segunda-feira, 12 de outubro de 2020





 Questions 50 True False Options.
 Texto (1) – | CNN |
 Texto (2) – | Women with unusual careers | |
 Texto (3) – | Women with unusual careers | |


Six months ago, Malala Yousafzai was lying in a hospital bed, recovering from a Taliban attack in which she was shot in the head and neck. The shooting was intended to silence the Pakistani teenager who had defied the Taliban's ban against girls in school. But it had the opposite effect: Instead of silencing the 15-year-old, the attack only made her voice more powerful.
Há seis meses, Malala Yousafzai estava deitada numa cama de hospital, a recuperar de um ataque dos Talibãs em que foi baleada na cabeça e no pescoço. O tiroteio tinha como objetivo silenciar a adolescente paquistanesa que tinha desafiado a proibição dos talibãs de ter raparigas na escola. Mas teve o efeito contrário: em vez de silenciar a jovem de 15 anos, o ataque apenas tornou a sua voz mais poderosa.
Malala's story has raised global awareness of girls' education. And now that she's out of the hospital and back in school, she is determined to keep fighting for equality.
A história de Malala sensibilizou o mundo para a educação das garotas. E agora que já não está no hospital e regressou à escola, ela está determinada a continuar a lutar pela igualdade.
"God has given me this new life," she said in February, her first public statement since the shooting. "I want to serve the people. I want every girl, every child, to be educated."
"Deus deu-me esta nova vida", disse ela em fevereiro, na sua primeira declaração pública desde o tiroteio. "Quero servir as pessoas. Quero que todas as garotas, todas as crianças, sejam educadas."
Worldwide, there are 66 million girls out of school, according to UNESCO – many more than boys, who don't have to face the same discrimination and obstacles that girls do in some countries.
Em todo o mundo, há 66 milhões de meninas fora da escola, de acordo com a UNESCO - muito mais do que meninos, que não precisam enfrentar a mesma discriminação e os mesmos obstáculos que as meninas em alguns países.
Malala was critically injured in the attack, but she suffered no permanent brain injuries. She underwent several successful surgeries in Pakistan and the United Kingdom, where she now lives after her father was given a job with the Pakistani Consulate.
Malala foi gravemente ferida no ataque, mas não sofreu lesões cerebrais permanentes. Ela foi submetida a várias cirurgias de sucesso no Paquistão e no Reino Unido, onde agora vive depois que seu pai recebeu um emprego no consulado paquistanês.
In March, she went back to school for the first time since the attack, attending an all-girls high school in Birmingham, England. And while she recovers from her injuries, she is continuing to raise awareness and money for education. Last month, she announced a $45,000 grant to a fund that was set up in her name – and the first to benefit will be girls from the Swat Valley.
Em março, ela voltou para a escola pela primeira vez desde o ataque, frequentando uma escola secundária em Birmingham, Inglaterra. E enquanto se recupera de seus ferimentos, ela continua a aumentar a conscientização e o dinheiro para a educação. No mês passado, ela anunciou um subsídio de US $45.000 para um fundo que foi criado em seu nome - e os primeiros a se beneficiar serão meninas do Swat Valley.
By Kyle Almond, CNN
June 17, 2013 – Updated 1346 GMT (2146 HKT) Adapted from: Accessed on: July 18th, 2013

Select the appropriate title(s) for text 1.

01. Schools for boys and girls
02. Religion against violence
04. Fighting for women’s right to study
08. Raising money to build hospitals for girls
16. Schools in Pakistan and England
32. Malala’s battle for life and education

👍 Comentários e Gabarito  04+32 = (36) 
* Item 01 : Schools for boys and girls
* Item 02 : Religion against violence
* Item 04 : Fighting for women’s right to study
* Item 08 : Raising money to build hospitals for girls
* Item 16 : Schools in Pakistan and England
* Item 32 : Malala’s battle for life and education


Select the CORRECT proposition(s) according to the information in text 1.

01. Malala still lives in Pakistan.
02. All of Malala’s surgeries were performed in the United Kingdom.
04. Malala got injured because her family was irresponsible.
08. The attack could have killed Malala.
16. Currently Malala attends a school for female students.
32. The Pakistani government has donated money to help Malala in her campaign.
64. Malala has already raised money to help girls.

👍 Comentários e Gabarito  08+16+64 = (88) 
* Item 01 : Malala still lives in Pakistan.
* Item 02 : All of Malala’s surgeries were performed in the United Kingdom.
* Item 04 : Malala got injured because her family was irresponsible.
* Item 08 : The attack could have killed Malala.
* Item 16 : Currently Malala attends a school for female students.
* Item 32 : The Pakistani government has donated money to help Malala in her campaign.
* Item 64 : Malala has already raised money to help girls.


