumas expressões usadas no texto.

I. “cousins” (linha 03) está sendo usado em sentido literal, denotativo.

II. “chipped” (linha 13) é empregado como adjetivo e significa “lascado”, “talhado”.

III. “turned out to be” (linhas 16-17) indica deslocamento físico.

IV. “hides” (linha 18) é um substantivo e significa “couros”.


Estão corretas apenas as afirmativas

A) I e II.
B) I e III.
C) II e IV.
D) I, III e IV.

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