segunda-feira, 19 de outubro de 2020

UFSC-2002- Vestibular da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Profº Valdenor Sousa - Prova de Inglês com gabarito.


Welcome back to another post!
NESTE POST: PROVA de INGLÊS da UFSC-2003, aplicada em 12/2002.
 COPERVE - Comissão Permanente do Vestibular.
LEITURA de textos de jornais digitais, revistas, websites, é um excelente treino para a prova.
 10 Questões
 totalizando 50 ITENS do tipo (C) ou (E), onde um erro anula a questão.
 02 Textos.
TÓPICOS ABORDADOS ao longo da prova:
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8-ADJECTIVE PHRASES(Adjective+noun):
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9-IDIOMS(Expressões Idiomáticas):
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11-TECHNICAL ENGLISH(Military English, Business English, Finance English, Legal English, Tax English, Customs English and so on):
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➧Agora vamos à PROVA!
It is hard to believe that a game as fast and exciting as soccer had its origin in a religious ceremony several thousand years ago in Egypt. At that time, the contest was between teams of pretty girls who had first taken part in a beauty contest and parade. After putting on armor, they divided into teams and fought with sticks over a round stone. The stone is believed to have represented the sun, or possibly the head of the goddess of agriculture, and this use of the round stone is thought to be the origin of all ball games.
The custom of teams competing for control of a round object, or ball, first spread across North Africa, the Arabic countries, and Persia. Over the years, it also spread to the whole world, and probably the most popular team sports today are soccer, baseball, and basketball.
Perhaps sports, like music, could be called an international language. Certainly they have done much to bring people from different countries together and to improve understanding among them. Through friendly competition, players and spectators alike have learned that people everywhere are very much the same, and that everyone appreciates good sportsmanship and fair play.
From: Let’s Learn English
W.Bryce Van Syoc & Florence S. Van Syoc American Book Company. New York, 1971 (Adapted)
👉 Questão  01 :
Considering the topic of the text, choose the introduction(s) that can start it meaningfully.
01. “Stop that kick!” ... “Pass the ball!” ... “Goal! Goal!”
02. Known simply as “The Boat Race”, this test lasts twenty minutes, but has captured the public’s attention for over 150 years.
04. The fans watch with attention as a player runs down the soccer field trying to kick the ball towards the goal.
08. Inspired by that idea, the fitness director at the Aspen Club came to New York to organize a cross-training program for Central Park.
16. There must be something that limits the number of people that participate in extreme sports.
32. The spectators stand up and cheer enthusiastically as the player nears the goal, then sit in disappointment when an opponent suddenly gets the ball away from him and starts towards the other end of the field with it.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  01+04+32 = (37) 
01. “Stop that kick!” ... “Pass the ball!” ... “Goal! Goal!”
02. Known simply as “The Boat Race”, this test lasts twenty minutes, but has captured the public’s attention for over 150 years.
04. The fans watch with attention as a player runs down the soccer field trying to kick the ball towards the goal.
08. Inspired by that idea, the fitness director at the Aspen Club came to New York to organize a cross-training program for Central Park.
16. There must be something that limits the number of people that participate in extreme sports.
32. The spectators stand up and cheer enthusiastically as the player nears the goal, then sit in disappointment when an opponent suddenly gets the ball away from him and starts towards the other end of the field with it.
👉 Questão  02 :
Select the CORRECT proposition(s) according to the text.
01. Egyptian men worked hard to invent soccer.
02. Soccer players have a ritual of touching and hugging each other after a goal.
04. It is difficult to accept the idea that soccer originated in a religious ceremony.
08. The players and the spectators enjoyed the game and decided to speak an international language.
16. A round stone was used by the Egyptian girls during the contest.
32. Sports promote better understanding among people from different parts of the world.
64. Ancient people used to wear a protective covering made of metal to kill their opponents.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  04+16+32 = (52) 
01. Egyptian men worked hard to invent soccer.
02. Soccer players have a ritual of touching and hugging each other after a goal.
04. It is difficult to accept the idea that soccer originated in a religious ceremony.
08. The players and the spectators enjoyed the game and decided to speak an international language.
16. A round stone was used by the Egyptian girls during the contest.
32. Sports promote better understanding among people from different parts of the world.
64. Ancient people used to wear a protective covering made of metal to kill their opponents.
👉 Questão  03 :
Which of the questions below can be answered according to the information contained in the text?