Select the CORRECT proposition(s).
Text 1 gives information about:

01. the number of girls who are out of school all over the world.
02. Malala’s current age and health state.
04. the amount of money Malala’s father receives from the government.
08. the reason why Pakistani girls cannot attend school.
16. Malala’s plans for the future.
32. the specific type of surgeries Malala underwent.

👍 Comentários e Gabarito  01+02+08+16 = (27) 
* Item 01 : the number of girls who are out of school all over the world.
* Item 02 : Malala’s current age and health state.
* Item 04 : the amount of money Malala’s father receives from the government.
* Item 08 : the reason why Pakistani girls cannot attend school.
* Item 16 : Malala’s plans for the future.
* Item 32 : the specific type of surgeries Malala underwent.


Select the proposition(s) which contains (contain) the CORRECT definition for the underlined words as they are used in text 1.

01. ban: prohibition
02. injuries: insults
04. attending: listening to
08. recovers: gets over an illness
16. awareness: consciousness
32. grant: financial aid

👍 Comentários e Gabarito  01+08+16+32 = (57) 
* Item 01 :. ban: prohibition
* Item 02 : injuries: insults
* Item 04 : attending: listening to
* Item 08 : recovers: gets over an illness
* Item 16 : awareness: consciousness
* Item 32 : grant: financial aid
 TEXT 2:

Women with unusual careers
Mulheres com carreiras incomuns
Cineasta/fotógrafa subaquática
Jill Heinerth, of Heinerth Productions Inc., isn't afraid to get her feet wet. She's dived inside Antarctic icebergs, in volcanic lava tubes and in remote places like the frozen caves of Siberia. Her specialty is underwater filmmaking in challenging environments, specifically caves.
Jill Heinerth, da Heinerth Productions Inc., não tem medo de molhar os pés. Já mergulhou no interior de icebergues antárcticos, em tubos de lava vulcânica e em locais remotos como as grutas geladas da Sibéria. A sua especialidade é a realização de filmes subaquáticos em ambientes desafiantes, especificamente grutas.
Heinerth, who has been diving for more than 20 years, says she was inspired as a young girl to be an explorer. “My family never placed boundaries in my way,” she says. “Gender and racial barriers did not exist in my family. People were simply people, able to pursue their dreams through tenacity.”
Heinerth, que mergulha há mais de 20 anos, diz que foi inspirada quando jovem para ser exploradora. «Minha família nunca colocou limites no meu caminho», diz ela. "Gênero e barreiras raciais não existiam em minha família. As pessoas eram simplesmente pessoas, capazes de perseguir seus sonhos através da tenacidade ".
When she first joined the ranks of underwater explorers, being one of the few women was often a challenge. “In the early days, there were a lot of men who tried to slow me down and tell me I did not belong in the field,” she says. “That slowly changed into men being fascinated that I was a cave explorer. These days, I get far less resistance and mostly respect from men and women alike.”
Quando ela se juntou pela primeira vez às fileiras de exploradores subaquáticos, ser uma das poucas mulheres era muitas vezes um desafio. "Nos primeiros dias, havia muitos homens que tentaram me atrasar e dizer que eu não pertencia ao campo", diz ela. "Isso aos poucos se transformou em homens fascinados por eu ser explorador de cavernas. Hoje em dia, recebo muito menos resistência e respeito tanto de homens como de mulheres ".
Adapted from:  <> Accessed on: Aug. 26th 2013.


Which question(s) can be answered according to text 2? Select the CORRECT proposition(s).

01. What is Jill’s area of expertise?
02. How many films has Jill made so far?
04. Where does Jill live?
08. Who admires Jill for her work?
16. For how long has Jill been diving?
32. When did Jill dive in Siberia?

👍 Comentários e Gabarito  01+08+16 = (25) 
* Item 01 : What is Jill’s area of expertise?
* Item 02 : How many films has Jill made so far?
* Item 04 : Where does Jill live?
* Item 08 : Who admires Jill for her work?
* Item 16 : For how long has Jill been diving?
* Item 32 : When did Jill dive in Siberia?


Select the CORRECT ending(s) for the following sentence, according to text 2.

Jill’s family

01. expected her to become an underwater explorer.
02. gave her the necessary financial support.
04. didn’t impose limits on her dreams.
08. had no prejudices in relation to people.
16. wanted her to inspire other young people.

