sábado, 16 de novembro de 2019


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 15 Multiple Choice Questions / 5 Options Each Question.
➭ Text (1)  – ZEBRAS – Natural History. (7 questions)
➭ Text (2)  – Anti-semitism – Britain is nowhere near as anti-Semitic as is supposed – The Economist. (8 questions)

 TEXT 1Texto para as questões de 1 a 7.
Lesley Evans Ogden
1    Why zebras have stripes has long perplexed naturalists and continues to challenge scientists. Among the proposed explanations are that stripes promote social cohesion, regulate temperature, or confuse predators and biting flies. The matter, however, is far from settled.

Ecologist Brenda Larison of the University of California, Los Angeles, and six colleagues decided to have a fresh look at three hypotheses: predator evasion, thermoregulation, and biting fly avoidance. Plains zebras, Equus quagga, show a marked geographic variation in their stripes, which range from heavy black-and-white patterns covering the entire body to thinner, lighter stripes restricted to particular areas. For example, a now extinct subspecies from South Africa, E. q. quagga, had stripes on its neck, head, and torso but not on its belly or legs. The difference from region to region prompted the team to search for associations between environmental factors and striping patterns.

3    The  researchers chose sixteen populations of plains zebras and photographed a minimum of eight animals per site. Using image-processing software, they noted the number of stripes and their length, thickness, and color saturation on the legs, torso, and belly. They also gathered data on twenty-nine environmental variables, including temperature, precipitation, soil moisture, leaf water content, and tree canopy cover. In addition, they used the Food and Agricultural Organization’s published distribution of tsetse flies and modeled the historic geographic distribution of lions and tsetse flies. The team then ran a computer model and looked at which variables best predicted the observed geographic variation of stripes.

4    Surprisingly, they found no clear link between striping patterns and escape from predators or avoidance of biting flies. Instead, temperature was the strongest predictor of stripe variation. Plains zebras living in warmer regions had thicker, more defined stripes than those in cooler regions. This, say the authors, seems to support the idea that contrasting black and white stripes lead to differential air currents, potentially giving the zebras an onboard air conditioner. Such a mechanism has previously been proposed but still remains to be investigated directly. Another untested possibility is that it’s not tsetse fly distribution that matters, but rather the distribution of the disease-causing parasites carried by the flies. “It’s something I want to follow up on,” says Larison, who is also studying the genetics that underlies zebra striping.

5    “We usually think about zebra stripes in terms of benefits of striping, but the fact that they lose their striping in certain areas suggests that perhaps there are also some costs,” she says. The mystery of zebra stripes is still being resolved, but for now, one possible explanation has been seriously considered.
Adapted from Natural History, March 2015.


In paragraph 1, the sentence “The matter, however, is far from settled” most likely means the same as which of the following?

a) Scientists and naturalists believe they are close to a solid understanding of the origin and function of zebra stripes.
b) Scientists and naturalists have not yet arrived at a solid understanding of the purpose of zebra stripes.
c) Scientists and naturalists are still unable to explain why different striping patterns are often found among
members of the same zebra species.
d) The unsettled, migratory nature of zebra herds has
impeded practical scientific research.
e) Scientists and naturalists believe that only three
hypotheses could reasonably explain the purpose of
zebra stripes.
R E S P O S T A :   B
• No parágrafo 1, a frase “O assunto, entretanto, está longe de estar resolvido” provavelmente significa o mesmo que qual das seguintes?
a) Scientists and naturalists believe they are close to a solid understanding of the origin and function of zebra stripes.
• Cientistas e naturalistas acreditam estar próximos de uma sólida compreensão da origem e função das listras de zebra.
b) Scientists and naturalists have not yet arrived at a solid understanding of the purpose of zebra stripes.
• Cientistas e naturalistas ainda não chegaram a uma compreensão sólida do propósito das listras de zebra.
c) Scientists and naturalists are still unable to explain why different striping patterns are often found among members of the same zebra species.
• Cientistas e naturalistas ainda são incapazes de explicar por que diferentes padrões de listras são freqüentemente encontrados entre membros da mesma espécie de zebra.
d) The unsettled, migratory nature of zebra herds has impeded practical scientific research.
• A natureza instável e migratória dos rebanhos de zebras tem impedido a pesquisa científica prática.
e) Scientists and naturalists believe that only three hypotheses could reasonably explain the purpose of zebra stripes.
• Cientistas e naturalistas acreditam que apenas três hipóteses poderiam explicar razoavelmente o propósito das listras de zebra.