01. Which are possibly the most popular team sports nowadays?
02. How many girls were there in each soccer team?
04. How long did a soccer game last in Egypt?
08. Where were the first ball games played?
16. Who used sticks to compete for a round stone in Egypt?
32. What kind of music was appreciated by the Egyptians?
64. What is the effect of friendly competition?
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  01+08+16+64 = (89) 
01. Which are possibly the most popular team sports nowadays?
02. How many girls were there in each soccer team?
04. How long did a soccer game last in Egypt?
08. Where were the first ball games played?
16. Who used sticks to compete for a round stone in Egypt?
32. What kind of music was appreciated by the Egyptians?
64. What is the effect of friendly competition? 
👉 Questão  04 :
Read the four summaries below.
Which one(s) contains (contain) the same information found in the text?
01. Through the text we conclude that ball games had their origin a few years ago in Egypt and that the Egyptians’ practice spread all over the world. The text also mentions the names of the most famous sports nowadays and it associates music with sports, since both activities contribute to make people rich.
02. From the text we learn about the origin of all ball games and about the probable meanings of the round stone used in the games in ancient times. It also refers to the three team sports that can be possibly considered the most popular ones nowadays. After that, the text compares sports with music mentioning the benefits they bring to people and it expresses approval about friendly competition.
04. The text refers to the history of all sports. It expresses the idea that music and sports have the same importance when we think of bringing people together.
08. The text tells us how soccer and all ball games originated. Besides that, it mentions the names of some team sports and makes a comparison between sports and music. Finally, it refers to friendly competition and its positive effects.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  02+08 = (10) 
01. Through the text we conclude that ball games had their origin a few years ago in Egypt and that the Egyptians’ practice spread all over the world. The text also mentions the names of the most famous sports nowadays and it associates music with sports, since both activities contribute to make people rich.
02. From the text we learn about the origin of all ball games and about the probable meanings of the round stone used in the games in ancient times. It also refers to the three team sports that can be possibly considered the most popular ones nowadays. After that, the text compares sports with music mentioning the benefits they bring to people and it expresses approval about friendly competition.
04. The text refers to the history of all sports. It expresses the idea that music and sports have the same importance when we think of bringing people together.
08. The text tells us how soccer and all ball games originated. Besides that, it mentions the names of some team sports and makes a comparison between sports and music. Finally, it refers to friendly competition and its positive effects.
Tennis is probably the most popular and universal of the racket-and-ball sports. The basic objective of the game is to use a racket to hit the ball over a net but within the boundaries of the opposite half of the court. The game is one of the greatest international pastimes. It is played both competitively and informally by more than 20 million Americans and perhaps twice that many people worldwide.
The word tennis is derived from the Old French name for the game, tenetz. A game similar to tennis was played in France in the 13th-century, primarily in Paris among the upper classes. Some authorities believe that the French learned about the game from the Italians and the Greeks, who were known to play a similar game during that period. The French game was called jeu de paume, "game of the palm," because the players used the palms of their hands to hit the ball. Later, rackets were used to allow the players greater reach. Approximately 100 years later, the British aristocracy started to play the game.
It was not until 1873, however, that Walter Clopton Wingfield invented lawn tennis. In December 1873 he announced a set of rules for his new racket game. The game was played outdoors on grass, and the net was much higher than it is today. Lawn tennis grew rapidly in popularity in Britain, and before long the game spread to the United States, where it also became very popular.
International interest in tennis paralleled the interest shown within the United States. Wimbledon, the British tournament, was the first of the major international championships, played in 1877. The French championship was first played in 1891, and the Australian championship in 1905. Along with the U.S. championship, first held in 1881, these tournaments soon became known as the Big Four, and they constitute the so-called Grand Slam of tennis. National teams have been competing for the Davis Cup since 1900. A series of zonal and interzonal matches is held annually to select the finalists.
From: Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc., 1995 (Adapted)
👉 Questão  05 :
Select the CORRECT alternative(s) to complete the following sentence:
The text contains information about...
