domingo, 11 de outubro de 2020



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 PADRÃO/COMPOSIÇÃO DA PROVA: 08 questões do tipo  somatória de pontos.


Q1-15, Q2-43, Q3-35, Q4-02, Q5-10, Q6-05, Q7-84, Q8-52


1) a string of text messages - uma sequência de mensagens de texto.
2) Actions are more reliable than words - As ações são mais confiáveis do que as palavras.
2) college students - estudantes universitários.
3) patterns - padrões.
4) research on technology - pesquisa em tecnologia
5) security -  segurança patrimonial.
6) safety -  segurança física, pessoal.
7) Spotting such signals Detectar tais sinais.
8) the latest breakthroughs - as últimas descobertas.
9) to cook up a lie - criar uma mentira, inventar uma mentira.
10) to look for something - descobrir algo.
* most people look for behaviors that - a maioria das pessoas descobre comportamentos que
11) to raise somethiing (transitive verb) - levantar algo.
*The researchers say their findings raise questions about...
*Os pesquisadores dizem que suas descobertas levantam questões sobre...
12) to text - enviar uma mensagem de texto.
13) unskilled communicators - Comunicadores não habilidosos.

➧ TEXT 1:

Image from: <> Accessed on August 8th, 2014.

Lie to Me is an American crime drama television series that ran from January 2009 to January 2011. This TV drama tells the tale of an expert in frauds who helps uncover the truth for the FBI, local police, law firms, corporations, and individuals. Dr. Cal Lightman and his team are effectively human machines to detect lies, and no truth can be concealed from them. His partner, Dr. Gillian Foster, is a gifted psychologist who brings balance to the partnership by thinking about the overall picture while Lightman focuses on the details. Eli Loker is the team researcher, who believes in radical honesty. He often gets in trouble for saying what he thinks.

Ria Torres is one of the few "naturals" in the field of deception detection. She has an untapped ability to read people that, with the right training, makes her a force to be reckoned with.

Together they make an invincible team with insight into human behavior. The show is inspired by the work of Paul Ekman, the world's supreme expert on facial expressions and a professor emeritus of psychology at the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine. Dr. Ekman has served as an advisor to police departments and anti-terrorism groups (including the Transportation Security Administration) and acted as a scientific consultant in the production of the series.

Adapted from: < and>
Accessed on August 8th, 2014.

01  (UFSC-2015/1)

According to Text 1,

select the CORRECT proposition(s).

01. The team of professionals in Lie to Me is headed by Dr. Cal Lightman.
02. The expertise of the Lie to Me team is in finding ways to reach the truth.
04. The last time Lie to Me was produced was 2011.
08. Each member of the Lie to Me team has unique talents.
16. Paul Ekman is the main character of the series.
32. The series takes place at the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine.

👍  Gabarito  01+02+04+08 = (15) 
*Item 01: The team of professionals in Lie to Me is headed by Dr. Cal Lightman.
(A equipe de profissionais da Lie to Me é chefiada pelo Dr. Cal Lightman.)
*Item 02: The expertise of the Lie to Me team is in finding ways to reach the truth.
(A experiência da equipe Lie to Me é encontrar maneiras de chegar à verdade.)
*Item 04: The last time Lie to Me was produced was 2011.
(A última vez que Lie to Me foi produzido foi em 2011.)
*Item 08: Each member of the Lie to Me team has unique talents.
(Cada membro da equipe Lie to Me tem talentos únicos.)
*Item 16: Paul Ekman is the main character of the series.
(Paul Ekman é o personagem principal da série.)
*Item 32: The series takes place at the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine.
(A série acontece na Escola de Medicina da Universidade da Califórnia, em São Francisco.)

02  (UFSC-2015/1)

Select the CORRECT proposition(s) according to the meaning of the following words, highlighted in Text 1.
01. Un- in the word uncover (line 02) carries the meaning of removal (remove the cover from).
02. The meaning carried by in- in the word invincible (line 10) is that of negation (not vincible).
04. The meaning of -ist in the word psychologist (line 05), -er in the word researcher (line 07), and -or in the word behavior (line 10) is that of indicating one’s profession.
08. Effectively (line 04) means “in an effective manner”.
16. In- in the word insight (line 10) gives the idea of negation.
32. Anti- in the word anti-terrorism (line 13) indicates opposition to the practice of terrorism.

👍 Gabarito  01+02+08+32 = (43) 
*Item 01: Un- in the word uncover (line 02) carries the meaning of removal (remove the cover from).
*Item 02: The meaning carried by in- in the word invincible (line 10) is that of negation (not vincible).
*Item 04: The meaning of -ist in the word psychologist (line 05), -er in the word researcher (line 07), and -or in the word behavior (line 10) is that of indicating one’s profession.
*Item 08: Effectively (line 04) means “in an effective manner”.
*Item 16: In- in the word insight (line 10) gives the idea of negation.
*Item 32: Anti- in the word anti-terrorism (line 13) indicates opposition to the practice of terrorism.

