domingo, 2 de maio de 2021


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➧ A pauta aqui é MILITARY ENGLISH.



➧ PADRÃO/COMPOSIÇÃO DA PROVA:  20 (Vinte) questões do tipo (A,B,C,D).


01-C,  02-C,  03-C,  04-A,  05-D
06-B,  07-B,  08-A,  09-C,  10-D
11-D,  12-B,  13-C,  14-A,  15-C
16-X,  17-D,  18-B,  19-A,  20-X


• [to toss (launch) – lançar]
• [to unnerve (discourage, dismay) – desencorajar]

• [employer – empregador, aquele que contrata]
• [employee – empregado, aquele que é contratado]
• [headlines – manchetes]

• [associated – associado]
• [automated(órôMêirêd) – automatizado]
• [diverse(dáiVôrs) (different, varied, multiple) – diverso, diversificado, variado]
• [hazardous – perigoso]
• [insurmountable – intransponível, insuperável]

• [for instance (for example) - por exemplo]

5-NOUN PHRASES(Adjective+noun):
• [a strict organizational chart – um organograma estrito]
• [the predicted loss – a perda prevista]

• [among the ways in which – Entre as formas pelas quais]
• [among other things – entre outras coisas]
• [As to the presence of – Quanto à presença de]
• [in such a way that – de tal forma que]
• [so that (+ I, you, he,she, it, we, they) – para que ...]



The Future Of Work: 5 Important Ways Jobs Will Change In The 4th Industrial Revolution

In many respects, the future of work is already here. Amid the headlines exclaiming the predicted loss of jobs due to automation and other changes brought by artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and autonomous systems, it’s clear that the way we work and live is transforming. This evolution can be unnerving. Since we know change is inevitable, let’s look at how work will likely change and some ideas for how to prepare for it.

At least 30% of the activities associated with the majority of occupations in the United States could be automated, which includes even knowledge tasks that were previously thought to be safe according to a McKinsey Global Institute report. This echoes what executives see as well and prompted Rick Jensen, Chief Talent Officer at Intuit to say, “The workforce is changing massively.” Here are just a few of the ways:

Within an organization, positions will be more fluid, and a strict organizational chart will likely be tossed in favor of more project-based teams. This is especially appealing to Generation Z employees since 75% of Generation Z employees would be interested in having multiple roles in one place of employment. The “gig” economy will continue to expand where professionals sign on as contractors or freelancers and then move on to the next gig.

Thanks to mobile technology and readily available internet access, remote workers are already common. Employees won’t need to be in the same location. This will make it easier for the next generation workers to choose to live anywhere, rather than find a job and then move to a city with that job.

People will need something more than a paycheck as a motivation to work. Many want to work for an organization with a mission and purpose they believe in. They will also want different incentives such as personal development opportunities, the latest tech gadgets to facilitate their work-from-anywhere ambitions, and more.

Not only will employees want to learn throughout their career, but they will also need to learn new skills. Technology will continue to evolve the role humans play in the workforce, so everyone will be required to adapt their skills throughout their working lives.

Artificial intelligence algorithms and intelligent machines will be coworkers to humans. The human workforce will need to develop a level of comfort and acceptance for how man and machine can collaborate using the best that both bring to the workplace.

Even though we can’t predict all the changes that will occur in the future, we do have a fair amount of certainty that there are some things people can do to prepare for it. Rather than succumb to the doomsday predictions that “robots will take over all the jobs,” a more optimistic outlook is one where humans get the opportunity to do work that demands their creativity, imagination, social and emotional intelligence, and passion.

Individuals will need to act and engage in lifelong learning, so they are adaptable when the changes happen. The lifespan for any given skill set is shrinking, so it will be imperative for individuals to continue to invest in acquiring new skills. The shift to lifelong learning needs to happen now because the changes are already happening.

In addition, employees will need to shape their own career path. Gone are the days when a career trajectory is outlined at one company with predictable climbs up the corporate ladder. Therefore, employees should pursue a diverse set of work experiences and take the initiative to shape their own career paths.

Individuals will need to step into the opportunity that pursuing your passion provides rather than shrink back to what had resulted in success in the past. This shift in work opens the possibility to achieve more of our potential. We need to begin to think of work as more than a paycheck.

Employers need to think differently about how they recruit and hire new employees. Companies need to review a prospective employee’s potential and assess skills that are less likely to be automated any time soon, including emotional intelligence, critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

Another way employers will need to adjust operations is to create a structure and culture that honors lifelong learning, and that celebrates creativity. It's time for employers to assess their benefit and incentive programs to ensure they are providing the motivation the next generation of employees will want in order to attract the best talent.