01. the history of tennis.
02. all the rules of the game.
04. some international tennis championships.
08. the Italian and Greek championships.
16. where tennis was first played.
32. the players who won the Grand Slam of tennis.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  01+04+16 = (21) 
01. the history of tennis.
02. all the rules of the game.
04. some international tennis championships.
08. the Italian and Greek championships.
16. where tennis was first played.
32. the players who won the Grand Slam of tennis.
👉 Questão  06 :
In which paragraphs can you find the following information?
Select the CORRECT alternative(s) according to the text.
01. a simple description of what happens in a game of tennis: paragraph 1
02. the appearance and development of a game similar to tennis, in France: paragraph 2
04. the names of the people who brought tennis to France: paragraph 2
08. the name of the creator of tennis which is played on grass: paragraph 3
16. a list of the tournaments which compose the Grand Slam of tennis: paragraph 4
32. the Australian finalists of the Davis Cup played in 1900: paragraph 4
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  01+02+08+16 = (27) 
01. a simple description of what happens in a game of tennis: paragraph 1
02. the appearance and development of a game similar to tennis, in France: paragraph 2
04. the names of the people who brought tennis to France: paragraph 2
08. the name of the creator of tennis which is played on grass: paragraph 3
16. a list of the tournaments which compose the Grand Slam of tennis: paragraph 4
32. the Australian finalists of the Davis Cup played in 1900: paragraph 4
👉 Questão  07 :
According to the text, select the CORRECT answer(s) for the following question:
Why can we say that tennis is a very popular and universal sport?
01. Everybody can play tennis because it is a racketand-ball sport.
02. It was first played by the French upper classes and the British aristocracy.
04. Tennis can be played outdoors with a set of new and easy rules.
08. The game is played as a leisure activity by many people around the world.
16. Many tennis competitions take place all over the world, involving a great number of people.
32. There is a big international interest in tennis.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  08+16+32 = (56) 
01. Everybody can play tennis because it is a racketand-ball sport.
02. It was first played by the French upper classes and the British aristocracy.
04. Tennis can be played outdoors with a set of new and easy rules.
08. The game is played as a leisure activity by many people around the world.
16. Many tennis competitions take place all over the world, involving a great number of people.
32. There is a big international interest in tennis.
👉 Questão  08 :
Select the proposition(s) which contains (contain) CORRECT references for the following words, underlined in the text.
01. who (paragraph 2): the French
02. that period (paragraph 2): the 13th-century
04. their (paragraph 2): the players
08. his (paragraph 3): Walter Clopton Wingfield
16. it (paragraph 3): the game
32. the Big Four (paragraph 4): the U.S. championship
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  02+04+08 = (14) 
01. who (paragraph 2): the French
02. that period (paragraph 2): the 13th-century
04. their (paragraph 2): the players
08. his (paragraph 3): Walter Clopton Wingfield
16. it (paragraph 3): the game
32. the Big Four (paragraph 4): the U.S. championship
Since Dr. Kenneth Cooper, the father of modern physical fitness, organized a system and called it aerobics, people all over the world started turning off their sedentary life and turning on to aerobic exercises.
Physical activities, as everybody knows, bring benefits to man’s health, but it is important to observe the order in which exercises are performed. One recommended sequence to be followed is:
a) Warming-up – to prepare the body for more vigorous exercises, warming up all the major muscle groups (biceps, quadriceps, etc.).
b) Stretches – to increase the extensibility of the muscle tendons and ligaments.
c) Aerobics – to create a training effect through the development of continuous exercises with sufficient duration, intensity, and frequency.
d) Cooling-down and stretches – to recover heart rate through lower intensity exercises.
As we can’t start a car on a cold winter day and immediately try to drive off, we can’t do more vigorous exercises without warming-up. Jumping, twisting, stretching some muscles, running or rolling shoulders and arms are some good warming-up exercises.
From: Get to the point! Eliana Aun, Maria Clara de Moraes & Neuza Sansanovicz Editora Saraiva, São Paulo – SP, 1995 (Adapted)
👉 Questão  09 :
This is the last paragraph of the text.
Select the CORRECT proposition(s) to complete the gaps.