The information in the article most supports which of the following?

a) The societal structure of zebra herds helps to determine the length, thickness, and color saturation of zebra stripes.
b) At present, scientists have found no evidence to
support the hypothesis that zebra striping patterns may be related to geography and environment.
c) It is impossible to understand the function of striping patterns without understanding how predators affect zebra herds.
d) The native climate of the E. q. quagga zebra species was probably the same as the native climate of the Equus quagga zebra species.
e) Although Equus quagga and E. q. quagga zebras are related, the striping pattern of the first species is clearly different from that of the second.
R E S P O S T A :   E
• The information in the article most supports which of the following?
a) The societal structure of zebra herds helps to determine the length, thickness, and color saturation of zebra stripes.
b) At present, scientists have found no evidence to
support the hypothesis that zebra striping patterns may be related to geography and environment.
c) It is impossible to understand the function of striping patterns without understanding how predators affect zebra herds.
d) The native climate of the E. q. quagga zebra species was probably the same as the native climate of the Equus quagga zebra species.
e) Although Equus quagga and E. q. quagga zebras are related, the striping pattern of the first species is clearly different from that of the second.


According to the information in the article, Brenda Larison and her research team

a) relied on computerized technology in order to research certain stripe characteristics of various zebras.
b) studied eight of the sixteen known populations of plains zebras.
c) used image-processing software to prove that length, thickness, and color saturation of zebra stripes help to regulate body temperature.
d) discovered that zebra stripes are affected by twentynine environmental variables.
e) found evidence that zebra stripes are strongly influenced by temperature, precipitation, soil moisture, leaf water content, and tree canopy cover.

R E S P O S T A :   A

• According to the information in the article, Brenda
Larison and her research team
a) relied on computerized technology in order to research certain stripe characteristics of various zebras.
b) studied eight of the sixteen known populations of
plains zebras.
c) used image-processing software to prove that length, thickness, and color saturation of zebra stripes help to regulate body temperature.
d) discovered that zebra stripes are affected by twentynine environmental variables.
e) found evidence that zebra stripes are strongly influenced by temperature, precipitation, soil moisture, leaf water content, and tree canopy cover.


With respect to the Food and Agricultural Organization, which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?
a) The Food and Agricultural Organization provides the most accurate data on African predator distribution.
b) The Food and Agricultural Organization developed a computer model that shows the geographic distribution of certain zebra populations.
c) Brenda Larison and her research team worked closely with the Food and Agricultural Organization in order to model the geographical distribution of lions, tsetse flies, and zebras.
d) Data from the Food and Agricultural Organization helped Brenda Larison and her research team to disqualify one hypothesis about zebra stripes.
e) Food and Agricultural Organization statistics suggest that predators and biting flies rarely inhabit the same geographical area.

R E S P O S T A :   D

• With respect to the Food and Agricultural Organization, which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?
a) The Food and Agricultural Organization provides the most accurate data on African predator distribution.
b) The Food and Agricultural Organization developed a computer model that shows the geographic distribution of certain zebra populations.
c) Brenda Larison and her research team worked closely with the Food and Agricultural Organization in order to model the geographical distribution of lions, tsetse flies, and zebras.
d) Data from the Food and Agricultural Organization
helped Brenda Larison and her research team to
disqualify one hypothesis about zebra stripes.
e) Food and Agricultural Organization statistics suggest that predators and biting flies rarely inhabit the same geographical area.


According to the information in the article, Brenda Larison and her research team found evidence to support which of the following?

a) Biting flies are attracted to the black and white of zebra striping patterns.
b) Because of striping patterns, the body temperature of zebras in hot climates is the same as that of zebras in cool climates.
c) Certain stripe characteristics can indicate the climate of a zebra’s native region.
d) Zebra stripes may be irrelevant in cool regions.
e) Striping patterns help to establish social hierarchies in zebra herds, regardless of the climate of their native region.