While nothing is certain, it's important for every human to begin taking steps in the direction to prepare for a future where machines become colleagues. If we don't begin to adapt to the changes today, it will be challenging to catch up later.

01 – (UECE-2020/1-VESTIBULAR-2ª FASE)

According to the text, questions related to the changes of how we work have evolved in such a way that it can be

A) encouraging.
B) insurmountable.
C) unsettling.
D) reassuring.
*Afirmative (A): encouraging.(encorajadoras, animadoras)
*Afirmative (B): insurmountable.(intransponíveis, insuperáveis)
*Afirmative (C): unsettling.(inquietantes, perturbadoras)
*Afirmative (D): reassuring.(tranquilizadoras)
- In the 1st paragraph, the text states that: This evolution can be unnerving.(Essa evolução pode ser inquietante.)
- In other words, this evolution can be unsettling, uncomfortable.

02 – (UECE-2020/1-VESTIBULAR-2ª FASE)

A report by the McKinsey Global Institute dealing with automation at work has brought evidence that

A) occupations in the education area will not be affected.
B) the major transformations occur in big companies.
C) no occupation is protected against changes.
D) industrial activities lead the rank of deepest changes.
*Afirmative (A): occupations in the education area will not be affected.(ocupações na área de educação não serão afetadas.)
*Afirmative (B): the major transformations occur in big companies.(as grandes transformações ocorrem nas grandes empresas.)
*Afirmative (C): no occupation is protected against changes.(nenhuma profissão está protegida contra mudanças.)
*Afirmative (D): industrial activities lead the rank of deepest changes.(as atividades industriais lideram o ranking das mudanças mais profundas.)

03 – (UECE-2020/1-VESTIBULAR-2ª FASE)

Among the ways in which jobs will change, the text mentions

A) complete disappearance of many occupations.
B) scarcity of skilled professionals in certain areas.
C) motivation to work and continuous learning.
D) relentless persistence of old-fashioned ways of working.
*Afirmative (A): complete disappearance of many occupations.(desaparecimento completo de muitas ocupações.)
*Afirmative (B): scarcity of skilled professionals in certain areas.(escassez de profissionais qualificados em determinadas áreas.)
*Afirmative (C): motivation to work and continuous learning.(motivação para o trabalho e aprendizagem contínua.)
*Afirmative (D): relentless persistence of old-fashioned ways of working.(persistência implacável de formas antiquadas de trabalho.)

04 – (UECE-2020/1-VESTIBULAR-2ª FASE)

In relation to the fluidity of positions in a company, the text mentions that this change would be an attractive feature mainly to

A) generation Z.
B) millennials.
C) generation X.
D) senior employees.
*Afirmative (A): generation Z.
*Afirmative (B): millennials.
*Afirmative (C): generation X.
*Afirmative (D): senior employees.

05 – (UECE-2020/1-VESTIBULAR-2ª FASE)

As to the presence of intelligent machines at the workplace, the text argues that it can

A) bring great discomfort to humans.
B) eliminate too many human jobs.
C) be very hazardous in many areas.
D) be integrated with the work of humans.

*Afirmative (A): bring great discomfort to humans.(pode trazer grande desconforto ao ser humano.)
*Afirmative (B): eliminate too many human jobs.(pode eliminar muitos empregos humanos.)
*Afirmative (C): be very hazardous in many areas.(pode ser muito perigoso em muitas áreas.)
*Afirmative (D): be integrated with the work of humans.(pode ser integrada ao trabalho dos humanos.)
  • "[...] Artificial intelligence algorithms and intelligent machines will be coworkers to humans. The human workforce will need to develop a level of comfort and acceptance for how man and machine can collaborate using the best that both bring to the workplace."
  • Algoritmos de inteligência artificial e máquinas inteligentes serão colegas de trabalho dos humanos. A força de trabalho humana precisará desenvolver um nível de conforto e aceitação de como o homem e a máquina podem colaborar usando o melhor que ambos trazem para o local de trabalho.
06 – (UECE-2020/1-VESTIBULAR-2ª FASE)

Amongst the transformations companies will go through, the text highlights a set of skills employers should be searching for when hiring new employees.

