domingo, 2 de dezembro de 2018


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 PADRÃO/COMPOSIÇÃO DA PROVA: 10 Questões do tipo (A,B,C,D).


London: the city that ate itself

London is a city ruled by money. The things that make it special – the markets, pubs, high streets and communities – are becoming unrecognisable. The city is suffering a form of entropy whereby anything distinctive is converted into property value. Can the capital save itself?

London is without question the most popular city for investors,” says Gavin Sung of the international property agents Savills. “There is a trust factor. It has a strong government, a great legal system, the currency is relatively safe. It has a really nice lifestyle”. There are parks, museums and nice houses. Its arts of hedonism are reaching unprecedented levels: its restaurants get better or at least more ambitious and its bars offer cocktails previously unknown to man. In some ways, the city has never been better. It has a buzz. Its population keeps growing and investment keeps ______, both signs of its desirability. As its mayor likes to boast: “London is to the billionaire as the jungles of Sumatra are to the orangutans. It is their natural habitat.”

At the same time, to use a commonly heard phrase, the city is eating itself. Most obviously, its provision of housing is failing to ______ its popularity, with effects on price that breed bizarre reactions at the top end of the market and misery at the bottom. Thousands are being forced to leave London because their local authorities can’t find them homes and people on middle incomes can’t acquire a place where anyone would want to raise a family.

There are also effects beyond housing, although often driven by residential property prices. The spaces for work that are an essential part of the city’s economy are being squeezed, its high streets diminished, its pubs and other everyday places closing. It is suffering a form of entropy whereby the distinctive or special is converted into property values. Its essential qualities, which are that it was not polarised on the basis of income, and that its best places were common property, are being eroded. (…)

This would matter less if the city were making new places with the qualities of those now packaged up and commodified – if the supply of good stuff _____ expanding – but it _____ not. Although the cranes swing, much of the new living zones now _____ created range from the ho-hum to the outright catastrophic. The skyline _____ plundered for profit, but without creating towers to be proud of or making new neighbourhoods with any positive qualities whatsoever. If London is an enormous party, millions of people are on the wrong side of its velvet rope.

In the rest of Britain, a common view of London is that it is a parasitic monster or, as Alex Salmond put it, quoting Tony Travers of the London School of Economics: “The dark star of the economy, inexorably sucking in resources, people and energy. Nobody quite knows how to control it.” Both the SNP and Ukip can be seen as anti-London parties, as expressions of a feeling that national decisions are made in the capital, by the capital, for the capital. Those Scots who want independence are less concerned about being part of the same country as Middlesbrough or Ipswich than they are about London. But these views overlook the extent to which the city is feeding on its own.

Adapted from:


The phrasal verb forms that fill in the blanks in lines 18 and 24 are, respectively,

A) passing up – get back at
B) sorting out – grow out of
C) pouring in – keep up with
D) banking on – put up with


The alternative that presents all the correct forms to fill in the blanks between lines 43 and 47 are, respectively,

A) is – was – have been – are
B) were – is – being – is being
C) was – is – to be – being
D) has been – was – are – to be


The reading of the text allows us to say that the author _______ in the _________ paragraph.

I. states that one can make a profit in London – second

II. describes London’s thriving housing situation – third

III. tackles some of London’s crisis outcomes – fourth

IV. admits that the attempt to recover what London has been losing is failing – fifth

The correct statements are only

A) II and III.
B) II and IV.
C) I, II and III.
D) I, III and IV.


The word “eroded” (line 40)

refers to

A) essential qualities.
B) basis of income.
C) property values.
D) best places.


Which alternative below explains the idea underlined in the sentence

“This would matter less if the city were making new places with the qualities of those now packaged up and commodified...” (lines 41 to 43)?

A) The good places are being traded as goods.
B) The best places will be required for business.
C) The economic package is not favoring businesses.
D) The real estate market should invest in new quality places.


The sentence that would end paragraph 4 is

A) Serious consideration of both problems should include such options.
B) It is becoming the case that delights and beauties are available only at a high price.
C) Industry is the forgotten part of London’s economy, denigrated and overlooked since long ago.
D) Yet it turns out to have been a prototype for similar operations across the capital.


Read paragraph 6 and mark the following sentences T (true) or F (false).

(  ) Scots used to see Middlesbrough and Ipswich as Tony Travers did.

(  ) The SNP and Ukip despise London’s decision power.

(  ) Alex Salmond and Tony Travers do not share the same opinion.

(  ) The author thinks that not all views are concerned about how much London is eating itself.

Choose the alternative that presents the correct answers, from top to bottom, for the sentences above.

A) T – T – F – F
B) F – T – F – T
C) T – F – T – F
D) F – F – T – T

INSTRUÇÃO: Responder às questões 08 e 09 com base no texto 2, que apresenta comentários de especialistas sobre o gráfico.

Comment 1 – (…) the proportion of the population living in their own home has gone into decline. It peaked around the middle of the last decade, at just over 70 per cent.

Comment 2 – Owner occupiers spend an average of 18 per cent on their mortgage. That average may be misleading – those who’ve paid off their mortgage will be zilch. At least they’re building up an asset.

Comment 3 – The proportion in council homes has fallen too, thanks largely to Right to Buy. As a result, the proportion renting their own home has more than doubled in the last two decades, from under 10 per cent to over 20.

Comment 4 – (…) housing which costs more than 30 per cent of your income should count as unaffordable. This is a problem faced overwhelmingly by young renters.

Comment 5 – Soon, the rates of the population living in their own home will be back under 60 per cent, for the first time since the mid 1980s.
Adapted from:


The comments conveying ideas that have a representation on the graph are only

A) 1 and 4.
B) 2 and 5.
C) 1, 3 and 5.
D) 2, 3 and 4.


Read these assertions.

I. The word “living”, in the context of comment 1, plays the same grammatical function as in How do young people make a living in London?

II. If the grammatical structure “may be misleading” (comment 2) were in reported speech, it would be: The expert said that average might mislead.

III. By reading comment 3, one can say that some people who had the opportunity to buy their houses from the council are now renting them to others.

IV. “(…) should count as unaffordable”. (comment 4) means are to be considered financially unfeasible.

V. By reading comment 5, one can say that the population living in their own home did not reach 60 per cent in 1980.

The correct assertions are only

A) I and III.
B) II and IV.
C) I, II and V.
D) III, IV and V.


The alternatives below present groups of four verbs that belong to the same semantic field, EXCEPT:

A) stir – simmer – mince – season
B) overtake – divert – reverse – brake
C) trim – mow – utter – water
D) withdraw – owe – profit – bounce

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