R E S P O S T A :   C

• According to the information in the article, Brenda
Larison and her research team found evidence to support which of the following?
a) Biting flies are attracted to the black and white of zebra striping patterns.
b) Because of striping patterns, the body temperature of zebras in hot climates is the same as that of zebras in cool climates.
c) Certain stripe characteristics can indicate the climate of a zebra’s native region.
d) Zebra stripes may be irrelevant in cool regions.
e) Striping patterns help to establish social hierarchies in zebra herds, regardless of the climate of their native region. 


At the end of paragraph 4, when Brenda Larison says, “It’s something I want to follow up on,” she most likely means that

a) she’s interested in researching a possible connection between zebra striping patterns and parasites.
b) she hopes to discover the environmental factors that affect zebra striping patterns.
c) black and white stripes may regulate a zebra’s body temperature by affecting air currents.
d) she has developed a theory that a zebra’s black and white stripes may act to repel tsetse flies.
e) she intends to do further research on the role of genetics in determining zebra striping patterns.

R E S P O S T A :   A

• At the end of paragraph 4, when Brenda Larison says, “It’s something I want to follow up on,” she most likely means that
a) she’s interested in researching a possible connection between zebra striping patterns and parasites.
b) she hopes to discover the environmental factors that affect zebra striping patterns.
c) black and white stripes may regulate a zebra’s body temperature by affecting air currents.
d) she has developed a theory that a zebra’s black and white stripes may act to repel tsetse flies.
e) she intends to do further research on the role of 
genetics in determining zebra striping patterns.

According to the information in the article, the fact that zebra striping patterns can vary in accordance with geographical area may indicate that

a) each zebra species reacts differently to both predators and climate.
b) genetics may not be as powerful a factor in determining striping patterns as was once believed.
c) zebra stripes may not be entirely beneficial.
d) zebra stripes are a relatively new evolutionary phenomenon.
e) zebra stripes are beneficial in ways that have never.

R E S P O S T A :   C

• According to the information in the article, the fact that zebra striping patterns can vary in accordance with geographical area may indicate that
a) each zebra species reacts differently to both predators and climate.
b) genetics may not be as powerful a factor in determining striping patterns as was once believed.
c) zebra stripes may not be entirely beneficial.
d) zebra stripes are a relatively new evolutionary
e) zebra stripes are beneficial in ways that have never.

 TEXT 2Texto para as questões de 8 a 15.

1    In one Jewish school in London, pupils train for a possible terrorist attack. A synagogue has cancelled a children’s trip to Disneyland in France. Police and community groups have increased patrols in Jewish areas. After the murderous attack on a kosher supermarket in Paris on January 9th, British Jews are scared. Should they be?

Jews worried even before the killings. In a study of British Jews last year by the Institute for Jewish Policy Research (JPR), almost 70% said that they felt anti-Semitism had increased in the past five years. Considering the atrocities in Paris, it should come as no surprise that many Jews feel uneasy in a way that they have not for some time, says Ephraim Mirvis, Britain’s chief rabbi. But he cautions against alarmism. Indeed: though some statistics suggest otherwise, anti-Semitism is not rising.

3    Research last year from the Pew Global Attitudes survey suggests that just 7% of Britons hold unfavourable views of Jews. That is a little less than in France and much lower than in Italy or Greece, where the rates are 24% and 47% respectively. The figure in Britain has been fairly stable—varying between 7% and 9%—for a decade, points out Daniel Staetsky of JPR. Levels of prejudice against Muslims are higher in Britain, as in other European countries.

4    The Community Security Trust (CST), a charity that monitors anti-Semitic incidents, calculates that there were 529 in 2013, the lowest number since 2005. None involved serious violence. But the organization calculates that there was a rise in 2014. The first half of the year saw a 36% increase on 2013. Last July the CST recorded 302 incidents, its highest ever monthly total. London’s Metropolitan Police say the numbers of hate crimes against Jews reported last year almost doubled, though they remain low. R        That has much to do with events elsewhere in the world. Anti-Semitic incidents tend to track violence in the Middle East. A sharp rise in 2009 coincided with Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip. A rise in 2014 would coincide with Israel’s summer incursion into Gaza. Criticism of Israel is not the same as anti-Semitism, and the CST is careful to distinguish between the two. But, the organisation points out, the former can be used to bash Jews more generally.