It would be the ones that

A) make workers endure long working hours.
B) will not soon be done by a machine.
C) raise the profits, even if it is for just a short period.
D) contribute to a lifetime permanence at the company.
*Afirmative (A): make workers endure long working hours.(fazem os trabalhadores suportar longas jornadas de trabalho.)
*Afirmative (B): will not soon be done by a machine.(em breve não serão feitos por uma máquina.)
*Afirmative (C): raise the profits, even if it is for just a short period.(aumentariam os lucros, mesmo que por um curto período.)
*Afirmative (D): contribute to a lifetime permanence at the company.(contribuíssem para uma permanência vitalícia na empresa.)

07 – (UECE-2020/1-VESTIBULAR-2ª FASE)

Still about the role of employers, the text mentions they will have to adjust the way they operate so that they are able to attract talented people to work in their company by, for instance,

A) building recreational areas for employees.
B) honoring a continued learning process.
C) creating family programs.
D) promoting weekend trips.
*Afirmative (A): building recreational areas for employees.(construção de áreas de lazer para os funcionários.)
*Afirmative (B): honoring a continued learning process.(honrando um processo de aprendizagem contínuo.)
*Afirmative (C): creating family programs.(criação de programas familiares.)
*Afirmative (D): promoting weekend trips.(promoção de viagens de fim de semana.)

08 – (UECE-2020/1-VESTIBULAR-2ª FASE)

As to what employees could do to prepare for so many changes that are already happening, the text suggests, among other things,

A) investment in the acquisition of new abilities.
B) concentration on developing one specific skill.
C) focus on strategies that worked in the past.
D) hope that these changes will never reach them.
*Afirmative (A): investment in the acquisition of new abilities.(investir na aquisição de novas competências.)
*Afirmative (B): concentration on developing one specific skill.(concentrarno desenvolvimento de uma habilidade específica.)
*Afirmative (C): focus on strategies that worked in the past.(focar em estratégias que funcionaram no passado.)
*Afirmative (D): hope that these changes will never reach them.(esperar que essas mudanças nunca os alcancem.)

09 – (UECE-2020/1-VESTIBULAR-2ª FASE)

The sentence

“At least 30% of the activities associated with the majority of occupations in the United States could be automated” (lines 13-16)

should be classified as

A) compound.
B) complex.
C) simple.
D) compound-complex.
*Afirmative (A): compound.(it has TWO independent clause)
*Afirmative (B): complex.(it has ONE independent clause + at least ONE dependent clause)
*Afirmative (C): simple.(it has ONE independent clause)
*Afirmative (D): compound-complex.(it has TWO independent clause + at least ONE dependent clause)
-  The sentence is: At least 30% of the activities associated with the majority of occupations in the United States could be automated.
- In this case, there is only one main verb "could be", that is, it has one independent clause.
- Independent clause has a SUBJECT and a PREDICATE(verb + object) and it is a full thought, it is a complete thought.
- Remember: after, before, when, while, because, those are all subordinating conjunctions which tell us it is a dependent clause.

10 – (UECE-2020/1-VESTIBULAR-2ª FASE)

The sentence

“Within an organization, positions will be more fluid, and a strict organizational chart will likely be tossed in favor of more project-based teams.” (lines 25-28)


A) simple.
B) compound-complex.
C) complex.
D) compound.
*Alternative (A): simple.(it has ONE independent clause)
*Alternative (B): compound-complex.(it has TWO independent clause + at least ONE dependent clause)
*Alternative (C): complex.(it has ONE independent clause + at least ONE dependent clause)
*Alternative (D): compound.(it has TWO independent clause)

11 – (UECE-2020/1-VESTIBULAR-2ª FASE)

In the sentences

“Even though we can’t predict all the changes that will occur in the future…” (lines 68-69) and “Companies need to review a prospective employee’s potential and assess skills that are less likely to be automated any time soon…” (lines 106-109) 

there are, respectively, relative clauses classified as

A) defining and non-defining.
B) non-defining and non-defining.
C) non-defining and defining.
D) defining and defining.

12 – (UECE-2020/1-VESTIBULAR-2ª FASE)

The sentence

“This echoes what executives see as well…” (lines 19-20) 

contains a/an

A) subject noun clause.
B) object noun clause.
C) adverbial place clause.
D) relative defining clause.
*Alternative (A): subject noun clause.
*Alternative (B): object noun clause.
*Alternative (C): adverbial place clause.
*Alternative (D): relative defining clause.
- The sentence is: This echoes what executives see as well…
- Main Clause: This echoes
- Object noun clause: what executives see as well
- The verb ECHO is an action verb. In the sentence, the object of the verb echo is an entire clause(what executives see as well) that we call it a Object noun clause.

13 – (UECE-2020/1-VESTIBULAR-2ª FASE)

The sentence

“If we don't begin to adapt to the changes today, it will be challenging to catch up later.” (lines 125-127)

contains a

A) time clause.
B) contrastive clause.
C) conditional clause.
D) concessive clause.