👍 Comentários e Gabarito  04+08 = (12) 
* Item 01 : expected her to become an underwater explorer.
* Item 02 : gave her the necessary financial support.
* Item 04 : didn’t impose limits on her dreams.
* Item 08 : had no prejudices in relation to people.
* Item 16 : wanted her to inspire other young people.
 TEXT 3:

Women with unusual careers
Mulheres com carreiras incomuns
Carpenter Barb Johnson's favorite thing about carpentry is starting out with nothing but a sheet of paper in the morning and transforming that drawing into something useful and beautiful. “And at the end of the day, it is always perfectly clear what I have accomplished with my time,” she says.
A coisa favorita da carpinteira Barb Johnson sobre carpintaria é começar com nada além de uma folha de papel de manhã e transformar esse desenho em algo útil e bonito. "E, no fim das contas, é sempre perfeitamente claro o que consegui com o meu tempo", diz ela.
Johnson claims 30 years in the business and owned Novio Wooden Furniture until Hurricane Katrina destroyed it in 2005.
Johnson afirma ter 30 anos no setor e ser proprietário da Novio Wooden Furniture até à sua destruição pelo furacão Katrina em 2005.
Home shows on television have made carpentry a more practical career for women because they see others doing it, Johnson says. When Johnson first started out, she was the only female carpenter in her city. “Now it's not uncommon to see a woman carpenter,” she says. “I mean, it's not a rare occurrence.”
Os programas de televisão sobre o lar tornaram a carpintaria uma carreira mais prática para as mulheres porque vêem outras pessoas a fazê-lo, afirma Johnson. Quando Johnson começou a trabalhar, era a única carpinteira da sua cidade. "Agora não é incomum ver uma mulher carpinteira", afirma. "Quero dizer, não é uma ocorrência rara."
These days, Johnson's focus is on writing, but she says it parallels carpentry in many ways. “I essentially write the way I build,” she says. “I construct some sort of framework and get to know the piece as I go along.” She also recently taught a carpentry class for female undergraduates at Tulane University in New Orleans.
Atualmente, Johnson concentra-se na escrita, mas diz que esta se assemelha à carpintaria em muitos aspectos. "Essencialmente, escrevo da mesma forma que construo", diz ela. "Construo uma espécie de estrutura e vou conhecendo a peça à medida que a vou construindo." Recentemente, também deu uma aula de carpintaria para alunas da Universidade de Tulane, em Nova Orleães.
Adapted from: <> Accessed on: Aug. 26th 2013.

What does text 3 say about Barb Johnson?

Select the CORRECT proposition(s).

01. She owns a furniture factory.
02. She is no longer the only woman carpenter in her city.
04. She learned carpentry by seeing others doing it.
08. Teaching is her main motivation nowadays.
16. She can see similarities between writing and carpentry.
32. Her interests include different activities.

👍 Comentários e Gabarito  02+16+32 = (50) 
* Item 01 : She owns a furniture factory. – Ela é dona de uma fábrica de móveis.
  • O texto menciona "owned Novio Wooden Furniture" e não "owns a furniture factory", conforme o trecho: 
  • Johnson claims 30 years in the business and owned Novio Wooden Furniture until Hurricane Katrina destroyed it in 2005.
    Johnson afirma ter 30 anos no setor e era proprietária da Novio Wooden Furniture até à sua destruição pelo furacão Katrina em 2005.
* Item 02 : She is no longer the only woman carpenter in her city. – Ela já não é mais a única carpinteira em sua cidade.
❑ "NO LONGER" (NÃO MAIS,JÁ NÃO MAIS) – Expressão idiomática usada em contexto onde se quer dizer que algo cessou, acabou, ou seja, algo costumava acontecer ou era verdade no passado, mas não acontece ou não é verdade agora.
* Item 04 : She learned carpentry by seeing others doing it. – Aprendeu carpintaria ao ver os outros a fazendo carpintaria
  • O texto menciona "they see others doing it." e não "She learned carpentry by seeing others doing it", conforme o trecho:
  • "[...] Home shows on television have made carpentry a more practical career for women because they see others doing it, Johnson says."
* Item 08 : Teaching is her main motivation nowadays. Atualmente, o ensino é a sua principal motivação.
  • O texto menciona que atualmente, Johnson concentra-se na escrita, mas diz que esta se assemelha à carpintaria em muitos aspectos. "Essencialmente, escrevo da mesma forma que construo", diz ela, conforme o trecho:
  • [...] These days, Johnson's focus is on writing, but she says it parallels carpentry in many ways. “I essentially write the way I build,” she says."
* Item 16 : She can see similarities between writing and carpentry.
  • Correta, conforme o trecho:
  • [...] These days, Johnson's focus is on writing, but she says it parallels carpentry in many ways. “I essentially write the way I build,” she says."
* Item 32 : Her interests include different activities.
  • Correta, conforme o trecho:
  • [...] Johnson's focus is on writing, but she says it parallels carpentry in many ways. “I essentially write the way I build,” she says."

According to the first paragraph of text 3, when Barb Johnson says “And at the end of the day, it is always perfectly clear what I have accomplished with my time,” she is expressing:

01. satisfaction for having done a good job.
02. pleasure for the productive use of her time.
04. curiosity for what happens in her profession.
08. confidence in the people who work with her.
16. concern about working and making money.

👍 Comentários e Gabarito  01+02 = (03) 
* Item 01 : satisfaction for having done a good job.
* Item 02 : pleasure for the productive use of her time.
* Item 04 : curiosity for what happens in her profession.
* Item 08 : confidence in the people who work with her.
* Item 16 : concern about working and making money.

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