5    The CST also notes that many incidents occur around the Jewish high holy days, when more people are going to and from synagogues. In 2013 incidents most commonly involved public verbal abuse hurled at visibly Jewish people, including shouts of “Heil Hitler” and “fucking Jewish bastards”. Changes in the demography of British Jews may exacerbate this. The haredi, or ultra-Orthodox, are a growing proportion of British Jews. Their clothes mark them out clearly as Jewish, as do the schools they attend and the areas where they live. As their numbers grow, abuse could increase, even as anti-Semitism more generally does not change.
Adapted from The Economist, January 24, 2015.


Which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?

a) In London, many Jewish academic administrators believe their schools will be the target of a terrorist attack.
b) British police are fighting armed community groups for control of London’s Jewish neighborhoods.
c) The discovery of a planned terrorist attack forced a London synagogue to cancel a children’s trip to Disneyland in France.
d) Fortunately, no British Jews were killed in the January 9th terrorist attack on a kosher supermarket in Paris.
e) Even if the terrorist attack on a kosher supermarket in Paris had not occurred, British Jews would still be concerned about anti-Semitism.

R E S P O S T A :   E

• Which of the following is most supported by the
information in the article?
a) In London, many Jewish academic administrators
believe their schools will be the target of a terrorist
b) British police are fighting armed community groups for control of London’s Jewish neighborhoods.
c) The discovery of a planned terrorist attack forced a
London synagogue to cancel a children’s trip to
Disneyland in France.
d) Fortunately, no British Jews were killed in the January 9th terrorist attack on a kosher supermarket in Paris.
e) Even if the terrorist attack on a kosher supermarket in Paris had not occurred, British Jews would still be concerned about anti-Semitism.


Information in the study presented by the Institute for Jewish Policy Research (mentioned in paragraph 2) could most likely be used to support which of the following ideas?

a) Contrary to what many British Jews believe, British
anti-Semitism has decreased in the last five years.
b) The terrorist attack on a kosher supermarket in Paris has led to an increase in British anti-Semitism.
c) Many British Jews have an unrealistically pessimistic opinion of British anti-semitism.
d) Most British Jews think anti-Semitism has risen by
almost 70% in the last five years.
e) British Jews have no need to worry about antiSemitism.

R E S P O S T A :   C

• Information in the study presented by the Institute for Jewish Policy Research (mentioned in paragraph 2) could most likely be used to support which of the following ideas?
a) Contrary to what many British Jews believe, British
anti-Semitism has decreased in the last five years.
b) The terrorist attack on a kosher supermarket in Paris has led to an increase in British anti-Semitism.
c) Many British Jews have an unrealistically pessimistic opinion of British anti-semitism.
d) Most British Jews think anti-Semitism has risen by
almost 70% in the last five years.
e) British Jews have no need to worry about antiSemitism. 


According to the information in the article, Ephraim Mirvis most likely believes which of the following?

a) It would be an exaggeration to say that British antiSemitism has become a serious threat.
b) Jews have strong, concrete reasons to be very worried about British anti-Semitism.
c) The study published by the Institute for Jewish Policy Research overestimates the problem of anti-emitism in London.
d) The last five years have seen a decrease, not an increase, in British anti-Semitism.
e) British Jews must start preparing to defend themselves against more atrocities similar to the terrorist attack on a kosher supermarket in Paris.

R E S P O S T A :   A

• According to the information in the article, Ephraim
Mirvis most likely believes which of the following?
a) It would be an exaggeration to say that British antiSemitism has become a serious threat.
b) Jews have strong, concrete reasons to be very worried
about British anti-Semitism.
c) The study published by the Institute for Jewish Policy Research overestimates the problem of anti-Semitism in London.
d) The last five years have seen a decrease, not an
increase, in British anti-Semitism.
e) British Jews must start preparing to defend themselves against more atrocities similar to the terrorist attack on a kosher supermarket in Paris.


Which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?
a) Compared with Britain, the rest of Europe is strongly anti-Semitic.
b) It’s possible that more than 90% of the people in Britain have no anti-Semitic feelings.
c) Britain and France are the least anti-Semitic countries in Europe.
d) Historically, racial prejudice and religious prejudice have never been components of British culture.
e) Nowadays, the percentage of Britons holding antiSemitic feelings is 2% greater than what it was 10 years ago.