14 – (UECE-2020/1-VESTIBULAR-2ª FASE)

The sentences

“They will also want different incentives…” (line 49) and “Therefore, employees should pursue a diverse set of work experiences…” (lines 92-94)

contain, respectively, a/an

A) direct object and a direct object.
B) direct object and an indirect object.
C) indirect object and a direct object.
D) indirect object and an indirect object.
*Alternative (A): direct object and a direct object.
*Alternative (B): direct object and an indirect object.
*Alternative (C): indirect object and a direct object.
*Alternative (D): indirect object and an indirect object.
- In the 1st sentence: “They will also want different incentives…”
- The direct object answers the questions What? or Who?
- What will they also want?  The answer is "different incentives".
"different incentives", it is a direct object.
- In the 2nd sentence: “Therefore, employees should pursue a diverse set of work experiences…”
- Who is the subject? The answer is "employees".
What is the main verb? The main verb is "pursue".
- What should they pursue? The answer is "a diverse set of work experiences".
- So "a diverse set of work experiences", it is a direct object.

15 – (UECE-2020/1-VESTIBULAR-2ª FASE)

The sentence

“This evolution can be unnerving.” (lines 08-09)

contains a/an

A) object complement.
B) prepositional phrase.
C) subject complement.
D) indirect object.
*Alternative (A): object complement.
*Alternative (B): prepositional phrase.
*Alternative (C): subject complement.
*Alternative (D): indirect object.
- In the 1st sentence: “This evolution can be unnerving.”
- The subject? It is THIS EVOLUTION.
- The main verb? It is BE.
- In this case, the main verb is a linking verb which makes its complement(UNNERVING) work as a subject complement the noun EVOLUTION.
- So, UNNERVING is an adjective and it work as a subject complement.

16 – (UECE-2020/1-VESTIBULAR-2ª FASE)

In the sentence

“Not only will employees want to learn throughout their career, but they will also need to learn new skills.” (lines 54-56),

the word but is a(n)

A) subordinating conjunction.
B) preposition.
C) coordinating conjunction.
D) adverb.
• ANSWER (x)
*Alternative (A): subordinating conjunction.
*Alternative (B): preposition.
*Alternative (C): coordinating conjunction.
*Alternative (D): adverb.
- The sentence is: “Not only will employees want to learn throughout their career, BUT they will also need to learn new skills.” (Os funcionários não irão apenas querer aprender ao longo de sua carreira, mas também precisarão aprender novas habilidades.)
NOT ONLY…BUT ALSO, it is correlative conjunction. This pair of conjunction is used when THE TWO SENTENCES are different from each other, but both of them are true. 
- So in this case, the word BUT is not a coordinating conjunction. BUT is an integral part of the correlative conjunction NOT ONLY ... BUT ALSO.
- So, in my view, the question 16 should be set aside.

17 – (UECE-2020/1-VESTIBULAR-2ª FASE)

In terms of voice of the verb, the sentences

“…everyone will be required to adapt their skills throughout their working lives.” (lines 59-60) and “This will make it easier for the next generation workers…” (lines 41-42) are, 

respectively, in the

A) active voice and active voice.
B) passive voice and passive voice.
C) active voice and passive voice.
D) passive voice and active voice.

18 – (UECE-2020/1-VESTIBULAR-2ª FASE)

In terms of verb tense, the sentences

“…remote workers are already common.” (lines 38-39)


“The workforce is changing massively.” (lines 22-23)

are, respectively, in the

A) present perfect and simple present.
B) simple present and present continuous.
C) present continuous and present continuous.
D) simple present and present perfect.

19 – (UECE-2020/1-VESTIBULAR-2ª FASE)

Regarding verb tense, the sentences

“Employees won’t need to be in the same location.” (lines 39-40)


“…we do have a fair amount of certainty…” (line 70)

are, respectively, in the

A) simple future and simple present.
B) future perfect and simple present.
C) future perfect continuous and simple future.
D) simple future and present continuous.

20 – (UECE-2020/1-VESTIBULAR-2ª FASE)

The text includes the ing-words “learning” (line 06), “transforming” (line 08), “unnerving” (line 09), “working” (line 60), and “thinking” (line 110) whose grammatical functions are respectively

A) verb, noun, adjective, verb, noun.
B) adjective, verb, verb, adjective, adjective.
C) noun, verb, adjective, adjective, noun.
D) noun, adjective, adjective, noun, verb.

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