03  (UFSC-2015/1)

Select the proposition(s) which contains (contain) the CORRECT meaning for the underlined expressions as they are used in Text 1.

01. ran (line 01): was presented
02. tale (line 02): story 04. concealed (line 04): satisfying
08. balance (line 05): instability
16. trouble (line 07): scandal
32. supreme expert (line 11): major specialist

👍 Gabarito  01+02+32 = (35) 
*Item 01: ran (line 01): was presented
*Item 02: tale (line 02): story 04. concealed (line 04): satisfying
*Item 08: balance (line 05): instability
*Item 16: trouble (line 07): scandal
*Item 32: supreme expert (line 11): major specialist

➧ TEXT 2: (sem título)

You’re in the middle of a texting conversation when the other person suddenly stops for a long pause before responding. What does it mean? Maybe they got a call or got distracted by something else, or their thumbs needed a break. But it’s also possible they’re taking the time to cook up a lie.

Researchers from Brigham Young University asked more than 100 college students to respond to 30 questions each that were generated by a computer and texted to the participants. In half of their responses, the students were asked to lie. The researchers found that when the students lied, it took them 10% longer to send the text message and they made more edits than usual.

When communicating with someone in person, most people look for behaviors that they feel are indicators of dishonesty, like not being able to look people in the eye or moving nervously. Spotting such signals is hard to do when someone is on the other end of a string of text messages. But the new research suggests that some patterns, such as the delay in texting, could become a sign for detecting lies in such communications. The researchers say their findings raise questions about how the validity of communications on social media might be interpreted on matters of security and personal safety.

From: Time – 100 New health discoveries – how the latest breakthroughs can improve your health and wellness. ed. 50. Time Inc. Specials, 2003, p. 51.

04  (UFSC-2015/1)

Choose the alternative(s) that BEST represents (represent) a possible title for Text 2.

01. Research on face to face communication
02. Liars take longer to text
04. Skilled versus unskilled communicators
08. Strategic media
16. The power of telling the truth

👍 Gabarito  02 = (02) 
*Item 01: Research on face to face communication
(Pesquisa sobre comunicação em pessoa)
  • INCORRETO porque a ideia principal do texto é sobre uma pesquisa em cima de comunicação on-line (enviar uma mensagem de texto) e não sobre comunicação em pessoa. 
*Item 02: Liars take longer to text
(Mentirosos levam mais tempo para enviar mensagens de texto)
  • CORRETO  porque os pesquisadores descobriram que, quando os alunos mentiam, levavam 10% mais tempo para enviar a mensagem de texto e faziam mais edições do que o normal, conforme o trecho:
  • "[...] The researchers found that when the students lied, it took them 10% longer to send the text message and they made more edits than usual.
*Item 04: Skilled versus unskilled communicators
(Comunicadores habilidosos versus não habilidosos)
  • INCORRETO porque o texto não faz menção de "Skilled versus unskilled communicators".
*Item 08: Strategic media
(Mídia estratégica)
  • INCORRETO porque o texto não faz menção de "Strategic media".
*Item 16: The power of telling the truth
(O poder de contar a verdade)
  • INCORRETO porque o texto não faz menção de "The power of telling the truth".
05  (UFSC-2015/1)

Choose the CORRECT alternative(s) according to Text 2.

01. Doing research on technology requires at least 100 participants.
02. Taking longer to text may be a sign of lying.
04. Responding to text messages takes 10% longer than sending text messages.
08. It is harder to detect lies when communicating through messages than when communicating with someone in person.
16. Communications on social media are totally safe.