R E S P O S T A :   B

• Which of the following is most supported by the
information in the article?
a) Compared with Britain, the rest of Europe is strongly anti-Semitic.
b) It’s possible that more than 90% of the people in
Britain have no anti-Semitic feelings.
c) Britain and France are the least anti-Semitic countries in Europe.
d) Historically, racial prejudice and religious prejudice
have never been components of British culture.
e) Nowadays, the percentage of Britons holding antiSemitic feelings is 2% greater than what it was 10 years ago. 


In paragraph 4, the sentence “None involved serious violence” most likely refers to which of the following?

a) Since 2005, extreme violence has not been present in any of the anti-Semitic incidents recorded in Britain.
b) In Britain, the number of destructive anti-Semitic incidents has fallen drastically in recent years.
c) Britain’s Community Security Trust divides antiSemitic acts into violent and non-violent categories.
d) In 2013, no anti-Semitic act caused severe physical harm to any Jew in Britain.
e) The low number of violent anti-Semitic incidents in 2013 left British authorities unprepared for the increase in anti-Semitism that occurred in 2014.

R E S P O S T A :   D

• In paragraph 4, the sentence “None involved serious
violence” most likely refers to which of the following?
a) Since 2005, extreme violence has not been present in any of the anti-Semitic incidents recorded in Britain.
b) In Britain, the number of destructive anti-Semitic
incidents has fallen drastically in recent years.
c) Britain’s Community Security Trust divides antiSemitic acts into violent and non-violent categories.
d) In 2013, no anti-Semitic act caused severe physical harm to any Jew in Britain.
e) The low number of violent anti-Semitic incidents in 2013 left British authorities unprepared for the increase in anti-Semitism that occurred in 2014.
👉 Questão  43 :


In paragraph 5, “That” in the sentence “That has much to do with events elsewhere in the world” most likely refers to the

a) occurrence of Israeli military operations in the Middle East.
b) increase in British anti-Semitic hate crimes.
c) unacceptably large number of British anti-Semitic hate crimes.
d) low level of British anti-Semitism.
e) British prejudice against both Jews and Muslims.

R E S P O S T A :   B

• In paragraph 5, “That” in the sentence “That has much to do with events elsewhere in the world” most likely refers to the
a) occurrence of Israeli military operations in the Middle East.
b) increase in British anti-Semitic hate crimes.
c) unacceptably large number of British anti-Semitic hate crimes.
d) low level of British anti-Semitism.
e) British prejudice against both Jews and Muslims.


According to the information in the article, the Community Security Trust (CST)
a) began studying British anti-Semitism in 2005.
b) pointed out that in Britain most anti-Semitic incidents usually take place in July.
c) reported that anti-Semitic hate crimes in Britain have increased mainly because British Jews strongly support Israel’s controversial policies.
d) has advised Britain’s Jewish community to be especially careful during the Jewish high holy days, when anti-Semitic violence tends to increase.
e) makes a point of noting that there is a difference between anti-semitism and criticizing Israel.

R E S P O S T A :   E

• According to the information in the article, the
Community Security Trust (CST)
a) began studying British anti-Semitism in 2005.
b) pointed out that in Britain most anti-Semitic incidents usually take place in July.
c) reported that anti-Semitic hate crimes in Britain have increased mainly because British Jews strongly support Israel’s controversial policies.
d) has advised Britain’s Jewish community to be especially careful during the Jewish high holy days, when anti-Semitic violence tends to increase.
e) makes a point of noting that there is a difference
between anti-semitism and criticizing Israel.


With respect to the haredi (mentioned in paragraph 6), which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?
a) The haredi are the main factor in the changing population statistics of British Jews.
b) Unlike the other British Jews, the haredi do not try to hide their Jewish identity.
c) The haredi are victims of more verbal abuse than other British Jews are.
d) Although the haredi are easy to recognize, their presence will probably not lead to any significant increase in British anti-Semitism.
e) The haredi are especially vulnerable to anti-Semitic acts because they refuse to mix with other segments of British society.

R E S P O S T A :   D

• With respect to the haredi (mentioned in paragraph 6), which of the following is most supported by the
information in the article?
a) The haredi are the main factor in the changing population statistics of British Jews.
b) Unlike the other British Jews, the haredi do not try to hide their Jewish identity.
c) The haredi are victims of more verbal abuse than other British Jews are.
d) Although the haredi are easy to recognize, their presence will probably not lead to any significant increase in British anti-Semitism.
e) The haredi are especially vulnerable to anti-Semitic acts because they refuse to mix with other segments of British society.

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