segunda-feira, 4 de novembro de 2019



 5 Multiple Choice Questions / 5 Options Each Question.
 Text (1) – | Looking for Alaska by John Green |
 Text (2) – | Drones | 
 Text (3) – Revealed: scale of hospital staff shortages1 in top Tory areas |
 Text (4) – | 10+ Surprising Acid Reflux Symptoms That Aren't Heartburn | |
 Text (5) – | Hillary CLINTON - the early years | |
 Text (6) – | London Bridge Attack | |
❑ TEXTO 1:
Looking for Alaska by John Green

Before. Miles “Pudge” Halter is done with his safe life at home. His whole life has been one big non-event, and his obsession with famous last words has only made him crave “the Great Perhaps” even more (Francois Rabelais, poet). He heads off to the sometimes crazy and anything-but-boring world of Culver Creek Boarding School, and his life becomes the opposite of safe. Because down the hall is Alaska Young. The gorgeous, clever, funny, sexy, self-destructive, screwed up, and utterly fascinating Alaska Young. She is an event unto herself. She pulls Pudge into her world, launches him into the Great Perhaps, and steals his heart. Then ...  After. Nothing is ever the same.


After reading the excerpt, identify its text genre:

(A) Book review.
(B) Academic abstract.
(C) Blog post.
(D) Tweet.
(E) Biography.

👍 Comentários e Gabarito  A 
(A) Book review.(Sinopse de livro)
➦ O texto acima apresenta de forma breve e curta o enredo da história.
(B) Academic abstract.(Resumo acadêmico)
➦ O texto acima não possui linguagem acadêmica e nem aborda assunto científico.
(C) Blog post.(Postagem de blog)
➦ Postagens de blogs são textos de cunho pessoal e informais.
(D) Tweet.(Postagem do twitter.)
➦ Postagens do twitter são textos de cunho pessoal e informais.
(E) Biography.(Biografia)
➦ O texto acima não é um texto organizado cronologicamente e nem de cunho pessoal.

❑ TEXTO 2Read the text and mark True (T) or False (F).
Drones were 16 minutes faster than the emergency services, increasing the chance of survival for people who suffer cardiac arrest, study shows

The 5.7kg (12.5lb) drone was developed by the Swedish Transportation Agency to carry a 763g (1.6lb) automated external defibrillator (AED). The eight-rotor unmanned aerial drone, with a maximum cruising speed of 75km/h (47mph), was housed at a fire station north of Stockholm.

Over a 72-hour period in October last year, it was dispatched 18 times by two licensed pilots using GPS coordinates to out-of-sight locations where cardiac arrests within a 10km radius from the fire station had occurred between 2006 and 2014.

The results, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (Jama) on Tuesday, found that the median time from call to dispatch of the emergency services was 3min 0sec compared with 3sec for the drone. The median time from dispatch to arrival of the drone was 5min 21sec, compared with 22min 0sec for the emergency services. The drone arrived more quickly than the emergency services in all cases with a median reduction in response time of 16min 39 secs over a median flight distance of about two miles.


I. There was a small number of flights.

II. The distance is not a factor which could alter the results of the study.

III. The weather conditions could influence the performance of the drones.

IV. Changes in trafffic patterns could cause different results.

V. The values mentioned are too high, so it is difficult to implement it.
(A) T, F, T, F, F.
(B) F, F, T, T, T.
(C) T, F, T, T, F.
(D) T, F, F, T, F.
(E) F, T, F, T, T.

👍 Comentários e Gabarito  C 
*Afirmativa (I). Houve um número pequeno de vôos.
➦Foram realizados somente 18 voos.
*Afirmativa (II). A distância não é um fator que poderia alterar os resultados do estudo.
➦ A distância aparece como um dos critérios do estudo.
*Afirmativa (III). As condições climáticas poderiam influenciar o desempenho dos drones.
➦ Pode-se inferir que sob condições adversas eles levariam um tempo maior para chegar ao destino.
*Afirmativa (IV). Alterações nos padrões de tráfego poderiam causar resultados diferentes.
➦ O fato de utilizarem o GPS, os drones seguem uma determinada rota que, se alterada, poderia ocasionar resultados diferentes.
*Afirmativa (V). Os valores mencionados são muito altos, então é difícil implementar isso.
➦ Texto não faz menção de valores.

❑ TEXTO 3:

Revealed: scale of hospital staff shortages1 in top Tory areas

The maternity unit at the main hospital used by Theresa May’s local constituents is so severely
that wards are running with only a quarter3 of the nurses they need, potentially putting mothers’ and babies’  lives at risk.

The Royal Berkshire hospital’s staffing data shows that on some days in March its delivery suite lacke  two-thirds of the nurses it needed to provide safe care, while the midwife-led unit had as few as a third of the preferred number nurses on duty, despite evidence that staff shortages increase the risks of childbirth.


Choose the alternative which shows synonyms that could replace the underlined words without changing the meaning:

(A) Efficiency/full staff/four/lost/go.
(B) Insufficiency/short-handed/twenty-five percent/missed/give.
(C) Young/short-handed/twenty-five percent/losed/abolish.
(D) Childhood/overhanded/the fourth/missed/give.
(E) Reduction/complete staff/twenty-fifth/loosed/apply.

👍 Comentários e Gabarito  B 
(A) Efficiency/full staff/four/lost/go.(B) Insufficiency(insuficiência)/short-handed(com pouca gente)/twenty-five percent(25%)/missed(faltava)/give(dar).
(C) Young/short-handed/twenty-five percent/losed/abolish.
(D) Childhood/overhanded/the fourth/missed/give.
(E) Reduction/complete staff/twenty-fifth/loosed/apply.