👍 Gabarito  02+08 = (10) 
*Item 01: Doing research on technology requires at least 100 participants.
(Fazer pesquisa em tecnologia requer pelo menos 100 participantes.)
  • INCORRETO porque o texto não faz menção de obrigação mínima de 100 participantes.
  • Foi relatado que na pesquisa foram envolvidos mais de 100 estudantes universitários, conforme o trecho:
  • "[...] Researchers from Brigham Young University asked more than 100 college students to respond to 30 questions each that were generated by a computer and texted to the participants."
*Item 02: Taking longer to text may be a sign of lying.
(Levar mais tempo para enviar mensagens de texto pode ser um sinal de mentira.)
  • CORRETO porque na pesquisa, quando os alunos mentiam, levavam 10% mais tempo para enviar a mensagem de texto e faziam mais edições do que o normal, conforme o trecho:
  • "[...] The researchers found that when the students lied, it took them 10% longer to send the text message and they made more edits than usual.
*Item 04: Responding to text messages takes 10% longer than sending text messages.
(Responder a mensagens de texto leva 10% mais do que enviar mensagens de texto.)
  • INCORRETO porque o texto não faz comparação entre tempo de resposta e tempo de envio de mensagens de texto.
  • Foi relatado na pesquisa que quando os alunos mentiam, levavam 10% mais tempo para enviar a mensagem de texto e faziam mais edições do que o normal.
*Item 08: It is harder to detect lies when communicating through messages than when communicating with someone in person.
(É mais difícil detectar mentiras ao se comunicar por mensagens do que ao se comunicar com alguém pessoalmente.)
  • CORRETO porque detectar sinais de mentira é difícil de fazer quando alguém está do outro lado de uma sequência de mensagens de texto, conforme o trecho
  • "[...] When communicating with someone in person, most people look for behaviors that they feel are indicators of dishonesty, like not being able to look people in the eye or moving nervously. Spotting such signals is hard to do when someone is on the other end of a string of text messages."
  • "such signals" refere-se "not being able to look people in the eye or moving nervously".
*Item 16: Communications on social media are totally safe.
(As comunicações nas redes sociais são totalmente seguras.)
  • INCORRETO porque a pesquisa conduz a questionamentos sobre a veracidade das comunicações nas redes sociais, conforme o trecho:
  • "[...] The researchers say their findings raise questions about how the validity of communications on social media might be interpreted on matters of security and personal safety."
  • Os pesquisadores dizem que suas descobertas levantam questões sobre como a validade das comunicações nas mídias sociais pode ser interpretada em questões de segurança patrimonial e segurança pessoal.
06  (UFSC-2015/1)

Choose the CORRECT alternative(s).

01. It, in line 02, refers to the delay of a person’s response when texting a message.
02. Them, in line 08, refers to researchers.
04. They, in line 11, refers to most people.
08. Such signals, in line 12, refers to text messages.
16. Their, in line 15, refers to research findings on virtual security and safety.

👍 Gabarito  01+04 = (05) 
*Item 01It, in line 02, refers to the delay of a person’s response when texting a message.
  • IT refere-se A LONG PAUSE (uma pausa longa), ou seja THE DELAY (a demora) conforme o trecho:
  • "[...] You’re in the middle of a texting conversation when the other person suddenly stops for a long pause before responding. What does it mean? 
*Item 02Them, in line 08, refers to researchers.
  • INCORRETO  porque o pronome THEM refere-se aos STUDENTS e não aos RESEARCHERS, conforme o trecho:
  • "[...] The researchers found that when the students lied, it took them 10% longer to send the text message..."
  • Os pesquisadores descobriram que, quando os alunos mentiam, isso levava eles (the students) a demorar 10%  a mais para enviar a mensagem de texto..."
*Item 04They, in line 11, refers to most people.
  • CORRETO  porque o pronome THEY refere-se MOST PEOPLE (a maioria das pessoas), conforme o trecho:
  • "[...] When communicating with someone in person, most people look for behaviors that they feel are indicators of dishonesty..."
  • Ao se comunicar com alguém pessoalmente, a maioria das pessoas descobre comportamentos que elas (most people) consideram indicadores de desonestidade..."
*Item 08Such signals, in line 12, refers to text messages.

  • INCORRETO  porque SUCH SIGNALS (TAIS SINAIS)  refere-se aos sinais de mentira "not being able to look people in the eye or moving", conforme o trecho:
  • "[...] like not being able to look people in the eye or moving nervously. Spotting such signals is hard to do ..."
  • ...como não ser capaz de olhar as pessoas nos olhos ou se mover nervosamente. Detectar esses sinais é difícil de fazer...
*Item 16Their, in line 15, refers to research findings on virtual security and safety.
  • INCORRETO  porque o pronome adjetivo possessivo THEIR refere-se aos RESEARCHERS, conforme o trecho:
  • "[...] The researchers say their findings raise questions..."
  • Os pesquisadores dizem que suas descobertas levantam questões...
07  (UFSC-2015/1)

Which question(s) can be answered according to Text 2? Select the CORRECT proposition(s).

01. In which situations did students have to lie?
02. How did students report to feel when they had to tell a lie?
04. In how many answers did each student have to lie?
08. Why was the research conducted by Brigham Young University?
16. How many students were interviewed by researchers from Brigham Young University?
32. How long did the research last?
64. How many questions were asked to these students?

👍 Gabarito  04+16+64 = (84) 
*Item 01: In which situations did students have to lie?
*Item 02: How did students report to feel when they had to tell a lie?
*Item 04: In how many answers did each student have to lie?
*Item 08: Why was the research conducted by Brigham Young University?
*Item 16: How many students were interviewed by researchers from Brigham Young University?
*Item 32: How long did the research last?
*Item 64: How many questions were asked to these students?

➧ TEXT 3:
From: <
Accessed on September 25th, 2014.
08  (UFSC-2015/1)

Select the CORRECT proposition(s) according to Text 3.

01. What you say and what you do are always equivalent.
02. Telling lies is all about telling the truth.
04. Words not necessarily correspond to actions.
08. It is impossible to always tell the truth.
16. Actions are more reliable than words.
32. The truth is more likely to be represented by actions than by words.

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