Many people _____ that doing some ordinary activities _____ taking a shower, going up and down the stairs, cleaning the house, picking up _____ off the floor or washing clothes makes them lose _____ calories. _____, they are wrong, since these activities don’t demand intensity and they don’t exercise our muscles with the _____ frequency to lose weight.
01. imagine – as well as – parts – much – Despite – important
02. think – like – things – a lot of – In fact – necessary
04. forget – before – jobs – little – However – maximum
08. realize – about – points – most – Eventually – simple
16. know – unlike – ideas – best – Really – fast
32. believe – such as – objects – many – Actually – required
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  02+32 = (34) 
01. imagine – as well as – parts – much – Despite – important
02. think – like – things – a lot of – In fact – necessary
04. forget – before – jobs – little – However – maximum
08. realize – about – points – most – Eventually – simple
16. know – unlike – ideas – best – Really – fast
32. believe – such as – objects – many – Actually – required
👉 Questão  10 :
Which of the following titles best summarize(s) the topic of the text?
Select the CORRECT proposition(s).
01. Keeping fit
02. A walking exercise program for young people
04. Warming-up on a cold winter day
08. Physical fitness
16. Daily activities at home
32. Talking about physical activities
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  01+08+32 = (41) 
01. Keeping fit
02. A walking exercise program for young people
04. Warming-up on a cold winter day
08. Physical fitness
16. Daily activities at home
32. Talking about physical activities
👉 Questão  11 :
Select the proposition(s) which contains (contain) CORRECT answers for the following questions, according to the text.
01. What happened after the appearance of aerobics? A lot of people became more active.
02. Who had a sedentary life? Dr. Kenneth Cooper.
04. Is it a good idea to adopt a convenient order of exercises? Yes, it is.
08. Why is it important to start with warming-up exercises? Because after them the body is ready for exercises of greater intensity.
16. Should we do cooling-down exercises? Yes, they are a good preparation for aerobics.
32. Does the text present examples of warming-up exercises? Yes, it does.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  01+04+08+32 = (45) 
01. What happened after the appearance of aerobics? A lot of people became more active.
02. Who had a sedentary life? Dr. Kenneth Cooper.
04. Is it a good idea to adopt a convenient order of exercises? Yes, it is.
08. Why is it important to start with warming-up exercises? Because after them the body is ready for exercises of greater intensity.
16. Should we do cooling-down exercises? Yes, they are a good preparation for aerobics.
32. Does the text present examples of warming-up exercises? Yes, it does.
👉 Questão  12 :
Read the following descriptions of some sports and choose the proposition(s) in which the name of the sport CORRESPONDS to the description.
01. SURFING is a sport in which people ride towards the shore on the top of a big wave while standing on a special board.
02. BOWLING is a game in which you roll a heavy ball down a long narrow track towards a group of wooden objects in order to knock down as many of them as possible.
04. SWIMMING is a sport in which people move the body through water by using their arms and legs.
08. BOXING is a sport in which two men fight according to special rules, by punching each other with their fists, wearing large padded gloves.
16. WATER-SKIING is a sport in which people move on snow wearing skis and using a pair of long sticks to push themselves along.
32. KARATE is a sport in which people fight without weapons, using only their arms, legs, hands and feet. The level of skill people have is shown by the color of the belt they wear.
64. VOLLEYBALL is a game played by two teams of five men or six women who score points by throwing a large ball through an open net hanging from a metal ring.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito  01+02+04+08+32 = (47) 
01. SURFING is a sport in which people ride towards the shore on the top of a big wave while standing on a special board.
02. BOWLING is a game in which you roll a heavy ball down a long narrow track towards a group of wooden objects in order to knock down as many of them as possible.
04. SWIMMING is a sport in which people move the body through water by using their arms and legs.
08. BOXING is a sport in which two men fight according to special rules, by punching each other with their fists, wearing large padded gloves.
16. WATER-SKIING is a sport in which people move on snow wearing skis and using a pair of long sticks to push themselves along.
32. KARATE is a sport in which people fight without weapons, using only their arms, legs, hands and feet. The level of skill people have is shown by the color of the belt they wear.
64. VOLLEYBALL is a game played by two teams of five men or six women who score points by throwing a large ball through an open net hanging from a metal ring.

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