❑ TEXTO 4:
10+ Surprising Acid Reflux Symptoms That Aren't Heartburn
After analysing the surprising symptoms, we can state that acid reflux affects mostly
While the most common signs include chest pain, nausea and regurgitation, acid reflux often disguises itself in not-so-obvious ways. Dr. Koufman states. These include:
- Shortness of breath
- Hoarseness
- Vocal fatigue
- Chronic throat clearing
- Excessive throat mucus
- Postnasal drip
- Difficulty swallowing
- Nasal congestion
- Noisy breathing
- Snoring
- Choking episodes


After analysing the surprising symptoms, we can state that acid reflux affects mostly

(A) The excretory system.
(B) The digestive system.
(C) The respiratory system.
(D) The circulatory system.
(E) The lymphatic system.

👍 Comentários e Gabarito  C 
(A) The excretory system.
(B) The digestive system.
(C) The respiratory system.
(D) The circulatory system.
(E) The lymphatic system.

❑ TEXTO 5:
Hillary CLINTON - the early years

Hillary Clinton is certainly the incarnation of the dreams of many American women of her generation. She has got "everything": a family, a fine career, and a husband who not only supports her and approves of what she does, but also allows her to use her talents to the full. […]

It was while she was still at high school that Hillary began to take an interest in social issues, working in the poorer districts of town among immigrant families, and helping them to participate in elections.[…]

It was at Yale Law School that Hillary first met Bill Clinton, a good looking young man who, in spite of his reputation as a dilettante, was actually one of the brightest students in his year. The legend says that Bill finally "noticed" Hillary because she spoke so well.

At the time, Hillary was actively involved in the Women's Liberation movement, and seemed to be much more interested in her career than in marriage. When, several years later, she was asked how it was that, after a long complicated relationship, she finally ended up marrying Bill Clinton, she answered: "Because he was the only guy I dated who wasn't afraid of me!"

Meanwhile, while Bill had gone back to his native Arkansas, intending to follow a career in politics, Hillary became a brilliant lawyer in Washington, where she took part in the famous Watergate hearings. Though several major firms of lawyers asked her to join them, she decided in 1973 to leave Washington and join Bill in Arkansas. They got married in 1975, and Hillary joined a firm of lawyers in Little Rock (the capital of Arkansas).

In 1979, at the age of 32, Bill Clinton was elected Governor of Arkansas, becoming the youngest state Governor in the U.S.A.  A year later, Hillary gave birth to their daughter Chelsea, named after a favorite hit song of the 1960's.

During Bill's twelve years in office as Governor of Arkansas, Hillary helped him to radically reform the state's public school system, and establish a school medical welfare system that had no equivalent anywhere else in the United States. […]
Adapted from: < Access on: June 2017.

According to the text choose the correct option

I. According to many American women, Hillary was the epitome of what they would like to be.

II. Hillary was interested in social issues, helping out people less privileged.

III. Hillary and Bill Clinton reformed the state’s public school in Arkansas into the best one in the United States.

(A) Only II and III are correct.
(B) Only I and III are correct.
(C) Only I.
(D) Only III.
(E) Only I and II are correct.

👍 Comentários e Gabarito  E 
I. Segundo muitas mulheres americanas, Hillary era o epítome do que elas gostariam de ser.
II Hillary estava interessada em questões sociais, ajudando pessoas menos privilegiadas.
III Hillary e Bill Clinton reformaram a escola pública do estado em Arkansas para a melhor nos Estados Unidos.

❑ TEXTO 6:
London Bridge Attack

At 10 p.m. on Saturday June 4th, police in London heard reports of a van hitting several people on London Bridge. The van then drove towards a market, where the terrorists left the vehicle and started stabbing people. Eight minutes after the attack began, policemen shot the suspects dead. The suspects were wearing what looked like explosive vests, but these were later established to be hoaxes.

Seven people died in the attacks and many more were injured. Theresa May, Britain’s Prime Minister, later reacted to the attack saying that enough was enough and that taking on extremism and terrorism needed to change. On Sunday morning, police raided flats in East London and arrested 12 people. 

On Monday, people of all faiths came together in a vigil to honor victims of the London Bridge attack. Senior police officers and politicians laid flowers and paid their respects. London mayor Sadiq Khan led the vigil in defiance that London will never be broken by terrorism because unity and love for one another are always stronger than the hate of the extremists. He added that the attackers’ perverse ideology had nothing to do with the true values of Islam. 

One attendee described how affected she was by the attack, as the people were not of a mere statistic. They were people who used to walk just like her.
Available at: <>. Access on: June 2017.

Accordind to the text, check the CORRECT option.
I. Terrorists killed seven people on what was called the London Bridge Attack.

II. Theresa May stated that extremism and terrorism had to be stopped.

III. Sadiq Khan said Islam had nothing to do with the terrorists.

IV. The victims were regular people. 

(A) True, true, false, true.
(B) True, true, true, false.
(C) True, false, true, false.
(D) False, true, false, true.
(E) False, true, true, false.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  A 
I. Terroristas mataram sete pessoas no que foi chamado de London Bridge Attack.
II Theresa May afirmou que o extremismo e o terrorismo tinham que ser interrompidos.
III Sadiq Khan disse que o Islã não tem nada a ver com os terroristas.
IV As vítimas eram pessoas comuns. 

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